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In Uganda, the children and youth programs have expanded since COVID. They have programs in schools and churches, and the kids are loving it. They creatively act out Bible stories and even Muslim kids are learning about Jesus. The country link classes are crucial in supporting the ministry in Uganda. They are asked to pray for the leaders, volunteers, and initiatives. They also need more teachers and resources. Giving is important to fund the operation of the classes. Lastly, they invite people to join as ambassadors in Uganda. The country link classes are greatly appreciated for their support. Slides 14, 15, and 16. Well, hello from the children and youth program in Uganda. Since COVID, our children and youth programs are back. We're expanding. We have programs in schools and churches, and the kids are loving the program. You can see the kids waving hello. When we went there this past year, we took a picture and asked them to wave hello to our country link classes. So hello from Uganda. You know, the kids come up with creative ways to dramatize the Bible stories, and the one picture here is the children acting out the story of Jesus entering the city of Jerusalem. So you can see them waving the palms, and that's Jesus riding on a donkey. You've got to love their creativity and the joy as they bring the Bible to life. And then we also have a ministry to Muslim kids. We have a school in Uganda that's such a good school in the community that even Muslim parents are sending their kids to school there, knowing that when they go, they learn about Jesus. So Christianity is being taught, and this sweet Muslim girl is praying in front of the class, which is such a rewarding thing to see, the name of Jesus on the lips of a little Muslim girl as she prays for the class. So with great joy, we just really enjoy watching the kids learn about Jesus and grow spiritually through the children and youth ministry. Slide number 20. So how can link classes impact CBS Uganda? I think the truth is, without our country link classes, the ministry in CBS Uganda wouldn't be nearly what it is. Thanks to our country link classes, we have the resources to help them continue to serve the many brothers and sisters in CBS classes in Uganda. Slide 21. By far, the best thing that our country link class members can do is pray. Please pray for our national leader, Ronny Kagoro, and our national children and youth leader, Annette Singabata, and pray for the 100 coordinators and volunteers who are on the ground in Uganda, going around the country training and following up and encouraging and praying for all the many classes in Uganda. They need our prayers. They're operating under much more difficult circumstances than we experience here, and they really need us to come alongside them. We pray for protection for them, for health, for energy and stamina, for the resources that they need, that God would be in all the details and help them as they minister to our brothers and sisters over there. Slide number 22. Please also pray for the initiatives and needs for the program for this coming year. Thankfully, the prison board has authorized nationwide implementation of CBS throughout all the prisons in Uganda. That's a big project, so please pray for our leaders as they prison by prison implement the program. We've also got a mandate from the Anglican Church to train and to support CBS in primary schools in two different Anglican dioceses. So we're excited about that, but we need prayer as the leaders do the training to support the other leaders and get those programs going, so you can pray over both of those initiatives. As far as the needs, the needs for this year, we really need more teachers for children and youth classes, so you can pray for that. You can pray that a national servants team would be formed in Uganda, and you can pray for strength to cope with the difficult lives that all of our leaders and our class members endure. They have poverty. There are floods. There are health issues. They deal with a lot in order to minister to our class members. So if you can keep them all in prayer for those needs, that would be great. Slide number 23. Another important thing that our country link class members can do is give. Our country link classes are responsible for most of the resources to operate our classes internationally. The funds are needed for shepherding, for class follow-up, for trainings and retrainings, for lessons, and for Bibles. We couldn't operate in Uganda without the generosity of our country link classes. So thank you, thank you for giving, and we really hope you'll consider doing that in the future. Slide 24. The last thing you can do as a country link class is join us. Come on over to Uganda. Be an ambassador. Have you ever thought about that? We're looking for more ambassadors all the time to help us serve over in Uganda. So if you want to pray about that, that would be awesome. We're so grateful for our country link classes. We're so grateful for all that you are doing, all that you've done in the past, and all that you will do in the future. We appreciate your prayers. We appreciate your giving. We appreciate all that you are doing to help partner with us as we serve our brothers and sisters in Africa.