Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The teacher welcomes the students to the survey of business class. They will be learning about various aspects of business and careers. The class will cover file management, DECA organization, essential employability skills, and different clusters of business. Students will need Google Suite software and will use Google Classroom for most assignments. The first few days will focus on team building and getting to know each other. The teacher provides contact information for any questions. Hi, everyone, and welcome to survey of business. I hope you have all had a great summer and are excited to be back at school. My name is coach call your you can also call me this call your and I am going to be your survey of business teacher this year. I am 1 of 3 teachers that teach this class, and I am also the assistant varsity volleyball and softball coach. This is going to be my 2nd year teaching and coaching at Silent Springs. And this is also my 2nd year teaching in general. So I love this school and I love everything about it. So I'm excited to be back with you this year. We're just going to go over this newsletter really quick. And then I can kind of explain what's going to happen the 1st couple days of class as well afterwards and how to get you set up for class. So, again, I hope you've all had a great summer this year. Survey of business has actually changed what you're taught. So this is the 1st time we're going to teach it in a new way. And I'm excited because you're going to get to learn a lot more aspects of business and careers in business and all of that. So you are in a great class. This is also going to serve as an intro class. So if any of you are interested in the future of pursuing business or taking accounting, marketing, small business organizations, hospitality and tourism management, this is a great intro class for that and is also required. So you are 1 step ahead if you're already wanting to take those classes next year or as a junior or senior, whatever grade you're in. So starting off with this class, we are going to learn about file management. So a lot of you are used to everything saving. If you use Google Docs or Google slides, everything saves automatically for you and your own Google Drive. And that is not the case when we are working with Microsoft applications. So we're going to kind of learn about file management, how to save stuff and how to create different files. We are also going to talk about our CTSO, which is a career and technical student organization. So I need to fix that typo in the newsletter that I see. But ours is going to be DECA. And so the second week of school, we're really going to dive into DECA stuff. So I'm not going to go over it right now. It is an amazing organization for business and marketing aspects. You can attend local and national conferences. You can also compete. So we had several students and teachers go to Anaheim, California, and compete nationally for us last April. So it is a great chance to get involved in the school and get to kind of dive into business more. So we will talk about DECA and then essential employability skills. And then we get to start learning about the different clusters of business. So business management and everything that evolves around management will be what we talk about first. So to be successful in this class, you will need to have Google Suite software, which if you are using the Google – or not Google – yes, the Chromebook that you are given through the school, everything should be downloaded for you. And I believe everything we do in this class besides a couple tests, which we'll get to that way down in the road – don't even worry about that right now – but everything we do is going to be in Google Classroom. If you are new to the school or have never used Google Classroom before, there will be another video I post on how to kind of navigate Google Classroom and how to use it. But if you already know how to use it and are pretty fluent with it, you don't even need to worry about watching it. But that will be posted for you the first week of school as well. And I've already talked about what's ahead for the first few weeks. The first couple days of class, we're just going to get used to seeing each other, kind of collaborating, doing some teamwork stuff, icebreakers, all that good stuff. Because we are going to be doing a lot of team projects this year. So, you are going to get used to talking to several people you may not know, doing projects and all of that. So, we're going to get to know each other the first couple days of school. So, it's very important that you are there and showing up every day and ready to go. To parents, I'm excited to have every single one of your students in my class this year. Again, this is my second year teaching. So, I'm still learning and growing, but I'm excited to have everyone here and excited to be back in Siloam Springs. If you ever have any questions, I am in season right now with volleyball. So, I may not be able to schedule a physical meeting with you in person, but my email is right there. If you ever have a question, you can send it directly through Gmail or through eSchool, and I will reply to you as quickly as I can. And my remind code for this class is also down there at the bottom, or if you already have the app, you can just type in those last five, six numbers, and that should allow you to join the class as well. So, again, thank you all for being here and for signing up for this class, and we are going to have a very exciting year. So, just continue through Google Classroom if you are working in there right now to see your first assignment or two and what the agenda is for this week. Thank you.