Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker created a short meditation for people with skin conditions. They emphasize the importance of giving love and support to the skin through words and thoughts. The skin is praised for its healing abilities and for eliminating toxins from the body. The speaker believes that skin conditions are messages indicating imbalances in life and encourages listeners to seek answers and continue to love themselves. The meditation is recommended as a daily self-care practice. Hi everyone. I was inspired to create a short meditation for those of you struggling with a skin condition. It is so important to tune the world out and give our skin the love and support it needs to heal through our words and our thoughts, even for just one minute a day. Please take a break from what you're doing to close your eyes and feel your way through these words as I speak and connect with your skin. I love my skin so much. It is healing from the inside out. I am so grateful for all of the work it's doing to keep me healthy. It is amazing that my largest organ is constantly eliminating toxins from my body. It helps me feel secure, safe, and protected. It protects me in so many ways. It is my biggest teacher. It teaches me how to take care of myself physically and emotionally. When I see spots, I feel grateful for the message that something is out of balance in my life. Thank goodness I have these obvious indicators that something needs my attention. Whatever it is, it will show itself. I might not know what to do right now and that's okay. I will. The answers are inside of me and will come when I am ready for them. I love myself with or without spots on my skin. I am clear, beautiful, glowing skin. I am confidence. I am love. I love my skin so much and it loves me right back. Feel free to open your eyes when you're ready. We don't say these words enough. We don't give enough love to our skin. I think most of us are too busy wishing it away or treating it with hate and disgust, focusing on the negative appearance. I want to remind you that your condition is here to help you. Your condition is your body's way of communicating to you something is wrong. What could it be? I encourage you to look and continue to ask if you can't find the answer. It will show up, I promise you. Just don't stop looking and don't stop asking. Don't give up on loving you. I hope you've enjoyed this short meditation and include it in your self-care practice each day.