Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker discusses various topics, including how they are affected by daylight savings, their positive mood, meeting new friends as an adult, maintaining friendships, infidelity at a bank, their own experiences with cheating and trust issues, and Photoshop mistakes in pictures of celebrities. They also mention wanting to rewatch old reality shows. It's interesting, I feel like I get really affected by daylight savings and like normally I'm pretty negative, like I generally am complaining, but for some reason this daylight savings has like given me a whole new lease on life, like I am in such a good mood all the time. I know, well it's only been four days. It is, I think it's because there's daylight after work and like this far north it doesn't, like I forget how much I miss the sun. I wish, I really wish, no, every time I try to be a bitch it doesn't work out. How is Ryan? Oh, you're netting neutral. How do you feel about your mom coming to visit? Are you excited? Yes. Bitsy. Yay. I want to meet her, I want to come to Charleston at some point. So, it will be a year in the fall, right, or, got it, that's like right around the corner. Yeah, that's the same thing, I think, mentally. Whoa, like a friend in the wild. Yeah. I love that, I feel like meeting new friends as an adult is really hard. I love that. Yeah. Yeah. The person I was seeing, I'm no longer seeing, but I can. It's good, we're still friends. I think that's part of the good mood is like finally, not finally, but like being able to be like honest and move through like conflict is, I'm just really proud of myself for that because it doesn't always work, you know? Yeah. So maybe that's part of a good mood of like being able to maintain a friendship with someone and also, for lack of better words, speak my truth. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. It's like bittersweet, but I think I'm just not ready, you know, to date. Yeah, yeah. And so, yeah, and on that note, yeah. I'm sorry if I brought it up weird. Yeah, well, I'll tell you all about it. We can do it off pod. I can, yeah. Sure. And we're back with some old dead gossip that I still think about to this day. Okay, so when I lived in Portland, I had a friend, and she worked at a bank, and I don't know if you know this about banks. Everybody's fucking each other. Everybody. It's like similar to a cruise ship. It's very incestuous. Yeah. Yeah, cruises make sense because it's like you have nowhere to go. You're, yeah, hot, active, I think. I don't know. Well, I have seen the low deck, and... Okay, the other thing, and this is different to my old gossip story that I was about to bring up. But I had a friend, or a friend of a friend, who her mom was a doctor on cruise ships, and so they basically traveled the world on cruise ships. And I think she was homeschooled, basically. Yeah, and also the idea, was she the only doctor? Because that would be insane to me. That number of people. Is that another preview? That's fine. Okay, so, yeah, everybody's fucking each other. And cruise ships, small and large, everybody's fucking. Confirmed by friend of a friend whose mom was a doctor. And then also confirmed by the Bravo series, the low deck. Okay, so, I went with my friend to this company picnic. And there were like tons of kids. Everyone seemed, you know, they were with their partners. It was all like very, I don't know, very small town Americana, I guess. But it was Portland, Oregon, so not really small town. And then my friend pulled me aside, and she's like, well, actually, she's married to him. But those two are having an affair, and they talked at the office. And they were like at the branch. So it was just this branch. And it was just marriage after marriage that I was looking at, this family picnic, where, like, there was infidelity. And I'm not, like, I'm not espousing any judgment. I just thought it was so funny that something so boring, like being at a bank. I mean, that might be the reason why they would cheat, yeah. Yeah, yeah, I mean, like, what do bank tellers do all day? I mean, everything is online. Ugh. Oh. Liz. I'm so sorry. Liz. Hmm. Yeah. It just sucks, yeah. Yeah, perhaps. I feel like a number, like a critical mass of, like, how big an office is to where that stuff is happening. Because, like, I can confirm there's no cheating in my office. Or five or six, yeah. Yeah, to where there's, yeah. Because, like, there's just no way. Also, two of those people are my parents, so. Yes. Hmm. Hmm. Yeah. I don't know. Well, I'm maybe not the right person to ask, because I would be open to an open thing. But if they, like, yeah. Yeah, I agree. But, like, if I knew that they had cheated in the past, I think, yeah, I think I would be less, like, I would have fewer trust issues, perhaps. Or, like, more okay with the idea that they had cheated in their past. If we, like, have that conversation, that in our relationship, it would be more open. But if they wanted to close it, I would be, like, a little scared. Scared. I did. Oh, I'll do that right now. Hmm. Hmm. You lose them how you caught them. You lose them how you caught them. No. I'm roll, I'm, I'm rolling with it. Can you hear the heater in my, in the background of my call? Okay. Hopefully it doesn't come up. Sorry. Okay. It's like, certainly, you know, it's moving air around. You can see with this bag. And it's an old furnace, so perhaps, okay. Well, fantastic stuff. Riveting. But, wait, wait. I feel like I have something else to say regarding your question. Or, have you ever been cheated on? Yeah. Yeah. Remember I told you about the craziest thing I did to an ex where it was, their bed was revealed? So, that same ex was, we were, when we were together, we were dumb idiots. I was, like, 19. He was 21. And we were all piled in this car. And I was sitting on his lap. But it was a sedan. So, like, my neck was, like, it was unsafe for sure. While that was happening, there was a girl in between in the middle seat. Like, and they made out while I was on top of them. And I just didn't know because my back was literally to them. And... I was so, also not good, but I was, like, that was the drunkest summer of my entire life. And so, I was fucked up and I, like, thought I saw them. But, like, I literally had to, like, it was, like, or a coop or something. It was, like, there was a two-door or something. It was a tiny car. It was a clown car. And I, like, physically couldn't turn around to look. But I thought I heard something. And I thought I saw something. But they stopped when they saw me, like, trying to see what was going on. And then a friend confirmed it, like, a month later. At first, I was upset, but I never confronted him. Because I, or I guess it wasn't confirmed until, like, way later. Until after we broke up. I think the whole thing has been, like, what an asshole, but also LOL. Like, yeah. Like, yeah. Yeah, I mean, that's pretty crazy. Right, yeah. Yeah. It's not been. I think my trust issues stem from something beyond, or, like, different than cheating. Like, mine are about, like, if I can believe their feelings for me. Just because the past relationship was, like, it's a lot of love bombing and, like, future selling. And then not following through with anything and reneging on, you know, a mortgage agreement that we made. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, it's not like during the relationship I was like, I don't believe that you love me or whatever. It was like, they were, yeah, they said they loved me, but they were doing very abusive things verbally and emotionally. And so I think my trust issues would probably, like, I have a hard time with the idea of dating. Because I feel like I don't trust myself not to get into another situation like that. And I think that's really shitty. And I at least know my own fears, but I'm just not ready to try and combat that, I guess. Yeah. Yeah. Well, it's like the same thing. I'm happy for you too. And I really don't think I would again. I just, like, don't even want to, I don't know. I don't even want to put myself out there anymore lately. Or still. Yeah. Yeah. But it's like the same thing as, like, watching a cult documentary and being like, oh, that would never happen to me. But it's like... Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, like the lady that did that, like, 55 part TikTok. Yeah. Yeah. Did you do a background check on Ryan before you guys got married? Yeah. Yeah. I do, yeah. Okay. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Yeah. Me too. No. Yes, she's here. I'm harboring Kate Middleton. So once we started talking about that last week, I, like, my TikTok honed in. Like, my algorithm was like, you want to know where Kate Middleton is. And so I was just getting all the memes, all the theories. But anyway, I really just wanted to say I loved Kelly Mantle's response, the drag queen from, I think, season seven. She photoshopped herself into that picture of Kate and the kids. I just am astounded, like, at the Photoshop shittiness. Like... Yeah. Like, really badly. Okay, so in architecture, you have to do these renderings. And I'm a bad renderer. Like, I'm bad at it. And I have limited Photoshop skills. I think it would be really hard for me to get a job because I'm really bad at rendering. And some people are incredible. Like, especially the photorealistic renders. Like, we had to learn to do it and, like, take PNG cutouts and put them in this, like, space that doesn't actually exist, basically. And so if I am noticing the Photoshop mistakes, you know something's up. Something's up. And it was, like, even before the pictures came out with, like, the little dots on them or, like, the pointing to the examples, I was like, something's off about this. The... The finger. Yeah, also, like, they must, at all these different photo shoots, like, take a thousand photos. You know, there's got to be... The outfits can't be the same. What about, like, cell phone pictures? Do they not actually interact with their children? Yeah. That is so good. Yeah. Also, the, like, visiting to this London hospital. There's only been once by William and once by the dad. Mm-mm. Oh my gosh. I think I know what's happening. I love her work in the hills. And I... No, no, no. Also, see fun. That's... Yeah. Yeah. We should do a rewatch of old reality shows together. Or, like, the simple life. Yeah, true. Yeah. Mm-mm. Okay. Mm... Not 24. Maybe... So, I'm 31. Maybe, like, 27. I don't know. Like, they have to be incredible. Okay, so your number is 20. I don't know. 20... I don't... I just said I'm not ready to date. Yeah, but... Yeah. Your 20s is just such a different ballgame than your 30s, let alone your late 30s, I imagine. Ew, no. No. Yeah, like... Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, ew. Okay, I saw the TikTok where it's like, she pops out and she's like, country. So... No, thank you. Well, I didn't realise it was Kristen Cavallari. I just thought it was an annoying, like, boys doing nothing and thinking they're hot. So I just went, like, I just skipped it. And then it came back up and somebody stitched it, like, what the fuck is Kristen Cavallari doing? And then I realised what was happening. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Especially the number of them. Like, I didn't realise it was seven. Seven's a lot. Too many. One is too many. Yeah. Yeah, it gives me the chills. Ew. Yeah, yeah. She was great on Laguna Beach. Yeah. Oh, yeah. She did do a great job. She did do a great job. She was a lot of fun to watch. Oh, my gosh. Like, what have you even talked to a 24-year-old about? Like, what are their conversations like? Yeah. Yeah, although she's the only one hanging out. Like, only girls there. Yeah. Like, would they meet on- Did they meet on Raya or, like, DM? Oh, thank God. Ugh. Ugh. Hmm. That's too- That's gross. Yeah, good for her. I just, like, can't really imagine a 24-year-old knowing how to, like, actually- Maybe this is wrong of me, but, like- I just imagine- I don't know, whatever. If he's conventionally attractive, I feel like he's gotta be a dum-dum. Like, from what I saw. Yeah. Yeah, no. And also, there's something about his youth that I'm like, I bet the sex would not be very good. It would- Yeah, I guess so. So, was that her house? Are they gonna be called the Nashville Boys now? God. Yeah. Yeah. I- I just think these- This, like, trend of TikTok people just lip-syncing and walking towards the camera is so- so weird. And, like, I can't really get over it. I do- I did see this one account that was, like, making fun of- or, like, dueting, or whatever. Basically what the Montana boys do. Like, specifically men doing, like- like, this. Like, I don't know. Touching their chins. Yeah, to a song, and then it's over. Every once in a while, stuff like that comes up on my TikTok, and I'm, like, waiting for the stitch. I'm waiting for them to be made fun of, and then it starts over, and I just realize that I've watched this, and I'm, like, what the hell? This is- this was sincere? No. Yes. Yeah. I've watched, like, sporadically. I know Paige and Hannah Burner. Right, yeah. Right, yeah. That guy with the- with the 4th of July, like, swim trunks, and the blonde hair, and Kyle. Yeah, he scares me. Yeah. Yeah, I think- I think I watched it, like, last summer or the summer before. Like, watched a little bit of it, and I remember it being, like, much more tame than it used to, and I also found that the- the ratio of women to men, I was kind of just like, wow, okay, well, it's a girl's trip, and there's two guys here. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Ooh. Wow. Right. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I- I think I've seen the season where they first got together and it's dramatic, like, the most recent, perhaps, and then- and then sometime mid- midway through its run, like, series run, where Carl's really popping off, so I have some familiarity, but go on. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Come on, Bravo. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And there weren't cameras there, but there was audio? Oh, okay, got it. Mm-hmm. Whoa. Okay. Also, yeah, even if he said, I'm sober right now and you're not, like, that's- that's the case. Like, I'm sober and- at this moment and you are not. No. Mm-hmm. Yeah. No. Well, it's done. Yeah. Oh, you'd like to, like, know the outcome, but see, like, what- what's- Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, my God. Yeah, I love hearing couples fight. It's, like, not my friends, but strangers. Like... Yeah. Oh, my God. Yeah. Yeah, because it could have dredged some stuff up, but that's good. Yeah. Yeah. We go, mm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. I don't love it, to be honest. I hate it. But I like knowing about it later. Like, I love that you asked that, but I don't like watching my friends and family fight, but I will shush people if they're talking over me eavesdropping someone else fighting. Mm-hmm. Mm, yeah, like, disassociation. Yeah. Ooh, yeah, keep me posted. Oh, okay. Yeah. Oh, perfect. Yeah. Yeah. You've done principal. You could do a mayor. Yeah. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Oh, my God. Like, has to go to work. Yeah. Yeah, they should. Yeah. That's it. Thanks for listening, and bye, HAILS.