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All's Fair Audition

All's Fair Audition

Leah O'Neill



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Saul and Mike watch Georgia and Eden on a merry-go-round. Saul wants to make a move on Georgia but is unsure. Bozo joins them and praises Georgia's authenticity. Saul tries to hint that Georgia's body is not all natural, and Bozo finally catches on. Saul wonders if Bozo will still be attracted to Georgia. Georgia tries to enter a restricted area at the rodeo and argues with the gatekeeper. Terry suggests waiting to confront Saul later, but Georgia wants to do it immediately. Saul dismisses Georgia's anger and she threatens him. They argue about their past and Saul brings up Eden. Georgia realizes she can't kill Saul in cold blood. Audition for All's Fair by Susie Quinn. Eden was showing signs of a sugar high, so Georgia suggested the merry-go-round to calm her down. Saul and Mike both groaned, but Georgia took Eden on at any rate. The two men stood at the metal railing that surrounded the ride and watched Saul's women go around in circles. Saul was torn. Should he make his play now? He might not get another chance. But moving too soon could blow it. You know, there's nothing you could say about Georgia that could make me back off. Bozo said, making Saul's decision for him. I haven't met many women like her. She's so down-to-earth and real. Not a phony bone in her body, Saul put back his smile. Yeah, that's sorry, Georgia. As real as real gets. For a moment, he thought Bozo hadn't caught the trace of dry sarcasm he had let into his voice. This wasn't going to work if he didn't make Bozo drag it out of him. Hell, it probably wasn't going to work anyway. Finally, Bozo asked, What? Saul shook his head. Nothing. Another long pause. So you said, as real as real gets. But you didn't mean it. Sure I did. No. Tell me what you mean. Saul sighed as though he didn't want to say it. Oh, well, I'm sure you done noticed Georgia's built like a brick shithouse. Bozo laughed. You know, I've never exactly gotten that comparison, but yeah, I know what you mean. Saul turned his head toward Bozo. It ain't occurred to you that her tits are too perfect? I mean shit. When you've seen those boobs like that weren't airbrushed. Bozo stared at Saul, his eyes wide and mouth hanging up. His gaze shifted to the carousel as Georgia and Eden came around. He tracked Georgia until they disappeared again. Really? Bozo finally said. Saul kept quiet, giving Bozo a chance to think it through. Man, she wears this little spandex thing to the gym, but I never thought- Saul pulled a smile. He had him. Bozo had taken the bait. Now Saul had to set the hook. Well, she's proud of them. They're a work of art. Hell, her whole body's a work of art. Her whole butt implants. They're not as perfect. You can kind of feel what's real and what ain't if you're paying attention. Damn, they make her jeans look good. Bozo's mouth was hanging open again. I'm sure she'll tell you eventually. After all, it ain't something you tell folks till you've known them a while. Bozo was silent. Was a guy into physical perfection enough to be put off? Patient wasn't Saul's strong suit, but he forced himself to wait. Finally, Bozo said, I guess it's not that big of a deal. So she wanted a better body. I can't throw stones about that. It's why I work out. Damn. Saul turned around and leaned back. His elbows cocked on top of the railing. This guy wasn't supposed to be okay with this. Maybe he was a show. Maybe he would eat at it until it poised his attraction to Georgia. It was a great thought, but he couldn't count on it. Two guys he had seen earlier holding hands walked by. Oh no, he couldn't do that. Could he? Bozo wouldn't buy it anyway. Or would he? He had already bought that Georgia's more obvious attributes were store-bought. But would he believe that there was a darker reason she had needed them? Oh hell, I'm real glad you feel that way. Georgia deserves someone who accepts her for who she is and who she was. It seemed to take Bozo a few seconds to translate what Saul had said. Who she was? What do you mean? Saul took a deep breath. Was he really supposed to do this? If Bozo told Georgia she'd kill him dead, then he'd deserve it. Georgia ain't the name she was christened with. Bozo frowned as if he were trying to follow the implication. This was it. Last chance to stop himself. Instead he said she was named. Scene two. Georgia charged the gate that led to Mesquite Rodeo's staging area. Someone caught her arm. Whoa there! You got a path? No, I don't have a path. Georgia tried to shake him off. Sorry, this is a restricted area. You got to have a path. He was a small man, a banny rooster, who compensated for his small stature by acting more macho than the cowboy he could never be. Where do I get a path? The guy pointed at a nearby group of three people. You got to see the rodeo secretary. Georgia took a step in the direction he had pointed. But she don't give them to buckle bunnies. He sneered, his tone grating in its superiority. She pivoted on one foot. Buckle bunny? You think I'm a buckle bunny? The guy backed up a step. She was so pissed off she was shaking. Rodeo cowboys are the most worthless, pitiful, pathetic excuse for a man that's ever walked God's green earth. If I needed a kidney to save my life and the only possible donor was a rodeo cowboy, I wouldn't take it. Not even if he got down on his knees and begged me to. Not even if I had a dozen kids who depended on me to feed them. Nothing, nothing could make this overgrown children attractive. The gatekeeper cringed. You still need a path, he said in a thin voice. Georgia's anger coiled tighter if this little weasel of a man thought he was going to keep her from killing Saul. Georgia, that you? She turned to see Terry Antley, another bull rider and one of Saul's sometimes-travel buddies, eyeing her. The fire of her anger still burned hot, but Terry just laughed. What's Saul done this time? You wouldn't believe me if I told you. You might be surprised what I believe about old Saul. He has more fun on the road than a horse trailer full of buckle bunnies. Well, maybe not that much fun, but damn close. I need to kill him, Terry. I can see that, honey. Can't wait till after he's rode? I don't want to wait. She wanted to do it now while she could still lay claim to a crime of passion defense. You're at my mercy now, she said as she hung up her keys. Yeah, he didn't sound worried enough to suit Georgia. Do you think you're not going to have to pay for what you told mine? I'm sure I will. Her good intentions faded. The man was so damned arrogant. I was all set to kill you, you know. I know, but that was then. This is now. You think I won't. I know you won't. Georgia's temper spiked. You're an awfully sure of yourself. Look, Georgie, you don't you call me that! Okay, but you won't kill me in cold blood. In the heat of passion, maybe, but in cold blood? No way. You wouldn't do that to Eden. Damn him. She hated how hard it was to bluff a man who wasn't afraid to get on the back of a one-ton animal with horns and a short fuse. You look like crap, you know. Solo lifted his hands in his bruised temple. I know. Maybe you should think of Eden once in a while. I'm always thinking about Eden. You weren't thinking about Eden when you told Mike all that crap about me or when he was getting on the back of that bull. Sure, I was. I was thinking how Eden didn't need some muscle-bound doofus for a stepdad. Georgia gritted her teeth. This wasn't the first time Solo had submarined her love life. It was just the most offensive, and he always claimed he did it for Eden. you you you George

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