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Spending time in nature increases happiness and overall well-being. It boosts mental and physical health, improves relationships, and reduces stress. Outdoor activities like running and coaching outside have a greater positive effect on mood compared to indoor activities. Exploring and being in nature provides a fresh perspective and enhances motivation. Being in nature also offers health benefits such as increased vitamin D intake and improved immune system. It is important to prioritize spending time outdoors and enjoy the benefits of nature. Welcome to the Happiness Podcast, where we will discuss happiness in nature. This podcast is sponsored by National Geographic. Today, we'll be talking about people's specific experiences with nature. Nature has proven to boost people's happiness and create a happier lifestyle. The people who spend time outside and in the presence of nature are seen to be happier overall. Nature can have a positive effect on people's well-being and provide health benefits. Keep listening to find out more. Nature has been proven to directly influence a person's attitude and overall happiness. The more time a person spends outside, the healthier they will feel. Nature generates positive emotions and joy and lowers anxiety levels. It is stated in the article written by Andrea Donnell and Robert Rinkoff that being in nature and the outdoors can boost your mental and physical well-being. In the article, it also states how when children spend time outdoors, it can decrease ADHD symptoms and improve motor skills. Health plays a big role in our daily happiness. In the article written by Hackensack Mediterranean... Wait, wait, should I say the next sentence? Yeah, wait. Meridian. Meridian. Oh, Meridian Health. Let me say the whole sentence. Okay. Health plays a big role in our daily happiness. In the article written by Hackensack Meridian Health, you can reconnect with your body by doing outdoor activities like gardening, forest bathing, or earthing. The intake of vitamin D from the sun can also improve your immune system. Wait, let me say that again. The intake of vitamin D from the sun can also improve your immune system and make you stronger. The more vitamin D you receive, the stronger you will be. Nature makes it easier to connect with others by exploring the outdoor or participating in activities such as frisbee or running. Having good relationships makes a person happier. Our guest today is Bardo. Say that again. I don't know which one it is. Is it not a buoy? I don't know. We did it after. Right here. Okay. Our guest today is Bardo. And he'll be telling us his recent in... That doesn't make sense. He'll be telling us about his recent injury and how nature affected him. Oh, okay. So we're going to edit this whole part. Should I redo it? Yeah. Just say the whole thing. Is gasping... Okay, gasp. Or should I do it? You have to do it, yeah. Okay, ready? Yeah. Our guest today is Bardo. And he'll be telling us his recent injury and how nature affected his happiness during this time. Hi, Bardo. Thank you for joining us. I'm happy to be here. It goes up. It goes up, I think. Okay. What makes you credible to be talking about happiness and nature? I have over the years spent an incredible amount of time outside in a variety of different activities. What would those be? All manner of things. I mean, running, road biking, mountain biking, camping, snowboarding, skating, surfing. You name it, I'm probably engaged. So lots of exercise. Lots of exercise, basically. Okay, so since you're a runner, would you say running outside makes you more happy and more enjoyable? Absolutely. I actually refuse the treadmill. I hadn't run on a treadmill for probably over 20 years until I had my injury, and they forced me to run on a treadmill. So then I lied to the PT and told them I would run on a treadmill. I just ran outside instead. But, yeah, outside, without a doubt. Information from the wellness benefits of great outdoors forest service, being outside can increase a person's motivation as well as being in nature, reduces stress, and other health problems. Do you feel happier when you run outside versus when you run inside? Absolutely. Yeah, I definitely notice a big difference in terms of happiness when I exercise outdoors compared to inside. Good to know. Thank you for joining us and not hiding from us this time. All right, I won't see you next time because I'll be hiding. Oh, wait. No, the drum roll, the drum roll. Okay. Our second guest today is Ms. Capiz, and today she will be discussing her experience with multiple sports, which consists of both indoor and outdoor settings. Hello, Ms. Capiz. Thank you for joining us today. Hello. Would you say you spend a lot of time outdoors? I try to. Actually, when you guys were trying to find me yesterday to interview me, I was on an outdoor walk around Adrian Focus, around Cranford, and I was just, I was like, I looped like the school and some other side streets. Okay. What do you do when you are outside in nature? I usually have headphones on, so I listen to music, and I like to, when I walk, I just like to go, like I don't like to follow the bike paths. I just kind of go wherever, so that way the scenes look different. Exploring. Interesting, interesting. According to Matt Caron in the article Dose of Nature, one of the variables that has the biggest effect on happiness is not who you are with, but what you are doing. It is where you are. Okay, so we know you are a coach. Do you prefer coaching outside or inside? It depends on the weather. In the beginning of like softball season when it is March, it is really, really cold out, and that is not fun. But when it is like a really nice spring day, it is much better to be outside than inside because you get some fresh air and you get a little tan too. Right, so it boosts your mood you would say, right? Yeah, definitely boosts your mood. Sunshine? Vitamin D? Oh, yeah. When coaching outside or spending time outside, do you feel better and more healthy? Yeah, I feel like being outside like in the sun with like a fresh breeze and like the trees and stuff. Trees are really good for you. They give off oxygen. It is just like being outside with like there is just like a lot of vitamins and minerals in the air. Having a safe environment makes one happier, and the presence of nature determines a person's happiness and how much they achieve. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. I hope you enjoyed our presentation on why you should go outside instead of being a lazy couch potato. Enjoy the outdoors and make sure you always have a buddy to enjoy it with. Stay tuned for next week when we interview more people and talk about their unique experiences of happiness in nature. We hope you enjoyed and go... Restart. We hope you enjoyed and make sure you go outside and like and subscribe and listen... One more time. We hope you enjoyed and make sure to go outside and like and subscribe to listen in next time. And remember to subscribe to National Geographic to receive your free and monthly magazine. National Geographic. National Geographic. National Geographic. National Geographic. National Geographic. National Geographic.

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