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_Steve Jobs - Presentation 02

_Steve Jobs - Presentation 02




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Saying yes to everything leads to going a little way in many directions, while saying no to most things leads to going a long way in a single direction. The most dangerous men are humble and teachable, not arrogant. Strength comes through humility. Stop trying to control everything in your mind. Just observe and detach. Let go of the noise and find a sense of calm. You don't need validation from others to take responsibility. Taking responsibility gives life meaning and purpose. Men need direction and a sense of purpose in order to break free from their current reality. When you say yes to everything, you go a little way in many directions. When you say no to most things, you go a long way in a single direction. The most dangerous men on the planet who I've worked with, whether they are rangers or seals, three-letter agency contractors, I have worked with all kind of dangerous men. And on the tippy-top of those guys, there's always a more humble and unassuming guy. I'm like, what is that? And you realize that the arrogant guys can only get so tough, only get so far, but you have to be teachable. Arrogant only get you so far in that respect. And I saw a lot of guys who were kind of PT studs. They get into ranger battalion, and then they'd wash out, and then some other guy who have less impressive physics, but he's got a longer-suffering grit and character under the hood. He had a deeper reservoirs in his soul to tap into. That man didn't quit, and he went the distance. He find incredible strength through humility. You have nothing in this world to conquer or to challenge or to transcend apart from your mind. Your neighbor lives here. Enemies and friends live here. Your gods and demons live here, and your self-imagined lives here. Stop trying to a traffic policeman in your own head. Let it run. Just remain detached like you're witnessing. The witness never involved in the scene that it's witnessing, because the moment you become involved in the scene, you become part of the scene. The witness has to stand apart. Just keep witnessing your traffic first. The mind stuff and its daily routine. It's your family, friends, your job, your money, your things, and the weather. Everything that coming up. Sometimes it will feel like some reflex. Snap finger, and you're in form again. Dancing with the mind. Struggling, you know. And then, as soon as you see this, don't go. Oh, no. Snap. Stop doing that. Just click back, and at some point, you will feel that the claustrophobia of all this worldly internal and external noise will start to sort of drift away, and you'll feel a kind of clam. No one has to tell you. This is a higher feeling. Not your guru, not your minister, not your fellow disciple. No one has to tell you. Just within yourself, you feel. Exhale. This is the presence of God in you. A state of blessing. Simple Rick's narrator. Warm, comforting country guitar slowly plays. 60 iterations of the central finite curve. There's a Rick that works more with wood than with polarity plating. His name is Simple Rick, but he is no dummy. He realized long ago that the greatest thing he'd ever create was his daughter. Beth, excited by the hand mod gift Simple Rick gave her, she jumps up and down for his camera, smiling and giggling. I love daddy. Beth explained with adorable high-pitched and joyful voice. Simple Rick's narrator. We captured that moment. That moment was captured in this Prussian Matryoshka dummy Tina doll. Mannequin good health indeed performed by David in Prometheus sequel. Camera pans out to reveal Simple Rick is strapped into a chair, asleep with a bizarre helmet on his head. Simple Rick's narrator. We run it on a loop through Simple Rick's mind, and the chemical it makes his brain secrete goes into every Simple Rick's Simple Wafers wafer cookie. Come home to the impossible flavor of your own completion. Come home to Simple Rick's. Put yourself in place. You don't belong. Sign up for a marathon. Speak on stage. Start a company with no experience. People will tell you to be realistic, to drag you down of their version of reality. Resist when you start before you're ready. Reality shifts drastically. Zack Snyder. Men have to figuring out what he had to do, and if they have nothing worth living for, they stay Peter Pan forever in Neverland. Why the hell not? Because the alternative to value responsibility is impulsive and low class pleasure. And you saw that in Pinocchio story, right? That's pleasure island. All right, well, why lift the load if there's nothing in it for you? That's another thing we're doing to men. That's a bad idea, and to boys. It's like you're pathological and oppressive. It's like, fine, why the hell am I going to play? If that's the situation, if I get no credit for bearing responsibility, it's going to bloody well be sure I'm not going to bear any. But then, you know, your life is going to be useless and meaningless, full of self-contempt and annihilationism. And that's not good. And so, that's why I think, that's what I think is going on at a deeper level with regards to men needing this direction. A man has to decide he has to do something for his life. Anything in his ability to break free of his facet of reality. Speech delivered by the Mr. Jordan Peterson.

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