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Episode 2 Conspireality - 5:5:24, 10.10 AM

Episode 2 Conspireality - 5:5:24, 10.10 AM




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Lauren and Jessica are co-hosts of the podcast ConspirReality, where they discuss Bravo Reality TV and conspiracy theories. They talk about the latest episode of Vanderpump Rules and share their thoughts on the cast members and their actions. They also speculate on the future of the show and the negotiations between Bravo and the cast. They mention some interesting details from the episode, such as the opening of a sandwich shop and the involvement of Lisa Vanderpump. Overall, they provide a humorous and entertaining commentary on the show. Welcome to ConspirReality, your ultimate escape into the world of Bravo Reality TV and the wildest conspiracy theories around. Get ready to pop open the champagne and unravel the mysteries as we discuss it all. We're your co-hosts, Lauren Shukla and Jessica Rangel. We're high school besties turned reality TV aficionados. Together, we're here to dish out the gossip and tackle the most mind-bending theories, all with a dash of humor. This one's for you, Craig Conover. Let's get into it. Hi, Jessica. Oh, hi, Lauren. How are you? I'm good. Our technically second but first ever episode of ConspirReality. Yes. Woohoo! We're looking so professional. I can't get over it. We got mics, we got Grads being going. You know, if you're going to go for it, go for it, right? I mean, spend that money, girl. Anyway, okay, so we have a lot to talk about today. Where do you want to start, Jessica? Honestly, my least favorite Vanderpump. If I had to put them in order, I'm loving it the least. It felt like a slog this week. I can't even really remember what happened. If I hadn't taken notes, I wouldn't really recall. But obviously I was taking detailed notes. And I think the biggest thing was, oh, I know you don't watch Watch What Happens Live usually, do you? No, so tell me. Well, Ariana and Katie were on it. They have announced the opening. The sandwich shop is opening May 22nd. Oh, my God. So there was that weird scene that I guess they're going through something which I did not know was a Lisa Vanderpump recommendation. Apparently. Oh, I know what you're going to say. The LLC is Penny's husband's name. Husband's name. Husband's name, who's a lawyer, and he owns it. Which, how do they let that happen, Jessica? That seems like a real F-up. So Penny must have been making a cut of that merch. Remember when they sold something about her merch right when the spandaval dropped? Right. Penny was getting a lot of that. Can you imagine if it's your trademark? Or is LLC different from trademark? I think it's one and the same to some extent. But the conversation makes a lot more sense with Lisa where she's sitting there going, so you're not cutting Penny in? And they're like, no, this was never meant to be like the Three Musketeers partnership. It's like, oh, because they're mad at her because she must be holding on to something. They realized they weren't smart enough and got screwed at the very early stages of starting this. So now they want her out. And it's like, well, just make your little royalties over to the side. But F-you for screwing us. Again, I don't know if it's screwing you. She has more clearly business experience and maybe took advantage. But I don't know if it was unfair to do. I mean, what did you think of Ann working there? I'm kind of over Ann. Sort of like, why is she always? I get the feeling she loved the camera. Like Lisa Vanderpump came in and they sat down and Ann's just lingering. And then she's like, I'm going to do stock in the back. It was like, yeah, get out of here. You're clearly not in this scene. There's nothing to serve. There's nothing to do. So I don't know. She obviously seems so sweet. And I'm glad she's out of Sandoval being her boss. That would be a nightmare situation. And speaking of people who are lingering for the camera, Kyle Chan. We're back again. The second time. This is the most I've ever seen him in all. I think this season he's been in Vanderpump more than every season previously combined. And he's been around. So that says a lot. Jessica, so last time we were talking about this, we said the film place was giving a discount because they were getting free publicity on Vanderpump roles. I now think Kyle Chan is giving some sort of cut to Bravo. Because they filmed it twice in his shop. Didn't you say that you have to give a cut if you want it sort of side promoted? Like we know that Bravo is almost like an investor in Loverboy. Right. Because they talk about it. They show it way too much to just be free publicity. I think Loverboy. I think Tom Tom. I think Vanderpump. Rose and her wine. I don't think they're showing it on camera unless they have a cut. I was telling other people about this, but it's the Bethany clause of it all. Bethany Frankel got rich on her Skinning Girl brand. And she took it out of the contract before she blew up. She took it out of her contract that they would get a cut. And then she became a billionaire. And Bravo got nothing. So I think it's a hard ironclad thing. If you or your business is appearing on Bravo, they are taking some part of it. But Kyle Chan with the jewelry. How much are you going to buy a piece of jewelry because they saw his shop? Unless you live locally. I know. Is that driving traffic? I don't know. Yeah. What's the ROI on that? I don't know. It's pretty low. Oh, my gosh. Hilarious that we're back there. Yeah. And then I was noticing too, Sandoval's nails are not just white anymore. He has full on nail art. Did you catch that? Yes. Designs. I mean. Could you ever date a guy that had nails like that? No, because I don't have nails like that. Same. I think it's so feminine and I don't like it. Also, let's be honest with ourselves. It takes a while to get that stuff done. I mean, I think it takes a while to get your nails done, period. Yeah. And then to get the nail art, it's really. We're both like too impatient to sit and get them done. A pedicure, like once a quarter I can handle. I probably get them four times a year. That's it. Did you see that, speaking of Tom Sandoval, that Raquel was at Stagecoach wearing the same shirt as Ariana? Okay. Like actual identical or similar? Jessica, identical. Oh, okay. Because I've seen some that are like this stretch where she like looked like she wore something Lala wore that was like this tan with black lace, but it wasn't the same thing. Right. And I'm like, okay, whatever. They clearly shop at maybe the same place. Right, right. But okay, identical shirt is fine. And someone asked her like, where did you get that shirt? And she said, you know, just from a mall. Mall? She doesn't shop at the mall anymore. I mean, I feel bad for her. I'm sure it wasn't on purpose. I mean, maybe it was, but it seemed. I hope not. She's doing Ariana. Did you see that? Yes. Yes. I think and Tom. I think they're both listed because of like the distribution of the video. Yeah. And I know there's like those revenge, is it like revenge porn or whatever they call it, laws. I don't know if it fits into that. Like, like as far as we know, Ariana was not blasting it out there. Right. But I guess maybe, I don't know what the law, if you send a one person, is that considered as spreading it? Okay. So this episode, getting back to it is, I mean, we see a lot in San Francisco. I think we're getting near the finale on this. I think we have to be. I think they were filming. We know they filmed their reunion maybe a week or two ago. Or maybe even a little bit ago. Because we've heard all the drama that so many like aren't speaking. Right, right. And the news that they're pausing. Yeah. What do you think is going on with that? There, there's too many, like some of, some of the cast is doing a lot that they're almost bigger than this show. I heard rumors that Bravo can't afford them anymore. Oh, interesting. That, but that's a slippery slope. I think these people that are on these shows definitely get the full head. Like you will survive with the Lisa Vanderpump. I mean, she was like, I'm out. And you know what? She, she does have a lot on the side going for her. But like, I think so many that like put their foot down are then very surprised when they're like, okay, bye. Lisa Rinna I think did like, I want a huge paycheck. Backfired. Right. Maybe she's doing, I see her around and she seems to be doing some stuff. I don't think she's sitting home twiddling her thumbs, but you know, she wishes she was still on the show and like getting that attention. Right. So I think they have to be careful with what they ask for in these negotiations. And we've talked about this before, but Lisa's other show Vanderpump Villa. I mean, it's not, it's not one, three with, I don't think there'll be a season two. I don't think a villa season two. I saw someone on Twitter say, what is the wolf? The one in Tahoe. Someone was like, I want to see a wolf. Like, like not this random made up Airbnb in France that like came out of nowhere. He was like, let's see these other restaurants. There's going to have young, hot people working there. Tahoe is small enough that if you live there to work there, these people are intermingling with each other. Totally. I totally agree. So I was like, I love that idea. I'm letting Lisa Vanderpump have another go at it. I'm already souring on her. Okay. So San Francisco, a couple of quick hits there. So one, why was Brock acting like a tour guide? Did you catch that? Yeah. And he had never been. He was like, I'm nervous. He's like, here, we can pick up warmer clothes. I'm like, just stop. Why are you narrating? Why are you? That was hilarious. But okay. The whole Dan being there. I know that was weird. So I get the impression. He isn't being paid to be on the show. Right. Because I don't think there's a single chance that the producers would let Dan go to dinner with his friend. Right. When they're doing that random ass 1920s dinner night. Yeah. Of course, they're going to want the Dan and Tom interact. Right. So he must have been like, I'm signing nothing. You can use footage of me when I'm with Ariana and stuff. But like, I'm not agreeing to anything. Like, she already said the call sheet. Like, he's not on it. I mean, she might as well have said that to him in the room. Like, you're not filming with us today because you're not on the call sheet. You guys are in a literally like cross country relationship. Right. And he's out in California, comes to San Francisco, and you guys are not hanging out. It's so weird. It's so weird. I will say, Dan with his hair down though, versus Dan with his hair up. I was like, I was like, whoa. I kind of shrieked when I saw the hair. I rewound it because I thought it was a shadow. And then I thought it was literally like, Super long. To his waist. Yeah. I liked it. I think he, No, Lauren. I think he seems dorky with the hair up. And then with the hair down, I was like, are you like, you know, A warrior? Yes. In a good way. I was kind of like, dang. I love a man bun, but I had no idea that bun was holding so much length when he let that down. That's true. It doesn't look like it. It's deceiving. It was very deceiving. But his body was great. I mean, even Lala was like drooling. Yeah. Right. Oh, you work out. Also, this is kind of behind the scenes and maybe uninteresting to some, but did you see when they get out of the car and Brock's like being tour guide? And Ali's like, oh my God, this is so embarrassing. Apparently there had a police escort all through San Francisco. Oh, I didn't catch that. Yeah. Yeah. And they were just like, all the cats was a little embarrassed by it because everywhere they went in San Francisco, there was a cop in front of them. Oh, man. So what else? Anything else for this episode? I mean, it was kind of a, it was kind of, I think it's getting us to something. Like, I think we had to get to San Francisco. I think something will happen at this Kyle Chan thing. Yes. That is where we've seen a lot of. Yeah. Previews of, I think like Tom sort of chasing Ariana to speak to her. And then I think someone tries to like fight Sandoval. At the event. Or like throws a drink at him. Okay. Yeah. So we're building up to a crescendo, but yeah, this one felt like a sort of wasted filler episode. Yeah. Right. It's crazy. I mean, they're going to have to do something next season. I have a theory that they're going to move Lala. Well, I wonder if that Schwartz living with Sandoval, living with Jack. Is that real? Is that, is that going to come to happen? Cause Jack, I think the problem was this, right? Is Jesse, I mean, he said it right. He said something really wrong at that dinner. He said, I just realized an hour before this dinner with my life coach, that my wife no longer wanted to be married. Yeah. Which, how did you miss the signal? Jesse? I'm not sure, but you walk into that dinner and then your wife is telling you to start talking, stop talking. You're fueled by alcohol. Like, I think it's not a, he's not trying to provoke people. I think it's a valid anger response from his marriage. And he was trying to just kind of sulk in the corner. Right. And then everyone was like egging him on to like get involved. And then it, it like flipped a switch. But have you noticed, I think they're very discreet about how much alcohol is consumed. They were lit. They were lit. They were hammered, but they don't like show it as much as, you know, other shows where they like constantly do a clip of someone drinking, then they cut to them drinking again. And then again, they don't do that on the valley. And I'm always like shocked when I'm like, oh, they're hammered. Like they're kind of keeping it cool. And then when they go off, I'm like, oh my God. I was watching Britney. I'm like, oh, here you go. I know you could literally rewatch these shows like two or three times and you just catch a different react totally. I mean, Michelle with a nipple hanging out when they're fighting, like you had to be a little bit gone, gone with the wind. If you were sitting there like just completely in that dress, yeah. You know, not understanding. Also speaking of, um, uh, outfits is Zach wears a dirty ass t-shirt. One more time. Like, dude, you are on TV staff with the white undershirt. Um, he's actually so irrelevant to me. I haven't even noticed. I love him. He had a few one-liners when he's yelling, Kristen, Kristen across the table. And then he gets into the confessional. He goes, Oh, Kristen, you're so close. You switched. Jesse and Michelle. You got a little bit of that wrong. I think the problem with Zach is like Zach at heart. It seems to be a very sassy gay, but he's still from the South. So I think he has like an honor about him. And I think he just leaned into the sassy gay, like fully. He would like really boss. Yeah. Cause he's from Kentucky where he and him are like high school friends or childhood friends. If they get a season two, which they will, I'm number one. Game changer will be Zach. New hair. His wardrobe. Everything will change on him. Yeah. So it's just, I guess he made a rude comment about Schwartz's dyed hair and kind of like was dissing Joe and everyone's like that the balls on Zach to criticize someone's hair. Cause like everyone's been talking like, cause you have a wig, like what is going on? It's very helmet hair. I don't know what it's full and luscious. It's like nice, but I'm like, yeah, I can't figure it out either. I want to, I want to put my hands for it. That's so funny for it. Okay. So what do you think? So then kind of from the party, Michelle comes back after the hike. This is so small, but I like read me weird when she walks into the kitchen and she's delivering the smoothies to him. It's like this odd little thing that she does where she says, well, I just took our daughter Isabella to school and then I went on a hike and then I got smoothies. It was like, I, when I heard that, I was like, I'm like, I'm going to go off with somebody else. Oh, because the over explanation to me, I'm sweaty. Yes. Cause the over explanation, Jessica, that's the one where I'm like, we didn't need to hear given too much detail. It's too much. It was like almost too much. I didn't clock that, but I did. Um, completely relate. Um, I have had this discussion with Vince, the phone down. Oh, I thought that was so interesting that Jesse was like, she used to get mad at me when we were dating. If I had my phone face down, like stop doing it. And then he's like, now Michelle has her phone face down. Is that a thing for you guys that you don't have phones face down? Well, it bothered me that Vince did it. Same thing, early dating. And I'm like, the only people that do that are cheating or like trying to hide it. And then, um, he literally was like, showed me, he's like, I just do that. And he does it because he, it's a good reason. He doesn't want to be so addicted to his phone that like when a notification pops up, like, Ooh, what's going on? I don't know. I mean, clearly she's cheating. This is what I don't get about Michelle is she, it's clear that the marriage is over and she's driving that. And then Kristen is saying, Oh, I have your secrets and you've been dating a man. And then she's asked point blank in the confessional, like, are you, do you have secrets? And then she sits there and goes, no. And it's like, it just spilled out over television. How can you still sit there and say, no, I know. How much later? I wonder if the confessional filmed, I think it's gotta be, I mean, Janet's still pregnant in the confessional, right? So it can't be three months, four months. It's gotta be like six weeks. Okay. Cause I was wondering how much had in real life happened when she filmed that confessional to then still be trying to hold true to like, she had no secret. I'm like, give it up. And we now know she's like, has a full on boyfriend, new boyfriend, but as a girlfriend, and I checked the real estate page, they are still in business together. Cause they're the dual real estate agents. I mean, note to self, never go into business with your husband. Cause Brittany and Jack and the bar, and then Michelle and Jesse with their real estate business. It's like, how can you, how could you survive that? Real estate business could handle it more. Cause you can kind of divide and conquer and your name is sort of just on it together, but I'm sorry, the podcast, I still visualize them carpooling together and like how sad it is to be like, well, we have to, but I like, hate your guts, right? I think keep, keep that separate. I also love how Brittany and Jack speaking of that, right. Is they're trying to make like the storyline is that they don't have sex. And really the storyline is watching their marriage fall apart. You know what I mean? So I did some digging on this cause I was trying to figure out the timing involved. So the story was filmed July or June-ish through September. Brittany announces that she's moving out come January. But I've heard and read online that they pick up the cameras. I love Vanderpump, I love Summer House. I mean, the love that play, pick up the camera. I just started saying that in my personal life. They always go, we need Andy and a camera. I'm like ready for it. But it's, so if they're picking up the cameras, that must be almost October, November. So, I mean, I think she might've stayed in it longer, maybe tried to repair. That seems like a Brittany thing to do. Oh yeah. January and then January. Maybe it was through the holidays, right? Yeah. Keep the Christmas together for their son. Yeah. Right. Can we just mention Brittany's mouth one more time? You're obsessed. It's not healing. It's not. How much time has passed? I mean, it could have been at least a month, a month or two. And Jessica, like, I really, I think I like Brittany, but two things are rubbing me weird, the mouth. And then I thought the glasses, wearing those glasses, those cat eye glasses was not helping for some reason. It helped his eyes. Maybe like the curve of the glasses and then the downward curve. Yeah. It was, it was contradictory angles. And then for some reason, and I need someone else to validate this, but I feel like her Southern accent has gotten more intense this season. Yeah. It used to be a little softer and now it's like, and like we have Mamaw and her mom back kind of clearly trying to get another shot at the camera. Yeah. Sell that beer cheese. Trying to, trying to be the beer cheese. We got a reminder, it's about Mamaw. And then the Southern accent seems to be back. And I'm just like, what is the brand here? Because. Okay. To be fair, yes, the longer you're away from somewhere, the accent fades. So she has been gone from Kentucky for a while. But when you're back with people with that, sure. So maybe the scenes with her mom and grandma, it like up. Yeah. Right. Because my mom with her Irish accent, it's like, Oh, get that again. So faded in my mind, like from living in the States so long when I was a kid, I knew if she was on the phone with one of her sisters because her, I would suddenly hear her Irish accent. Okay. That makes me feel everyday life. I never noticed my mom's accent. And then if she's talking to another Irish person, it's like, boom, it goes up. Okay. That makes me feel better. I'll, I'll give Brittany a break. We'll give her the benefit of the doubt. Yeah. And maybe when she's with Zach, the Southern accent. Oh yeah. You're right. There's a touch at home. But going back to their like storyline of like not having sex, I died laughing when they went, I mean, Jack's planning this weird ass sex thing. And it's like in this woman's house, but when they go up and then she's like, so how many times a week are you? And I was like, does this woman think people are coming to her if they're still having sex weekly? And then that's when Brittany's like, uh, more like monthly. I mean, it's once a fiscal. Jessica, as you talked about, it's once a quarter. And then Brittany had like the least convincing when they were doing that hand holding. And then like the ladies like, and how was that? Brittany's like, it was great. You can tell she's done. I mean, he's, I think Jack's okay. I don't like Jack. I think Jack has a massive anger issue, but the one thing I will say that conversation that they had in the, at the tail end of it, that was supposed to be their date night. Yeah. I just felt bad for him only in that moment to say, I think he was trying to tell her he's extremely overwhelmed and extremely stressed out. And she was taking his desire to pause and having another kid is like her, not being around or relevant or good mom or something. And I just, I felt like that was, that was the only time on earth. I felt bad for him just a slight. I, for some reason, I think he's very worried about making money. He keeps bringing it up. Right. I have heard that his bar is actually right next to this sports bar called Rocco's. It's like, I've heard it's more like ghost kitchen. Like, like they kind of just tacked on to an existing, it just was like, he's giving a million other excuses instead of being direct. And just saying all these things are why he doesn't want another child. I'm like, admit you don't want one, right? Like just say, say another one would be too overwhelming. And you know what? I dare, I say, I respect Jack, but I think he knew they were on the downward trend. Is that really, do you really want to be having a second child in the mix when you know your relationships? Not maybe what she was trying to do is like Allah. Um, who do we know? Oh, uh, Chloe Kardashian. Right. Where she, where she wants to have the same kid with the same dad, even though it's going, it's going down. I did not like though, when he was like telling her to stop crying of all the reasons to cry, talking about your child is huge. Totally fair game. Right. Get emotional. Right. Cause like you, you're crying. Like you're not even a good enough mother. And then not, not that, but I think he was really hammering home that he thinks their son Cruz, like is going to need more help with like developmental. Of course, Brittany's going to get sad thinking about that. Like, she's knowing that he's not like hitting milestones and yeah. Oh God, I can't even imagine. So stressful. Yeah. Okay. So let's go back to one or two combos. Um, Luke and Kristen combo. I thought it was so funny. So classic Kristen. Yes. I know. I, I was like, she is so desperate to not lose him. She won't, she will not pick a fight. Like everything you say. Yes. Yes. Luke. Yes. Luke. And Luke was like, this isn't a convo. You're just agreeing. It was making it worse for him, but I got exactly what she was doing. Jessica, they've been only dating. I think at this point for two months, maybe like three to four max. I looked the wedding where they did it next to the tent was in June. They filmed, uh, the Valley June through September. So they're like, so new. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, that's crazy. I thought they were at least a few more months in. So she's trying to keep crazy. Kristen. She's trying to keep her. She is bottling her down. Like get out of there. I'm like, I got it. Let's move on. She's trying hard. Don't talk to me about this anymore. But I was wondering where do you stand on? I actually think Luke did a great job with like, does your partner need to blindly defend you? Yeah. And I don't think so. I think out in public. Yes. Which I think he did. He kind of agreed with Jackson, Jason at that bowling alley that, you know, there were some problems with how Kristen repeated the story or that she even repeated it or whatever about the Michelle stuff. But I appreciated that. He still was kind of defending her. He was not throwing her under the bus at all. And then having the private convo saying, you need to work on that. I was like, you know what? I really appreciated that, that he wasn't being all like dissing his girlfriend. The guys, we have to talk about the Jason and like Janet. Oh my God. I was dying when he's like, so Janet quit her job when she got pregnant. And I didn't know her full-time job was going to be gossiping. Everything. He said back to her in that moment when she's like, and, and blah, blah, blah. And he, and Jason would be like, you know, it seems like people need to get a hobby. And it was like, clearly about her. She's like, and then Jasmine and Kristen did that. And he was like, and is that, and what part do you have in there? And she was dumbfounded. She was like, uh, like didn't stop her. She just kind of kept going, but it cracked me up. She had no response to like, she, she wasn't involved, but she was making herself involved. I think out of the people who have the least storyline this season, it's actually Janet, which you can tell Janet is trying to work herself in. Yeah. You know, she tried to go ask Jasmine, what's going on with Jack. The Republican comment didn't take off in the way that, you know, probably should have incorporated her in. Yeah. Which I think she probably thought was a positive, but now it's like, you know, we're getting into season. Yeah. And Danny, great storyline. Love it. Very relatable. We need a stable couple. I need a stable couple. Nia's God's gift to the earth and going through some hardships. Like so good to see that. Kristen, Jack's pillars of gossip. Jesse, Michelle have their own little fireball going on. Yeah. Janet and Jason, where are they fitting? You know, it's got to get moving here. Yeah. She'll, she'll for sure get a second season and crack at it. Right. Because like we said, they truly have the history. Like Janet does know this crew. Yeah. And maybe like when she'll be like new time, mom. And I think, I think she'll bring, she'll bring it. Yeah. We have to, we have to repeat it because, you know, our listeners didn't hear our last episode. But we think, so I have a theory, but Jessica agrees that like, we think the secret sauce in filming these shows is truly that you have to be friends before the show starts. It's the key difference between Vanderpump Villa and, you know, the Valley. And it's not Lisa Vanderpump, although she thinks she's the secret sauce in production. It's actually that they're friends beforehand. And that's why I think Valley is such a hit right off the jump, because they actually have history with each other. And I love that they're able to bring in the Vanderpump crew like so seamlessly. Yeah. They, I just saw a photo and someone was like, ah, happier time, Jesse and Michelle at Jackson, Brittany's wedding in Kentucky. Oh, the four of them in a photo proof that was still peak Vanderpump days when their wedding was taking place. And I'm like, see, they really like not Jesse and Michelle were asked their wedding. Like this isn't a, Oh, these are a great couple to cast. Anything else you want to say on the Valley? Uh, no, just can't wait for, can't wait for Tuesday. Okay. Okay. Um, all right. So let's talk about summer house. You know, last week of summer house, but into this week of summer house, right? With the alien party. No, no. Alien party was over. Pretty over. Okay. That's a weird thing though, because, Oh yeah. So weird. And I like, that's the stuff I, it bothers me when you like find out it's supposed to be reality. I don't like, I don't like when I find out that it's like things are being manipulated. So it was, I think it was the Friday night before alien party that they literally, I remember them all being in the kitchen being like, Oh, Jesse can't be here this weekend. Like they always kind of make a comment about who's going to be around that weekend. So someone on the internet sleuth and went back and West had like an Instagram story or something from that Friday night. And they were very clearly in the exact same club. Cause they had that kind of L booth that they were chilling on page at a very distinctive, like green sequined mini skirt. Like everyone's outfits were the same. And Jesse was there. And then he's nowhere to be seen. And they even awkwardly mentioned, he's not going to be there that weekend. Right. And so I do think, like I was saying, I've heard you're paid based on how many episodes you appear in, but that kind of is a little like, he would be like, well, I was there. You just edited me out. Right. Like you're like, I filmed though. Well, I was going to tell you the reason why this is totally valid is they also went to Montauk, which was that film and there's a picture of them. They threw up on the screen and he was in that photo. So he was there all weekend. Every, every second he was at alien party and they had to someone, some intern's job was to watch the crowd footage and be like, do you see Jesse in the background ever? Because we need to crop him out. Yeah. Right. I mean, it's just, I don't know. I don't get why he, you know, in the past, there have been so many housemates that really don't bring much to the table and they're still kind of there. Right. So how much was he not bringing to the table that they felt the need to completely crop him out? Yeah, I agree. And then, I mean, so starting with this week's episode, right, we have Craig and Paige doing a little picnic. Okay. What did you think on that? I was laughing because I was like, Oh, did Danielle's comment hit a little close to home that you got so many comments that you got so mad about? She literally did that. Like, I'm going to make an effort because I've just been told I don't do enough for my boyfriend. Right. I think the big thing from Craig that stuck with me was when he said to Paige, does she, sometimes I don't know if you like me or not. It's like, Oh man. The biggest thing that made me almost fall over is that he's 35. Oh, the same age as us. I was like, I thought he was like, Shep age. I thought so too, Jessica. I was like, Oh my God. He's 38. At least I was baffled. I still, I love them. That seemed like warm of my heart in the sense that like, Oh, they're going to be fine. You know, like I think, I think we still have that disagreement. I think, I think we're going to hear they've parted ways. Broken up. I think they're break up. If I'm betting, I'm betting they break up and they get back together right away. No. Okay. So I'll be celebrating when the breakup is, I'll be right. Then you'll be like, Oh, they might. Yeah. Got to get back together. Now, couples who are not doing well, Lindsay and Carl. And that's the understatement of the year. Oh, like I, I think we've said it before. I am synthesizing so much more with Lindsay this season. I agree. When Carl was so wishy-washy about his convo. And then I know they cut to his confessionals and I understand he's trying to protect her feelings. No fiance wants to hear that their future mother and father-in-law like, don't think it's right. I get that, but he cannot be direct and he is terrified of her. Yeah. Terrified. He's being, you know, I wrote it. He's being the Tom Schwartz of the season. Yeah. He's, he's, he's putting out problems that are not direct and not clear. She's reacting. And then he's get reacting off of her reaction. I mean, it's, it's just, I'm just, I'm shocked to tell her before she's going to the bridal shower. Yeah. Yeah. Bridal shower. Yeah. That's, that's like, why did you do that? She's going to see your mom there. Yeah. Would you, would you have talked to your mother-in-law and said, absolutely not. And did you notice like the body language? Lindsay was so turned to her own step mom. I literally was like, poor Sharon is literally like, hello. She's added Lindsay's back. Did you see that? She's kind of like, hi, like, can you not have your like back to me? Yeah. It was, that was such an odd moment. Um, biggest thing from the bridal shower. Gabby wore white. I know. What? I thought that was the theme at first. And then I was like, nope, that's not the theme. She even goes, I'm giving bridal without being the bride. I mean, and they didn't need to put that comment in. They put that comment in. That was shady. Shady. For her to acknowledge, she knew she was giving off a bridal look and, yeah, I was shocked. No one else commented, I guess. I think Amanda and Sierra are a little nicer. If page was there, you know, and her confessional page would have been like white. I know. I know. I do think when Gabby had the breakdown at the alien party, the level of crying didn't, I don't think the situation warranted the level of breakdown that was happening. Now, Gabby has said that she has these emotional breakdowns and she suppresses feelings and they bubble up. She said she cries once every two years. Oh, so what? That was a culmination of two years of suppressing stuff, I guess. But, but then you need to not, then you should kind of articulate that more. Like, I feel like page and Amanda, first of all, Amanda was so happy that she had a storyline. Finally, that was just Amanda in her alien outfit where she was. I saw her checking her stomach again on the bed. And I felt like she's already gotten still concave. Amanda, don't worry. She's already getting called on that one. She was joining again. Anyway, she was so happy to have a storyline with that. But I feel like they were reading that crying is like, this is solely from the Danielle conversation. And Gabby was allowing people from that. And I think it was a cry of like, her sister has a boyfriend, which she was upset about. Her parents are putting pressure. Yeah. Parents moved away. Like, I think there was a lot there that she was crying about. And she just fully let, I feel like Danielle kind of take that. Right. Right. No, agreed. I mean, Danielle was extremely insensitive. I agree. Again, alcohol infused argument. And I'm sure Danielle did not come across how she would have liked to. Right. It was like, I don't care. Or like, it's not my fault. Page is like, you made her cry. But like you said, it wasn't, it was that plus. Probably the last six months of Gabby's life of stuff going on. Right. I cannot understand suppressing stuff for that long. What did you think? Speaking of Amanda, God, I just can't say anything nice about Amanda. Your Katie is my Amanda. Oh, okay. See, I kind of like Amanda. Okay. But the, she, she gets the tea from Lindsay who still has the same hair from her bridal shower. And then. I didn't even notice that. But yeah, it was like that high pony with the extension. And then she goes in to look for her quote unquote shoes and realizes, Oh, there's additional juice going on in this bedroom. Let me place myself down in this conversation. And Kyle like kind of called her out and he goes, Oh, you're staying for the combo. Yeah. And so, and then she like kind of drums it up there and she's, you can tell she's like, so please finally, like Amanda's got like some like meat in the game, you know, something in the game. And, and then they're blaming the, the, the fourth wall, the camera. That was really interesting. Right. I know. I feel like summer house has not done that. Yeah. I know some other shows have kind of referenced, but yeah, that was the first time where it was like, I have to tell you because you're going to see it. And they were kind of like scanning the room. Like, it's like, Carl, how, how did you not put that together? Like, why is Amanda the voice of reason right now telling you that? And then he gets himself all worked up and like goes to tell Lindsay, who's like, yeah, we've already talked about this. Let's talk about it again. Yeah. What are your thoughts on talking to your parents about like relationship woes or fight? I think he's a good example of why you don't do it, but it saved him in the end. It saved him. But I, I actually read an article that said that couples who do the best are the ones that don't vent to their parents about the other person. Yeah. Cause you just get more opinions. Well, and it's like in high or high school grade school, when you'd come home and you'd tell your mom about the fight you got into with your friend. And then you would ask to have that friend over like a week later. Your mom would be like, I thought we didn't like her. And you're like, but that was a week ago. It's like, that's where it has to be. Was that ever met with me, Lauren, in middle school? I don't think we ever fought. No. Um, but that's like, where you have to kind of hold, you have to hold some of it back. I think if something big is going on, you need your parents support or you need to be able to talk to them about it. But the day to day fighting. Yes. And that's where I think, I think Lindsay and Carl is so toxic that. The parents can't tell the difference between the day to day fighting and the big stuff, or maybe they can, but everything is big. I think every day it's a big, right? So the parents are just like, this isn't working. Yeah. Okay. Let's talk West and Sierra. Um, I normally would always side with the woman in most relationship situations, but I'm kind of thinking it's fair game that he's texting other women. I don't think Sierra has given him much. I know we talked about this and I found that too, like throughout these last couple of episodes, I am rooting more for the guys, which I'm trying to check myself and being like, I'm like, what's wrong with you? I want these guys, male sympathizer, which is what Sheena was called. And that's where, yeah, it's like, they're totally on different pages that he obviously likes her and I think wants something, but isn't willing to go out on a limb and tell her that. Right. Where then she's going, I don't just sleep with someone unless you can talk to me about your feelings. Right. That's more, you know, we need that emotional connection before I'm doing that. But the cringe, it was like he was talking out at, you know, the fire and like saying, yeah, I'm still kind of texting other girls, not totally turning that down. And then she runs out and leaps into him and is like kissing him. I was like, Oh, that was very different. Like reaction. Cause I mean, who is going to be on this year's summer house? Do you have Carl and Lindsay after their breakup? Or are we just over that? Like, I don't know if Carl will, I bet Lindsay will have a single summer and be out there sleeping with everybody. That is such a, where are we going? Yeah. You can't be on Amanda. No. I mean, we keep talking about it. Gabby's out. That's like the only definitive thing. I think we're like kind of over Danielle too. She's just not had a good rub this season. I mean, it's like, you've got to keep some consistency, but I could literally also see a full overhaul. Right. Right. Right. I, you know, I would rather see them during the week. Like Amanda, Paige, Sierra, that group, they're clearly friends. Right. And then you have Kyle by default of Amanda and then Paige by default, you have Craig and then Sierra and Wes, they clearly break up. But if they were still together, then you'd have something there. So I, I would transition this from being on the Hamptons and I would start to get during the week. Previous seasons were more of their week. Yeah. Lies. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. 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