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Krista Adams



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In the first episode of Hanging Out with Mrs. Adams, Krista Adams introduces herself as a sixth-grade math teacher. She shares her experience as a coach for the high school softball team and the middle school track team. She talks about her love for playing fetch and going on runs with her dog, Oakley, and her passion for traveling. She mentions her plans to visit all the national parks and her and her husband's tradition of planning vacations around MLB stadiums. Mrs. Adams discusses the topics she will cover in the classroom podcast, including converting fractions, decimals, and percents, and the benefits of writing grades in fraction form. She describes her classroom environment as inviting and supportive, where students can feel comfortable asking questions and making mistakes. Mrs. Adams emphasizes that she provides enough time for students to complete assignments in class and encourages them to ask questions. She expresses her excitement about starting the podcast to keep student Hey, guys. Welcome to my first segment of Hanging Out with Mrs. Adams. I am Krista Adams, and this is Episode 1, titled Meet Mrs. Adams. In this episode, I'm going to talk a little bit about myself and what will be happening in my classroom this year. First of all, I want to say thank you for tuning in and welcome. For those of you who do not know who I am, I'm Krista Adams. I have taught sixth grade math at Clinton Middle School for about four years now. Alongside of teaching, I have also been an assistant coach for the high school softball team for four years, and I have also been an assistant coach for the middle school track team for two years, and I have loved both positions. Next year, I'll actually be moving up to be an assistant high school track coach, so I'm very excited about that. I'm originally from DeSoto, Missouri, where I graduated high school. I then went on to get my college degree in secondary education at Central Methodist University, Go Eagles. There, I also played college softball for four years, and I met my now husband of four years there. Some of my favorite things to do are play fetch and go on runs with my dog, Oakley. He is about eight months, so he's still pretty much of a puppy. I also love to travel in the summertime. Eventually, I want to say that I've visited all the national parks, or at least as many as possible. So, if you're listening and you have any suggestions on things to do at those national parks, let me know. My husband and I also have recently started to plan our vacation around MLB Stadium. We are both big baseball fans, but our split household, my husband's favorite team is the Kansas City Boyles, and mine is the St. Louis Cardinals. So, I'm going to try to convert me over to a Royals fan, but I've got to stay strong to my boys. Go Cards! Throughout this classroom podcast, I will discuss topics we cover in class. We'll dive into things like how to convert fractions, decimals, and percents, and why this is crucial in our daily lives. To go along with this topic, I'll have an exciting episode titled, Should Teachers Write Grades in Fraction Form or Percent Form on Assignments? During that episode, I'll go over the benefits of having teachers write assignment grades in fraction form instead of percent form. So, if you are interested in that, stay tuned and listen to students' and teachers' perspective on this. With the beginning of the school year coming up, I wanted to give you guys a little insight into what it's like in my classroom. So, I like to create an inviting environment for my students and those who enter. I want it to be a place where students can be vulnerable and successful and not afraid to ask questions and even say the wrong answer out loud in front of the whole class. I also like to provide all necessary resources for students. So, if you cannot get the supplies you need, you can most likely find it in my classroom. My future students who are listening may be wondering if there is going to be lots of homework. Well, that depends on how hard you work and your work ethic in class. I provide enough time for you to complete your assignments in class and ask questions. That's why I'm there. I want to make sure you guys understand. And I know when you go home, you have things that you have to do after school, chores, sports, practice, games. And so, I provide time in class for you to finish those assignments and ask questions. I am thrilled to be able to start this website and podcast with my students and their families. My overall goal for this is to be able to keep everyone in the know and updated for what events are going on. I hope to provide insight into material for those who are willing to do things at home. I strongly believe that student success does not just come from doing schoolwork at school. I think that if you have sports practice after school, you most likely do more at home when you're not in practice. So, why not do the same when it comes to schoolwork? So, if you enjoyed listening today, make sure to subscribe or tune in next time. And if you have any questions or comments, feel free to email me at kadams at clintoncardinals.org. Thank you.

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