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There is a new gym near our company and the speaker has been there several times and even got an annual membership. The gym is clean and has a warm swimming pool. New members currently get a buy one month, get one month free promotion. The speaker likes to do strength training and recommends the treadmill or yoga classes for weight loss. If concerned about injury, it is suggested to hire a trainer to help create an exercise plan. The speaker recommends their own trainer, who is patient and can be reached at 88365011. 王琳,听说咱们公司附近新开了一家健身房,你想不想去试试? 当然,我都去过好几次了,还办了一张年卡呢 这个健身房怎么样? 不错,里面有大有干净,气息很全,还有一个温水游泳池 真的? 真的 对了,现在新会员有优惠,买一个月送,一个月 你去健身房都做什么运动? 我喜欢主动,锁力量四年,我最近胖了不少,需要减肥 有什么适合我的运动吗? 你可以在跑步机上跑步,或是上瑜伽课,主动也是很好的选择 可是,我没用过哪些器械,会不会很容易受伤? 要是你怕受伤,最好先请个教练,让他帮你制定一个锻炼计划,带你一起练 你能给我推荐一个好教练吗? 我的教练教得不错,也很有耐心,你可以问问他 他的电话号码是88365011,你能不能再说一遍,我没记下来 88365011