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Lizzy Lee interviews Sean Casanelli on the Nothing But The Truth Podcast. Sean describes himself as resilient and an introvert. He discusses his internship experience and cutting off connections during the pandemic. Sean is more school-oriented and sees college as a transition. He chose communication as his major because he is creative and interested in media. In the future, he sees himself graduated and working in a business firm. Sean's biggest achievement is being a section leader in his high school choir. He stays organized using reminders and syllabus checks. Sean is passionate about his schoolwork and singing. His dream job is working at a PR firm. His goals include joining clubs and making closer friends. He responds to stress and change by preparing and slowly exposing himself. Success to him is being happy, pushing himself, and defining his own actions. Sean believes he is observant and can prove people wrong. He works better under pressure with a set time constraint. Sean and All right, welcome back to Nothing But The Truth Podcast. My name is Lizzy Lee. What's your name? My name is Sean Casanelli. All right, Sean. Let's get down to business, shall we? Use one word to describe yourself. I guess I'd say I'm resilient. Okay. Would you describe yourself as an introvert or an expert? I'm an introvert. Okay. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. I'm an introvert. Do you have internship or co-op experience? I am doing an internship over the summer at the Kinney Center, but I haven't done an internship yet. Well, I actually did a nursing program for high school students, but it wasn't in college, so I don't even consider that really a true internship. Do you still keep in contact with your friends or connections? I don't know. I cut off people my junior year because that's when COVID hit, and I was just like, I'm done. I'm just ready for the next stage of my life. I don't really need to have these connections anymore. The people that were there, I didn't feel like super ... We didn't have a great connection, and we didn't have a lot in common, and it just wasn't really working out anymore, so I felt like it was time to move on. Are you more school or socially oriented? I'm more school oriented. Okay. And finally, what is the first word that comes to your head to describe college? The first word to come to my mind to think of college, I'd say it's a transition. All right. Thank you very much. Now we're going to get into some more in-depth questions. You ready? Yeah. Why did you choose comm as a major and your major specifically? I chose comm as my major because I consider myself a pretty creative person, and I like to write, and I've really always been into all different types of media. I love movies. I like production, film production, what it takes behind the scenes to create some type of media. Yeah, and also I feel like comm is a broad enough major for me to have so many job options, and I can take so many skills away from having comm as my degree. Yeah. Okay. Where do you see yourself in five years? I see myself graduated from college. I see myself having a job at an office or some type of business firm. I'm not exactly sure yet. Hopefully, I have a job. The job market's very competitive right now, but it might not be as much in five years. Great. Okay. What is your biggest achievement? My biggest achievement? When I was in high school, I did this thing called All-South Jersey, and I did All-State as well, and I got first chair, which is top seat or section leader for my group. I was a tenor, and I always felt like that was a big accomplishment, but I feel like the bigger accomplishment is me getting to the point where I am now and being really happy with myself and putting in a lot of work to really figure out my values and figure out who I am as a person. That's great. Thank you. So great. How do you stay organized? I use reminders. I use sometimes Google Calendar. I always check my syllabus for all my classes every week. That's great. Okay. What motivates you, or what are you passionate about? I am passionate. That's hard. What am I passionate about? That is really hard. I don't know if I have something that I'm super passionate about right now. I've been really putting a lot of effort into my schoolwork, and I've been trying to get into more extracurriculars. I know I'm going to be taking a class next semester that is a service learning class, so I'll get more outside of school. I really like to sing. It's not something I'd want to do as a career, but I do like to sing a lot. I don't know if Lizzie has ever heard me singing around the house, but I do sing a lot around the house. That's so great. What is your dream job? My dream job is to work at a public relations firm, or just some type of job that I can use my creativity, but I still have a way to make good money, so I'm financially secure. That's great. What are your goals for your future? My goals? I want to join a couple clubs. I want to make some friends. I already have a couple friends, like Lizzie, but I want to make friends that are a lot closer, like really putting in the effort to get to know people more. That's great. How do you respond to stress or change? I try to expose myself slowly and try to have the anticipation to know what's going to happen and try to prepare myself for the situation that might happen. Of course, that's not always possible, but that's usually what I have in mind. I have big life changes coming up, like if I'm moving or if I'm taking a certain class, I like to know exactly what it's going to be like before it happens. That's great. How do you define success? I define success as happiness, feeling content, but also pushing yourself and getting out of your comfort zone. I feel like I've definitely been in a place in my life before where I've avoided difficult situations. I just tried things slowly over time and they just got easier. I always reminded myself of my worth and all the good things that I've done. I try to think about my actions instead of how other people perceive me or what I think I did. In situations, I like it to be very concrete. This is what I did. This is who I am. Reminding me of those types of things. That's great. Can you think of anything that makes you unique or stand out? I feel like I'm a very observant person. I feel like people kind of underestimate me sometimes because I'm very quiet and I keep to myself, but I am very hyper-vigilant. If I'm in a room of people, I can tell every single thing that's going on and I can tell you what my interpretation is or what my thoughts are in that situation. I feel like sometimes when I get nervous, I can on the outside seem like I'm shutting down, but I'm not. I feel like that can be a good thing because that way people can kind of underestimate me, but then I prove them wrong. Lastly, how do you work under pressure? I don't really love pressure, especially pressure under time. When there's a time constraint, that can be really hard. But I do tend to work better when there's a certain time in mind and when I need to get something done instead of just having unlimited time. Well, Sean, thank you very much for coming on and talking to me. I think a lot of people would understand what you're going through and want to help you as best they can. Thank you very much. Thank you. Do you want to expand now? Because you can, of course, edit this later on. Let's make it a little more conversational, too. Just ask me one more question and then we can just have a conversation. Okay. Do you find yourself shutting down when you're really, really stressed and you don't want to talk to anyone? I definitely think that. I think that I've really worked on myself. As I said, I've been through therapy and I've really created a great support system for myself and I know what my needs are. At the same time, when things are extremely difficult, I definitely go back to old habits and I try to just get away and self-soothe. Sometimes I just sit in my room and watch movies or eat, that type of stuff. Although it doesn't really affect me that much emotionally, when it gets really far, it gets that. How about you, Lisa? I, too, have also been through therapy and a lot in my life. When I'm feeling really, really stressed, I tend to keep to myself a lot and I tend to do things that I shouldn't be doing. I'm continuously stressy, which isn't good for my diabetes because it raises my blood sugar and I worry my parents. I don't really like that at all. I don't really know how to stop it. I've been trying really hard to work on it, but again, it's something that's really hard for me to control. Do you have a specific outlet for yourself, like a creative outlet or maybe physical or exercise? I know some people use that type of outlet. I've been trying to manage my stress by doing a lot of yoga, but again, that doesn't seem to help at all because then I become more stressed. I don't know why I become more stressed while doing yoga, but yoga doesn't work. I try drawing, which tends to help a lot more than yoga does. I actually have a funny story about drawing. One time when I was in middle school, maybe early high school, I wanted to become an artist. I wanted to become an architect. In order to be an architect, you have to be pretty good artistically, like drawing, painting, all of those types of things. I don't know why I did this, but I got this app and it was kind of like that master class app where it teaches you, oh, this will change your life. This will make you so skilled in this one area. I basically got the app. It was free, so it wasn't actually legit. I was stressed. I had this picture of Bart Simpson. My brother is actually a really good artist. He was looking over my shoulder and he was like, what are you doing? I literally was hyperventilating drawing Bart Simpson. It looked nothing like Bart Simpson. He was like, what's that supposed to be? I was like, it's Bart Simpson. I was like this. I was like, it's Bart Simpson. What are you talking about? Then I threw the phone. It was just a disaster, but I thought that was funny. You were stressed. I was, yeah. I was very stressed. I wouldn't really blame you for throwing the phone. Yeah. Yeah, I definitely, I feel like sometimes with creative outlets for me, it gets to the point where it's like I want to perfect that habit, that hobby. It just becomes something really bad or it stresses me out and I get really overwhelmed. No, I can understand that, yeah. It sounds like that's kind of yoga. Was that yoga for you? That's yoga, yeah. I was trying to do a pose and I think my older sister was watching me do it because she does yoga herself to calm down her nerves. I was doing this pose and she was like, you're not doing it right. I don't know what came over me, but it sounded like I was screaming at her. I said, I'm doing this damn pose. Yes, I think I'm doing it right. Thank you. Go away. Then I felt really bad after that. That's funny. Yeah. Are you closer to your sister? We are closer than we've ever been. We were closer growing up, but then we kind of threw apart as I went to middle school, high school, but now we've gotten to where we were before. Did you go to public school? Yes. I went to public school too. I feel like people in private school, I don't know if everyone's different, but I feel like people in private school do have better experiences because it's more catered to that person. Not everyone has that luxury as well. I was just wondering. I thought that you went to private school for whatever reason. No. Do you want to hear me sing? Just sing one lyric. Just sing as long as you can. Just sing one lyric. One lyric. A couple of lyrics. Okay. Do it. Why don't you ask me, can you sing? Can you sing? Okay. Oh my god, I can't stop laughing. Okay. Maybe far away, or maybe real nearby. He'll be there pouring her coffee. She'll be there straining his tie. So maybe in a house. Alright. How's that? You're good! Oh, thank you. I like that. Alright. Thank you.

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