Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The transcription is a collection of announcements and speeches made during a Cowboy Church service. The speaker welcomes everyone and expresses gratitude for the crew's hard work in preparing the facilities. They pray for various things including the protection of families and churches, revival, and healing. There is a call for volunteers to help with different ministries in the church. Safety measures are discussed, including the formation of a safety team. There are reminders about upcoming events and instructions for baptisms, name tags, and becoming a member. The service concludes with a song and a prayer. Good morning, good morning! Welcome everybody to Cowboy Church in Molody County. We're glad you're here this morning. It's time. It's time. See? It's time. He didn't even wake Jordan up. Didn't even wake him up. He's busy. Alright. If you need any help finding the seat, let me know. We'll get one of our armed dutchers to assist you. But we're glad you're here. I hope everybody's enjoying our facilities that our crews worked so hard to get everything done. And working real hard to get the weather better in here too. So, I don't know. This has got to be the fanciest barn in the state of Arizona. Alright. It's getting fancier. Fancier every day. That's right. All that's left to do is pray, right? Get this going. Alright. Is there anybody not ready to pray yet? I still have extra armed dutchers just in case. This is Cowboy Church, right? You're in the right place. Yeah, you're in the right place. You know, about praying for Cowboy Church back in Tyler, it's really interesting. I mean, I don't know. They're probably running 5,000 or 6,000 people there now. I don't know. It's big. But when sometimes some of the praying got a little extended, by the end of the prayer, you could hear... And some of them were women. Dippers. Cowboy Church is full of dippers. And some of them were women. They'd spit in the cup while waiting for the prayer to get over. They'd spit in the cup. I'm glad most of our women here don't dip. Let's pray. Dear Heavenly Father, we just thank You, Lord, for the blessings of this day. Each one a tear, Father. Open our hearts and minds to receive the truth of Your Word, Father. Plant it in our hearts. Put hunger in our hearts. We want to have a closer walk with You. Father, there's lots of stuff going on. We want to pray for Israel as Israel. We want to pray for our churches all around the world. There's persecution going on, Father. Lord, we pray for protection of families, our churches, our communities. Father, we pray for our nation. We'd like to see a revival, Father. And as Your Son prayed, we must pray. Not our will, but Yours, Father. We know You run on time. And we just thank You, Father, for Your protection, for Your blessings, for Your patience with us, Father. Lord, just bless Your Word this morning, Father, the praise, the singing, the worship, Father. Hear our prayers, Father, as we pray for forgiveness of our sins, Father. Restore the joy of Your salvation in our lives, Father. Lord, pray for those sick, injured, afflicted, and bonded. Heal and set free, Father. Comfort those in mourning. We just ask for Your blessing, Father. I ask these things in Jesus' name. Church says. Amen. Cowboy Church says. Amen. And I don't say yo, so we just go on. Good morning, everybody. All right. How's everybody doing? All right. So there's going to be roping practice on Saturday, June 29th at 6 p.m. So don't forget that. It's a little cooler at 6 p.m. So usually right now, I can give you some Cowboy Church history at this point. But today, I have to share something that's on my heart. I told you how important the chuckwagon ministry is to our church. It makes me sad to think that we don't have anyone to take it over. Let me read a scripture to you guys. Christ is the head from whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplies, according to the effectual working and the measure of every part, make an increase of the body unto edifying of itself in love. What that's basically saying is we're all members of a living body. We all have a part. Nobody just sits there, goes to church, and goes home. If you're a true Christian, you serve. Everybody's called to serve, and that's what I believe that scripture is about. And it makes me sad that we have a lot of people in this church, and we have a lot of people who have been doing their ministry for many, many years, and they're reaching the end of that time. That was Ephesians 4.16. Our founders Fred and Kathy and Dewey and Tina have put in many years of service to this church, and their time of service is coming to an end. Also, Mr. Bob here, he cannot keep up what he's been doing. This is great news. So what's my point? I'm humbly asking each and every one of you to seek God and to pray for his wisdom and see if you can find the time to help out our family. Please come alongside our check writing team, our bread ministry, and our building maintenance team. Thanks for listening. Good morning, everyone. Good morning, Dan. Good morning, Steve. Okay, we have a few things to do this morning. Next month for Dinner on the Ground, we're going to have hamburgers and hot dogs because of the Fourth of July. I need potato salad, baked beans, and dessert. Slaws. And coleslaw. And please, please let me know if you are bringing them because I didn't have a big turnout last month, and so I need to know if you're going to be bringing anything. Third Sunday of the month. I'm not exactly sure what the date is. That's too far down the road. The other thing is Kathy and Fred will be bringing bread next week, and they will also be bringing chicken. With the heat, you've got to bring some type of cooler, some type of cold bag to put the chicken in, or you can't have it because it will spoil if it gets too hot. Chuck just told me the third Sunday is the 16th. So please, please bring something to put it in, and you will be asked if you have something to put it into, okay? The other thing is if Kathy and Fred brought stuff today, feel free to go over and pick up what you need, and help them out with some gas money. That would be really appreciated. And before we go on with the rest of the announcements, I have been asked by Mike if the safety team will all please come forward. Don't all move at the same time. I guess Irene and I are the only two, huh? Oh, wait a minute. Here comes the guy. Bring it up the rear. Look up. I'll stay up here. Okay. This is your safety team. Yes, get to know us, because if you have any problems, please come to one of us, and we will try to make it right. And please listen. Remember that word, listen, if we announce for you to do something. That would be probably get down and stay down until you are told to get up. We hope this never, ever, ever happens in this church, but it is happening all over the world, and we've got to be prepared. So we wanted you to know who you could go to, okay? We're trying something new on our name tags. See the red stripe? This is temporary. What we're going to try to do is have a new name tag made in a real bright color so you can see us, because when something does happen, if we're in here and we have to engage the bad guys, we don't want you standing up and shooting us, because I've had a lot of people tell me they don't know who's on the security or safety team. That's why we're up here. We want you to see us so you know, and it doesn't hurt to come up and say hi. I mean, we can do the same thing. Anyway, we're all one big family. So back to this. Yeehaw. Thanks, safety team. Okay, if you have your cell phone on, please turn it off or down to silent, or Steve will come to see you. Steve will come to see you. Did you bring your handcuffs today? Sorry? Did you bring your handcuffs today? Where are the handcuffs? Oh, so we're safe. Yeah. Okay. For now. For now. And read the bulletin. Your announcements are in the bulletin. And we do have facilities, and the facilities are now in the church. The ladies' restroom is by the east door. The men's restroom is through the nursery, and the bathroom is right back there. So you don't have to go outside anymore. And, but they are still efficient because they still. Yes. We don't pass the hat at Cowboy Church. We have two birdhouses back on the table, so whatever the Lord puts upon your heart to put in there, we will be glad to take it. And your animals are very welcome in the church at all times. The only thing we ask is that if it does have an accident, that you clean it up. If you'd like to be baptized, we have a sheet on the clipboard back there. Sign your name to it, and the pastor will tell us when. He will. He will. He will tell us when he'll do the next baptism. If you'd like a name tag made, please get ahold of Sandy. Sandy's waving her hand, and she will make you a name tag. And if you want to become a member, you also sign a paper in the back, and the pastor will tell you when the next membership meeting is. He will. He will, he just told us. So we know that's the gospel, right? We just have one. Yeah, we just have one. Okay, I think that's all I have. It's short and sweet, huh? She can't speak up. I know, I know. We have these two lawyers, young or old. Short or tall. Short or tall. I knew he was going to say that. Wide or narrow, doesn't matter. Even Cheryl can. Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Do you remember me? I have Jesus as my Savior, to take Him to. I have Jesus as my Savior, to take Him to, way beyond the blue. To the Lord, oh to the Lord, do you remember me? To the Lord, oh to the Lord, do you remember me? To the Lord, oh to the Lord, do you remember me? Way beyond the blue. There's no light of mine. I'm gonna let it shine. There's no light of mine. I'm gonna let it shine. There's no light of mine. I'm gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine. Thank you Jesus! I want to sincerely see if everybody was listening. Do we have any new members in the church today? Anybody's first time that they can remember? No liars at all. First time we're told. First time. I want to thank everybody. Thank you for coming. Hope you enjoy yourself. There's a storm across the valley. Clouds are moving in. The afternoon is heavy on your shoulders. There's a dry out on the floor there. A mile or more away. The lightening of his wheels just makes it colder. He's an hour away from mine. On your prayers, love in the sky. Ten days on the road are barely gone. But there's a fire softly burning and a summer on the floor. And the light in her eyes that keeps him warm. And he could be back home again. Sometimes this old car feels like a long lost friend. And he could be back home again. Well there's all the news to tell him. How you spend your time. What's the latest thing the neighbors say. Well your mother called last Friday. A chiming fire. Felt the baby move just yesterday. And he could be back home again. Sometimes this old car feels like a long lost friend. And he could be back home again. And all the times that I can't say goodbye. There's a cold sunny night. Feel your spirit feather soft upon me. Friends that I live for. Love that lights my way. Happiness that living with you brings me. It's the sweetest thing I've known. Just spending time with you. It's the little things that make us whole. Like a fire softly burning. And a summer on the floor. And a light in your eyes that keeps me warm. And he could be back home again. Sometimes this old car feels like a long lost friend. And he could be back home again. I said he could be back home again. Let me be redeemed. Jesus, my hope, my hope. Precious lamb of God. This I hold, hold it all. Jesus, my redeemer. Name above all names. Precious lamb of God. This I hold in the name of Jesus. Thank you, oh my Father. For giving us your song. And believing your spirit to work on earth's wisdom. When I stand in glory. I will see his face. There I'll serve my King forever in that holy place. Thank you, oh my Father. For giving us your song. And believing your spirit to work on earth's wisdom. Thank you, oh my Father. For giving us your song. Precious lamb of God. This I hold, hold it all. Thank you, oh my Father. For giving us your song. And believing your spirit to work on earth's wisdom. Believing your spirit to work on earth's wisdom. Thank you, oh my Father. For giving us your song. I will stand here then. While I win the gold. On my gold and crowned on his head. When I serve the Lord. First I'll grow in. For to carry my mother away. When the surgery I'm broken. By and by, Lord, by and by. There's a better home awaiting. In the sky, Lord, in the sky. Undertaker, undertaker, undertaker. Please die slow. For that heartache. Put your heart in. I'd like to see her go. When the surgery I'm broken. By and by, Lord, by and by. There's a better home awaiting. In the sky, Lord, in the sky. My heart glows. Glows behind her. Through the whole of this grave. But I could not hide my sorrow. When they laid her in the grave. When the surgery I'm broken. By and by, Lord, by and by. There's a better home awaiting. In the sky, Lord, in the sky. When the surgery I'm broken. By and by, Lord, by and by. There's a better home awaiting. In the sky, Lord, in the sky. There's a better home awaiting. In the sky, Lord, in the sky. Applause. Let's hear it right now, boys and girls. Applause. Honey's a sweetie, but you don't want to mess with her. She's got a bone in her mouth. It might end up being your arms. She didn't sing any today. She didn't know it was on. If you haven't, if you haven't asked God what you might do in the barn. Or a cowboy church or whatever. You might ask him. Because we've got teams. And it would be good to be on any of them. We don't care. Oh, I can't do anything. I don't have any talent on me. We've even got prayer warriors. And there's a hospitality team. There's a truck wagon team. Needs some people. And there's always a facilities team. Arena team. And safety team. And we've probably got lots of other teams that I can't even remember. Unidentified group of people that come and clean up your bathrooms and stuff. Come and do things that keep the place nice. Even though it's a barn. Applause. You are the church. This building is a barn. You know, in the New Testament times, there was many, many, many, many years went by before the church ever met in a building of its own. For generations, several churches met in people's houses. They met in published places. First one there in Jerusalem met in Altamont right in the temple. Which about got a bunch of them killed. Because there was a bunch of Jews that run the temple that were not Israels. And that's been going on for a long time. You know, the Bible says all Israel is not Israel. There's a reason for that. And it's like everybody with a cross around their neck is not necessarily a Christian. I'm not sure where we're going this morning. But I've got six pages. I had an alcohol problem. But alcohol wasn't my problem. My problem was obedience to Christ. Disobedience was my problem. It just oozed out in alcohol and everything else. But disobedience was the problem. I thank God for my uncle Charlie and my aunt Annie Sisk. They drug me to church from the time I was nine months old. And my mom and dad was Christians. Looking back, I call them C&N Christians. Which means they went to church every Christmas and Easter. And supported the church. But they were very much in business and the life and society. We had charter membership at the country club. And, you know, I borrowed Pop's new Cadillac to take my wife on our first date. Picked her up in a brand new 62' sedan to build. Pink. And it would run, too, because I used to take it out when I could sneak it out. Sometimes at night we had a drag strip on old Route 4 north of town. And that old Cadillac can hold its own in a quarter mile, I guarantee. I thank God for Uncle Charlie and Aunt Sisk. They gave me 1975 when I was ordained. They gave me this book. I came to Texas from Illinois. Uncle Charlie had been a deacon for 66 years in a little church up there in Illinois. Been recovered a little bit. My kids had that down, didn't they? Because it was falling apart. Uncle Charlie and Aunt Sisk never had any kids. And by the time I was little, I was the only boy nephew around. Only boy. In fact, I had a lot of girl cousins. And I called them cheap pinching aunts. Because they babied me and spoiled me and took good care of me. Whenever they knew I was going to be there for dinner, they fixed my favor, whatever it was. At that time, they always did, didn't they? I've always been spoiled. Loving this bunch here. Takes such good care of me. And I appreciate your prayers. Your prayers keep us going. And you're good spirits. Anybody want to know my little language this morning? No, it's too hot over there. We already got it worked out. But, I've got a note on my computer to order a new solar powered air conditioner thing for over there. So, soon. And maybe sooner than Jesus comes. But that could be any moment. I thought last night, watching some of the stuff I was watching, some of the intelligence reports that I gather. Because I'm looking for that last opportunity. I want to be sure that I've got the eyes and crossed the teeth to protect the church as much as I can. Because when she folds up, we don't want any money in the bank. It'd be gone. And you ought to listen to that personally, each one of you. You know, make provision. Because things are coming down to do. Like a bullet train. I'm telling you. Yesterday Israel told Iran that... Because Hezbollah said they're going to turn loose a thousand rockets and blow Israel off the map. And so Israel said, listen to me Iran. If Hezbollah does this, kiss your butt goodbye. That's what he's telling Iran. And Biden's saying, oh be nice. And just let them come in and push you out to the sea and kill your people. But we're for it. Now, is that a dichotomy? There's only four prayers as far as I'm going. Dichotomy. Oxymoron. I'm so thankful for this fellowship of Christian believers that we have here. Just look around here and see what God's gathered up here. I suspect that most of our senior citizens here had an early life in church of some sort. Come to be a believer. And spent a lot of years out in the world. And are also starting to see what's going on and saying, it's time. It's time. What's going on in the world? Wars and rumors and wars and bad times. Everything's nothing new. David had a hard time when he was king. But he had a heart that God loved. God loved David's heart. Doesn't mean David was a good guy. He messed up a lot. And I'm thankful that our Bible talks about David because David had his sins forgiven. And he walked in fellowship with God when he messed up. And he had God's protection, God's provision. And that's an example for all of us. You know, David had his girlfriend's husband killed. Think about that. And I don't know if you can have... It's like over there in Las Vegas. This is how I ended up in Golden Springs. I couldn't live in Las Vegas. Because you can only have two dogs over there. You can have six wives or so. They don't care about that. But you better not have over two dogs. And your grass better not be over four inches tall. At our cowboy church over there where the water stopped dripping down where we filled the water truck up, there was one little patch of grass that was probably three foot square. Only grass on the whole three acres over there. And yet, when they built all the million dollar homes right next to us, and a bunch of folks from foreign countries, like, moved in. I had one co-zoning officer come in and said we had a complaint about the grass being too tall. I could figure every Monday there was a zoning cop going to show up there and buy some flies. Yeah, there's flies. There's calves right out there in the roving pens. David said, I was glad when they said unto me, let's go into the house of the Lord. I was glad. You know, all those years, and he says, no, Charlie drug me in church. I can't ever remember one time not wanting to go. I never can. You know, I always did. I had a horse there. I had a goat there. I had everything a worldly person could want. And a dog and TV. And back then, even on Sunday night, when Disney tried to wreck church meetings for Sunday night, I didn't care. We turned it off and go to church. Now, I don't know if that's legal to do that now or not. You're probably required to have watched television instead of go to church. I don't know. But I was always glad when they said unto me, let's go to the house of the Lord. We met Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday night. Sometimes Bible study on Thursday nights. We had Bible school, and we had church conferences, and we had, we was busy at church. Bible school and revivals. Yes. We was busy at church. And I was glad when they said unto me, let's go to the house of the Lord. The house David's talking about had the temple, the Holy of Holies, and the presence of God's presence in that tabernacle. I can't imagine what the visual of that would be. But they knew. They could see. You know how do we see the presence of the Holy Spirit of God? He responds. And you treat each other. The pagans and Gentiles and the Israel that wasn't Israel, they made a comment that says, and I looked for this verse this morning, and I couldn't find it. I couldn't find it, but I know it's in there. It says that basically they were amazed at the love that Christians had for one another. The care, the support, the family. The church. The barn's not the church. The barn's the barn. As a matter of fact, we were a church when we was meeting out here in the dirt. There was no barn, you know. And we really progressed when we had a few bales of hay that sat out there under a pop-up canopy. And right through where we're here was a warship that moved out of the church. I tried to hide it from Obama because he might have called it an international transportation, a river throughfare through here. People can do this, but we got it done. Psalms 92, 1 and 2 says, It's a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord and to send praises unto thy name, to show forth thy lovingkindness in the morning and thy faithfulness every night. First song I ever remember in church. The Old Brother Cross. Know that old song? The Old Brother Cross. Psalms 118, 23. This is the Lord's doing. It's marvelous in our eyes. Do you know what Jesus said about his Father choosing his bride for him? And choosing his friends and his servants? He said, All whom the Father hath given me, none shall be lost. Chapter 1. The Son of Redemption. What about His plan? Make sure to have it on time. This is the Lord's doing. It's marvelous in our eyes. This is the day which the Lord hath made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. The song we sing at church camp all the time. This is the day. This is the day. This is the day the Lord hath made. I will rejoice. I will rejoice and be glad in it. Say, Now I beseech thee, O Lord. O Lord, I beseech thee, seek sin now. Prosperity. I don't think there's ever been a time in history when I know across the United States that the churches walking in the Spirit of God have been so prosperous, have been so blessed, so plentiful. We don't owe a dime on nothing. And when we want to do something, we pay for it. Sometimes we pay for stuff we ain't got yet. I got some brothers back in Brigham, Texas checking that out. Arena lights haven't showed up yet. I think our cowboy church in Brigham is going to send a posse out to find out what's going on over there. They probably could be convinced and they got big roping teams and stuff over there. We'll send a posse out. They don't answer email. Say, Now I beseech thee, O Lord. O Lord, I beseech thee, send now prosperity. God has blessed us. Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the Lord. We've blessed you out of the house of the Lord. God is the Lord. He has showed us life. Bind the sacrifice with cords, even unto the horns of the altar. Thou art my God. I will praise thee. Thou art my God. I will exalt thee. O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good. For his mercy endures forever. His mercy endures forever. It's by God's grace and mercy that we are able to meet here today. All around this world, our Christian brothers and sisters are being persecuted. And it's happening here, too. It's very subtle. I remember back in 62, there was a courtroom. It kicked God out of public places, out of government places and schools. They were just steadily, slowly working along. Nobody said much. It wasn't long after that, 71 or 72, maybe 73, the Supreme Court struck down the sodomy laws. Now we've got pilots wearing tutus, and our fighter jets. I'm glad we've got a safety team. Everyone here should have a safety team in your house. We're real close. These folks live in the cities on the other side of the river. We're shutting down our food supplies. Do you realize that? They're killing our cattle. They've been killing chickens and egg houses and stuff. I know our eggs still put you in sedatives in the store. This is the Lord. If you've got some chickens in your backyard, it would be a good idea to get them while you can. You know, you've got to see Tina. Tina saves the goat milk. It doesn't have poison in it, like what they put in, what do they call that stuff? Yeah. David had some tough days. Psalms 123. It says, Unto thee, lift up mine eyes, O thou that dwellest in the heavens. Behold, as the eyes of the servants look unto the hand of their masters, and as the eyes of a maiden look unto the hand of her mistress, so our eyes wait upon the Lord our God. Until they have mercy upon us. The blessings that we enjoy are by the mercy of our God. We don't deserve it. We don't deserve it. Have mercy upon us, O Lord. Have mercy upon us, for we are exceedingly filled with contempt. Our soul is exceedingly filled with the scorning of those that are at ease and with the contempt of the proud. I sum all that up as saying, I'm world weary. I've seen the promises. I have pictures in my heart of dwelling in God's creation where sin isn't. And it's a twinkling of an eye away for us. No more death. No more pain. No more sorrow. No more addictions. No more persecutions. No more hunger. It's a twinkling of the eye away. Twinkle, twinkle. There's praises in the songs for all those that labor in the worship places of the Lord. Psalms 134. Behold, bless ye the Lord, all ye servants of the Lord, which by night stand in the house of the Lord. They had guards. It's Sue's garden. All night long. Don't you care. Bless him. Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and bless the Lord. The Lord that hath made heaven and earth. Bless ye. Praise ye the Lord. Praise ye the name of the Lord. Praise him, all ye servants of the Lord. Ye that stand in the house of the Lord, in the house of our God. Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good. Send praises unto his name, for it's pleasant. Praise for the Lord hath chosen Jacob unto himself and Israel for his peculiar treasure. What's so special about Jacob's kids? Israel, God's wife. God, the Father's wife. And from his wife came a son, Mary, being the representative of all his group. It birthed his only begotten son, David. Begotten means the deceit of God. The Holy Spirit's God's DNA. When you trust God's plan for your salvation, God puts his spiritual DNA in you. It's your steel. That you can't even be so rotten as a prodigal child that he'll kick you out of family. He might forbid your presence, because he's holy, and he'll not tolerate sin in his presence. You can't have fellowship with God. You're hanging on to sin. Well, who could sin be? In the church, what could sin be? Gossip? Yeah. Poison? Gossip. Pride? Jealousy? We're flesh. Like Bob's saying so much, we're only human. I'm only human. We are. We have to be diligent about walking in the power of the Spirit of God. For I know the Lord is great, and that our Lord is above all God. Whatsoever the Lord please, that did he in heaven and in earth, in the seas, and all the deep places. He causes the vapors to ascend from the ends of the earth. He'd make a lightning for the rain. He'd break the wind out of its treasures. We had a monsoon yesterday. Kind of a sniff of it, wasn't it? I had a green dog on my radar up and going, but it never made it over the hill. Who smoked the first barn of Egypt? It died. God told him, listen when I'm telling you, let my people go. Pharaoh says, get lost. I don't know you, God. God says, okay. Bite off what you can chew. That theory goes in your life today. How much sin and punishment for it, which is chastisement, it's not punishment. It's chastisement for disobedience. Bite off what you can chew. He's tired of it. Both the man and beast. Who sent tokens and wonders in the midst of the old Egypt upon Pharaoh, upon all of his servants who smoked great nations and slew mighty kings? See, Sihon, king of the Amorites. Yeah, he did. And Oz, king of Ammon. He did. And all the kingdoms of Canaan. They're dead. And gave their land for a heritage and a heritage unto Israel his people. Well, I wonder what there is the world's arguing about that. It says, and gave their land for a heritage from the river to the sea? Oh, yeah. Israel from the river to the sea, but it's the Euphrates. And you might see that happen real quick. I thought it might start last time. It didn't. But when Israel is done with this next round of Psalms 83 prophecy, there's going to be a bunch of wolf nations that border Israel. They're going to dry off what's left of it. And Iran's going to tuck their tail and hide under the Russian bear until Ezekiel 83 comes around. Is that right? 38. See, I'm dyslexic on top of everything else. I am. It's Psalm, it's Ezekiel 38. You might even see very little talked about prophecy of Egypt being washed out into the sea. I wonder what would happen if you blew up the Aswan Dam. There is a prophecy about the Tyre of Cyrene. Oh, that's a pagan monument right at the Aswan Dam. Oh, 90% of Egypt lives along that river. And I think if you bust open the biggest earthen dam in the world, there would probably be a big trickle come down through there. I wonder what would happen if we were dam busted. And God gave their land for a heritage. A heritage unto Israel, his people. Thy name, O Lord, endureth forever. Thy memorial, O Lord, throughout all generations. Doesn't sound like it was a temporary rental deal. The land of Israel doesn't. For the Lord will judge his people, and he will repent himself concerning his servants. He'll hold his hand on us because of his grace and his mercy. He don't give us what we deserve. Bless, O Lord, O the house of Israel. Bless the Lord, O house of Aaron. Bless the Lord, O house of Levi. Ye that fear the Lord, bless the Lord. Do you pray to the Lord? You know, I've never been afraid. I'm not afraid of the Lord. I never was afraid of my dad except in temporary situations that I caused. But there was never a time that I didn't know that my pop loved me. And though I deserved it, he wasn't going to kill me. And he's the example that my Heavenly Father put on for all of us to have so we'd learn how to get along with God. Gave us Christian fathers. Them was pretty well sure of that. Matched that situation up. That's why we've got so many young kids today that don't know their promo. Blessed be the Lord out of Zion which dwelleth in Jerusalem. Play ye, praise ye the Lord. 1 John 3 14. We know that we've passed from death unto life, from being a condemned sinner until having the DNA of God in us. How do we know? Because we love the brethren. We love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death. 2 John 1 5. Now I beseech thee, not as though I wrote a new commandment unto thee, but that which we had had from the beginning, that we love one another. 2 John 1 6 says, And this is love that we walk after His commandments. Okay? I heard Jeremiah. Jeremiah's a bullfrog. He's also one heck of a prophet. John 1 6 And this is love that we walk after His commandments. Okay? How do we show love for one another? One way is that we follow God's commandments ourselves. When we follow the commandments of God, we're showing love for our brothers and sisters. Respect for the family. Because sometimes I remember one time a stranger moved into our house when my kids were growing up. Nobody moved in. Nobody named nobody. Who took the cookies off the counter? Nobody. I don't know. Nobody. Who didn't do the dusting job? Nobody. I don't know. Who left the door open? Nobody. In Dallas, in there, there used to be a pretty big candy counter in Montgomery Ward store. Or is it Sears? Right down there. Pretty close to Ball Road. It's Sears. Okay. Had a big candy counter. The kids loved to go into the candy counter. And me being the horribly mean father that I was, I told the kids, I said, no, we're going to go to town and buy some something. Probably get some blue jeans for school or something for the kids. And we're going to go to Sears store. And I want you kids to think about what kind of candy you want because we're going to go to that candy counter and you can pick out a whole pound of candy for yourself. Oh, they were thrilled. See, they've been lying to me about cookies and stuff in the house. Nobody. Anyway, we did the shopping and got the new blue jeans and whatever else we was getting and stuff for the kids to go to school and gather around the candy counter and oh, this and oh, that and everything. He said, y'all got picked out what you want? Oh yeah, they all had their own picked out. I said, okay, let's go get in the car. They said, well, we got our candy. We haven't got our candy picked out or anything. I said, I was lying to you. I was lying to you. How do you like that? You think I wasn't a crazy mean daddy? They didn't get no candy in there, did they? You've been lying to me? It's hard being a daddy. Mama said, she didn't get any either. Yeah, well, you want, you see, one suffers, the whole family suffers for the faults of one or two. That's the way it is in the body of Christ. That's why you owe it to your brothers and sisters in the church to follow the commandments and walk in the power of the Spirit of God so that you have the power of Christ in your life to bring blessings upon the whole family. What do you think about that? That sobering thing? It ain't just me. Life is not just it's the whole family. You, the servant of the Jesus Christ, brother of James, to them that are sanctified by God, set apart for his own purposes, to them that are sanctified by God, the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, saved, that means they've got the Holy Spirit dwelling in them, and called to salvation, mercy unto you and peace and love be multiplied. Is it important for us as members of the body of Christ to walk in the power of the Spirit of God, or is it selfish if we choose to let some such lie? Acts 2, verse 1-4. And when the day of Pentecost would slowly come, they were all with one accord, means they were all fessed up. I've never been in another church, never heard another pastor ever at the Lord's Supper read all the warnings that come after. Never did. And when I happened to read on past the instructions for the Lord's Supper and got down into the warnings, I thought, I'm never going to miss this again because this is the important stuff. And there's judgment comes on God's children for hiding out, not coming to the Lord's table with clean hands and clean heart. You realize that? Remember he said that. When the day of Pentecost was slowly coming, they were all with one accord. They were all fessed up. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven and a rushing mighty wind in the field of the house where they were sitting, and there appeared unto them cloven tongues as the fire set upon each one of them, and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost. When Jesus said a few days before that, I've got to go to my Father, but I'm sending you a comforter, a Holy Ghost, a Holy Spirit, which seals you and sees to it that you're going to make it. But that comforter and that Holy Spirit carries a big stick because not only will He bless you with blessings for obedience, He'll put a stick on your butt for disobedience. That's His job. Anybody ever felt that stick? Two of you. Okay. Oh, maybe more. Okay. We could pray for more sticks, couldn't we? John 14, Jesus says, I will pray to the Father, and He shall give you another comforter that He may abide with you forever. The Holy Spirit. John 14, 26, But the comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, He shall teach you all things. It's not the preacher. It's not the television evangelist or the podcast. The Holy Spirit shows you the truth. How do you get that? Pray it up. Fest up. Read it for yourself. Well then, but the comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, He shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance. Maybe He'll get you to bite your tongue just before you say what's going through your mind, the thought that you haven't taken under control. You know. You know what I'm talking about? 2 Thessalonians 1, verse 2, Grace unto you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, because that your faith grows exceedingly, and the charity, the love of every one of you all toward each other aboundeth, so that we ourselves glory in you in the churches of God for your patience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that you endure. Do it all. You know that song? Gloria Gaynor wrote it. Good song. Acts 2, 45. They sold their possessions as good and smart and endowed men as every man had need, and they continuing daily with one accord, they met in the temple. They didn't even have a barn. We're blessed. And breaking bread from house to house, they did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart. Daily they did that. That meant that they were well fed every day because they were in one accord. And so they must have had the warnings of taking the Lord's Supper, so they come to the table with clean hands and clean hearts because they didn't want to stick on their backside like Ananias and Sapphira dropping dead at the front of the pulpit. Right? Or lying to the Spirit. They did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people, and the Lord added to the church daily it should be saved. Amazing thing, the power of the Holy Spirit in the believers of God's church. It's the very power of creation. The Spirit of God. John 13 34, a new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another as I loved you, that ye also love one another. Jesus told his followers this. Love one another. It's a new commandment. It's a commandment. Gotta keep the commandments, right? Ephesians 5.25. Let's go back to John 13. Verse 3. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples if ye have love one to another. You know, we're only human, and in churches you know, we can be concerned and pray for each other, but sometimes there's folks that you don't want to talk with, you know, but they're your brothers and sisters, you want to pray for them and love them, you know, but man, we can irritate each other, you know. When it comes in, bite your tongue, mind what you're saying. The Bible says take every thought into captivity. My prayer is God, take all my thoughts and lock them up. You can draw them, guide them and direct them. Husbands, love your wives. We know we're supposed to do that. If we didn't love them, we wouldn't marry them, right? Even as Christ also loved the church. Now, think about that. How does Christ love the church? And he gave himself for it. Well, that's how much he loved the church. He died on the cross. That's big. That's it. That's our salvation. He just puts up with us as humans. He puts up with our disobedience. He puts up with our nonsense. He puts up with our rebellion. He puts up with us on the junk. It's like herding cats, you know, but he's a good shepherd and he loves every one of us. What can we do? Keep the commandments? What's the commandments? Walk in the fire of the spirit by being prayed of, fest of, well fed. Why? So if the family stays intact, the church family, the brothers and the sisters, you show your love for the family. Getting along with God begins with you confessing to God that you're a sinner. You want your sins forgiven and that you are trusting the sacrifice of God's Son on the cross to pay the price and penalty for your sins. Psalm 66, Come and hear all ye that fear God, and I declare what he hath done for my soul. I cried unto him with my mouth, if I regard iniquity in my heart, think about it, the Lord will not hear me. Why? Because you're out of fellowship, not relationship. See, you can't even just think it and dwell on it. You know, like the, you look at your email and the pictures that show up in the side advertisements advertising not much on some of them. Right? And you get distracted from your email and you think back and you think about that and you think oh, it's always there, isn't it? Temptation. Try to get your mind off. Try to get your mind caught on stuff. And mind your mind. If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me, but verily God hath heard me. How did he hear him? He fessed up. He hath attended to the voice of my prayer. Blessed be God, which hath not turned away my prayer. Lord, have mercy from me. And David didn't even have the tremendous benefit of the indwelling Holy Spirit. John 6.37, All that the Father giveth me shall come to me, and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. We have the gospel, the good news. The jailer said, what must I do to be saved? Because he heard Paul and Silas preaching and praying and singing in that jail. He heard them. And the jail fell down. He's worried for his life. And he said, what must I do to be saved? And they said, believe when the Lord Jesus Christ now shall be saved. Then go home to the house and tell your family so they can be saved. Romans 10.9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God's raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. There's no ifs, ands, or buts. You don't have to jump over pukes or beat tambourines or pay an entry fee or join a club or be a certain bloodline or anything else. Believe. I declare unto you the gospel by which also ye are saved. Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures. And that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the Scriptures. I believe that. Do you believe that? Yes. Amen. So what happens? When we mess up, we mess up. And we've got a lawyer shooting for us, covering us in the judgment court of the heavenly host. First John 2. My little children, these things I write unto you that you sin not. It's best if you don't sin. They told us in here, keep the commandments. It's best. Meal steps on my foot, the flesh oozes out. I'm only human. But boy, I don't spend no time wasting this pestilence. Lord, wash my mouth, Lord, control me, help me. I hate it when the flesh jumps out. My little children, these things I write unto you that you sin not. If any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ, the righteous, and he is the covering, the propitiation, the payment for our sins in full, and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. All the sin that was ever committed will ever be committed. Jesus already paid for it. He paid the penalty for sin in God's creation. All of it is paid for. And one day soon, we won't be living next to it. If you haven't trusted Jesus, oh, I highly recommend it. I highly recommend it. And I hope it's a great joy for you to come to the house, to the barn, where the body meets, the cowboy church meets in this barn. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Walk in the power of His Spirit. We are in perilous times. Watch out for each other. Bless each other. Get in the Neighborhood Watch Program. Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you, Lord, for the blessings of this day and each one that's here. I ask, Father, that you watch over us and protect us, guide us and direct us, show us the paths you have us to follow, Lord. Give us the courage and strength to follow those paths. Bless each one of the members of this body, Father. Help us to be witnesses for you. Help us to walk in your power, Father. Lord, just guide us and direct us and bless us. When we meet again, we ask it in Jesus' name. Church says, Joe not here, Bob. Cowboy church says, Joe not here, Bob. And Joe Bob says, Happy Trails to you until we meet again. Happy Trails to you. Keep smiling until then. Forget about the problems we're together. Let's sing a song and share the sunny weather. Happy Trails to you. Until we meet again. Y'all come back now, you hear?