Bible (KJV) NT 10: Ephesians

The "Bible (KJV) NT 10: Ephesians" is a book that originated in a diverse church community, made up of both Jewish and Hellenistic believers. It tackles various issues related to the different religious and cultural backgrounds of the people in the community. The author, Paul, focuses on addressing hostility, division, and self-interest, suggesting that his main concern is not just about beliefs but also about how people behave towards one another. One of the main themes in Ephesians is the response to newly converted Jews who tended to separate themselves from their Gentile counterparts. The book emphasizes the importance of unity within the church, particularly between Jewish and Gentile believers. This unity is seen as the central message of Ephesians. Overall, Ephesians offers guidance on how to overcome divisions and promote harmony within a multicultural and diverse religious community. It highlights the significance of unity among believers, regardless of their different backg