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Brother's In Beskar S1E1

Brother's In Beskar S1E1

Matt S.



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Brothers in Bestar is a podcast about Star Wars. In their first episode, the hosts discuss their love for Star Wars and their favorite characters. They also mention that they may expand into discussing other franchises like Marvel and DC. One host talks about his favorite Jedi, Ahsoka, and the other talks about Cal Kestis. They also mention their favorite Sith, Vader and Maul. They share their thoughts on how these characters have been portrayed in recent years. They end by mentioning the recent passing of James Earl Jones and expressing their hope that his voice can still be used in future projects. Hey there, thanks for listening. This is Brothers in Bestar. I'm your host Matt, and always with me, Jordan over here. Well, thank you guys for joining us. It's our first podcast, first episode. So this podcast is going to be everything Star Wars, whether it be the movies, literature, TV shows, any of the lore that we discuss. And we have a new piece of information as to what our podcast is going to be about as well. Jordan, if you want to share that a little bit. Just, what, expanding on maybe some of the topics. Because I think this week or last week, they announced there would be one new show a year, basically. So we'll definitely be limited for right now, the foreseeable future, on new stuff. But there's always hope we'll change that, because I believe Captain Candy will be gone probably a year soon, and whoever they bring in to replace her, they might change up stuff again. We'll never know. But we'll probably expand into Marvel, DC, everything. I don't know, Dave Filoni. I'd say Jon Favreau before Dave Filoni. Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni. Dave Filoni, he's already up there. But if you bring in Jon Favreau, if he's ready to run something, I think that would be perfect. But yeah, we're just going to touch on more than Star Wars. But most of our focus will be Star Wars, because that's pretty much what both of us enjoy the most. And this first episode, we'll just kind of go through a little bit about us and some of our favorite characters. And then I played Star Wars Outlaws, and I will give basically a spoiler review, not spoiling everything, but probably going to spoil some of stuff. Matthew's not going to get to play it, because he didn't feel like it. So I'll be spoiling it for him. And anyone else that wants to listen about it, be spoiling some stuff, and just give my review, how I thought it played out, just a rating, and what I wish it probably could have done. But other than that, I'll pass it back to Matt to get us started. Yeah, so I'll start us off pretty much at the baseline of our first conversation. But first is how I got into Star Wars. So when I was maybe as old as I can remember having a coherent thought when I lived at my grandmother's place in Jersey, she had a whole bookshelf full of VHSs, and she had the original trilogy before they were called Episodes IV, V, and VI. Just, you know, A New Hope all the way up to Return of the Jedi. So I watched them early on, not really pretty much too focused on it, because I kind of grew up on horror movies instead. But as I got older, and I'm a late bloomer, my buddy told me about Clone Wars. Because I watched the prequel trilogies when they came out, and still, Star Wars was my favorite thing. But then I watched Clone Wars maybe seven years ago, and it really got me immersed into it. And it made me rewatch every Star Wars movie and start playing the games, getting into the lore. I instantly got hooked. You like a bunch of animated stuff too, so that was kind of right up your alley. Yeah, getting to watch that and how much they expanded on it. Everything was awesome. Big lore, guys. What about you? How did you get started? I mean, I know I'd seen the original cuts of the first original trilogy, because I remember certain parts of Jabba not always being a big slug. You know, there's a person there. I just had those vague memories, but never truly understanding or liking it, I would say. And then, probably the sequels. That's where I really got into it, because I know I watched... Light Start. Yeah, Light Start. I was always into sports and stuff as a kid. I was never into all the video games and all the nerdy stuff for the most part. I'm a late nerd. But, yeah, I just remember... I remember going to see Episode 3 at midnight with my neighbors. And then I remember seeing Force Awakens with a friend. I was in college by that time. And I just loved it and made me want to go back and rewatch all the other ones. And then I think I'd watch Clone Wars and stuff too, and just never really truly looked into everything. And after that, I just started getting more and more into it. Got a couple Lego sets. Met Matt over here, and I think we both just exploded after that. Yeah. Always trying to come back every time we'd meet up every week, like twice, to just catch each other up on it. So, like, hey, did you read about this? Did you hear about this? And then we'd just keep talking about it. Which is pretty bad, because we were like 10 minutes on the road from each other. But, I mean, we work. Right. We adult. Yeah, we adult. Not saying anybody else doesn't adult. Adulting's not fun. It is not. But, kind of moving along a little bit. So, for me, we'll do, like, one at a time. For me, like, my favorite Jedi, we'll start off with. For me, it would be Ahsoka. Mainly because I didn't know who she was until Clone Wars, and obviously she never would have existed without Clone Wars and Dave Filoni. But as I watched her for the first time, I thought she was, like, really annoying and just kind of, like, a pest. Kind of snippy. Yeah. But eventually she, like, grew on me, especially in Rebels. Where you kind of see where, how leaving the Order, like, by her own volition, mind you, like, changed her mindset about, like, the Jedi and how they follow the Force in general. To where, like, you see that last season of Clone Wars where she meets up with the Junker sisters, and eventually she meets up with the Mandalorians again to try to take back Mandalore. And you kind of see, like, a good representation of just, like, the light side of the Force just being, like, a will. Like, being subjected to the Force and, like, following the Force, you know, without any, like, hidden agendas or, like, any extra stuff. Like, without the, unfortunately, without the influence of, like, Yoda's dying mind. Because, you know, he didn't suspect the Sith sitting right underneath him, you know. She didn't have to get caught up in the politics side of being with the Jedi Council. Right. She had some Padawan her whole life, basically. And she didn't get roped into all that. And plus, her master was Anakin, you know. Free-spirited. Very free-spirited. Went around with Kenobi a lot. And, you know, he just kind of did what he wanted to for the most part because his master was Qui-Gon. And just that lineage of not... Well, then you have Dooku, you know. Forget the order. I'm just going to be a Sith. It's a very fine lineage to be a part of, for the most part, because they weren't all strictly by the book. Except for Yoda. Well, I mean, he was still kind of... He did some interesting things. You mean, he snuck off of Coruscant when they had the kids when he was old? Eh. I don't know. All right. So, what about you? So, my favorite Jedi is Cal Kestis. I just... I like the games, the Jedi Survivor series games. Hopefully they'll make a third one. But you just... He's like another pure Jedi, I would say. Yeah. Like Ahsoka. I don't know if you'll say Ezra. Qui-Gon. Those types that are just basically pure Jedi. Which, yes, I mean, he does fight with the dark side in the game. You know, you get to use some crazy powers. But he's gone through a lot, so, you know. But he's just awesome. Plus, he's got BD-1. I don't know. He's just a fun take on a different Jedi that survived Order 66. Yeah. And then, I'm just going to jump into... My favorite Sith is Vader. But I like the newish stuff of Vader. Which, as we're recording this, we just found out earlier that James Earl Jones passed away today. Which is very sad. Hopefully they can still use his voice for everything new that they do. But, yeah. I just like... Like, starting with Rogue One, where they redid the hallway scene. He was just going crazy on them. All the games now that he's just so powerful. The Kenobi show, where he's just extra powerful. There's an original trilogy. You don't really get that much from it. You got a force choke here and there. And throwing some stuff. He doesn't seem like he's this big, bad Sith that everyone's afraid of. So, I just like the newer version of him that they've kind of expanded on as he's grown more popular as the years have gone on. What about you? For me... Well, for my favorite Sith, sorry. I was in a deep, inner thought about Anakin and then the Acolytes. But we'll come back to that. It's Darth Maul. Or just Maul, at this point. He's no longer with us. For me, he was a very interesting character. He was taken on as a Padawan from Sidious. For a very... I don't know if it was that brief or that long. But it seemed brief. Because, you know, right when Attack of the Clones, he took on Tyranus. I.D. Camdohu. But it wasn't that short-lived. Because after Sub-1, everyone was kind of like, ah, it's a neat concept. Dual lightsabers. Oh, wait, he's dead. And then Clone Wars came out. And then you discover that he survived. He went crazy. He got rebuilt, essentially, from the weight down. At one point, he led Mandalore. He had a brother. And then one of my favorite fight scenes in all the Clone Wars series is how Sidious just, like, owns him and Savage. Because you get to see, like, four red lightsabers and a darksaber in one fight. And it's just crazy. No one... For the first time, you see Sidious in two lightsabers. Two lightsabers. No one thought of that. That was awesome. He's, like, so nimble. Kind of like... He's like a taller Yoda, essentially. That's a benefit of the Clone Wars animation. They can go crazy and jump around and be more fluid with their attacks than the movies. Yeah. But... And then seeing him progress into, like, that downward spiral of hatred, which is kind of like what this Sith is all about. It's, like, acting on your emotions. And, like, hate for him was, like, his pure one and only emotion. That disdain. And, like, he was scared at one point. Like, seeing how, like, everything hiked into a climax at the end of Rebels, where Obi-Wan kind of, like, ended it how it started. Finally killing him. And I say... Maybe. Who knows? I did not see the blade hit him. I'm... That's true. It was offscreen. I think he just, like, lost his hate. And that alone, like, cut off his, like, will to live. Like, he was only running off of hatred. And then when he realized Obi-Wan wasn't, like, looking for revenge anymore, and he, like, made peace with everything, Darth Maul was just like, oh, man, I wasted my life. Now I'm gonna die, like, hopefully peacefully. And then he asks about Luke, and... But even from the end of Clone Wars, like, you know he was plotting to, like, stop Sidious because he asked Ahsoka for help because he knew... He knew that Anakin was gonna take over. That nobody wanted to listen to the Crazy Red Band. That's a lot of easy stuff they could rewrite in for that final season. It's like, wait. Maybe Maul knew what was going on. Maybe he wasn't so bad after all. No. I mean, he is bad. The Silent Ventress was bad gone good. That's another one. But before I lose thought of that thought... So I did watch Acolyte. So prior to recording this, I just finished it three weeks ago. And it really interested me because one of the main staple points of that season was that she wasn't supposed to kill anybody, like, with a lightsaber. Like, kill people on Ark because Jedi don't attack people on Ark. Then when you look back into Clone Wars, in the last season, I forgot the antagonist, but he was kind of like a spider alien. So he kept on attacking them multiple times throughout the series. He was just a general for the... Dino Trench. Yeah. Yeah, for the Confederacy. He just, like, straights up stabs Trench in the back. And then he also kills that other guy on Mandalore because he was going to blow people up. Like, it's... Like, he was just unconventional Jedi to begin with. Like, he didn't learn anything. Was that Anakin? Yeah. Yeah, he was just killing people. Well, you know. Slow turn to the dark side. Yeah, it was pretty slow. Yeah, I thought Acolyte was good. I'm a popular opinion. I do think it deserves a second season. Yeah. They can take characters and make them stuff, but that's a whole other topic we can... Yeah. ...talk about another time about thoughts and stuff for new shows or movies or anything. So my favorite character, which is pretty much just anyone besides, you know, Jedi or Sith. I don't know. I like BB-8 just because all the droids tend to bring that comedic... ...comedic relief to the movies and a lot of it's more serious. And BB-8, I just thought it was hilarious in that one with... He'd sit there and purr sometimes and he'd give a thumbs up with the liner. I agree. And just the way he'd react with Finn when Finn's like, I'm not really with the Resistance. He backs up and says, what? You can almost see the reaction of his face even though he doesn't have a face. Kind of like Deadpool-ish where Deadpool... You can tell what's under the mask just by looking at the mask. But yeah, so I like BB-8. He's one of my favorite droid characters. Thinking about it, I'm kind of tossed between the two. So to kind of keep it a theme, for me it would be Chopper because he's one of the most animated... No pun intended because he's animated. He's one of the most animated droids out there. He has so much emotion, so much backpack and all that other stuff. And he has probably the largest kill count in all the Star Wars series. Like right up there with R2. He also kind of talks too. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because he's voiced by Dave Filoni. Yeah. You make out his words for the most part when he's just... Anyway. And then on top of that, it's like a mixture between him and your favorite Lee Kuei pirate, Kondo Inaka. He's just so charismatic and funny. And he's been in every single animated series. He's really live action. From late and forward. He is live action over at Galaxy's Edge. Oh, Galaxy's Edge is awesome. I was waiting for him in The Mandalorian. Hopefully he'll show up in that movie. I'm hoping he does. That would be really great. You kind of have to just do some fan service on that. Yeah. You can't live without Kondo. Pretty good guy. Well, we can move into... Go ahead and move into the game review. Oh, for Outlaw? For Outlaw. Yeah, shoot. All right. Just because... Spoiler alert. Spoiler alert. I'm not Kondo's outlaw. And I'm one of those people. So, speaking of Kondo, he did get a name drop right when you get to Tatooine. Aww. He was like, aren't you part of Kondo Inaka's crew? I was like, yes, I'm going to get to see him. I haven't seen him yet. I was hoping he was going to show up in a side mission, but I did find out yesterday he's actually going to be in one of the DLCs. I was like, oh, I probably won't have it for that long because, you know, these guys are expensive and they do this off of the month. So, I got it for like 20 bucks instead of 60. But overall, the story of Outlaw that I love, it just... It fits right into Star Wars canon. Just get to go associate with these... The different factions of the underworld. You got Jabba the Hutt. You got the Pykes. You got Crimson Dawn. So, Lady Kira from Solo. She's in it. And then there's this other one, I don't even remember what they're called. They're like some kind of bug, alien thing. I don't really care about them. Oh. They're just kind of... I forgot. I just passed them off. I didn't really mess with them too much. I pretty much stuck with Jabba because you do stuff for one crew, sometimes it'll affect the other crews. Fun thing is, if you'd be on a mission, it's like, well, do you really want to give this to Jabba or do you want to give it to the Pykes? Hmm. Screw Jabba. I'm going to give it to the Pykes. It's just a fun, fun story. K-Vess, the main character, she's pretty much a female Han Solo. But I didn't mind it. She fits in perfectly. It's a character I could see them adapt into live action very easily too. And she wasn't annoying or anything like a lot of characters were. The gameplay, it was all right. It had its ups and downs. There were certain things I liked about it, certain things I didn't. I liked the main missions, just going through it, getting everything done. Some of the stuff on the gameplay I didn't like was just, it was very Splinter Cell-y, I would say. A little too much trying to rely on stealth and all you had was your pistol. You didn't have any other guns to use. You could pick up another one, but you'd use it for a few seconds and then you'd drop it. That part was all right. It's an open world so you can run around and do as many side missions as you wanted. It's fun to visit all the different planets because you always got Tatooine, but you got Kijimi from Rise of Skywalker in it. And there's a new planet. And then we started Kento Bright from The Last Jedi, so Casino World, basically. So that was pretty cool. Let's just see some of those in the game. Surprise characters were fun. Lando was in it. So Suboxone, very interesting part about it, which is fun because Matt's got the Suboxone from Galaxy's Edge and we like to play it. So very similar to that, just expanded a little bit with different cards and little token things you got and chips. But one of my favorite parts is walking to this one. Suboxone, little underground thing, walked in, went to a cinematic view. Then who do you see in the background? Lando in the dark, just leaning up. He just walks up. Like, oh, Lando's in it. That was fun. You got to see Vader. Vader's integral to the villain's part. Okay. Because the villain, villain wasn't really a true villain, just basically one guy who's ISB agent undercover trying to start, trying to find the rebels by being an underground syndicate for the most part. Vader's like, bro, you haven't found anybody, so I'm done with you for the most part. So I said the Hondo name drop. There's also little East Dragon Boba Fett, which I had to. You're sneaking into Jawa's palace, going through the vents. You can look left or right. I looked to the left. There's Boba Fett just sitting there having a conversation with someone. I was hoping to see shit, but I didn't. But it was still a nice little Easter egg. I think K-Vesh is a great character, ND5 is. Mane Droid is a good side character. With it, I just, I wish he was involved a little more. I think it's kind of misleading on the side of the, what would be the word? The promotional stuff? Yeah. Where he's right there next to her, but he only goes on like two missions with her for the most part. I was hoping to have a little bit of backup. Like BD, give me a commander droid that's going to just wreck everybody. Like BD-1, yeah. Yeah, there's just too much, there's just too much stealth. So the BD-1 in comparison is Mix, her little pet. You send him to go distract people and get stuff for you. So I understand why they couldn't really use him. And then Sabacc, I love playing Sabacc. I just run around and try and get all the Sabacc. Went at it, did fairly good for a while, then a couple times I started sucking. The Rebel Alliance was in it right from the beginning. She gets tracked. She's going into this main guy on Kanto Brights, because he's got a lot of money there, and they find a rebel spy. And it's like, oh, we're the Rebel Alliance. She's like, what the heck? I'm looking for money. And then his people come in, because they're part of her crew, and she didn't know that, and they knock her out basically, and she gets busted. So she gets a death mark. So that's part of the story. You're trying to get rid of this death mark. So they do a good job of having the Rebel Alliance, but not being like, hey, guess what? Now you're part of the Rebel Alliance. She didn't want to be a part of it. She was actively trying to avoid them, because they betrayed her in the beginning, left her for dead basically. And at the very end, she helps them, but she doesn't join them, which I think is a good thing, because usually when you do those games, it's like, oh, now you're part of the Rebel Alliance. You're done. You don't get a say. They also did a good job of making the Rebel Alliance not look like these 100% pure good people. They did a lot of questionable things and very concerning on some stuff when you get into it. I thought that was fun. So those are kind of my pros. Now I have a few cons about it. You always got to have a con about something. It's not bad. It is uplifting. You still have to talk about the negative things personally. I agree. So I'm a little disappointed on the customizing feature for an open world game, because you have your belt, your pants, and your jacket. That's all the customization you can do. Can you carry stats with it or no? There's a few like, oh, you can carry an extra grenade. Oh, you take less damage while sprinting or sliding. I'm like, come on. That's not fun. There's no XP either. So killing people does nothing for you. They don't drop stuff for you. You don't level up. You're running around the same thing. They have these little characters that you try to do certain things to unlock more things. It's like, oh, here, do a bunch of this and you get extra health. Like other abilities and stuff. Yeah, kind of. There's no point in going through and just wrecking the whole base of Imperials. You don't get anything for it. It's fun. It's fun, but there's no in-game process for it. Some of those parts for an open world game, I would think, could be improved upon. Like I said about the weapons, you can pick up like a blaster from Stormtrooper. But once it's out, it's out. And if you go crawl in a van or climb up a ladder, you drop it. So you're stuck. You don't keep it with you. I would hope you keep it with you. Have a few more weapons to use besides just your blaster pistol. But you can customize that three different ways. You can have like a power shot, an exploding shot, and a multi-shot or something. There's a little more. There's an auto-save feature, but it doesn't save very accurately. So you can run through, open a bunch of chests, do a bunch of stuff, you die, and then you're all the way back to where you started. And it doesn't really tell you when it's auto-saving either. So I don't know if that's something they might fix as time goes on, but that's a little nitpicky thing. I don't like that whatsoever. Like for the villain, it's the guy who hires you to do this one thing. He ends up being the brother of the one guy, and then he just wants to take over. The brother is the guy that got hired by Vader. Yes. Okay. So Vader did it, and, of course, he shot his own brother and killed him. I was hoping it was going to be like Kay vet's dad or something, because his mom comes in at the end. And you're kind of like, oh, no, what? Her mom. So I was thinking the one who does this is going to be her dad. Was mom bad? Yes and no. She left her, basically. Funny. There's a little epilogue, a little clip where Kay goes to her mom. She's in Imperial prison. She sneaks in, and she has this little chip with her, and then she finds out it was a tracker thing, so her mom always knew where she was. So kind of a little redemption thing for her mom. But other than that, it wasn't. So she wasn't like a bad person. No, no, no. Kay's a smuggler, basically. Well, she's really a nobody, and then she becomes more of a smuggler with the syndicates. But that is about it. So, I mean, I gave it a 7.5 out of 10. It was a solid game. I just wish it could have been different. Unfortunately, why am I blank brain farting on the game series? Jedi Survivor? Jedi Survivor series set a really high bar, because I know that you know me, and when it comes to certain games, I love games that make you want to throw your controller. I love the Dark Souls games. And Jedi Survivor and Fallen Order are the closest things to Star Wars Dark Souls games you're ever going to get, because it's so challenging, but the reward you feel after beating that really hard boss or that level, it's ruined every other type of video game for me, because I don't feel that same sense of accomplishment anymore. That was a game I had to put on easy. Put on Padawan. I can't play Knight. I die too fast. Knight was rough when I played it the first time, the first game, when it first came out. And then I was like, after running into that toad in that hidden cave in the first world, and I beat it, I was like, that was too easy. So then the second playthrough on Jedi Knight, on playthrough number two, it was hard. I was like, yeah, no, I can't. I'm on Padawan. So, one of the things I'm hoping for this game, like this is a bounty hunter style game, where you have more customizability, more weapon to choose from. You can customize your ship a little bit in the game, but you're stuck with that ship. They did that open world bounty hunter game, and so I started rewatching the Mandalorian again just to kind of get a refresher on everything. So it basically just brings you back to, it's a Mandalorian game. It doesn't have to be canon, because you can give them this nice shiny armor without having Grogu with them. Just Mandalorian style game, Eskar armor, you can have all your weapons that you want, which I'm hoping they are going to do something with that with Ubisoft, because with Assassin's Creed games, it's very open world customizable, different weapons, so I'm thinking, because they re-released Bounty Hunter game for Jango Fett not too long ago, right before Outlaws came out, so I'm hoping that that's their plan. Like, let's get people into this style of game, let's re-release Bounty Hunter, kind of get people back into that, and now a few years down the line, let's make a Bounty Hunter Star Wars game with Ubisoft. I feel like that would be successful if people were already anticipating the Knights of the Old Republic remake, which has been rumored for years now, but that's the one game everybody's waiting for. I did start playing the original one. I don't even know where to find it. It's on... I either bought it through Xbox, or it's on Game Pass, I don't remember. I thought it was an online MMO. No, it's an offline MMO. Is it? Wait, offline MMO? You're thinking of the Old Republic. Knights of the Old Republic. That's... yeah, that's a different... That's the online one that's kind of based on the same time, but Star Wars... Knights of the Old Republic. There's that one and the second one. Those are on Xbox. Maybe PS2, I don't even know if they're on PlayStation, actually. They are not, I just apparently Googled it. Oh, there's Star Wars Republic Commando. No, that's like a clone trooper thing. It's... So they were just massive role-playing games where there's so much to do. It was online. This was back before online was a thing. You started off as the original Xbox logo. Little boom, bubbling thing, and... Xbox. Yeah, that'll be a fun game, too, once that one comes out. But that's pretty much my review for Outlaws. So I was just looking through the PlayStation Store. Apparently, and this was released in 2016, Battlefront Rogue One VR Mission. You don't have the VR setting, do you? No, I do plan on buying a MediQuest in the future down the line, so that way I'm not... I can buy whatever game I want without console restrictions. There's an Assassin's Creed game coming for that, too. I feel like that'd be fun. I would enjoy it. You'd jump out your window. What I hated the most is I played the Star Wars VR games on PS4. Vader. Yeah, the Vader ones where you pretty much accidentally become an apprentice. And there was challenges at the end of them, and they were so fun. And then the PS5 VR came out, and they're like, yeah... Those games aren't backwards compatible with the new VR, so I was like, great. You had to sell it. So I mean, I sold it for... So I could buy another guitar. But I do plan on buying a MediQuest, because I'm pretty sure the Vader games are on the MediQuest. And Beat Saber's still on the MediQuest. And First Person Shooter, Pavlov. It's really fun. It's like Call of Duty, but... Whatever you say. But, you know, before I stray off too far, I am really excited for the new movie that's eventually going to come out. The Mandalorian and Grogu? The Mandalorian, Ahsoka, both. The Mandalorian and Grogu? Or the one after that, that's kind of like a wrap-up of... No, that is the one. There's another one, too, that comes out later. I thought that was it. So you got The Mandalorian and Grogu, that you'll see in Ahsoka Seasons 2. And then there's another one that they're making that's going to kind of... The whole Mandoverse thing. Chapter 10. No. That's... No, I don't think... Back when it was Mando and... I liked it. I liked that show. I didn't think it was as bad. There were... I mean, that chase scene was stupid, but... Speeder bikes are going 80 miles an hour, and they're trying to make it seem like they're going 50. But... Yeah, I liked both. It was fun in that show. Yeah. Those movies coming out, it'll be fun to theorize about and all that good stuff. Also, I guess before we get close to wrapping it up, just kind of like a bonus conversation, which won't last too long. Rings of Power Season 2 came out. I haven't watched it yet. You haven't watched Season 1? I watched Season 1. I haven't watched it yet either. I've been doing other stuff. I'm super excited to watch it. And it's also, spoiler alert, very quick, if it's not... Watched Rings of Power Season 1. If not, I would just skip maybe two minutes. The fact that the whole season... I never expected Soran to be in the show. And then at the end, she was just like, You're Soran. I was like, what? That was my number one thought. The whole time? I jumped a couple times. I was like, I just kept going back to him. I gotta be. But I didn't spend the show wondering who could be Soran because I didn't think he was going to show up because no one ever mentioned... It's been a while since I watched it. I gotta re-watch it before I watch it for a second. They do a recap. Well, they always do a recap, but yeah. Essentially, you don't... The only reason I knew Soran was in the show is because I heard about it from people before I watched the show. I was like, Oh, okay, so it's like a who-done-it. But if I didn't and I went in blind, I wouldn't even know Soran was supposed to show up. I mean, I think a lot of people just think he's just some other race. He's not like a human. Yeah. But I just thought it was randomly... He's in the water. Where'd you come from? I don't really know. And then I told you before that little scene in the, quote-unquote, hallway of... wherever they were. I forgot the name of that place. He just kind of freaked out and just went crazy on the guards. Yeah. I was just like, I don't know if he's precious right there. Well, I'm excited for season two. I'm gonna hopefully get time to watch it. I guess when we meet up next, we can start talking about other things too, because right now we're kind of at a standstill. We're in the limbo. Star Wars, yeah. Star Wars is in pause right now, I believe. It's the technical term everyone's using. Like I said in the beginning, I'm sure Captain Kennedy's gonna be gone and renew their contract. And I doubt Filoni or Favreau will take over, but that's like a dream team is have Favreau just kind of run everything like Feige does for MCU. Yeah. You need someone who's familiar with it. I mean, he does great on the directing and acting. He hasn't done many movies lately, so maybe he's ready to get into that part of life and not be just directing movies and different things. But who knows? He might come back, because Iron Man came back. No. Doctor Doom. Yes, but Robert Downey Jr. came back. But you know, Hattie Hogan came back. What? It's true. Full disclosure, we will eventually have an opening and closing theme. But considering how new the podcast is, we will just have to settle for an unbearable silence. We bid you goodbye. Yes. I spell it, B-I-D, Brothers in Best Car. Bye. Bid bye. Okay, well maybe not then. See you guys later.

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