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Final oral assignement week 15

Final oral assignement week 15

martin grenier



Final oral assignement week 15


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The speaker is recording their final assignment for English 2001. They are satisfied with their achievement and feel that the online format of the course was convenient. They did not like the automatic correction feature because it sometimes made mistakes. The oral portion of the course was the most helpful for them in practicing speaking. They did not find any section of the course more interesting than the others. They did not feel discouraged or ridiculous while learning a second language. They have been creating opportunities to speak English through their new job. They consider themselves weak in languages and have to put in a lot of effort to learn. Besides the course, they have daily contact with English through their job. They believe the ideal way to learn languages would be through a chip in the brain, but since that doesn't exist, consistent practice is important. They thank their teacher and hope to work together again. Hi Mr. Couturemat, my name is Martin. So, today I will record the final assignment, our part, week 15, and I will start right away. So, in front of me I have the final assignment, our part, with the questions you want me to answer. So, let's go right away. Okay, my experience with English 2001. Are you satisfied with your achievement? So far, yes, I'm really satisfied with my achievement, following all of the courses, and now I'm able to improve my technique and my pronunciation. Like you heard, I'm talking slowly because it's really important to get a good pronunciation, as there was pronunciation. Second question, what did you like the most about courses? What I like about the courses is the way to accessing the lesson. It was pretty easy, via internet, and it was easy to correct them. So, even if it's a Monday night, a Wednesday night, even Saturday morning, yeah, yeah, yeah, I've done some homework during Saturday morning with a cup of coffee. It was pretty easy to find all the assignments and corrections. Other question, what did you like the least? It's strange, but what I like the least is the part of the automatic corrections, automatically corrections. You know what I mean, when you finish your homework, you can drop it and click a button to make a correction. Sometimes, I notice some mistakes even in the correction sheet. So, time to time, it's tricky when you are student and you click B as an answer, you look at the correction sheet and say C, but the correct answer is still B. You know what I mean? If you want, I can show some examples because I made some screenshots to help you. If you want, it doesn't matter. Other question, what section of the course did you find the most helpful? By far, for real, it's the oral portion during the correction, during the courses. What I mean, it's not necessarily only the oral part, but you exchange with me sometimes and I appreciate, of course. So, this is the part of the lesson I liked the most because the problem when you learn a new language is, for me, it's my opinion, is to practice this language because when you wrote something in English or you read something in English, there's a context. But when you speak with someone else one-on-one, it's a little bit harder because it's stressful, you have time to time some words slip over the tongue, you know what I mean? So, to answer to your question, the oral portion during the course, that helped me really a lot. Other question, what section of the course did you find the most interesting? Unfortunately, I didn't find any section more interesting than the other section. All of them, they are interesting, they helped me, but I don't find any section more helpful, but more interesting. Other question, your experience in learning a second language, many language learners feel very negative about their learning experiences. They said they feel discouraged, frustrated, impatient, confused. Have you experienced any of these feelings? My answer is absolutely not. Even if I'm not 100% fluent in English, I'm really pretty proud of myself to be able to speak in two languages versus certain people, especially in Montreal or wherever, here in Quebec, they are able to speak only one language. They don't make many efforts to try to understand or to learn French because even if we are in English courses, still, French, it's really interesting to learn and it's really nice languages too. So, for this question, I'm really proud of myself. Other question, some people feel ridiculous expressing themselves in a second language. Did you ever feel that way? Time to time, but most of the time, I don't feel ridiculous. Like I said a few minutes ago, I try to do my best in other languages, so I know I'm not perfect. I know I make sometimes some mistakes, but for me, I have to be proud of myself, again, to try Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, day after day, and during all of the years, so I don't feel ridiculous, but I know it's not perfect. But when you make some effort to someone else to speak in their own languages, they will help you time to time to be more attentive because they are able to understand you doing the most you can do in this language. Other question, do you think you are creating or targeting opportunities to speak English more than before you took English 2001? Not necessarily, but three months ago, I started in a new job, and in this job, it's a Canadian company, and they are really big. It's coast to coast in Canada. So, almost 95% of the time, they speak only in English, and trust me, unfortunately, they don't do something for the Francophones in Montreal offices. So, I have a lot of opportunity to practice my here, and practice my language when it's time to speak with all of my colleagues. For example, in BC, Alberta, Manitoba, and... Yeah, time to time, I feel a little bit stressful, especially when it's time to speak to the big bosses in English, but they are really nice people. Other question, some people say they have a gift for languages, others say they don't. Will you regard yourself as strong or weak in languages? Unfortunately, certainly, my weakness is to learn something. I'm not the one, the student, you know what I mean? When it's time to go to school, some students, they read only one time their lesson, and everything goes well. In my case, it's not my case, unfortunately, I have to read one, twice, third, fourth time, to be sure I catch everything. So, in this case, to learn English, to learn another language, I make so many, so many efforts, it's unbelievable. That's why, today, I'm really proud. Other question, besides English 2001, what is your daily contact with English? Like I said some minutes ago, it's by far my new job, because it's only in English, and when I say in English, it's not only the part when I speak with colleagues or bosses, it's all the documentation, all the emails, so, yeah, I have many opportunities, trust me, 40 hours a week to learn English, and after my homework at university, so, I learn a lot. Other question, what will be the ideal way for you to learn languages? The ideal way to learn English, or to learn another language, is to order a chip that can be inserted in your brain, and it works like a special chip with enough buttons, but, unfortunately, this invention, I think, it's not already invented, so, the most important thing is to put all the effort, day after day, week after week, and try not to be discouraged, because it's hard, but it's possible to learn two languages, even three, four, not for me, English is enough, but, so, nothing is easy, when it's time to learn. The only word you don't have many rights to forget, it's the word practice, practice, practice, again and again, read the cereal boxes in English, read recipe in English, listen radio in English, listen TV show in English, in my case, I speak time to time with my 13 years daughter in English, even my daughter, she's able to speak three languages, not that much, but she's really, she's doing really a big effort to learn Spanish language. So, thank you very much, Mr. Couturemat, it was really a pleasure to be your student, I wish you, for real, a really nice summer, and it could be really nice if we work again together. Thank you, bye bye.

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