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The Great Eclipse

The Great Eclipse

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There is going to be an eclipse tomorrow. The speaker talks about the lack of traffic due to the eclipse and mentions that it is a rare occurrence. They discuss how nature reveals the existence of God and how the heavens declare his glory. The speaker differentiates between general revelation and specific revelation. They emphasize that words cannot fully convey the glory of God, but it can be witnessed. They highlight the uninterrupted and universal message of the heavens. The speaker also mentions the sun and its significance. They mention the temperature drop during the eclipse and quote Psalm 14 about the fool who denies the existence of God. heard that there is going to be an eclipse tomorrow. How many of you have just about heard enough about the eclipse tomorrow? Amen? Although, in view of everything, I told my wife that we need to advertise the eclipse more often because this morning and tonight we didn't have hardly any traffic on the interstate. So I don't know where all these people that were supposed to be here, they weren't out and about today anyway. But, you know, tomorrow is a big day. It's kind of a rare occurrence that's happening. I think it's going to be another, I think they said, 200 years until the next eclipse, total eclipse comes through Arkansas again, or it may be 2,000 years. You know me in numbers. I don't really know. But it is kind of a big deal. And there are people that are here. There are people that have come in in order to get an opportunity to see this event as it takes place. The president, former President Abraham Lincoln, said, I can see how it might be possible for a man to look down upon the earth and be an atheist, but I cannot conceive how he could look up into the heavens and say there is no God. And, you know, that's really true. And David writes Psalms 19, and it's so rich in theology. There is just so much theology and teachings and understanding that we find in Psalms 19. But what it does is it illustrates to us the astounding truth that God is the magnificent artist of the skies in this entire world. And he wants people to know him personally. God wants him to have a relationship with people. And he's made himself known through us through natural, general revelation and not only general revelation, but then there's also specific revelation. And that's what David is talking about here in this psalm. And there's a great distinction between natural revelation and specific revelation. When you look up at the skies and you see the heavens as they declare the glories of God, David uses the name God. He uses the word El there, the E-L in the Hebrew language, which is a general name. And it means God is the powerful one. He means God is strong. But then when he discusses the witness and the revelation of Scripture there, he refers to God in the name of Yahweh, Jehovah. And so there's a little bit of a difference there. And so when we look at the general revelation of God, we see God and his power and his creativity and his strength and his magnificence. But then when we look at God in the Scriptures, we see him there as the Lord, Jehovah, Yahweh, our God, our Savior that is there. And this important distinguishment is seen in this passage of Scripture. Nature reveals to us that there is a God, a powerful, intellectual, personal being who created all of this world and ordered everything that is in it. You know, the one thing that I've kind of laughed and snickered, teaching scientific apologetics at CABHI in the fall semester and studying creation and the first 11 chapters of Genesis and stuff, it's amazing. If we were evolving, nobody could have predicted this eclipse because we have no idea what's going to happen or what's going to come. But the fact that God set everything in order, guess what? They could go 2,000 years out and predict the eclipse and things that are going to happen in the future. Because God is intellectual. God is powerful. He is there. And he has this incredible, incredible love and this plan for humanity. That's where we see him in Jehovah, Yahweh. And so I want us to look and notice, first of all, in Psalms 19, this general revelation of God. And in order to get this general revelation of God, David looks up at the sky and notice what he says. He says, The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth his handiwork. Day unto day uttereth speech and night unto night showeth knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out through all the earth and their words to the end of the world. And them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun. And so as we look at this, the definition of the word glory, you know, we hear so many different words and terms about what this glory is. And I think every definition and everything that I've ever heard described glory, all of them fall short of what glory really means and what glory really does portray. The Hebrew word there literally means a weightiness, a heaviness. And so when you think about that for just a minute and think about it, it follows weighty and heaviness can have a positive side to it, but it can also have a negative side to it. It can be defined as honor, splendor, greatness. When we look at the positive aspect to give glory or to assign a person the weight of honor that he or she is due. And of course, when we look at the heavens, the heavens declare the glory, the splendor, the magnificence of God, our Creator. But words themselves really cannot convey the glory of God. All of the adjectives we can collect, magnificent, marvelous, amazing, awesome, dazzling, blinding, illustrious, radiant, splendid, wonderful. Every one of them are woefully inadequate when it comes to thinking about and talking about the glory of God. You cannot define it. You cannot explain it. But listen, it can be witnessed. You can see it. You can feel it. You can exhibit it. And David, when he looks up into the skies, he witnessed when he looked up into heaven, the magnificence, the glory, the heaviness, the weight of God as he looked into the heavens. They declare the existence and the essence of God. But when you look into the heavens, it declares the presence of this person. The heavens proclaim the fact that there is a God, a personal being greater than the skies, who created and ordered them, their vastness and beauty, herald the truth that this God is almighty, a God of infinite wisdom and ability. And David comes to it and he gives this not only as he looks into the skies, he notices, first of all, this uninterrupted message. In other words, notice what he says, day unto day it uttereth speech. Every single day we go outside and we see the glory of God. But then notice what he also says. He says that night unto night he showeth knowledge, whether the daytime or whether the nighttime. We can look at the heavens and see the glory of God. Every night the stars knowingly show their knowledge with all of the numbers. You know, the Bible says that all of them stars that are in the sky that God has named each and every one. There's still stars that we haven't even discovered yet that are there. And so all of this by day, all of this by night, it cannot be interrupted. It's always there. But not only is it an uninterrupted message, but it's also a universal message. When you notice what David says here, he says there is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out through all the earth and their words to the end of the world. When you look up at the sky, when you look at the night in the daytime and you look at the sky in the night, it goes at any barrier in any nation, in any tongue, in any language. Everybody sees and experiences the same thing. Just think about it for just a minute. All of the people that are traveling, all of the people that have come to get into this band of this eclipse that starts in Mexico and goes all the way and exits out in our view in Canada, that is there. But it's possible because it is a wordless speech. The glory of God is going to be on display. He says their line has gone out throughout all the earth, their words to the end of the world. In the old hat, he said a tabernacle for the sun. And so he goes and he looks from heaven and now he sees this sun that is there. And as he looks at this sun, he begins to notice something. He begins to see something. You know, when you see the sun and you talk about the Bible says that the sun and we know from science and we know through observation, the sun travels on a raft. The sun rises in the east and it sets in the west. It has a path that it takes. It has a path that it moves along. Tomorrow, I was listening to some of the news explaining about the eclipse. Tomorrow, the sun is going to be moving across Arkansas at the speed of 1600 miles per hour. That's pretty quick as it goes by. That's why some people have the total eclipse being a certain amount of time. Others have it being shorter. And all of this, the sun as it travels, you realize it provides heat for everything that he crosses. They say in that middle section, which we're a few miles off of the longest part of the total eclipse here in Saline County, I think we're only supposed to get like two minutes or something of total darkness. But those that are having over four minutes of total darkness, they say the temperature is going to drop 10 to 15 degrees during that four or five minutes. Can you imagine that God put that sun there to give us warmth and everything? And I've heard that during this eclipse, it will drop. And yet the Bible says to deny the existence of a God is to be a fool. In Psalm 63, it says the fool has said in his heart there is no God. He says corrupt are they and have done abominable iniquity. There is none that do with good. But the Bible says, you know, that if we don't cry out, the rocks will cry out. You know, I don't know if this is a coincidence, but I've done a lot of thinking this week and a lot of thinking today. And, you know, just think with me for just a minute, like I said, and I don't believe in coincidences and I don't believe in stuff like that. I'm being sarcastic when I use that phrase. But last Sunday was what? Easter, Easter, the day that we all came together to do what? To celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Does anybody know what Monday was? The very next day after Easter was April Fool's Day, which I jokingly say that's National Atheist Day, because the fool has said in his heart there is no God. So we go from Easter one day, we go to the Atheist National Holiday the next day. And then if you study numbers and everything, and I'm not a big numbers guy in the Bible either, but seven days is the day of completeness. One week later, after Easter, the celebration of God on one day, the pronunciation of atheism and there is no God on the next day. One week later, guess what? God sends an eclipse. And David says, the glory, the heavens declare the glory of God. And I don't know, and I don't know, but our attendance was way down this morning. I don't know if you've noticed it or what, but it seems kind of strange to me that when all of a sudden the gospel is declared and the gospel is preached, guess what? If people won't show up to hear it, if they won't hear the specific word of God, the specific revelation of God, God's still going to give them a general revelation. And all of this is put together and all of this is coming about in a week of time where all of a sudden, God tomorrow, everybody is going to have their eyes turned where? To the revelation of God's greatness and His goodness. And so, you know, I don't know if God has a sense of humor. I don't know if God planned it this way or not, but it's just kind of strange in 2024 that everything just kind of lines up with, there's a lot of garbage and nonsense. And I've debated on which way I wanted to go tonight to deal with this, because there is tons of stuff that is in the internet and stuff about the return of Jesus Christ tomorrow and everything else that is not biblically substantiated nowhere. It's not in the Bible. And so, you know, I just decided tonight, you know what? I'm not even going to give credit or credence to it. Jesus Christ said in Mark chapter 13, if you want to read it, when it comes to signs in the sky and everything else, He says, no man knows the day or the hour. And so it's ludicrous to sit back and try to put the return of Jesus Christ with any event. And I've gone another step forward. It's even more ridiculous to take a Bible that was written mainly to Jewish people and try to interpret it based on our Western civilization in America that's there. But the Bible does say this, that if we don't talk about the gospel, if we don't cry out about God, He said the rocks will cry out. And so I kind of find it funny that here we had Easter and we cried out. But guess what? Nobody wanted to listen the next week. So guess what? The heavens are going to cry out tomorrow. The heavens are going to declare the glory of God. He tells us in Romans chapter one and verse 20, he says, the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power in Godhead, so that they are without what excuse they are without excuse. He goes on in Romans chapter 10 and verse 18 and 19. And he says this, but I say, have they not heard? Yes, barely. Their sound went out into all the earth and the words into the ends of the world. But I say, did not Israel know? First, Moses saith, I will provoke you to jealousy by them that are no people and by foolish nation, I will anger you. Notice what he says there at the very beginning of that. Have you not heard? And then he says, their sound went out into all the earth and the words went to the ends of the world. He is quoting from Psalms 19. Guess what? The heavens have declared that there's a God. We can see God in the heavens. In Psalms chapter 19, then he begins to go into verse 7 through 11. And he mentions here this law that is perfect, this converting the soul in the essence. And then he talks about, notice some of these phrases as we go down through verse 7 through 11, and we'll kind of look at them there. He says, the law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul. The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart and commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes. The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever. The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, yea, much more, much than fine gold. Sweeter also than honey, than the honeycomb. Bore over by them is thy servant warned, and in keeping with them there is great reward. He turns from the general revelation of the heavens and the sky to the specific revelation, the word of God that he is giving us. And he tells us, the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. Actually, I'm not going to read all that again. I didn't think I had them in there, but I did have them in there. Notice the specific revelation of God. And so, notice this specific. What did the Bible start with? What's the very first verse in the Bible? In the beginning, God did what? Created the heaven and the earth, right? We've all memorized it. In the beginning, God, he took from his general revelation of creation and the sky and the heaven and everything else, and when he comes to his specific revelation, what did he start with? The answer to the first question that everybody that looks into the heavens has. Where did all of this come from? Who made it? And what happened? And so he goes from this general revelation to guess what? The very first verse in our Bible is, in the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. He answers it for us. The general revelation brings us to God. It points us to a creator. It shows us the glory, the heaviness, the weightiness of God. And then the specific revelation picks up right there at the very beginning and tells us. He tells us about Jesus Christ in John chapter 1 and verse 14, Notice the glory that is declared of God through the heaven and the creation is now declared through his Son, Jesus Christ. Every bit of the Bible presents Jesus Christ as the glory, the weight, the heaviness of God. David sings the praises of God's wonderful Word and he adheres to a very deliberate method. He offers a very important theology and truth about the Bible. And then he follows it with this invaluable benefit that he gives us. And notice in verse 7, he says, The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul. And then he uses the phrase, The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. Then he says, The statues of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart. The commandments of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes. The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever. The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul. Let's go back to verse 7, to that first one. He starts off with the law of the Lord. What is the law of the Lord? It starts with literally the first five books of the Bible. It's often referred to in the Pentateuch as the law of the Lord. It's the law that God gave Moses, that they were to live by, that they were to obey. And what he's telling us, David, who is telling us, remember a lot of the Kings and the Prophets and all of that hadn't been written yet when David is writing this, but he's saying the Word of God is what? Perfect. And then he uses the word converting the soul. When you look at that word perfect, it means flawless, undefiled, without blemish and spot. Do you realize that in our doctrinal statement, we have a statement that talks about the inerrancy of the Scripture? That God's Word is perfect. It is flawless. There are no mistakes in the Word of God. And then he turns around and he uses the word, it converts. It means turning or returning to. The very first great benefit of Scripture is that it leads us to turn to God. It leads us to repentance. And repentance leads us from what? From following our life and our desires to accepting Jesus Christ, our Savior, by faith. And so in this process, as the sun returns every single day from the heavens, every single day the sun rises and the sun sets. Guess what? God's Word returns the sinner to God. Every time you go to the Word of God, it leads to repentance. Me and my wife, Friday night, got to attend Gideon's banquet. They had their international banquet this year, meeting this year in Little Rock. And so Gideon's from all over the world were there and speaking and sharing and I'll just tell you, I was pumped by the end of that because there's nothing hearing the testimonies of all of these people because they picked up a Bible, whether it's from the Gideon's or whether it's because somebody gave them a Bible, they found a Bible or whatever. But the thing is, is they got the Bible and through the Bible they saw Jesus Christ. And some powerful testimonies and stuff were given to the power of the Word of God. See, God reveals Himself in the skies, but He specifically tells us about His love in His Word. He specifically tells us about Him. Scripture tells us everything we need to know about salvation. His perfect law reveals our sinfulness. His perfect law reveals the need for a Savior. It tells us about Jesus Christ and that salvation is possible only through faith in Him. And Paul explained this broad purpose of God's law of salvation. He mentioned the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. God's Word provides everything God wants us to know and everything we need to know for this life. You realize everything you need to live and live life more abundantly is found in the Word of God? Jesus Christ said, I came to give life and life more abundantly. And John said, guess what? Jesus Christ was the Word. And the Word became flesh that is there. He mentions the law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul. In other words, God's testimonies are trustworthy. You can trust what God tells us. You can trust what God says. And it says it so much in the latter part of verse 7, it is the source of wisdom. Now, how do we begin to be wisdom? You go back and you study Solomon. What did Solomon say in Proverbs? Over and over, the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. And so notice here that not only does the law convert us and save us, it also shows us how we are supposed to live and how we can become wise by following God. Scripture reveals God's amazing wisdom to humanity. When you look at God's Word, every person has the privilege of gaining wisdom from the Lord Himself. James says that, Ask, and it will be given unto all men, what? Liberally, freely, above and beyond what we can imagine. Those that are simple, that this verse refers to, are those that lack discernment. Those that don't have good judgment because they're inexperienced and unlearned. We have a lot of simple Christians. Not that they're dumb. They're just simple. They haven't studied. They haven't read. They haven't learned to make the discernment. And Paul warns over and over and over in his letters to beware of false teachers that are what? Leading the simple astray because they don't know how to discern. They don't know how to tell the truth because they're not in the Word of God. But with our study in the Word of God, we can acquire the skills necessary to be successful in life, to avoid the dangers. And look what he says in verse 8. The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. In Psalm 119, when you look at verse 7, 8, and 9, you will find that they are actually the introduction and the core to Psalm 119. What is Psalm 119? Anybody know anything about Psalm 119? Huh? It's in the middle of the Bible? It's the longest chapter in the entire Bible. It's 150 verses long. Psalm 119 is also the Hebrew alphabet. Every section starts with the letter of the alphabet all the way through all of their letters. I think they have 23 letters in the Hebrew alphabet. There's 23 sections in that passage of Scripture. Every one of them talks about the Bible. Every one of them is talking about Scripture. For they are ever with me. Psalm 119, 98, that through the commandments has made me wiser than my enemies. Every person that applies him or herself to the Bible receives wisdom. That exceeds all human education and learning. Psalm 119, 99 says, I have more understanding than all my teachers. You know the Word of God is read out in such a way that you can actually be smarter than me? You have the potential to know more about the Bible than me. It just takes time and effort to get into and study. He says in Psalm 119, verse 99, He says, For thy testimonies are my meditation. The Lord heartily invites every one of us to come and freely partake of this life-giving wisdom. And so, I want to fly through these right quick, but He says, The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes. God's statues are right. When you study the Word of God, we talked about this morning, the Word of God brings joy to our heart. It brings joy to our heart. He says, The statues of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart. He goes on and He says, The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening our eyes. By the word pure, David again declares that God's Word is perfect, it's flawless, it's undefiled. And grasp the significance of this verse. God's Word is a shining light for our lives. It enlightens our eyes. It opens up our eyes to understand what is going on and what is happening in this world. And then it says, The Word of God, the fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever. The fear of the Lord is not to be afraid of Him. It means to reverence. It means to honor Him, because of His sovereignty, because of His power, because of His holiness and His righteousness. Fear, reverence of God, drives us to believe the Gospel, to receive forgiveness of our sins, to establish a relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ. He goes on and says, The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. In other words, to fear the Lord is to reverence Him. This fear drives us to believe the Gospel that is there. And then He says, The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever. The judgments of the Lord are true. They're righteous. God's judgments or laws are true and fair. He says, The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, yea, much fine gold. Do you know what the difference between gold and fine gold is? Fine gold has already been processed. It's already been ground. It's already at its most valuable point. You can go and get a lot of gold. I like watching some of the gold shows from Alaska. You know, they get this gold. And what I've learned about that is, is some guy can get a pound of gold here, but if it's got dirt and all this stuff in it, guess what? When he goes to sell it, he only gets a certain amount of percentage because they check it for how much the impurities, and they knock that off of the price. But somebody that's took the time to separate all the impurities out of it and to refine it and to get it down to where there's nothing in there, they get the most valuable price for it. And that's what David says, man, the Word of God is desired more than gold. And he says, you know what? It's even more desirable than fine gold, that refined that is there. He says it's sweeter also than honey in the honeycomb. Moreover, by them is thy servant warned, and in keeping them there is great reward. You know, David valued God's commandments. He valued God's Word, and the Word warned him of the consequences of disobedience. The Word warned him about his reward if he obeyed God. It's taught all through the entire Bible, and it's great and abundant. And the thing is, we think about the eclipse tomorrow, and this is how I want to wrap it up, and I'll show you here in these last few verses. Because of his general revelation, because of his specific revelation, we ought to have the heart of David. We ought to treasure, we ought to love, we ought to appreciate God's holy Word. It should be more better for us than fine gold, and sweeter than honey out of the comb. It's life changing. It's life changing. And so he gives the impact in these last verses. Notice what he says in verse 12. Who can understand his errors? Cleanse thou me from secret faults. Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins. Let them not have dominion over me. Then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression. Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight. O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer. When we think about the general revelation of God, the heavens declare the glory of God. The general revelation, God is witnessed through His works, through His creation, through His creativity. We see God's wisdom. We see God's power. We see that it's infinite. We see that it's limitless. In contrast, because we see that, we are small. You know, when you start thinking about these planets and all of this stuff, I've read a deal, I like keeping up with astronomy and different things with that. Not the horoscopes and all that, but the stars and all that. In a couple of years, there's fixing to be a star that's fixing to explode. It's going to actually, a star that we can't even see with our naked eye, but we're going to be able to see it as it explodes. And they already know this is going to happen. They don't know the exact time, but they know within five months, so to be looking for it and where to look and all that. Just tremendous what's going to happen and what. But all of that declares that God is in control that's there. But then we come to the specific revelation. And God witnesses to us through His Word. And we see that God is righteous and God is holy. And because of that, we are sinners. And we fall desperately short of all that God is and that He commands and that we're separated from Him, that we are slaves to sin and we're hopelessly doomed to face judgment. But we also see in Scripture the other side, God's grace and His mercy, His love and forgiveness. And that if we will trust in His Son, Jesus Christ, who makes the payment of our sin, we learn that we can be reconciled to God through faith. And so because David sees this general revelation and understands this specific revelation, he gives three things right quick. Who can understand his errors? Cleanse thou me from my secret faults. The first thing he tells us is we ought to cry out in forgiveness. Tomorrow, when you go out and you look at the Eclipse, you being a Christian, you being a believer, first of all, ought to know his general revelation that God's glory is manifested there. But you also ought to understand the specific revelation. And because of that, we ought to cry out for forgiveness. We're sinners. We're small compared to what God is. But then notice the second part that it does. And so when we look at the glory of God, it ought to open up our conscience to be aware of the specific revelation of God. But then look at what he says in verse 13. Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins. Let them not have dominion over me. Then shall I be upright and I shall be innocent from the great transgression. Notice the second thing. We ought to cry out for God's protection. Notice what David asked for. He says, protect me from presumptuous sins. What are presumptuous sins? Sins of pride. Sins committed rebelliously. Sins that are done willfully. Sins that are done intentionally. Sins committed while we're thinking that God would never condemn us. David never wanted to commit a presumptuous sin. And it started with the general revelation of God. What a wonderful, powerful truth. We don't have to be slaves to sin. Do you realize it is possible for us, through the power of God's indwelling Spirit, to be set free from sin's dominion in our lives? And then he says, let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in my sight. And notice how he closes this out. O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer. My strength and my Redeemer. Cry out that you are pleasing to God. Cry out that your life is pleasing to God. David longed to please God. David longed to please God. And he asked God to make everything in his life acceptable unto him. But David not only prayed for outward holiness, but he also prayed for purity within. That he wanted his thoughts, as well as his words, to be acceptable to the Lord. See, all because he witnessed God's work. And he saw the glory of God. David understood that the Lord was his strength. His rock and his Redeemer. When you observe the beauty of nature and look up into the sky at night, you know that there's a mighty God of creation. You know, and he says that he flung these stars, but he didn't just fling them anywhere. He set them in a place and he set them in a motion that you can study, that you can know, that you can predict, that you can go. And you know how we know at night the direction of north? When the sun rises in the east and in the west, when you're out in the woods or something in the daytime, what do you do? You find out where the sun's at. And you can figure out where's north. You know what you do at night? God put a star. The north star. You know where that north star actually is? If you ever get lost at night, I want to teach you something right here. You know how you find north? How many of you have ever looked at the sky for the Big Dipper? You ever found the Big Dipper? You look at the Big Dipper. When you find the Big Dipper, the handle has three stars. You go from the Big Dipper, you go out the handle to the third star, the last star in the handle, and guess what? That's the north star. And so all you have to do is find that dipper in the sky. And then you look out and there's the north star. And you always know. God planned it that way. God designed it that way. So that what? You go back to Genesis and you say that the sun, the moon, the stars was all put there so that we can know the signs of the seasons, the times, the directions, everything about life God has given us in the sky. So tomorrow when you look up in the skies, and some of you may be with your grandkids, some of you may be with family members, some of you may be with friends and getting together and having a big event. Here's what I want you to remember when you look up at the sky. You'll have about two and a half minutes to sit there and do that. But while the eclipse is happening, I want you to remember that there's a God and we need Him. We need Him. And so when you look at that, all of these people that come in, all of these people that are driving in, that are looking at the sky, we're left here to remind them that we need God. God doesn't need us. We need Him. And so tomorrow as you look at that eclipse, as you experience this phenomenon, it doesn't happen very often. I've been through partial eclipse. I've never been to a total eclipse. Never seen one. Never had experience one. Tomorrow, we get to do it. We get to do it. But remember when you look at that eclipse, remember that God needs you. And He came and He gave His life for you. Because we're so small compared to the heavens and everybody else. And so man, you got a great opportunity of witnessing your children, your grandchildren, your friends, and your neighbors. As you're standing there in awe, experiencing the great wonders of God. As we stand and have a prayer of supplication, what do you do? 533. That's a very good song. Way, way, way back when. It's one of the songs that many people like to go to very young and very early. Most people experience it as early as their little child.

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