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BiB S1E3

Matt S.



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Hey guys, welcome back to Brothers in Beskar, this is Matt, and I'm Jordan, and today we're going to be talking about kind of a slew of things inside of Star Wars and outside of Star Wars. So what did you want to touch on first? Um, what were we hitting on? Rings of Power, Agatha, is that it? I feel like we're missing something. I mean, I watched The Penguin, but... Oh yeah, yeah. It wasn't worthy to... We'll just start there then. How was that? Yeah, because I didn't watch it. It was good. It's basically a full intro to probably how penguins kind of become penguins, as you know from DC and the comics. Basically starts as a nobody and gets into, I guess, sort of trying to make himself popular and the head mob boss type person. Pretty much kind of how Gotham took Penguin, where he's at the bottom, moved on up, or at least he tried to, but this iteration he's kind of already up there, he's one of the top crime bosses. Muscle men. Muscle men, yeah. And you just... I don't want to get too much into it, because if you watch it, I don't want to spoil really anything crazy. But it's definitely a graphic take on Batman villain, which I think for the most part, they're going to be graphic. It is. It's Amazon, so... No, it's Max. It's Amazon. It's HBO. Oh. It's an HBO show, so think of Game of Thrones type stuff. I've never watched it. I've watched like half of it and then lose interest and can never finish it. I just don't understand the hype. I know as soon as I watch it, I'll get hooked, but I'm kind of dreading that day. It held my attention for about half of all their seasons and ran out. Yeah. I'll keep watching Penguin and see what else it gets into. I've got nothing else to do. It's like an hour. All right. So, I guess we'll keep it remotely close. Actually, we'll gradually go back into Disney. I want to talk about Rings of Power. So, I got done and you got done watching episodes one through six. So, like I told you, episode one does like a quick recap and a prequel to the first season because it shows you what Sauron did before he ended up in the water with the Southlands. Well, something like that. He pretended to be a king. From Numenor. Yeah. Yeah, he took the little trinket off the old guy, I guess. Yeah. He was the dead guy. He was the dead guy. At the beginning of the episode, all you see is blonde elf and you're like, wait, I'm pretty sure last season Halbran slash Sauron was like a brunette curly haired Aragorn looking guy. And then it's like, no, this is a flashback. And then the fact that they show Adar, the way they show him as like a Uruk, which is kind of like a primitive species of Uruk-hai, kind of like how the Harfoots are basically going to be hobbits eventually. Like, I think it's very cool. Also, this season really touches on Gandalf. Oh, sorry. It's not Gandalf. It's a stranger. It's a stranger. I think the twist is, is he's actually going to be Sauron, but that's just my take. I think, I'm just jumping around, but that dark wizard, he looks like Sauron. He's got the white and the black. But Sauron wasn't always the dark wizard. Well, I know, but he could be lying, you know. I mean, he's a dark wizard. He doesn't lie. We started watching The Hobbit last night and Saruman in that looks pretty much exactly like this dark wizard. And was he already that in? No, he was, I watched the first one, about halfway through the second one. I've seen all three. I don't remember what he does, because there's a necromancer. I don't know if that's Sauron or if that's him. That's why I'm rewatching it, trying to refresh my memory. But I want to say he, because even up until the Fellowship of the Ring, Gandalf thought he was his friend. He went to him. And that's when he basically said, no, you need to join Sauron, because he's the best. And I think he's been lying to Gandalf this whole time, pretending to be good, but really secretly trying to help bring Sauron back. The old Christopher Lee tactic. He's always a bad guy. Yeah, he's always a bad guy. Good bad guy. Always a good bad guy. Yeah, but honestly, my favorite thing about the season is they introduced my favorite character lore-wise, in actual live action, and it's Tom. Bumblebee. He is essentially, they don't explain it in the show, but he's pretty much like, if you convert it biblically, he's essentially like one of God's angels. That's why he says he's the eldest. He was there when Middle-earth was created. When the world was there, he was already there, tending to the world of Middle-earth. So him kind of guiding the wizards, which kind of seems like a very fitting role for what he should be doing. And he's very OP. He's very overpowered. But he's like one of those Hufflepuffs, like the Bindu. The Bindu can do whatever he wants, but he doesn't get involved. And it was really cool seeing that. It was interesting seeing different race of Harfoot slash Hobbit. I forgot what they were called. The Burrowers? I don't remember. Yeah. It's not like I just have a bad memory. It's good to see them come together, because you take the Harfoots who are always wandering, they're blending into the environment, and you take the other ones who are like, oh no, look, you get a spot and you stay there. That's your home. This is how your home is. And to see them kind of take those two, at least those two. There could be more two eventually. Probably a five season thing they want to do. But to take that and kind of mold it to what the Hobbits are that you see in the movies. Yeah. They all just blend together. Yeah. It takes a little bit of everything. And even like the race of man, how they're blended. You can see the Numenor side, and then you can see the Wildland side, basically, and some of those mixed in where you get the Rangers and Gondor, Rohan. You know Gondor is probably Numenor. Numenor, yeah. They're going to, so just jumping around. But the dad of Isildur. Yeah. I wish he was Isildur, because he looks like Aragorn. When you go more into his Aragorn, he looks just like, Isildur just looks like this random dude they just threw in. And he's the one that cut off the finger. Yeah. And he's been no part of the show. He played a little part in the first season, and he played a little part in the second season, so far. Unless he has this big thing coming up in the next two episodes. I haven't seen where he's at at portent. But his dad, I mean, he's got a whole arc of being almost like a king, but not really. I mean, he looks like a king, but I don't know. That's one of my little nitpicks is Isildur, he's just kind of like thrown in there for their namesake, it feels like. And I think they just, like, some parts of the Numenor plotline, it's just like, when What's-Her-Face had the crystal ball that you saw in, was it Two Towers or Return of the King? I think it was Return of the King. Um. No, it was Two Towers. I mean, yeah. Well, you saw them. I think all of them. You saw Saruman using it. Yeah. And then, yeah. Yeah. Return of the King. So it was very cool to see it being used for something, well, not intentionally bad, but good. You know? It shows the future, basically. And that uncle is a total B-bag, though. You mean the Jack Black looking guy? Yeah! What a terrible uncle. Him and his son, it's horrible. I hate that character. Oh, his son? Yeah. He's the one in the back after he's the one who hit you. Oh, man. I was so upset. I knew it was coming. I'm like, they're setting all that up, he's going to die. I didn't. And I'm just like, seriously? You guys just let him live? He was cool. I like that character. I think Inseldor's dad is probably going to be my favorite character. Oh, he's one of my favorite ones. Like the captain? Him? Him and Arondir. Arondir? Arondir, whatever. Oh, the elf. Yeah. The elf barely gets any screen time. And he's like, top two with him and Lightless. Pretty much. He's not as good of a shot as Lightless, I don't think. But just some of his hand-to-hand combat stuff is very limited screen time. That reminds me, too. I really like that they introduced Ents this early in the series. I like Ents. They're cool. They're bringing in all kinds of stuff, and I think a lot of people don't like it. It doesn't match up exactly to the exact timeline, but it's a good story. It's a great story. I had to convince you to watch it. You did. You didn't want to watch it. And we're not even talking about another plot line that's really great, and that's just everything about the dwarves. And then, even then, Cara Grimmore and him and the rings, that whole past couple of episodes has just been crazy. The king, Durin, just goes crazy because he's wearing the ring. And it literally mirrors Fellowship of the Magae when he's like, it's making you crazy, take it off. I don't want to take it off. Yeah. And he wasn't going to wear it. He just had it there. The one ring is that powerful that you just have to be there, and it influences you, where these other ones, they had to wear it, and then it would start influencing them. I thought it was interesting to see that he did use elves to help build it. At one point. But, I mean, I don't remember correctly, but it always just seemed like Sauron just built them all himself. So, so far, it's been like 98, like lore accurate to the books, because Celebrimbor was the one that forged the rings with the help of Sauron, not knowing, impartially, until Sauron. So, basically, well, it's not in any of the books. It's kind of just like lore based. Like an appendix. Yeah. Which is what the show's kind of, they pull from. Pretty much, but I don't remember much from the books. I know I read them, but that was probably, I don't know, years ago. I don't want to quote something that may be wrong, but I'm almost positive that the only differences in the books, Celebrimbor knew earlier on, and I guess he still doesn't know now, that Halbrand, or whatever name he's going by, Atar, he knew halfway through it was Sauron. And at that point, he was being forced to forge the rings for men, and then the ring for himself, which he forged. Well, which they might still get to, because he didn't want to do the men one. And then he just kept convincing him, like, well, you've done this already. You've already done this. And then he's like, I'll do it myself. And he's like, ah, man, I can't figure it out. If only we knew. And then, it's like, oh, man, how do we not use enough the right, or use the right. They used too much mistral. Whatever. And it's like, well, maybe if you, no, I guess I'll help. Basically, guilt them into helping and controlling them, and I do like how it shows that side of Sauron, because at least from the movies, you just think he's just some random dude. You don't think he's a witch, warlock, whatever you want to call him, basically. Elf. Elf, witch, whatever it is, that is just super, super powerful. Like, now you can see why they're all afraid of him coming back and trying to prevent him from coming back, because he's so manipulative and can get in your head and control it, which is what Galadriel, her, which, I mean, her character, I love her character in the show. I hate her character in the movies. I thought she was just some random elf girl that was kind of creepy. Yeah, I think she still has a ring in the movies. I was trying to see in the Hobbit if I could see on her finger, but I didn't see it. I just thought she was like a creepy, random elf. I didn't think she was anything great, and now she's a warrior. She led the, what's the army? Army of the North? Yeah. Led them, and she's a great warrior. Now Elrond. Now Elrond isn't driving her. She's his first lieutenant. I don't really like Elrond in this show. Okay, I like Elrond, because he's like, he makes the most sense, and nobody listens to him. Like, ah, these rings are influenced by Sauron. They 100% were. I don't match up that actor to- Oh, what's his name? The guy who plays Red Skull. Yes. Because I don't, I don't see it. Like, I mean, his character arc is good, and- Yeah, but the actor looks completely different. I agree with you. Gladriels, at least, is pretty close. And then the High King, I don't even think he lives. But- Hugo Weaving. Hugo Weaving, yeah. How did I forget that? Yeah, the High King kind of- I don't like the High King. He looks more like Elrond. Yeah, but I don't like the High King. Everyone takes his place. Everyone becomes the High King, right? I think so. Remember correctly? Yeah, yeah, yeah, because Gladriels' nickname is like the Great Elf of the White North, or something like that. I forgot what it was. But you have that, and then, oof. I think they still haven't touched on how orcs are created. And technically- Orc wasn't always a species, I thought. Right. And the Uruk are the elves that kind of, right? Because, I mean, you have goblins, you have orcs, and you have the Uruks, which I think were elves and orcs mixed. So, I thought orcs and uruk-hai were just fallen elves. The first Uruks were making them fallen elves, based off this show, from what I understood. But I always thought orc was its own, because when she calls him an orc, he always says Uruk. Uruk, yeah. Don't call me an orc, basically. I'm not an orc. Oh, so Uruk-hai are offspring of orcs and of men. Orcs and men? Yeah, but the Uruk- Uruk- Okay, so yeah. So, in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, orcs are a corrupted race of elves. Because they pulled the orc from that. Yeah. And they were bred by someone named Morgoth. Yeah. He's a big bad that already got killed. Yeah. That's where the series started. Yeah. And then orcs turned savage in that manner. So, I guess it's like other things where orcs are involved, not in Tolkien's world. They are a whole separate race. Okay. Yeah, that's pretty interesting, that's how they're made. Oh! Oh! Okay. So, orcs speak a language called Blacktongue, and Uruk in Blacktongue means orc. So, the Uruk-hai is like another species that evolved. Uruk-hai, orcs, and then the one Uruk-hai shoots like nine arrows into Theramir, or the Boromir. Is it Boromir? Yeah, it's Boromir. Theramir survives, because he's cooler. Yeah, he's the brother. And Shantan always has to die, so. But, yeah, I think it's going in a really great direction. I'm really excited, and I hope this season ends before I leave so I don't miss anything. He's got two more episodes. Oh, sweet. I think it's only eight episodes. At least one's going to be a battle. You know that. Oh, like a great battle? Yeah. They're coming to Aragorn, or whatever it is. It's E-R-E-G-I-O-N, I mean. Or Region. Yeah, whatever. Yeah. Whatever the proper way to say it is. Honestly, it was crazy when Sauron cast out illusions, though. And he's like, everything's great! Yeah, I'm like, he's doing that. He's got to be doing that. And then it comes to us like, that's where you're like, he's powerful. I know he's got other stuff, but to get inside his head and to show him something else and everything's fine? Yeah, crazy. But also, I didn't like they killed Theo's mom off. The girl who liked the elf. Liked to run to her. Oh, yeah, that's who died. Yeah. I'm like, I don't know if it's like a, she just didn't want to be in the show anymore, and they just tried to kill her off? Or if there was a... They could have recast. Recast, but I'm like, I just thought it was weird. I think I might... Why don't you build up this character and then... Might be part of the story. Could be. I mean, I'm curious what's Theo going to be like. He's... You don't just have some random kid. What's he going to become? He might be... Is he going to be one of the men that get a ring and... He might be just like... Become the witch king? Or he might just... Is he young Theoband? Like, yeah. Yeah, what about Rohan, though? What about Rohan? He might just be like the first resident of Rohan. Yeah, he's Theoband. No, he's got to be... I think he could be like the witch king or something, I bet. You think so? Like, he will be the witch king. Why else would you have some random kid just... And he's already... He did the blade, the whole blade thing. The first... The wild man? The wild man? No, remember he took Sauron's blade and... Jabbed it into his arm so he made a sword? Oh, you rewatched season one. Yeah. I did not. I told you I was going to. I didn't have to. It makes it work a lot better. But... So he's kind of already got an attachment to Sauron based off that, I think. Yeah. Why else would you bring a random kid and then kill his mom? And then Sauron... He's got to have some kind of future part. And you think Sauron's going to give him one of the nine rings of man? That or he's going to take it. Because I was thinking too, who are the nine men that are going to get it? They've only introduced like three or four. Oh, do you know who is going to take it? No. I'm assuming. Because I'm assuming the dude from Newman North, the Jack Black guy. Yeah. Because he just looks like he's going to get one. Yeah. I was thinking... The Sealdor's dad, but I don't know. He seems too pure to have a ring. The Sealdor's dad. I don't know. Oh, Captain... No, no. He... In the Fellowship of the Ring, in the intro, the father fought Sauron. And then Sauron slayed him. And right after that, his son Isildur comes up and swipes the ring off of his... Like cuts his finger off. His dad was still good the whole time. His dad led the charge. He's too pure of a character to do it. But I'm just thinking of the men that they've introduced, and I haven't seen many. That's what? What did I say? One, basically? 99% sure he's going to get one? Oh, Jack Black? I'm assuming Theodora's going to take one, or Sauron's just going to be like, Hey, you help me out. Take a ring, basically. Yeah. Or a power. I don't know. There's nine rings to give out. So... And then, you know, Sauron said it. He said it. Skeletor Moore is like, you'll be known as. So more to the Ring. And I was like, oh, they said it! They said the title! That's the credits! It just ended the show right there. Right there. More to the Ring. In the name. Moving on, before we get too wrapped up in this for the next 20 minutes. Agatha all along. The first two episodes premiered last week, and the next episodes will come out tomorrow. Today, I think. Tomorrow. Is that Wednesday? No, it comes out Tuesday nights at 9. It comes out on Wednesdays. It comes out Tuesday nights at 9. I didn't check Disney+, but I just checked it. I was watching New Girl America on Disney+, and it said Wednesday. It turned out to also drop on Disney+, tomorrow. One sec. I'm going to look up. But, yeah, while you're looking that up, and then apologizing because I was right. I thought... What's today? Today's Tuesday. The 24th. Hey, look, you're right. Thank you. Usually I do Tuesday nights at 9. Anywho. Remember that Star Wars thing? I forgot Star Wars does Tuesday nights at 9. Marvel's different. So, for the first 10 minutes of the episode, it threw me off. I didn't think she'd still be under the spell at the start of the show. That's the problem. I don't remember how she ended in WandaVision. Eight years ago? It's probably never been since WandaVision came out. Three years, actually. Is it? Yeah. It's probably been three years since WandaVision came out. I don't know. Eight years. But, I mean, I haven't watched it since then, so I don't remember. I knew she messed her up, but I don't remember what happened to Agatha after that. Yeah, and Scarlet Witch just kept her trapped in the spell. So, I guess it took until after Multiverse Madness. A lot of people are saying she's just taking a dirt nap. It's really exhausting laying underneath rocks. I don't think Scarlet Witch is dead. I thought she teleported. She might not be dead. Because she fell to poop. But she lost the Darkhold, for sure. So, that's probably why the spell broke. Not because she's dead. But, you know, in the beginning of the show, the journey with Wanda Maximoff, I think that's just, like, high hopes for the witches. I don't think she's dead. Oh, I don't know. Well, they could not. They can bring her back, you know. I also didn't think that Aubrey Plaza was, like, going to be the bad guy of the season. Well, she might not be. Like that other coven of witches that were creepy as anything. Oh, yeah. That was freaky. Turning down the stairs in that second, I'm still like, what in the world? I'm so happy, and I almost forgot, that they grabbed, like, a mom from that 70s show. And the fact that she, like, didn't even know she's a witch. She's not a witch. Yeah, she will be. Well, after she goes down the road, probably. Yeah, yeah, yeah. She's just like, Agatha's like, nah, just come on, I need you. You like the garden. She probably has an innate, like, witch, like, she probably is a witch. I think anyone could be a witch, it seems like. You just have to do your spells or whatever. You know, she's just sitting there singing, like. I don't know the words. Yeah, so that first episode, it took a while. I wasn't big in the first episode. Yeah, but then the second episode. And it was pretty good. Like, if they would have just done that first episode and then did a second episode, I think they would have lost a lot of viewers. Just that they did about one for the first week. Well, good thing they dropped both. Yes. Yeah, I'm excited. Yeah, I thought it was going to be, I'm like, oh, no, this thing, this show is going to be every week a different story of Agatha. Like, oh, she's a detective this week. Oh, now she's kind of like WandaVision. It's like WandaVision, yeah. Because it's old and they kept getting newer and newer. Yeah, but they got rid of it. Yeah, which is good. They're like, I'm not doing this. Get me out of this. Yeah, so that little part. There's kind of not much to talk about. I mean, so I, oh, we have theories, right? I think that kid, like, even though the bunny is technically it, I don't know if you know much about Agatha, but I think the kid is Nicolas Scratch. So, like, in WandaVision, the bunny is Nicolas Scratch. And the bunny still exists while the kid exists at the same time. I think, I believe Nicolas Scratch is Agatha's son. And I think there's a curse on him. Like, either way, I think that kid is Agatha's kid. Probably. I thought the kid was, like, a recast for one of Wanda's kids. I just, you never know, but I don't think it's true, but it's just one of the thoughts that popped in my head. That'd be cool, too. Like, one of her kids, maybe? I don't know. Yeah. Maybe Wiccan, right? Wiccan's one? Yeah, Wiccan. Well, yeah, we're not going to get into that. Yeah, it's pretty interesting. I liked it. I'm excited for it. I did, I still haven't watched it, but there's a new trailer for, I was watching it earlier. Thunderbolts? Yeah, Thunderbolts. I didn't even watch it. I saw, like, the first couple seconds, and then I didn't have sound, so I was like, well, I need to watch it with sound. Yeah, and then there's also, somebody dropped, like, big news. I don't remember much from Falcon and Winter Soldier, but apparently there's this guy, like, Torres, something like that. The new Falcon. Yeah, it's confirmed now that he is the new Falcon. Yeah, it was in the trailer. Pretty much. I think Sam gave him his old wings in Falcon and Winter Soldier, if I remember correctly. But he was, like, one of his wingmen, I think, at one time, too. Pulled him from the Air Force. Yeah, he's been bad, so, like, yeah, Captain America, Brave New World, be coming out this year? I hope not, because I won't be here. I don't remember. The one thing I am looking forward to is if they keep Tom Holland in MCU all the way up until Doom. And then, like, I'm just waiting for the interaction where he's like, oh, like, Mr. Stark, I miss you. And then he's like, hey, Pete, I hate you 3000. Ready for this. They will keep him in MCU, because that's why they wanted a young actor to keep playing him for a while. He is now at the same age that Tobey Maguire is. I know, but he looks like he's 12 still. Yeah, but he's engaged. He looks like he's 12. I mean, I like him. I love him as a Spider-Man. I think he's the best, like, all around Spider-Man and Peter. Where the best, like, Tobey is a good Peter. I don't really think he's that great as Spider-Man. And then Andrew Garfield is a good Spider-Man, but not a good Peter. And then Tom Holland is good at both. Yes. That's what I always thought. Andrew Garfield, he had the quips and stuff. Oh, is that a knife? That's the one weakness. Oh, I got you. Come on. But Tobey Maguire, I don't remember too many quips. Is Pete that high? Yeah, I know. The main quip was when he was in the ring with the wrestler. Oh, yeah. That's a nice haircut. I forget what it was. Did your boyfriend make it? Did your mom make it or something? He made it. It was funny. But I'm like, I don't remember too many of those from his movies. It's been a while since I've really watched them. He wasn't really about being funny. No, but Spider-Man is funny. And then, you know, Spider-Man 2 where he had, like, Spider-E.D. essentially. He couldn't be funny. What was that? But, yeah, I'm excited a little bit for the MCU. I know a lot of people are kind of, like, trickling off because, like, the MCU is quote-unquote dead since Endgame. But there are a lot of things I'm excited for. Thor 5, excited for. Guardians, excited for that. I don't see many more updates yet besides the Avengers movies. Well, they're introducing Sentry in Thunderbolts. Yes. I'm super excited for that. Originally, the guy from The Walking Dead was supposed to play him. Glenn from The Walking Dead. Glenn. Oh, the Asian guy. Yeah. He was supposed to play him. But scheduling conflicts or he didn't like something about it. Somebody else. Yeah. Who's he cast? Some other dude. I don't know half these people. Some other dude. They get a bunch of, like, nobodies that you never hear of to play people nowadays. They got Angelina Jolie to play the Immortals. Okay. That's a big deal. That was, like, five years ago. Not a good movie. Speaking of casting things. Oh. Back to Rings of Power. I was reading up on stuff. Uh-huh. They were going to have Will Poulter play someone in the series. Who do you think they're going to have him play? Will Poulter. Who's that again? The guy who plays Adam Warlock in Guardians of the Galaxy. He plays in Weed? Not Weed. Yeah. No, no. Yeah. He was in We're the Millers. No, you're thinking of Cameron Monaghan. Oh, yeah. Who was also Cal Kempis. Yes. I know who you're talking about. Will Poulter. Eyebrow guy. Yeah, I know Will Poulter. Who do I think he's going to play? I don't know. It was for, like, the first series, the first season. He was cast to play someone, but scheduling conflicts and stuff had to be cast. Jason Bourne? No. Theo? No. The Stranger? No. If you keep guessing, you're going to run into it. Elrond. Elrond. Elrond! Ugh! That's why I'm like, I don't see him playing Elrond. That doesn't look like an Elrond to me. Elrond also wasn't in Ginger Mill. Yeah. But that was a little fun fact that I ran into today when I was researching. Bring the power to, you know, following up and making sure I understood most stuff. Ran into that and thought that was a funny little tidbit of information. Yeah. That would be Ian McKellen. I just want Ian McKellen to come back eventually. Because he said he would. He probably will. What were they doing the Hunt for Gollum? The movie or TV show? Hunt for Gollum. Yeah. Another? Yeah. That was called? Yeah. That's weird. I don't know why we looked it up. Yeah. Hunt for Gollum. That was a 2009 film. Yeah, but I thought they were... That was a fantasy fan film. Says Warner Brothers to release new Lord of the Rings movie to Hunt for Gollum in 2026. Yeah. Oh, see? Sir Ian McKellen, because he was knighted, recently shared more about his possible return. He said in the interview, as long as I'm still alive and they want me, I will always play Gandalf. Like, I think, like, him, Beagle Mortensen, Orlando Bloom, like, everyone's supposedly... Stop. There's no way Beagle Mortensen's coming back. I'm fairly certain they're going to have, because it's based, like, with Aragorn, and there was some other stuff I read today. We're going to have to do some mad CGI. There's some stuff I read today. It was, like, in the Tolkien online little gateway, whatever, that's talking about how Aragorn had originally arrested Gollum and brought him to Rivendell or something, and he escaped, and I think Legolas was part of that, so it's like they all kind of knew each other a little bit, so it's a fun little movie thing. How did that take place? Before The Hobbit or before Fellowship? After Hobbit, but before Fellowship. It should be right before Fellowship. Okay. Because I think that's part of why they're running... And why Aragorn is in, not Rivendell, that town. Yeah, because I think he's trying to find the Hobbits. He's doing something, and that's why he was there, and they all ran into each other, and that's how it all kind of came to be, but yeah, that would be another fun thing to watch. Yeah. Everything. But not the Gollum game, because that was terrible. Yeah. Actually, I tried to find... Did you ever play Return of the King in Two Towers? Are you kidding me? That is my favorite movie. They were the best. Return of the King? I was like, bro, come on. This guy's on Xbox Marketplace. He's like, oh, it's not. I've been looking almost every other week. You have to go buy an Xbox or PS2. Yeah. Return of the King was my favorite PS2 game. Yeah, you can put in cheat codes to get stuff. Yes, you buy all these upgraded moves to only use the same three moves with everybody, but the characters were awesome. Even in multiplayer, because you could play local two-player. Yeah, sure. Pippin wasn't there, but you still get to play it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. 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