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Episode 3 - New Jersey

Episode 3 - New Jersey


Welcome to “My Dad Said”, where a dad and his daughter tackle life’s absurdities with humor and heart. From working and living in New York City to dating dilemmas, no topic is off-limits as they share their unique perspectives and witty banter. This podcast is made to make you laugh, it’s made to make you ask questions, get some questions answered or just enjoy a good conversation. This is My Dad Said!



The transcript is a conversation between a father and daughter discussing various topics related to New Jersey. They talk about the misconceptions people have about the state, such as it being dirty or the armpit of the country. They also mention the driving habits in New Jersey and how people from other states may find it intimidating. They discuss the Jersey Slide, which is a maneuver where drivers switch lanes quickly to exit the highway. They also mention the use of circles and jug handles in New Jersey for traffic flow. They end by mentioning that New Jersey is one of the few states where people are not allowed to pump their own gas. What's going on, everybody? Welcome back. Another great episode we got for you. This is my dad's son. What's going on, Dad? Not much. How are you doing? Back at it. Crazy week. It's a Saturday, though. Saturdays are fun. Saturdays are fun. Saturdays are for the boys. I'm not going to go there. I'm just one of the boys. All right. What are we talking about today? We have such an exciting topic for everybody. Is it going? Some people might hate us for it, but you know what? It's an important topic. It is an important topic. For us, it is. I think we might change the minds today. That's what I think we're going to do, because this topic is very near and dear to our hearts, has been for many years, and that is New Jersey. We're talking about our home land. Lucy has lived there all her life. Not me. You've lived in a number of areas of New Jersey. A number of areas of New Jersey. I lived in Pennsylvania. I lived in New York. I lived in West Virginia. I've moved around a lot as a kid. New Jersey, I was born there. It is our home. Been here for a long time. Yes. All the naysayers and everyone who makes fun of us, people from New Jersey, we want to set the record straight a little bit. I know. We want to talk about it, because I feel like people have such strong opinions about it. Even the other day, a coworker of mine was like, wait, so you grew up in New York? I was like, no. I'm from Dirty Jers. He was like, it's kind of disappointing. Where did you get Dirty Jers? Is that new? People always say Dirty Jers. Oh, they say that? Maybe. I don't know. Everyone thinks it's dirty. Well, it's the armpit of the country. It's not the armpit of the country. That's what they call it, though. Dad, we live in the armpit. People don't know. The only thing that people see is when they fly into Newark Airport and they're flying over gas and chemical plants. Which I get. It's terrible. Yeah, it's terrible. Newark Airport is terrible. Yeah, the whole thing is. But they redid it. The bathrooms are nice. Well, the new terminal, yeah. Yeah, that's true. That's nice. Yeah, yeah. But yeah, no, that's what you see, right? Yeah. And then you go either right to New York City, and you don't see that great of stuff going in through the Lincoln Tunnel. That's not a good area. No. Or even going through the Holland Tunnel. It doesn't show well. It's terrible. Right. The highway. It's over there. It's rough. But yeah, that's what most people. And they're never like, let's go visit New Jersey. It's never, never, unless you go to the beach, which. No, but when people do come to visit us or whatever, they're like, wow, this is actually really nice. People have such, I think they changed their tune. As we were talking about earlier, Ida from college from Maryland, she came to New Jersey and she was like, why is there so many trees here? And I was like, because there's fucking trees in New Jersey. She's like, I thought it was all highways. I was like, yes, we have highways, but Maryland has highways too. I was like, we have trees. We are the fucking garden state. Of course we have fucking trees. But a lot of people, they don't. They see like where people live in New Jersey and they're like, this is kind of nice. I'm like, yeah, we don't live in dumpsters. Where the fuck do you think we live? But I think New Jersey has always gotten a bad rap. No one ever thinks I'm from New Jersey, which I don't know if I'm proud of that or not. But no, I don't. They don't say that you haven't like they don't know a New Jersey accent. I don't know if you have one. Most people say I don't really have because I moved around a lot as a kid. No, everyone thinks I'm Southern. Oh, you actually do have a little bit of a twang. Yeah. What? Oh, is this news to you? No. So when I was in high school, I went to high school with a kid for four years. I didn't become friends with him till senior year. And it was about two weeks, something like that till our graduation. He goes to me, he was like, Lucy, I always meant to ask you, like, where are you from? And I was like, New Jersey. And he was like, no, like, like, where are you from? I was like, New Jersey. He was like, where were you born? I was like, New Jersey. He's like, where are your parents from? I'm like, all these answers are New Jersey. I was like, I don't understand. And he was like, I thought you were Southern. I was like, no part of me is Southern. I have lived and breathed since 1998. I've been in New Jersey. But a lot of people, I get a lot of comments about people thinking I'm from New Jersey. I had recently, I don't know if I said it on the dating episode, but I recently went on a date with a guy. And he said I, when I cursed, I sounded like I had a New Jersey accent, which I don't really know what that means. It was like the emphasis on me cursing. I don't really know. But I've never gotten that I sound. There's been times when my friends would be like, oh, New Jersey just came out. And I was like, oh, yikes. Mom will throw it out. You can tell. Oh, yeah, she definitely. She definitely is. That's why they call her Jersey Girl. Jersey G. She's Jersey G. My mom's name is Gia. So she's Jersey G, which she fucking is. It's okay. She has a bag. It's a logo now. It's a branding. Yeah. But I think one of the topics that we were talking about most recently, which is a serious deal to us because we always talk about it, is the driving in New Jersey. Oh. I don't think people understand. I don't think other states take driving as seriously as us New Jerseyans take driving. We're the best drivers. People think we're the craziest drivers. But the difference is, if you're in New Jersey or you see a New Jersey license plate, just get the fuck out of the way. Yeah. Okay? You don't like to ride the left lane. We do. I was like, get out of the fucking way. Well, we move over. Well, we know how to. Yeah. We don't stand. We even phone. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So there's called the Jersey Slide. Oh, yeah. The Jersey Slide is when you go from the third lane, far left third lane, and get off the exit. And slide off the exit. And just cut in front of everybody. That's the Jersey Slide. And you're confident about it. And you get good at it. Oh, you get real fucking good at it. People probably hate us more, but we're really good at it. Oh, yeah. But the thing is, it's like there's New Jersey people. Obviously, there's terrible New Jersey drivers. Obviously. Everywhere has terrible drivers. Everywhere. But like, oh, my God. When we go to Pittsburgh, where my sister lives. Holy shit. Pennsylvania, what the fuck are you doing? I don't understand that state. What are they just like, you get in a car and you turn it on and they're like, yeah, sure, you can have your driver's license. I don't understand. It is like driving with deaf, dumb, and blind. Like, holy shit. It's like car accident waiting to happen in that state. It's funny when you know when we do like any road trip or whatever, say we go into Pennsylvania. And you come back into New Jersey. No, you're in New Jersey. Everything all of a sudden speeds up. Oh, yeah. Everybody's going. Everyone's going 85. Yeah. So it's funny. So there's a guy, the quarterback for the Jets, now he's no longer. He still is, Zach Wilson. So he was, this is like his third year. He sucks. But anyway, so he gets drafted. And in their interview, so he went to New Jersey, came to New Jersey because that's where the Jets' training camp is. And they play their games in New Jersey, which everybody calls it New York, but they're in New Jersey, just like the Giants. So anyway, so they're like interviewing him. And they said, so what's your first impression of New Jersey? He goes, I was scared driving. People are always scared driving. He goes, holy Jesus, people are flying around me. He goes, I'm literally scared driving. Because I don't know what it is. I don't know. Like I remember my first time driving a car, he took me on a highway. And you got learned real fucking fast. Yeah. I mean some of your friends didn't even, wouldn't even go on a highway, right? Oh, I know a lot of people that didn't go on a highway. They wouldn't even go on the highway because they were afraid to go on the highway. Yeah, which like crazy. I was like there's highways everywhere, not just New Jersey. The one thing that's, a couple of things that people don't like, that it's kind of crazy, but once you get used to it. Well, one is they've gotten rid of a lot of them is the circles. So you see the circles in other countries, like Ireland and England. Italy has a lot. Yeah, but New Jersey was known for the circles, and they've gotten rid of them. But they function. They actually do function really well. They do. You just got to know how it works. You just have to know how to work and how to merge. And watching other people. Keep it going. Just keep the whole thing. The other thing is, is we have what's called jug handles. And people are like, what the hell? Why can't I take a left turn at a light? Well, in New Jersey, you don't take a left hand unless there's a specific intersection that they designed for. But in general, most intersections in New Jersey are jug handles. So you go through the light, and they take a right, and then go back through the light again. And people are like, that is the dumbest thing. I'm like, it actually isn't. But actually, when you get used to it, it makes sense. The first time you do it, or like when you're watching navigation, oh, my God. Then you're like, what the fuck am I doing right now? But then when you know it, you know it. It's great. I think the wildest thing is I didn't learn how to pump my own gas until I was 18 going to college. Oh, yeah, that's the other thing. We're the only state now. I think Oregon was the last one. I didn't even know Oregon was. There's only two states where they – Wow, so we're the big losers now. New Jersey has put it up for vote, and everybody's never – people are like, do not take that away from me. I mean you go other places, and you're like your hands smell. It's like you do that shit. And then your credit card gets stolen all the time, the stupid Pennsylvania turnpike. And then in the winter, you've got to like get all bundled up to go pump some gas. Right, not us. We just roll the window down. Well, a lot of people – the amount of people that I've been with that aren't from New Jersey, and they're like, you've got to go with me. Like I don't – what do I do? And I'm like just roll down the window, give them your card, and say how much you want or whatever, like fill the tank or whatever. And they're so nervous, and I'm like this is their job. It is – it's like we can't physically get out of our car and do that. Yeah, we're not allowed to. I think a lot of people don't understand that. I think people just think New Jersey people are fucking lazy. We can't do it. Right. That's the difference. We can't get out. You'll get yelled at. Right. I think it's against the law, no? But I'll tell you, when you do it, you're just like this is awesome. After a while, like people who move here and then they're like I can't do that, and then they're like, wow, this is nice. You just sit in your car, look at your phone, be in your own thoughts. You don't have to do shit. You don't do anything. Even if it's dumping. Sometimes it takes a little bit longer, but not usually. They're pretty quick. You can sit there while it's dumping, fucking raining or snowing or hailing. You still get some gas, and you're dry. Dry as a bone. And our gas isn't that expensive compared to other parts of the country. Oh, is there a difference? Ours has always been cheap. Oh, really? Yeah. Okay. That's interesting. I mean, it's gone. They've added more taxes to it, like everybody, every place. Yeah, no, it's not price-wise, but yeah, no, it's a great convenience. Yeah, but I think driving is in New Jersey people's DNA. Yeah. We get that license plate, and we know what we're doing. We know what's up. I mean driver's license, not license plate. I know, but when you have a license plate on the car. Whatever. So, okay, so there has always been a debate, and I don't think that it's not like scientifically proven, north, south, central. Is there a central Jersey? Does that exist? They actually are, they say that there is now a new zone. It's like, I don't know, like Trenton or something. New zone? Yeah, they want to actually. What do they call it? They want to call it central Jersey. Oh, central. Yeah. Something like Murphy came out with it, and I'm like, what the hell is that? And it's not the Jersey Shore where we live, but it's not included, and anybody knows that's the other misnomer. The Jersey Shore, it's like there's two Jersey Shores, really. There's the northern Jersey Shore, and then there's the southern, and the dividing line is probably Long Beach Island, LVI, and it's really the northern is people that come from northern New Jersey or New York who visit, and then southern is southern New Jersey or southern Jersey people or Philadelphia people, and there's a definite distinction between the two. Absolutely. Right? But those aren't included when they say north, south, central. The shorelines are its own economy in and of itself, right? Yeah, but I do believe when people ask me, I believe there is a central New Jersey because if you separate the parts or whatever, that central part is like its own little distinction. Yeah, because a lot of those people are not necessarily commuting to New York or commuting to Philadelphia. They just work there. They're in New Jersey. They're in New Jersey, but they work at businesses that are located in central New Jersey. I mean most people are somewhat connected to either one of those cities when it comes to a job, right? So you go in, and we've talked about on our New York podcast, that the commuting ends, so you either live in northern. It all depends on how close you want to be to the city, right? So like Newark is close to New York City, and Jersey City is right across the water. Those are very popular, populous cities, and they're okay. Some of them have gotten better, whereas then you go up to northern New Jersey, which can be really nice, but you don't go too far up because then you're into almost Pennsylvania and New York. You go too far up. Yeah, nobody lives up there. I mean people live up there. There's lakes and stuff up there, but it's too far to commute, right? So it's not as populous. It's the same thing as western New Jersey. In the northern side, it's not as populous because nobody is too far to drive to commute into the city. So it's usually about, what, 40, 50 miles out. Isn't New Jersey one of the most populated cities in the U.S., or am I making that up? New Jersey is popular? Like the population. New Jersey is one of the population. You mean a state, not a city. You said a city. That's why he threw me off. I'm like, hey. Rewind. No, it's not. Is it a high-populated state? I don't know what the exact population is, but no, it's not. I thought it was. Nothing like California. Yeah. No, because if you look at electoral – We're pretty congested. No, because if you look at – the easy way is to look at electoral votes in Congress. I mean not in Congress, when they elect the president. I think Jersey only has like 14 or something, whereas California has like 60 or 70. So those are based on – Well, California is like 40. Well, but those are based on the population of the state. Yeah, I get it. And a lot of the shift has gone down to Florida, Texas, California. Those are the big ones. New York used to be really big. Or are we like the most congested state? We are the most densely populated. Okay, that's what I was looking for. Why didn't you just fucking say that? Well, I just came to that. I was so close. Again, you threw me off with New Jersey City, right? Okay, so we are the most densely populated state. Yes, and that's because we're surrounded by two big cities. Yeah, okay. Right? And that's the other thing. You just have to understand that. Yeah. But it's okay. And we have one of the highest taxes. Yeah. Property taxes, everything. It's a little sick to live in New Jersey. I mean everybody talks about, oh, everybody is leaving New Jersey. I'm like, no, nobody wants to leave. They leave because the retirement – yeah, because New Jersey tries to take too much of your income. Yeah. So they go to the zero-tax states like Texas and Florida. We have friends who half the year they live in Florida, and then half they have to be there 184 days, and then the other half they're in New Jersey. Yeah. Do they want to do that? Do they want to do that? No. They'd rather be in New Jersey. Why? Because New Jersey has some of the best food because you're surrounded by cities, and it has its own best food. It has great entertainment. It has probably some of the best health care in the United States. Education. Education is one of the top – I think it's like number two behind – it's usually between us and Massachusetts. So it's got so much going for it. Really good. And when you live here and other people live here, everybody loves it. You fall in love with it because there's so much to do. There's so much – if you want to go into New York or you want to go – we go down to Philadelphia. It's not that long. No, it's like an hour. An hour, 15, 20 minutes. Yeah. So you can do a lot, and then you can go into – it has mountains, so there's – I think that's what a lot of people don't realize, the nature in New Jersey. Yeah, I mean I – as you know, I mountain bike, and I've been to other states, and I think New Jersey has some of the best mountain biking, and it's all in northern New Jersey. Yeah. And people don't realize how hilly it is up in the north, and it is very hilly. Yeah. And it's very scenic, right? Yeah. And it's – that's why it offers a lot for people. It has lots of parks. That's true. Tremendous amount of parks. What else? We have a beach. And we have the beach, right. We win. Win, win. We win the game of life. But so we – up until I was a sophomore in college, we lived up north. We lived north Jersey. And then we – my mom grew up Jersey Shore, diehard shore gal. And then, yeah, we lived up there. You lived at the shore for a little bit when you were younger. Yeah, yeah. But then different parts of New Jersey. But, yeah, we were up north for most of my – all of my life pretty much. I think what gets people is that we were in such a highly wooded area. Right. Like we were in – our house was, like, in the woods. And I think the craziest thing about when I tell people that we had black bears everywhere, and people are like, in New Jersey? And I'm like, yeah, I saw a black bear constantly. We had a whole bunch in our back – like in our front yard. Like when you would go on those trails or whatever, mountain biking or hiking or whatever, you see them all the time. See them all the time, yeah. I don't know – I don't know why they're in New Jersey. I have no idea, yeah. But I think a lot of people don't – well, I think that's the difference between – I don't spend – I haven't spent that much time in south Jersey. But I think that's the difference between north Jersey I think is more wooded. More wooded and hilly. Yeah. Where the southern is more flat. Flatter, yeah. Yeah, and that's where a lot of – well, where it gets its name, the Garden State, a lot of the farming is pretty much central and then down south. Yeah. I mean, I think we're the – one of the largest cranberry – That's so random. The largest in the – yeah, in the United States. Cranberry? Yeah, cranberries, yeah. And they do it in the waterways. What's that cranberry juice company? Whatever, yeah, I forget who they are. Yeah. With the commercial, right? Yeah, yeah, no, I know who you're talking about. Yes, Epic and Cranberry. Yeah, it's because of the climate, whatever. That's – Yeah. It's in the water. Yeah. But yeah. You know what we had in north Jersey? Which, wow. The largest – not sprinkle factory, glitter factory. Glitter factory, right? That was in our town, right? Yeah, it was in our town. That was the coolest. We'd never been there. You never even knew it was there. No, it was like this weird-looking giant building. It was near my preschool, and it was by the sledding hill that we called Death Mountain, which I thought was hilarious. But everyone talked about horror stories about that building being like, oh, people tried to break into the glitter factory. I'm like, no way you're getting into the glitter factory. And they were like, kids were trapped in the glitter. Yeah, you drive by on roads, and you didn't even know it was – it's almost like it was built into a hill or something. Yeah. It's weird. How do you think – there was no road to get to it that I knew of. I think they had like the normal driveway from the main road. On the other side of the hill. Yeah, the main road by your school, which was a busy road. They had a driveway off of that. Yeah. But it was huge. The property was massive. Yeah. Yeah. But that's a cool, weird fact. I guess to you it is. About New Jersey. I don't think of New Jersey and say, well, it's got the biggest glitter factory. But I think in our town we were like – Well, in our town, yeah. It's in your town. We're in a small fucking town and all of a sudden we're like – We had no businesses in our town. We have the largest glitter factory. We're like, do you think we can get free glitter? No, we didn't get – I don't even know where you get this glitter. We should look into the glitter factory. Yeah. I want to see what kind of glitter they actually make. What else is New Jersey known for, right? So diners. Diners. We have diners. Nobody experiences diners, which I guess that's like we just – we always go. So we don't think that nobody else goes to a diner. Diners in large part – well, it depends. A lot of diners are owned by Greeks, right? Yeah. So Greeks make good food. But the menus are massive. They're like – They're 17 pages. I'm like, can you actually make all this stuff in a diner? But that's why people love it. They're open like – forget it. They're open like 6 in the morning or 5 in the morning through midnight or whatever. And they're always crowded. People are always – Diehard people in there. The oldest crew of characters that you could ever find in there. You can get any kind of cake you could ever want in your entire life. Yeah. Oh, yeah, they have the cakes, the pies. The waiters have been there for 55 years. Forever. But diners are always fun. We have our bagels that we're known for. I feel like I just said that word, bagels. And then our pizza we're very specific on. New Jersey is – I mean there's always that – people always argue about New York versus New Jersey. I don't think there's any other place personally, and I've traveled around the United States a lot. I don't think anyone has. No one has good bagels. No, bagels don't even exist. Not good ones. I mean shitty ones. California probably has like hemp seed bagels, but no one wants that or a matcha bagel. But like New Jersey and New York, by far, the only places that have a decent bagel. Oh, yeah. That's it. Absolutely. That's all you're going to get. Yeah. Like the big bagels. And everybody says – people always try to recreate it, and they're like – everybody just says it has to do with the water. I'm like I don't know why you can't recreate the water. I mean, right? But it's true. We're talking about water. It's true. I guess it's true. I mean, yeah. There's places that have worse. People can't believe that. I'm like, yeah, we have some of the best water, so I don't know why. Okay, sure. But I think because they get it from the reservoirs up in northern New Jersey and New York and Pennsylvania. That's where they get a lot of that water comes from. Yeah. But, yeah, I mean, so bagels and pizza. I think the biggest debate between north and south is pork roll versus tailor ham, which is a very sensitive subject. So why don't you explain what pork – most people probably don't even know what the hell pork roll is. I don't even know how to describe it. It's like a fake – No, it's – well, it's kind of like bologna. Yeah. But it's a harder, thicker bologna. Yes, and it comes in like a giant tube, tubey. Yeah, it comes in like – it looks like a sausage, like a very thick sausage roll. But there's not like casing. Yeah, you have to cut it with a knife. And the key to it is you cut it, and then you cut these little slits in it so that it doesn't curl up into this little cup-looking thing so it stays flat. A lot of people don't know that. I've taught people at work. Oh, really? Yeah, when we made pork roll or whatever, we get like a lot of – Oh, yeah, you always have to cut them. And I'm like – we were doing a lot of it, and I saw my coworker doing it, and I was like, yo, what are you doing? And he's like, what do you mean? And I was like, you've got to cut slits in that shit. I was like, we ain't having cups little – So you're making pork roll in the city? Because they don't even know about pork roll. Yeah, no, it's not that common. But the thing was is I got bosses from New Jersey. That's why. So pork roll or Taylor ham is the official name, and it's made – I think it's made by a company outside of Philadelphia. It's not even made in New Jersey? I don't think so. Because we lived – when I was younger, I lived outside of Philly, and we had it then. But what Lucy is saying, the southern New Jersey folks, what we were talking about earlier, the Philadelphia crowd and down, they call it Taylor ham. Which is wrong. And the northern people for some reason – because on the label it does say pork roll. We call it pork roll. And Jersey Shore. And Jersey Shore. North and Jersey Shore. It's pork roll. It's referred to as pork roll. But you know what's such bullshit? Because there are – I know north people also call it Taylor ham, like people I went to high school with. Most – it depends on what the menu says. A lot of menus change of like bagel shops or whatever. It depends on what – because they have their own way of saying it. If you look on the package of this stupid thing, it says Taylor's pork roll. Taylor made it. Taylor has made pork roll. It is not Taylor ham. It's not ham. It is pork roll. It has nothing to do with ham. Well, it's pork-based, right? It's a pig base probably. Yeah. But it's probably – everything goes through the grinder. You could say that it's in a similar category. Yes. But what people don't understand is if you look up that fucking label, it is Taylor's pork roll. Taylor is the person, not the thing. So that's why they're wrong, which like I'll – I've never put that much effort into it. Well, because college, Syracuse, we had a fuckton of New Jersey people. I mean we were – I don't know. Syracuse is probably like 95% east coasters and then the 5% random people. And I would get into arguments all the time with people, and they would be like – even my big in my sorority, she was like – she was diehard Taylor ham. And I was like, it's just not Taylor ham. And people take it so seriously. I'm taking it so seriously. As I said, I – I clearly lose sleep over this. Obviously. You've thought about this for a while. I don't think about it that often, so I just let it go. It's pork roll and I move on. But it is pork roll. But some people ask me. They're like – because some people think the north calls it Taylor ham. So a lot of people are like, so you grew up the north, but you call it pork roll. I was like – The other way around. Pork roll. I was like – but also I was like my mom is from Jersey Shore, so that's pork roll. It's pork roll. So I grew up in a pork roll house. I was like, Jesus Christ. Yeah, and if you go to – like we were talking about diners. You go to a diner and I'll have a pork roll. And it's pork roll. Pork roll on a bun or a roll with egg and cheese. It's delicious. Even if it says Taylor ham on the menu, I'm not saying Taylor ham. No. But they know what I'm saying. Yeah, exactly. Everybody knows what you're saying. Pork roll, egg, and cheese sounds better than a Taylor ham, egg, and cheese. So it's funny when people – you talk about it from people that don't know about it. And you bring it and they're like, you've got to try it. It's good. Some people have different reactions. They're like, you actually like this. It's probably like the people that love spam. I guess in Hawaii spam is like huge. I've had spam. It's gross. A lot of people love spam. Yeah, I don't like spam. But spam is kind of – if you had to compare it, it's kind of like a spam. Yeah, but that spam is more ham than pork roll will ever be ham. I think I've had it once. I had it. Yeah, yeah. And there's something about the pork roll. It's salty. Oh, and like the grease of it. Yeah. If people like pepperoni, they'll like pork roll. Yeah, yeah. It's just so stupid. But that is definitely a New Jersey thing. You don't see it. Anywhere. Rarely outside of New Jersey or eastern Pennsylvania. I don't think I've seen it in any other. No, you don't see it. Not in New York. No. No. Not in the New York City. So it's bacon and cheese. Yeah, bacon or ham. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Anyway, what else? Music. So New Jersey is – well, I mean – We got a lot of shit going for us. Everybody knows Springsteen, obviously. New Jersey people – And we live right near Asbury Park where – well, he actually grew up in Freehold, but – I don't care what kind of God person you believe in. The New Jersey people, they believe Bruce Springsteen. Bruce Springsteen is their God. It's crazy. It's crazy. Especially down at the shore. These kids grow up. That's their Bible. They know every word. They know – Your mom. I mean, talk about a diehard fan. They will track this man down in hopes of this man showing up at a concert. He will never show up to a concert. Okay? But big news, for those of you who don't, Asbury Park in Jersey has a big concert. Festival. Festival called See Her Now. It happens in September. And very – as of late, we found out Bruce Springsteen is performing, which is a big fucking deal. My number one fan, Gia, will be there. Don't you worry. Dad, you are going. I'm not going. No, we got tickets. They're crazy. It's like anybody buys tickets for whatever. You have to go online and deal with that bullshit. This will forever be the hardest See Her Now ticket to buy. Absolutely. In the history of See Her Now. Yeah, it's pretty cool. So you're going to see Bruce on the beach, which just to see groups playing on the beach is pretty cool. You're on a big beach with the water right there. And so he's played – he played at the first one. He showed up with – I forget the band. When was the first one? First one, they've done this now for about six years now. Oh, it's like not that old. No, no. It used to be called something else, and then they stopped it, and then they changed the name and reformatted it. Yeah, I mean it's – but he's – people have – he just shows up a lot of places, right? So he – and you just don't – you don't even notice him. I mean he just blends in. Yeah. He used to – he played at my high school when – He played at your high school? Yeah, before I was – went there. That's so funny. But he used to play in the softball league when I was in high school down the road, and he used to go to the gym. And this was during – I guess it was during like born in the USA. I mean he was big at that point. Yeah. But that's the kind of guy he is. He's just total – Well, now I feel like he just shows up randomly. And that's why people – I think people – why people like him even more because he's very accessible. He doesn't mind being around people. Yeah. He belongs to one of the beach clubs near here, and people see him all the time. Nobody bothers him. Yeah. And he doesn't – there's no show with him. He's an everyday guy, or at least wants to be. Yeah. And it's pretty cool. It's pretty cool to actually – you just can't believe. You're like this is Susan Springsteen. Like he's huge. Yeah. Where does he live now? Colts Neck. He still lives in Colts Neck? Yeah, he still lives in Colts Neck. Wow, good for him. Yeah. I'm sure he has other houses, but that's his primary – Dyer, Colts Neck. Yeah, well, that's where I grew up. But, I mean, he's huge. I mean, he even just showed up in Barclays Center with Zach Bryan and Maggie Rogers. Right, you said that. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, which I don't think he was – I think it was a Zach Bryan concert. It was. And I think they randomly just showed up, which is cool. Yeah, there was no reason – I thought there was a reason why he showed up. I don't think so. There was definitely a reason why he was there, but I don't know. I didn't look further into it. We saw him last year in Hyde Park. I remember I told you that, right? Yeah. Your mother and I. That was cool. And the amazing thing is we were talking to a lot of the people, a lot of the British people, and they're like – Did you say a lot of the British people? Yeah. What do you mean a lot of the British people? What do you call them? They're British. Oh, oh. Hyde Park. Fuck, sorry. It's in London. Hello? I forgot where that was. I'm thinking we're still in New Jersey. I was like, I know a lot of your friends are British. No, we're just saying about Bruce. We're asking people, and they're like, never seen him. Kind of listened to his music, and they're like, yeah. And they're like, this is awesome. And there was like 100,000 people there, and it was pretty cool to see people who aren't like crazies. Because here, people are crazies, right? Oh, my God. Die hard, die hard fans. Yeah. They'll die for that, man. Yeah, no, it's insane. Yeah. It's like we've been to the metal lands or whatever it's called, Metal Giant Stadium or whatever, MetLife. And, you know, it's insane. It's not even fun going because it's just too many people, and everybody is the biggest fan, and you're just kind of like whatever. Yeah. I've seen him too many times, and he's good. He's great. He puts on an awesome show. And there's bands here, like he's famous for Stone Pony, which is an awesome venue in Asbury Park. And it was in New Jersey. And they have I don't even know how many cover bands that play just Springsteen. And people – it sells out all the time. These guys, that's all they do is they just play Bruce. And some of them are good. Some are okay. They'll never do it like him. No, of course not because it's fun. No. But it's just amazing that you go to these things and you're like this is sold out. And they play like every other month that you can go see one of these cover bands. And it's like, holy jeez, that's how crazy people are here with him. I mean my own mom, every time she sees her, you've seen him how many times? It's like she's seeing him for the first time. Yeah. It's just like a roller coaster. And I'm like, okay, great. And she's like, he was so good. I was like, I understand. So what else is New Jersey known for? So music, there's a lot of famous people that people don't realize that were born in – A lot of people are from New Jersey. I think that's – I mean Tom Cruise. Tom Cruise, yeah. Jersey Shore kid. We knew Tom Cruise's – still know Tom Cruise's sister. Yes. Cass, yeah. Not to expose her. We know her. That's true. Who else did we talk about? Frank Sinatra. That's a big one. Whitney Houston. Whitney Houston's kids went to school at – Whitney Houston's from New Jersey? Yeah. Her kids went to your school. No. What? What are you talking about? They went to Gill, but they were younger. They never went to high school there. They only went for like a year or two. I'm almost positive they went. That's where they went. I'm going to look that up. I don't believe that. She lived in Mendham. Really? Yeah. Okay. Who else we got? We got Martha Stewart. We got Jon Bon Jovi, John Travolta, Jack Nicholson, Chelsea Handler, Jon Stewart. The Jonas Brothers. That's a big one. For you it is. Dennis Rodman. Who the fuck is that? He's a basketball player. Oh, well, that's great for him. Derek Jeter. That's cool, I guess. Bruce Willis. Anyway, there's a lot of people, right? It's amazing what this state has produced. Yeah. Okay, so if you didn't live in New Jersey, say New Jersey didn't exist or whatever, where would you go? I mean just in general, if I wanted to go live someplace else. Yeah. I mean probably, well, I'd want to live on a lake because I need to be near water, right, whether it's the ocean. I prefer a lake because we had a house growing up. I love, like, Colorado because I like all the outdoor stuff, right? Yeah. And you can do, I mean, it's actually, you know, always people, it's known for skiing, but we've been there in the summer. It's probably even better in the summer. Yeah. You have white water. There's horsebacking. There's mountain biking. There's just, you just want to be outside. The weather's awesome. There's no humidity. So if I had a choice, that's kind of where I would probably choose, or even like northern, like Sedona is awesome, Arizona. I wouldn't live in Phoenix. It's way too hot, way too hot. Arizona is hot in general. A lot of people want to live there. I'm like, I don't know. I've been there. I've been there many times. I don't like heat. I mean it gets up to 115 and stuff like that. Like, fuck that. No, it's too hot. I can do 95. No, there's no humidity. No, no. That's not even – No. That's not healthy. So that's probably – I mean I don't really have any interest in like Florida because, you know, hurricanes. I don't want hurricanes. Yeah, but also living that lifestyle. I feel like Florida, you're living a specific – And it's always hot. – type of lifestyle, which is fine. Like five months out of the year, you can't go outside because it's too hot, too humid. Yeah, Florida's like a good place to visit in my eyes. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, like I'm good with that. Yeah, so I mean, yeah. New Jersey, I mean that's – yeah, I love the West. I mean California is great, but, you know, it's too expensive. It depends. It's beautiful. California. There's so many different parts to it because it's like whether you get into the – I doubt you would ever go in the L.A. direction. But then there's – No, I'd be northern, like north of San Francisco or between San Francisco and L.A. Where's San Diego? That's way south. San Diego's really nice. Oh. Yeah. We've only been to San Francisco, so I don't know. Yeah. No, San Diego's really nice. That's at the bottom. But, yeah, that would be pretty cool living there. Yeah? Yeah. That's true. I don't know. Middle of the country, I'm good. Seems interesting. Yeah, no, I don't want to live anywhere in the middle of the country. Where do you go? What do you do? What do you do? There's nothing there. It's just flat. No. I don't know. I mean that's funny. When you're looking at some of these states and whatever and certain things, especially getting into retirement, people want to get out of New Jersey because it's too expensive and all that kind of stuff. But you've got to think of like healthcare, right? So healthcare becomes a big deal. Yeah. New Jersey has one of the best. So that means a lot, right? Yeah. And so trying to find a doctor, trying to find anybody in some of these parts, it's not easy. Yeah. Right? So you're giving up a lot of that. And then we like food, giving up that. Yeah. Like New Jersey, you can literally, any kind of food. Yeah. And it's good. It's really good food. Whereas other places we've been to, you're like, this is not even edible. Yeah. Right? And we talked about pizza and the simple things you can't even get. No. That's why people like Domino's and Pizza Hut and all that because that's all they have. Yeah, we didn't grow up because we always had pizza places down the street or in our town that we would get pizza from. Yeah. I was in, for business, I was in Nashville and I love Nashville. We were just outside of Nashville, I guess just north of it, near the airport. And so we were in meeting, business meeting, and the guy's like, oh, you can get some pizza. And I'm like, where do you get pizza from? I'm like, that's cool. He's like, we get it from Papa John's. I'm like, oh, my God. This was like eating a piece of cardboard. Oh, God. Yeah. And he goes, that's it. That's all we have. That's just sad. It's sad, right? Pizza's the way of life around here. We have pizza competition. It's sad. Yeah, they just have the pizza competition. Yeah, that's. It also, I think very much New Jersey and New York people very much have an opinion about how they like their pizza. I think there's a difference of the thin crust versus thick or. Well, the big one is Chicago, right? Yeah. The deep dish. I had it once, but I think I had it in a bad place. You have to grow up on deep dish, right? So I don't mind. It's like a meal. That's not like you're just going to slice a pizza. No, it's just. No. It's not. It's good, but it's not my preferred. Yeah. Know what I fuck with? A square pizza. I love a square pizza. I think they're so good. There's a place in New York that it's near my friend's apartment. It's Vito's. They make a grandma slice. Damn. I'll go. Is it like Sicilian style? I'll go to Hudson Yards just fucking Vito's. Sicilian? Yeah. The thicker one. Yeah. Oh, yeah. It's so good. It's good. Yeah. There's one of those weird things you're like, wow, I could really go for that type of pizza. There was one day I was craving it, and I told my friend. I was like, okay, I want Vito's. That's all I want. I don't care whether you do this with me or not. I'm going to get Vito's. When I was younger, probably why I had so many stomach issues, but I used to eat the pasta pizza, which was penne alla vodka on pizza. You used to love that shit. Why? You used to eat that like you were going to the chair. I could have eaten three of them, but I was only allowed one. We did a favor for you. It was six meals a month. I didn't eat it because an hour later, I'm eating a bowl of ice cream. But we didn't let you get the soda, so. No. No. We don't need to go into that. For whoever has had a Coke slushie at Burger King, let me fucking know how it is, because I was deprived of the freaking Coke slushie my entire life. I've never had one. You did have one. You did have one. What are you talking about? Not from Burger King. I've had one in my life. I'm going to go buy one tomorrow from Burger King. Where's the nearest Burger King around here? I don't even know. I'll go to 7-Eleven. They have Coke slushies. No. No. No. I need it from Burger King. Why? It's the same shit. Because it's... To give you backstory, we had a Burger King in our town, and when we were younger, whenever it was like we had a babysitter coming over, just like... Babysitter. Normally it was babysitter. Usually. Our parents would take us to get Burger King, or babysitter would go. So my parents had this rule, because I was the youngest, that you had to be a specific age. You had to be older to get the Coke slushie. I could get the blue or the red. Which probably had more sugar in it. You'd never have... The logic didn't make any sense. No. But it was just more the point of... Yes. I couldn't have soda. That was the big thing. It was the soda thing. And so... But as my older sister got older, she could have the Coke slushie. And all of a sudden, there was this switch where we would go to Burger King, and my older sister would order the Coke slushie, and I'd be like, why can't I have one? And you're always like, you're too young. You can't. You can only have the blue or... Oh, you and your sister didn't have it. Blue or red. Yes. So Kendall didn't have it. Yes. Kendall was not allowed to have it. I understand that, but I took it personally. I remember a specific time, my babysitter, God bless her soul, we put her through a lot. She took us... You guys, I guess, were already out or something. And she took us to Burger King, and I reached over the counter, I lifted my body partly over the counter, and I whispered to the lady, I was like, can I please have a Coke slushie? And my babysitter, I guess, heard me or heard the lady say it, and my babysitter was like, you can't have it. Was this Kristen? Yeah, it was Kristen. God bless her soul. She was like, you can't have it. And I was like, my parents aren't here. And she's like, I know you can't have the Coke slushie. She was like, you can have it. That's why Kristen was so good. She was so good. I almost cut her hair. I almost did a lot of things to her. Wow. That was one of those babysitters that you had for so long, that you went through a lot of stuff. I remember her car, she named Annie. That was the funniest thing in the world. And then I remember she got in a flight with a Dairy Queen employee, because we went and she was on this diet or something, and she was like, she saw on the sign that it said frozen yogurt. And she's like, oh, I'll get frozen yogurt because it's healthier. So we went and obviously I'm getting like soft serve, like hard chocolate dip, whatever. And she asked if they could, if they had froyo, and she was like, oh, no, we don't have it. And I don't know if it is the diet that made her crazy, but she was fed up. She was like, why is your fucking sign say frozen yogurt? You don't have frozen yogurt. And she threw a fucking fit. I don't even know what happened if she got ice cream. And you're probably just like, can I just have my ice cream? I know. But at the end of the day, I've never, I've never had a Burger King Coke slushie, because then we just stopped eating Burger King for whatever reason, but I've never had it. And I'll never let my parents live that down, because I've never had it from Burger King. So I don't want a 7-Eleven. I've had it from 7-Eleven. I've had it. I know what a Coke slushie tastes like. But I want a Burger King. Hurry, I'm going to Burger King tomorrow, and I'm going to buy you a fucking Coke slushie or whatever the hell it is. Hopefully they don't. They still have it. I mean, Burger King. I don't know who goes to Burger King, but anyway. That's what I'm saying. Where is even the nearest Burger King? It's right down. It's far from here. It's like a couple miles away. All right. Fine. I don't even know how we on this fucking night. Oh, you know what New Jersey has? The Wawa's. Wawa's. Well, that's based out of Philadelphia. But yes, they are huge now in New Jersey. Yeah. They're everywhere. They're like literally every two miles. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. People love them. They swear by Wawa. Oh, yeah. I mean, the gas is good. Even my own brother-in-law, he gets meatball subs from there, which is psychotic. Yeah. That's gross. That's gross. But not people go in there. Those inside, you know, for people who don't know what a Wawa is. Wawa is a meatball. It's a meatball. It's a meatball. It's a meatball. It's a meatball. It's a meatball. It's a meatball. It's a meatball. It's a meatball. It's a meatball. It's a meatball. It's a meatball. It's a meatball. It's a meatball. It's a meatball. It's a meatball. It's a meatball. It's a meatball. It's a meatball. It's a meatball. It's a meatball. It's a meatball. It's a meatball. It's a meatball. It's a meatball. It's a meatball. It's a meatball. It's a meatball. It's a meatball. It's a meatball. It's a meatball. It's a meatball. It's a meatball. It's a meatball. It's a meatball. It's a meatball. It's a meatball. It's a meatball. 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