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cover of Hypnosis with Autogenic Training
Hypnosis with Autogenic Training

Hypnosis with Autogenic Training


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The transcription is guiding the listener through a relaxation exercise. They are instructed to focus on their breath, release tension in their body, and create sensations of heaviness, warmth, and coolness in different parts of their body. The exercise aims to help the listener relax and tap into their subconscious to create desired thoughts, feelings, or experiences. The listener is encouraged to imagine a courageous and creative version of themselves and to rise above stress and anxiety. The transcription ends with a technique called the nowhere technique, where the listener is guided to a place of nothingness to identify and release any blocks to creating what they want. Breathe in and breathe out. As you breathe in and breathe out, go ahead and close the eyes. As you breathe in and breathe out, pay attention to your breath. You don't need to speed up or slow down. Simply pay attention to it with awareness. Open your body and notice anywhere that you're carrying any tension or tightness and simply let that tension release. Drop the shoulders, unclench the jaw. You can even drop your chin toward your chest a little bit and although this can help you relax, at no time are you going to be asleep. Instead, you will simply be deeply relaxed while learning new skills and strategies. You'll probably notice that your breathing has already become more smooth and rhythmic without any effort on your part at all. Your heart rate has probably even slowed a little bit, becoming calm and regular. As you continue to breathe in, relax the muscles of the brow, the muscles of the jaw, the muscles of the neck and shoulders. Continue to breathe in and breathe out. Go ahead and open your eyes for a moment. Open your eyes just for a moment and check in with yourself. Ask yourself if you are a little more relaxed and calm now than you were a moment ago. It's pretty amazing how easily we can create a new state so rapidly just by closing the eyes, releasing the tension and letting some of our muscles relax. Go ahead and once again close the eyes down. Breathing in and breathing out. Bringing yourself to that point of relaxation where you were just a moment ago. Maybe even noticing yourself doubling that sensation of relaxation with each and every breath. Notice the arms becoming relaxed and heavy, the loosening muscles like loose rubber bands in the back and the belly and even the muscles in the buttocks and thighs. As you breathe in and breathe out, bring your attention for a moment to your hands. Notice how you can even relax the tiny muscles of the hands, even the tiny muscles of the fingers. Just let those hands relax and be completely supported. And when they're completely relaxed, you will find that the relaxation causes you to become aware of the sense of heaviness. Think of the word heavy for a moment. Think of your hands and say to yourself, my hands are heavy. My hands are heavy. Really noticing how heavy your hands are. They are so heavy in fact that if you try to lift your hands, you'll notice they become locked down, heavy from relaxation and even if you tried to move your hands, because they're so heavy and deeply relaxed, you would have no desire to do so. So breathing in again and breathing out, thinking the word warmth. Think warmth like that which might come from the sun or warmth like that which might come from inside the body. And as you focus on your heavy hands, continue thinking the word warmth. As you focus on your hands, thinking of that word, allow yourself to notice the sensation of warmth in your hands. You can notice both a sense of warmth and heaviness. Saying to yourself, my hands are warm. My hands are warm. My hands are warm. Notice that feeling of warmth that comes from inside, where that can be felt on the back of the hands as they rest. As your body relaxes, your legs, your thighs, your calves, your shins and even your feet can relax. Even the little tiny muscles of the toes can relax. You can notice a sense of heaviness in your feet and the muscles relaxing. In fact, think of the word heavy again and say to yourself, my feet are heavy. My feet are heavy. Think of that word warmth. And as you think of the word, notice the sensation of warmth in those feet. Just let those feet be warm and heavy. My feet are warm and heavy. My feet are warm and heavy. It's amazing how we can actually create a sensation of warmth and heaviness, even though we haven't touched the thermostat. And as you breathe in and breathe out, notice the heart rate is calm and regular, smooth and rhythmic. Bring your attention to your forehead, across your brow. And as you pay attention to your forehead, think of the word cool, allowing your forehead to experience a sense of coolness. Saying to yourself, my forehead is cool. My forehead is cool. My forehead is cool. You're doing perfect. Having created both an awareness of warmth in one part of the body and coolness in another part of the body, as well as creating a feeling of heaviness in the hands and feet. Five, four, three, two, one. Deep relaxation. And the lesson here is that you can create any sensation, thought, or experience. You can achieve by thinking thoughts such as relaxed, cool, heavy, or warm. You're able to notice those things and create those experiences in your body. So I have a question for you. What else would you like to create? Healing? Change? Perhaps love? Or calmness? Or maybe it's more energy? I may not know what is most important for you to create in this time that you've set aside today. Maybe your conscious mind is not even aware of what it is, but there is a part of you that knows what is most important for you to create today. Whatever that thought, feeling, or experience is, be it known or unknown to your conscious mind, it is a part of your subconscious awareness. Continue to relax. Breathing in and out. You know that by setting this time aside, you will manifest what is most important to you today. And your body and your mind and your soul knows what is most important today. Notice how you feel physically. Notice the feeling of heaviness in the muscles as they relax. Notice the sense of heaviness in the eyelids. And even notice the weight of your resting hands. They feel so deeply relaxed and heavy that even though your mind knows you can move them, moving them isn't something you care to do. You are enjoying the stillness, if even for a brief moment in this day. Now notice your feet are also feeling very heavy and deeply relaxed. And with the creative part of your mind, imagine the stressed version of yourself heavily relaxing. Also, imagine a new you, a courageous you, composed in the part of your mind where creativity sits. And this courageous you begins to feel a sense of lightness. It is a lightness that transcends any stress. It is a lightness that feels as if it can rise above you. Feel that creative, courageous you right now. It's the part of you that knows it can handle any situation. And it is the part of you that is capable of healing during difficult times. So let that feeling of lightness begin to float out of you and above you. As if the real you has found a way to rise above the stress. As you both relax and float, allowing the creative part of your mind to continue to imagine the real you. The creative, courageous you rising above. You can even travel high up and far away and see yourself transcending both the place where you are and the time constraints imposed by any stress or anxiety. Allow yourself to enjoy and luxuriate sitting in the feeling of being beyond any limitations, any deadlines, anyone's needs right now, or stress. Just feeling the sensations of serenity, peace, and freedom. You can let your mind drift, dream, and float. Becoming detached from any worldly concerns. Rising above to a higher place where your higher self can truly succeed and use all of your strengths that are deep within you. Paying attention to your feelings of confidence, freedom, and joy. These are not states that I am creating right now. These are states that you have created by simply taking this moment to use the power of your mind. And to tap into your inner resources. It feels good to tap into these resources and know that they can be accessed at any time. So just like a soap bubble gently floating to a resting spot, allow that lighter, higher self to drift back into an awareness of your relaxed and heavy body. And you realize that while this mental exercise has been an experience, you can always create the ability to feel and rise above your circumstances. As I count backwards from 5 to 1, deepen your hypnotic state. 5, 4, 3, let yourself relax completely. You are not asleep, 2, just deeply relaxed, 1, and 0. Over the next couple minutes, I am going to guide you through a process of dissociating here from there. This is a technique that Milton Erickson called the nowhere technique. And as you relax, you can recognize the part of you that is here. You can feel the surface below you while you have your eyes closed and your mind relaxed. But you can also see that a part of you is drifting away. Drifting to a place that is really nowhere. In fact, drifting to the place we will call the middle of nowhere. You can let your mind drift and meet me there, in this place that has no time. It is a place that has no place in the middle of nowhere. It is a place that has these words in your awareness. It is a place that is neither here nor there. Just a place of your own creation. In the middle of nowhere, there is no awareness of pain. It is simply an awareness of nothingness. Here in the middle of nowhere, nothingness is just fine. There is nothing to be, nothing to feel. There are no feelings to feel in the middle of nowhere. It is a very pleasant place to be, isn't it? It is here that you can identify what is the most important to you, such as a state of healing, a state of change, or maybe a state of empowerment. It is here that you can release now anything, either known or unknown to you, that is blocking you from experiencing this thing that you want to create. Sit there for a moment in the space with me, in the space of nothingness, because it is also perfectly fine to create nothing and just be. And we don't have very many opportunities or take many opportunities to do just that, to just sit here in presence and be. Allow a smile to come onto your face. Even if it feels silly, no one is going to see you. It is the space of nothingness. Bringing a smile to your face and knowing that when you are here, anything is possible. Anything is possible. And so just like that bubble that floated up in here, we are now going to drift back down to earth, as if a little dandelion seed had been trapped in the bubble, and the bubble burst. We are now drifting down, down, down, down, closer and closer back into our heavy, warm body. And so as you drift back down towards your body, and as you rest on the top of your own head, pulling back into your seat, into your legs, into your arms, anchoring right at your center, your core, and you feel yourself fully alive in your mind, I'm going to count from zero to five. And I want you to open your eyes and smile when I reach five. Zero. One. Feeling your cheeks pulling upwards. Two. Three. Feeling warm in your heart. Four. Five. Big smile on your face, even if you don't feel it. When we feel it, we can change how our mind thinks, simply by changing how we feel in our body. They affect each other. What we think changes how we feel, and what we feel changes how we think. So let's think and feel in a most positive space today. www.mooji.org

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