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Recapping The Five Classes Of Wisdoms

Recapping The Five Classes Of Wisdoms


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RAW Talk reaching all women to talk with your host Keva Annie Newell has joined in the teaching in progress. Hello and welcome everyone to RAW Talk. Ladies your transformational influencer here transforming ordinary margins into extraordinary margins. Ladies please share this link with family, friends, fans, followers and even your friendlies. Yes share with everyone you believe need to hear this teaching today. You really don't want anyone to miss out on this today you really don't. Okay so once again ladies a heartfelt thank you for joining me today whether you are joining me live each week or you catch this later on on my podcast I am truly grateful for your consistency, your dedication and your determination to get your relationship and your marriage to the level of extraordinary. If you are tuning in for the very first time or if you have missed any of my previous teachings and treatments you can find all of them on my podcast just go to www.ptminternetradio.com again that's www.ptminternetradio.com as well as you can go to www.praisedbygrace.net again that's www.praisedbygrace.net then you can click on my photo and it will lead you to my podcast. Okay all right so let's pray ladies. Dear Father in heaven your word says that we are to give you thanks in all things so today I'm giving you thanks for all things and for and and so that you for all the things that you've done all the things that you're doing in my life and in the lives of the young women and that are listening to me today I want to say thank you for all of your goodness and your mercies toward all of us thank you for health and strength thank you for food and shelter Lord Father God we thank you for the love of family and friends thank you for our jobs businesses and ministries thank you that all the trials we go through we truly don't have to go through to it alone because we know Father God that you're always with us and we thank you for always being with us in the good times and in the bad times thank you for loving us and for giving us of our sins and all of the things that we have done in the past and thank you for your presence as we become the thank you for your patience there God for as we become virtuous and victorious women that you have created all of us to be and thank you for husbands who we will who we are happy with and we who we believe are happy with us and we believe that they are very happy to be married and we thank you Lord for us giving us this opportunity to be wise and to be great wives to our husbands and thank you for an extraordinary marriage and relationship with the man whom you've blessed us with we give you praise honor and glory for this great opportunity and I continue to give you thanks for the words that you placed in me and the words that coming out of my mouth and the meditation of my heart that it be acceptable unto thee in the mighty mighty name of the sure Jesus Christ amen amen and amen all right babies just join me in saying the marriage pledge okay just repeat after me please the change I want to see must first begin with me I am the ideal woman and wife my vow and marriage is for life I am the crown of my husband I honor and respect him as a man my husband is the man God called him to be he loves worships and commits to only me my marriage is a perfect example which he and I want to let anyone trample a marriage and relationship is extraordinary we both live together in perfect harmony no matter what trouble comes our way we will keep our promise to stick and stay weapons will form but they won't last my dream of a happily ever after has come to pass amen amen and amen so hey ladies do you know what time it is so say it with me if you do it's scripture notes and quotes taking time yes indeed it is yay okay so get those notepads and those Bibles out and get ready to take down some scriptures some notes and some quotes okay topic for today is recapping the five classes of wisdom okay so the five classes of wisdom we're going over all of them so that's what I want you to do ladies you are to get up those notepads and those Bibles because we're going to definitely be going over some scriptures okay so for those of you who just joining me for the first time and if you've missed any of my last several teachings they have been based on my theme which is why we need transformational influence to succeed and I based my scripture on the the scriptures that I based my teachings on with Titus chapter 2 verse 3 through 5 okay and that reads from the reading that from the King James Version and it's reading from verse 3 the age woman likewise that she be they be in behavior as becometh holiness not false accuses not given too much wine teaches of good things verse 4 that they may teach the older women to be sober to love their husbands to love their children and verse 5 to be discreet chase keep us at home good obedient to their own husbands that the Word of God be not blasphemed okay so that is Titus chapter 2 verse 3 through 5 and my series for the past several weeks has been on wisdom is the principal thing I shared with you how the elderly can teach you all of the how-tos and help you become wise and the topic that I shared on was the five classes of wisdom that will enhance or destroy your margins I gave you those five classes of wisdom and they are number one was earthly wisdom number two sensual wisdom number three intellectual wisdom number four devilish wisdom and number five was godly wisdom and the scripture I gave to back it all up was James chapter 3 verse 14 through 16 and I will be starting with verse 14 it says but if you have bitter envy in and strife in your hearts glory not and lie not against this truth verse 15 this wisdom descendeth not from above but is earthly sensual devilish and verse 16 for where envy in and strife is there is confusion and every evil work so those verses explains what the first four wisdoms are and it also explains that the first four are all the works of evil which relates to wisdom that comes from below which is called worldly wisdom okay then in James chapter 3 verse 17 it tells us what the fifth wisdom is which reads but the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure then peace-loving considerate submissive full of mercy and good fruit impartial and sincere so this verse explains the fifth wisdom what the fifth wisdom is and the the work of good which is the work of good and relates to wisdom from above which is called heavenly wisdom okay so those are the five wisdom I shared and in script and the scripture to back up each one of them so those ones that I've given you and for the sake of those who miss my teaching I am going to do and miss probably some very vital and important notes that I had shared I'm going to do a short summary or a recap as promised as I promised last week to do and on each one of them so these are the five classes of wisdom which I did before I'm just going to do just a recap this is short summary so ladies get ready to write it down anything that you missed out or you feel like you've missed from your notes you can include these okay so the first one of the five classes of wisdom that will enhance or destroy your march it is earthly wisdom okay so what is earthly wisdom let's see what Google says Google puts it this way earthly wisdom is a result of being self-focused instead of God focused all right so the Greek word for what James describes as selfish ambition meaning a patty spirit okay so earthly wisdom appeals to the senses and the emotions in contrast the wisdom of God that is from God which is heavenly wisdom which is godly wisdom reflects on which is God earthly wisdom also refers to a mindset that does not consider God's sovereign rule or his will for creation such earthly wisdom unlike true biblical wisdom or godly wisdom is not rooted in the fear of the Lord so Proverbs chapter 1 and verse 7 says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge but fools despise wisdom and instruction so only fools despise wisdom and instruction and it says it's right there in Proverbs 1 and 7 world by wisdom meaning earthly wisdom does not know God nor do they fear God now I said that before I shared that the last time you can write that as a quote or you can just write it down world by wisdom meaning earthly wisdom does not know nor do not know God nor do they fear God okay so those who have earthly wisdom definitely don't know God and they sure enough don't want to listen to the wisdom and advice of wise godly elders they prefer to learn what the world is saying and do what the world is doing they believe that the world's way and advice is better and the elderly's ways and advice is old-fashioned outdated and no one is doing it that way anymore they don't even realize that earthly wisdom is not the wisdom of God as a matter of fact they don't care if it is because they seek the world's wisdom and make decisions without ever seek having to seek God's God for for any direction or God's direction some worldly folks don't even really know the difference between earthly wisdom and godly wisdom and later on I will definitely be given that and if I run out of time I will definitely be doing that maybe next week but the difference between these two wisdom earthly wisdom meaning worldly wisdom which is from below and godly wisdom meaning heavenly wisdom which is from above but as I was saying there are some who don't know the difference don't know the difference between earthly wisdom and godly wisdom or they pretend that they do not know these people who who pretend or believe that they don't know ones who the Bible says that they can't receive these wisdom the wisdoms of God because they are foolish unto them or like nonsense unto them ladies let's let's look at what scripture these words are found in okay because I don't just like to blurt out words I prefer to go scripture and give you these scriptures so that you can write them down or you can see that these are not just my words these are not just words I think okay so first Corinthians 2 and 14 says but the natural mind receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness unto him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned so listen ladies it is written right there that the natural mind receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness unto him the natural man don't know godly wisdom or the things pertaining to God are receiving words of wisdom from wise godly elders because of their earthly foolish ways of thinking and in their hearts they believe it's all foolishness unto them all foolishness unto them ladies and you know why do you want to know why it is because they are worldly and living fowl so they can't receive the words of wisdom given because the words given are spiritually discerned these people can't understand the word of wisdom because they are filled with worldly wisdom and the only way to get through to them is for them to repent from their worldly ways the second one of the five classes of wisdom that will enhance and destroy your marriage is sensual wisdom sensual wisdom appeases the appetites and passions of our lust it esteems self gratification applying or appealing to our self-interest as top priority this is because the sensual wisdom of this world makes you believe it is better than godly wisdom you love the the pleasures of this world more than God himself when you have sensual wisdom you fall into sin into sinful acts you find yourself lusting to become powerful lusting over money lusting over material things and nothing over a man who is not your husband or husband-to-be it basically denotes a lack of self-control the behavior is viewed or in you know it is viewed as often often viewed as sexual drunkenness sexual immorality sensuality confusion quarreling strife envy and jealousy and it's just to name a few okay but as I stated in Romans 13 and 13 which reads let us walk honestly as in the day not in rioting or drunkenness but not in shimmering sorry shimmering and wantonness not in strife and envy and and for the sake of those who like the standard modern Bible which I don't really read but here is what it reads and this is what it says and I say it again Romans chapter 13 and 13 let us walk properly as in the daytime not in all orgies and drunkenness not in sexual sexual immorality and sensuality not in quarreling and jealousy that's God's Word God's people with godly wisdom are not to walk in wantonness and is which is the same as sexuality or sexual immorality and sensuality okay central wisdom is not of our Father God it is not it is of the world and the devil first John chapter 2 and verse 16 said for everything in the world the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the price of life comes not from the father but from the world listen ladies lust is best defined by its specific attribute of idolatry seduction and simple fornication sex may may have the attributes of being sinless and the bed is under file and ladies that's biblical however however ladies when a person seeks sex for pleasure he or she is sinning with lust and if you don't believe me let's read that in human in Hebrews say human Hebrews chapter 14 and verse 4 and reading again from the King James Version marriage is honorable in all and the bed and the file but hormongous and adulterous God will judge hmm it says is right there ladies God will judge you judge your sexual ends and sinful acts I don't just say these things I don't make up these these words ladies I don't just come up with this I studied to show myself approved I told you all time and time again I back up what I say with scriptures that's one of the reasons why I keep telling you all to get your notepads and Bibles ready to take notes and scriptures down so that you all can read them and study them as you all you know for you for yourself it is this here this here is really no joke for me I am called to do this I don't just just give you what you want to hear I give you what you need to hear I give you biblical truth ladies I tell tell you what the Bible tells tells tell or says I given you words of experience and through experience is through biblical truth and biblical spirit experiences biblical principles the Bible tells us that God will judge the hormongous and the adulterous it's not me to judge you it is God who will judge you it is just me to tell you and let you know of what the Bible is saying so the Bible tells us that we are to flee fornication and it is the Bible that tells us that everything that a man do it is without the body but he that come committed fornication sin it against his body okay and you can also read that in 1st Corinthians 6 and 14 again that's the King James Version where it says flee fornication every sin that a man do it is without the body but he that committed fornication sin it against his own body okay so it is our it is our own body that we sit again when we fornicate and commit adultery ladies so that's what sin sin sin you so sensual wisdom is sensual wisdom is lustful and lust is a false emotion of a poor substitute for genuine love true value and enduring discipleship so lust can cause you to fall into sin and cost you to commit all kinds of sinful acts ladies ladies even looking with a sinful lustful eye or let's say a lustful eye it is a sin I tell you ladies it is a sin when you look at another man with lustful intention it's committing a sin many of you do probably don't know that maybe this is your first time hearing it and it's like I said it's not my words we can read that now and read it in Matthew chapter 5 and verse 28 but I say unto you that whosoever looketh at a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart just because it addresses to men don't just mean that the scripture is just for the men ladies this scripture is not just for the men no no no no no my dear ladies that also goes for us women also ladies we are not to lust after another man that's not our husband because in doing so we've already committed sin in our hearts there are other scriptures and I can go on with this and there are other scriptures that speak about lust which I would I would like to read but time is not going to permit me so I'm just going to give you those scriptures and you can go over them and in your spare time okay so we're going to give you Mark chapter 7 verse 20 through 23 you have 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 3 to 5 you have Colossians 3 and 5 you have 1st Peter 2 and 11 and you have Psalms 119 9 and 10 verses 9 through 10 so the third one of the five classes of wisdom that will enhance or destroy your marriage it is intellectual wisdom the Bible the scripture does not mention this one but it is there in sensual and intellectual wisdom are basically the same but it is so I broke them up in two separate because this making this actually the third one and intellectual vision wisdom of which educated people who likes to boast about how they is ability to think critics critically and apply knowledge in a way that leads to positive outcomes for them intellectual wisdom is of this world and it makes people believe it is better than godly wisdom people with intellectual wisdom believe that they are so smart that they gain their success all on their own ladies this is truly a huge a very huge mistake to to those who believe this when anyone puts wealth and prosperity before God and makes it seem as though they did it all by themselves drastic things start to happen when I spoke about intellectual wisdom I shared the story of Solomon and his request to God for wisdom his theme and how he had forsaken God in a nutshell Solomon asked God for wisdom and was pleased and God was pleased with him God was pleased but by what what he had he lacks his request and when he but when Solomon became prosperous with wealth and fame he had forsaken God but later he realized that he couldn't live without God and the theme as some who seek out their own gain through worldly wisdom and when they do they forsake and forget about God it is folly ladies it is foolishness to seek out your own gain and forget that it is God's wisdom that brought you your wealth and your success but instead you let your life revolve around your wealth pleasure and adoration but just as Solomon did they too later on realized that it's not worth with worth it with all of this is not worth it without God Solomon realized that so what Solomon did is he came back to God in repentance not many who find worldly wisdom and worldly wealth find their way back to God some do and some don't some love the world or the lifestyle of sin lust and worldly pleasures so rather than asking God for forgiveness they die in their sins now the fourth one of the of the classes of wisdom that will haunt or destroy your march is devilish wisdom ladies this is another kind of wisdom available to mankind in Ezekiel explains where devilish wisdom comes from and I will share that this where this come from in Ezekiel chapter 12 chapter 28 and verse 12 reveals that Satan was created perfect in beauty and full of wisdom and Ezekiel chapter 28 and verse 15 also reveals that for a time after he was created Satan conducted himself in perfect holiness before God but eventually he became proud of his beauty and wisdom and within his heart he sin I sin became a reality he then begins to throt God's will so in Ezekiel chapter 28 and 17 God said to him thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty and thou has corrupted thy wisdom by reasons of thy brightness so impossible as it sounds ladies Satan did not seem to think that God or any of the other angels knew the kind of spirit he had or within him but God and the other angels they knew exactly who he was and what kind of evil he possessed Satan is cunning ladies Satan is cunning he's fly he's wicked he's evil he's negative he's jealous he's ruthless and he's very unkind and he he uses those skills and he uses people with his skills who is foolish enough to allow him to he sucks them in and they don't even know that they have been conned and used by Satan listen it is I mean it is precisely devilish and demonic ladies it's devilish and demonic wisdom which is described in James chapter 3 and it talks about how selfish you know ambition envious and jealousy it is and how how Satan was created was not created to do this but he was motivated to do this and he was he he attempted to thwart God's will so in James it reminds us that when we do these things today that jealousy and self from selfish ambition or you know produces every kind of vile practice everything James chapter 3 and 16 it says where envy and strife is there is confusion and every evil work so when you envy and you have all of these things ladies it is in the heart in Proverbs 14 and 30 says the sound heart is the life of the flesh but envy is the envy is the rottenness of the bones so ladies becoming envious causes loneliness and isolation for everyone involved okay jaded women are envious they are jealous and they don't want good for you they don't want good for you because they're not having good for themselves ladies I said this before and I will say it again and I'll say it overly repeatedly and I will say it a thousand times over more that beware of jaded women because they will lead you astray and make you become jealous envious and have strife against your husband and cause confusion in your marriage Romans chapter 16 verse 17 and 18 tells us that it said now I beseech you brethren mark them which cause which causes divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which he have learned and avoid them first 18 says for these that such such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ but their own belly and by good words and fair speeches deceive the heart of the that simple these jaded women are filled with devilish wisdom they are devious envious and jealous so they come with good words and fair speeches so as to deceive and the hearts of the simple-minded and itchy ears so as to satisfy their own belly and devilish jaded women hurtful women who are out there who hurt others because they're hurting themselves and you know what I always say and I say this quote that hurting people hurt other people so that's devilish wisdom devilish wisdom is not a wisdom which cometh from down from above this wisdom is demonic like and it comes from earth it's it's all about material gain on this earth because it is under the sway of lust envy and jealousy it is demonic like because ladies the the because it is full of pride greed lust deceit envy jealousy and all of this all of the above so ladies listen all of these are earthly wisdom and it is worldly wisdom everything all of that that I have I've given you above it is all of the four wisdom that I have given you they are from below not from above they are from below okay so ladies lastly it's going to be the fifth one of the five classes of wisdom but I will give you all of that after we go through with this song I know this song right now we are going I'm going to give you the fifth one after this song we're going to do this song first that I died to live by Miranda Curtis so y'all don't go anywhere don't you all touch that die I will be right back so enjoy okay and you're in you can you're I finally poured out all of me that's the only way you got a dime so you can sacrifice your own in exchange for you the danger go through my chest the fire you gotta die so you can live I can't say because because he Oh Oh Oh Oh life is worth living just because I can say just because I can face tomorrow just because I can breathe again okay so lastly ladies welcome back welcome back amen amen amen I'm telling you for that song yes you have to die you have to die and die in order for you to you know have godly wisdom that is one of the things you have to just die to flesh and repent and ask God to you know to so that you can have godly wisdom you can ask God for for wisdom and we're going to talk about asking God for godly wisdom when we after I've already finished this one the fifth one the fifth one of the five classes of wisdom that will enhance or destroy your marriage okay you know the first one that I gave you the first four that I gave you those are the ones that will definitely destroy your marriage okay but this fifth one is going to enhance your marriage godly wisdom godly wisdom is the kind of wisdom that comes from the very heart of God James chapter 3 verse 17 says that but the wisdom that cometh from above or heaven from heaven above is first of all pure if the wisdom that's pure comes from heaven above that is wisdom that comes from God which is God's wisdom which is therefore godly wisdom okay and godly wisdom is the principal thing because you remember me saying that wisdom is the principal thing and that is our series that we have been talking about this entire couple of weeks so it is the beginning godly wisdom is the beginning of the foundation that you lay in your marriage it is the foundation which you sure Jesus Christ tells us to you know tells his followers to follow when he told him about the wise man who builds his house on the rock or a strong foundation you sure Jesus calls this rock the foundation of faith and he also said that you are wise when you build your house upon this foundation of faith so therefore ladies it is wise to build your house your marriage your relationship and your family even your business on this foundation of faith how do you get a strong foundation a strong firm foundation by being in the multitude of wise elderly women godly women that is okay and we can find that as I said in Ecclesiastes chapter 6 verse 33 through 35 I could repeat this scripture a hundred times over and over where it says to you know those who love to hear thou shalt receive understanding and if thou bow thine ear thou shalt be wise verse 34 stand in the multitude of elders and cleave unto them that is wise verse 35 says be willing to hear every godly discourse and let not the parables of understanding escape thee escape thee so that's that's the greatest way ladies to have godly wisdom I'm not saying that it is the only way mind you or the best way but it is one of the greatest ways to achieve godly wisdom and that is through the wise godly elderly women it says there I'm telling you it says there in verse 35 it says to stand in the multitude of elders now we women who if you wise you I'm not saying in you know even though it says elders it's talking about the women teaching the older women teaching the younger women and the older men teaching the younger men so why me saying all the women is because I know that you are women who are listening to me so therefore I am telling you to go to or sit in the presence or be among the multitude of godly elderly women okay so for those of you who are out there and you are listening and don't have godly wisdom then you you know and another way that you can get it is you can ask God for it you can ask him because God gives it to us all liberally now we have to ask but when we ask we gotta ask and face and not waver and James chapter 1 verse 5 through 6 tells us that and verse 5 it says if any of you lack wisdom let him ask God and give it to him or give it to all men liberally and abraded not and it shall be given him verse 6 says but let him ask in faith nothing wavering for he that waver it is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed okay when we ask for wisdom God grants us wisdom primarily in four ways God will give us this wisdom but he's going to give it to us in four ways and how we give it to how he's going to give it to us through these four ways through his word the Bible through prayer through the Holy Spirit and through wise elders now of course these are not the only ways God grants wisdom but these I feel you know in my estimation and my studies that they are the primary ways that God grants wisdom okay for us ladies so ladies let's look at these four primary ways of wisdom that God grants us first God grants us God's Word okay so through the word the Bible which is if which is God's Word okay okay so we say God's Word and some people say the Bible so we know that the Bible is God's Word okay so if you want God's wisdom you would have a regular daily time of reading the Bible reading his words the Bible is not just an ancient near Eastern book full of stories and sage advice the Bible is God's Word as I said before it is God's Word we must read it daily regularly if we hope to have something of the of the wisdom of God the best books that I would say in in in my opinion for for us women to study mine mind you like I said I like I said study okay had those written on marriage and directions to to wisdom or I mean sorry to women okay so also some of the stories with the my women of the Bible that would help studies study their ways on how they handle being married and how they treated their husband how they loved how they honored how they respected their husband and what they call and how what they call their husbands some of them like Sarah Sarah called her husband Lord you study these things and I'm not saying today is the day this day and time that you say that you call your husband Lord you have a name that you you would call him that he that you honor and for me I call my husband my hunker chunker dark chocolate buddy guy he is my buddy guy my buddy guy does not go anywhere without me I'll have me go anywhere without him he is my buddy guy he's right there you know Queens and you have first ladies and all of them important women who have their bodyguards I have my personal bodyguard and I get to do all sorts of things with my buddy guy I love my buddy guy but anyway I'm not going to talk about my buddy guy okay but ladies as you read and you pray through the Word of God and continually you will find that your life is producing purity calmness humility peace willingness gentleness kindness mercy impartiality forgiveness sincerity and good fruit which is is having all of the fruit of the Spirit and you all know the fruit of the Spirit the nine fruit of the Spirit yes they are nine fruits of the Spirit and you can find them in Galatians chapter 5 verse 22 through 23 and they are love joy peace for forbearance kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self-control yes that's the nine fruits of the Spirit okay and ladies that's how you will know the Word of God is is talking or it's taking root in your life and it's and in your life in your marriage and also in your relationship and before you read the Bible you say a prayer you say a simple prayer which is going to bring me to the second primary ways that God grants wisdom and that's and prayer this is the most obvious way to as it is given in verse 5 of James chapter 1 that ask of God praying is talking to God asking is putting is putting in your request when you pray so it is in prayer and supplication excuse me we are to make our requests known unto God you will find that in Philippians chapter 4 and 7 Paul says in the first Thessalonians chapter 5 and 17 that we are to pray without ceasing meaning that we are to pray every day pray in the morning pray throughout the day pray in the evening pray at night before you shut your eyes to go to sleep and especially when you find yourself in the midst of troubled times that is the time you talk to God you pray okay and the third primary ways God grants wisdom is trust God and the Holy Spirit if you if you are a Christian or believer you have the Holy Spirit within you listen ladies first Corinthians chapter 6 verse 19 and 20 you see an Ephesians chapter 1 and 13 you can read that and you will see where God is it will guide you and protect you and he will lead you along the way the Bible also says in in Ephesians chapter 5 and verse 18 that we are to be filled with the Spirit we have to be filled with the Spirit and that is the way God has is a primary way God grants us wisdom also when we ask God to take control of our life God will guide us he will lead us to think to speak and to do what is right that's godly wisdom right there that's having godly wisdom right there so therefore we have to trust him to do as he said he would in as he said in Proverbs chapter 3 and verse 5 through 6 it says trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding verse 6 says and in all thy ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path he also says in Jeremiah chapter 29 and verse 11 it says for I know the plans I have for you says the Lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future it's when you trust him ladies it's when you trust him to direct your path you'll succeed and be fed and you will find that in Psalms chapter 37 and verse 3 and and lastly the fourth one the fourth primary ways God grants us wisdom is wise elderly godly elders okay wise godly elders so wise godly elders are key to us achieving success ladies achieving success in Titus chapter 2 and I said this is where God has instructed the aged men and women to teach and train the younger men and women how to do things the right way the godly way teaching and training the youngsters on all the how-tos helps them to become better men and women better wives and better husbands and better fathers and mothers we can read that we can read what the how-tos are okay and let's read what the how-tos are yes the how-tos are and you know this is our same scripture so again Titus chapter 2 5 through 4 through 5 it says versus verse 4 how to be sober how to love your husbands how to love their children verse 5 to be discreet chase keepers of whom good obedient in their own sorry obedient to their own husband that the Word of God be not blasphemous this scripture is what I have been based or what I've based my teachings and trainings on because as an elder yes I am an elder and your transformational influencer I am instructed to pour godly wisdom into you ladies to teach you all the how-tos just what I've just finished reading along with the do's and the don'ts or the do nots okay and I'm not here and saying that I am the only one you can get they get wisdom from no ladies absolutely not you can't have as many mentors coaches and transformational influences as you possibly want need and you can have okay I I had lots of mentors coaches and transformational influences in my life I mean a whole my she's my entire life really and most were from women with different experiences not all of them had the same experiences I had mentors I had coaches and transformational influences who all taught me different things taught me things from a humble little girl to becoming a modest lady from relationship to from you know from relationship to marriage from pregnancy to raising children from having a career to becoming an entrepreneur yes indeed I had different women to teach me all these different things they were women who inspired and transform my life and my thinking and they were all wise godly elderly women ladies I gained wisdom from all of them in my younger days and today I am still gaining wisdom in my older days from women I met and from those I have known all my life who are still alive they taught me so that I could teach my girls and I have two girls and I have two granddaughters and you know daughter-in-law that I have and also any other daughters that call me mom or nieces I have in my life and any other young women like yourself I am here to teach you the how-tos and because I was taught them so ladies hanging around wise godly elderly women you can also become wise and you can get godly wisdom from those who you follow and you learn so so very much you will learn so very much wisdom wisdom for you learn so much wisdom you will learn wisdom for troubled times when you you know going through things they'll be there to help you to go through these things you can if you you can also get wisdom from you know preachers from sermons from on the radio you can get also wisdom from podcasts like this podcast also you can get wisdom from women on television women who are older women who are wise wise godly women godly elderly women you know I always say go to women who are older than you are who are way older than you are and you will find so much you will learn so much yes ladies wise godly elderly women who with whom we look up to or even wise godly elderly women in your small groups you can get you know you can learn from them you can learn from those who in your get together like you such as your Bible study or your women group or block book clubs and and different things like that you can you can get wisdom from and you can sit in the presence in the multitude of them so ladies there are the principles like I said and these principles that God grants these are the main ones the primary ones that God grants you wisdom and they are here they are again the Word of God which is the Bible prayer the Holy Spirit and through wise godly okay so we must all avail ourselves to each of these primary means consistently if we hope to grow in wisdom and in our march no matter how long you've been married ladies no matter how long you can't go at it alone you really can't I am telling you you can't go in at it at it alone the reason you act a certain way in your march that is against the Word of God is because you were never taught the how-tos by the wise godly elderly women in that should be in your life ladies I urge you to get to know the difference between earthly wisdom and godly wisdom most people don't know the difference between the two I really wish I had the time to compare and contrast the two but my I can't do it I can't do it this week oh my gosh oh I can't do it this week my time is oh is up so to conclude this series ladies next week I promise I'm gonna share with you all the difference between godly wisdom and earthly wisdom which is actually heavenly wisdom and worldly wisdom but I didn't I did fulfill my promise that I was doing the recap so I did the recap and I also went over and tell you a little bit about the feminine why proverbs defines wisdom as feminine and I did that so I will conclude this entire series we are going to finish this series next week I promise you with the difference between godly wisdom and earthly wisdom okay which is actually like I said heavenly wisdom and worldly wisdom so please don't miss that don't miss that next week that will be the conclusion of the wisdom is the principal thing which was my entire series this I mean it has been a long series with this right it has definitely been a long series yes yes indeed so don't miss out on it ladies so please invite other women to tune in with this next week and each each week you know share the link if you can't or they don't come you can invite them as well as you can share the link I don't believe that any married woman should be missed out on this these teachings ladies I do believe that everyone should have an opportunity to listen in tune in and hear these teachings and once again before I end I must say to you all if any of you that are out there that have a troubled marriage be wise and seek help now please please don't wait until it is too late Max and I we're here we're always here to help you and your husband if your marriage is in trouble and you want help to get it back on track just send us an email to raw talk with classy cover at gmail.com again that's raw talk with classy cover at gmail.com and that's classy with a K okay so raw talk with classy with a K classy cover at gmail.com and again ladies I do hope and pray that these teachings and trainings will be your guide to help uplift you inspire you motivate you and transform you as you join me to a successful lifelong marriage and relationship with your husband for more insightful teachings and trainings please join me next week at this same time on this same station as I continue with my theme why you need a transformational influencer to succeed I will conclude this series with wisdom is the principal thing with the topics the difference between godly wisdom and earthly wisdom so you don't want to miss out on these teachings and trainings ladies so until then continue your marital journey because it is a journey ladies it's not a destination it is a journey so we're not rushing through any of these series at all okay it is a journey and I'm so grateful that you are taking this journey with me but hey continue on this marital journey being the proverb 31 victorious and virtuous woman that God has created you to be thank you all once again for listening this is your transformational influencer praying God's blessings overflow upon you your husband your family and your marriage I leave you all with this quote separately both you and your husband are powerful individuals but together as one flesh you're both unstoppable ladies remember you all are awesome no one's perfect but everyone can be awesome I love you all and there's absolutely nothing any of you can do about it have a blessed filled day everyone be blessed I have in these hands and multiply all that I am and find my heart the author again set me on fire set me on fire come on have in these hands and multiply all that I am and find my heart the author again set me on fire set me on fire here I am God's arms wide open pouring down my life gracefully broken my heart sings in all of your name you're my love sing strong to the end you will see your purpose in me you won't forget you will be with me you will be with me here I am God's arms wide open pouring down my life my life gracefully broken here I am here I am God's arms wide open my arms wide open pouring down my life my life gracefully broken all to Jesus now all to Jesus now I'm holding nothing back holding nothing back I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender all that I am I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender all that I am I surrender I surrender all that I am I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender

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