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President Joseph F. Smith had a vision about salvation for everyone. He learned that people who die without knowing the gospel can still receive blessings in the afterlife if certain temple ordinances are done for them. This shows that relationships and salvation can continue after death. These beliefs are specific to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Hi, I'm Joshua Pacheco with Starz Talent Studio. A quarter century later, President Joseph F. Smith received a heavenly vision of the ongoing work of salvation for all mankind. He saw that those who die without knowledge of the gospel can receive blessings in the next life provided that essential priesthood ordinances are performed vicariously for them in dedicated temples. In this way, covenant relations can persist beyond the grave and all God's children can be exalted through the gospel of Jesus Christ. These beliefs about Heavenly Father's plan of exaltation realized through the ordinances of His temple are unique to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.