Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The main ideas from this information are: - Present the truth in a way that is easy to understand and with love and meekness. - Start with points of agreement before discussing controversial topics. - Be careful not to overwhelm people with too much information at once. - Understand that people may have preconceived notions and be patient in presenting the truth. - Focus on one point at a time and make it clear and understandable. - Emphasize positive truths rather than dwelling on negative aspects. - Jesus withheld certain truths from his disciples, and we should also be mindful of what we share based on people's understanding. Heading, restraining without obscuring truth. Subheading, strongest meat, not for babes. Let the truth be presented as it is in Jesus, line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little. Speak of the love of God in words easy to be understood. Bible truth presented in the meekness and love of Jesus will have a telling influence upon many minds. Many souls are hungering for the bread of life. Their cry is, give me bread, do not give me a stone, it is bread that I want. Feed these perishing, starving souls. Let our ministers bear in mind that the strongest meat is not to be given to babes who know not the first principles of the truth as we believe it. In every age the Lord has had a special message for the people of that time, so we have a message for the people in this age. For while we have many things to say, we may be compelled to withhold some of them for a time because the people are not prepared to receive them now. Review and Herald, October 14, 1902. Subheading, prepare the soil before sowing the seed. In laboring in a new field, do not think it your duty to say at once to the people, we are seventh-day adventers, we believe that the seventh day is the Sabbath, we believe in the non-immortality of the soul. This would often erect a formidable barrier between you and those you wish to reach. Speak to them as you have the opportunity upon points of doctrine on which you can agree. Dwell on the necessity of practical godliness. Give them evidence that you are a Christian desiring peace, and that you love their souls. Let them see that you are conscientious. Thus you will gain their confidence, and there will be time enough for doctrines. Let the heart be one, the soil prepared, and then sow the seed, presenting in love the truth as it is in Jesus. Gospel Workers, pages 119, 120, 1915. Subheading, guard against closing the listener's ears. Last night in my sleeping hours, I seemed to be in meeting with my brethren, listening to one who spoke as having authority. He said, Many souls will attend this meeting who are honestly ignorant of the truths which will be presented before them. They will listen and become interested, because Christ is drawing them. Conscience tells them that what they hear is true, for it has the Bible for its foundation. The greatest care is needed in dealing with these souls. Do not at the outset press before the people the most objectionable features of our faith, lest you close their ears to which these things come as a new revelation. Let such portions of truth be dealt out to them as they may be able to grasp and appreciate. Though it should appear strange and startling, many will recognize with joy the new light that is shed on the word of God. Whereas if truth were presented in so large a measure that they could not receive it, some would go away and never come again. More than this, they would misrepresent the truth. General Conference Bulletin, February 25, 1895. Subheading, hear a little and there a little. Those who have been educated in the truth by priesthood and example should make great allowance for others who have had no knowledge of the scriptures except through the interpretations given by ministers and church members, and who have received traditions and fables as Bible truth. They are surprised by the presentation of truth. It is as a new revelation to them, and they cannot bear to have all the truth in its most striking character presented to them at the outset. All is new and strange and wholly unlike that which they have heard from their ministers. They are inclined to believe what the ministers have told them, that seventh-day Adventists are infidels and do not believe the Bible. Let the truth be presented as it is in Jesus. Line upon line, precept upon precept, hear a little and there a little. Undated Manuscript, 79. Subheading, take one point at a time. Teachers of the Word of God are not to keep back any part of the counsel of God, lest the people shall be ignorant of their duty and not understand what is the will of God concerning them, and stumble and fall into perdition. But while the teacher of truth shall be faithful and present in the gospel, let him never pour out a mass of matter which the people cannot comprehend, because it is new to them and hard to understand. Take one point at a time, make that one point plain, speaking slowly and in a distinct voice. Speak in such a way that the people shall see what is the relation of that one point to other truths of vital importance. It will be difficult to create prejudice in the hearts of those who are seeking the truth as for hidden treasure, if the speaker will hide himself in Christ, for he will then reveal Christ, not himself. Manuscript 39, 1895. Subheading, dwell on the affirmative truths. Dwell not on the negative points of questions that arise, but gather to your minds affirmative truths and fasten them there by much study and earnest prayer and heart consecration. Keep your lamps burning and let bright rays shine forth that men beholding your good works may be led to glorify your Father which is in heaven. The great teacher held in his hand the entire map of truth, but he did not disclose it all to his disciples. He opened to them those subjects only which were essential for their advancement in the path to heaven. There were many things in regard to which wisdom kept them silent. As the Christ withheld many things from his first disciples, knowing that then it would be impossible for them to comprehend them, so today he withholds many things from us, knowing the capacity of our understanding. Review and Herald, April 23, 1908.