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msp1701-proj02-kotaro -kikuchi

msp1701-proj02-kotaro -kikuchi


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AI Mastering


The speaker talks about their hobby of music. They were interested in music from a young age because their parents played instruments. They listened to a lot of Japanese pop music on their iPod. In junior high school, they started listening to Western music and were influenced by Van Okker books. Their father gave them a guitar in high school, and music became a way for them to express themselves. They enjoy making music that reflects their emotions and decisions. They would like to make a music video using filming techniques they learned in a class. They also made background music and hope you like it. I don't know what should I really call, so I will introduce my hobby. One of my hobby is music, so I was interested in music since I was very young, because my father played guitar and my mother played piano. Then, I loved Japanese pop music, and I listened to a lot of music on iPod, my mother told me. I was highly affected by Van Okker books when I was in junior high school. And in junior high school, I started listening western music. Then, when I was in high school, my father gave me a guitar, my birthday. From there, I started living unenlightened and making trouble. And music became my way of expressing myself. The music I make changes with my emotions and decisions. Even I don't know what kind of music I will make. But that's what makes it fun. I would like to make a music video using the filming techniques I learned in this class. And after it, I made this background music, so I hope you like it.

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