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Ad-Lib Part 6 Welcome to the Daily Home Today we'll be focusing on gratitude to the body Start by sitting upright and getting comfortable Just rest the hands gently so they feel relaxed Close your eyes and soften your neck Relax your shoulders Six thick hicks, Nick Six slick bricks with picks and sticks I stood sadly on the silver steps of Burgess' fish sauce shop Mimicking him hiccuping, hiccuping, hiccuping And wildly welcoming him with him within Tom threw Tim three thumbtacks Chester Chee to choose a chunk of cheap cheddar cheese Stobby Bippy bought a bat Stobby Bippy bought a ball The bat and a ball were bought by the Bippy Bip Apple B Bivvy Bivvy Boy The ruddy widow really wants ripe watermelon and red roses when winter arrives Arrives when winter arrives Susie Seaward's fish sauce shop sells unsifted thistles for thistle sifters to sift Arrives A gazillion gigantic grapes gushed, gradually giving gophers gooey guts Guts Yally Bally had a jolly collie feeling folly Yally Bally bought his jolly golly a dolly made of holly Slow progress is always better than no progress One step at a time A hundred days Ten thousands hours Willpower's habit And the journey of the souls Tamara Leavitt And the nature soothing sound Of the tranquil lake At midnight At midnight I stood sadly on the silver steps of Burgess' fish sauce shop Mimicking him hiccuping and wildly welcoming him within And wildly welcoming him within Do you feel that your vocabulary limits your ability to express yourself effectively? Mock The word mock is a verb that means to insult or treat with derision The definition refers to words or actions which means the correct answer is mockery Mock mockery Mockery Mock mockery is a noun. To make a mockery of something, even from your past trauma, really is self-comedy at its core Comedy at its core For example, the jockery parody parade rainbow unicorn field chase is an utterly mockery of patriarchy hierarchy tsunami Tsunami Can your mind actually see when our eyes are gazing at the gravity TV? Gravity TV World wars weren't exclusive to the 20th century 20th century For example, the seven years war of 1756 involved Europe and America The seven years war is an example of a world war before the 20th century Before the 20th century So for example is the best transition However contrasts with or negates a statement When it comes to art, it's important not to hide the madness How much caramel can a canny cannonball cram in a camel if a canny cannonball can cram caramel in a camel At least Denise could sneeze and feed and freeze the fleas Roofs of mushrooms rarely mush too much The Voynich manuscript, a medieval text in an unknown language, has intrigued scholars for a century Indeed, some have devoted their entire lives to it The final statement intensifies the Voynich manuscript's attraction for scholars So indeed, San Serif is the best transition for Sir Manus Extraordinary man this is Even so presents something strange that happened in spite of a prior statement 33 thirsty thundering thoroughbreds thumped Mr. Thurber on Thursday Sing-se-tah-xeh Singing Sammy sung songs on sinking sand dune As we have already known, the man from earth 484 is doing a pronunciation exercise, you know He repeats sounds that are super difficult to make together to get her In the course of trillion of homo sapiens verbal words This is simply to make it less likely to stutter Less likely to stutter And less suffer to have more likes Kind of like tongue twisters in English but focusing only to the problematic sound groups Sound groups Problematic sound groups, you know what I mean Basically, basically, glee John doesn't say anything logical It doesn't have to make sense when you use tunes to make a twister Basically, glee All human languages have this technique And extraordinary journalists practice it more often To keep their speech ultra sharp during TV broadcast Tongue twisters are common thing to do for news anchors I'm sure they do these speech warm-ups in every country before any live recording Except for North Korean I heard they cut off your tongue If you get caught doing this This quirky method not only aids in pronunciation But also in the subconscious alignment of words Allowing for a smoother flow of thoughts to speech Thoughts to speech Imagine then the efficiency of communication Every person on earth, 484 Decided to adopt this practice The potential for misunderstanding when using English would plummet Fostering a world where every conversation No matter how complex the situation is Could be navigated with ease The beauty of this pronunciation technique lies in its simplicity and universality From lying politicians gearing up for a useless death-end debate To a child honestly learning their first meaningful words like Me love daddy the best The essence of clear communication could very well hinge on such foundational exercises All language barriers that human all have right now Could be eventually fade away with this amazing technology And as for John, our intrepid practitioner His dedication to mastering these vocal gymnastics Might just pave the way for him to become An unintentional ambassador of eloquence In a universal multiverse Where clarity and self-expression Is the ultimate currency At the footstep of the collective digital world A digital frontier Kevin Kevin Do A lot A flinch A flinch A flinch How far could I push this technology? Push this copilot techno video call On autopilot A senior Sir Sam Elliott answered with a deep and determined voice Echoing at the back of his backpack Movie poetry You hear me? This amalgamation of cinema and poetry Harnesses the power to communicate complex ideas and emotions In a way that is both accessible and deeply resonant By engaging with this contemporary art form We can cultivate a much greater understanding And appreciation for the nuances of different cultures Perspectives Even how twisted it is In the simulated cinematic experiences Just as tongue twisters carefully refine their speech And sharpen our verbal abilities Movie poetry has the potential to broaden Our intellectual and emotional horizons Our emotional intelligence Which will accelerate humanity forward In its relentless quest for growth and improvement Further Furthermore Movie poetry can serve as a beautiful catalyst For social and technological advancement In our near future Inspiring young viewers and swimmer To envision new possibilities And pursue innovative solutions To the pool of challenges North facing civilization Phew, phew, phew A lot of new and making up vocabulary In this baby stream of boomer A mixture of one as well as the others This is again English For beginner In the steam of my humidifier Drop clips Which was playing earlier In slow motion stops Completely just for now Note from Kajima 100% me wrote this No AI involved in this part Apologies for keeping you all waiting Following the Slay 14 short video clip I suddenly felt disoriented It's challenging to concentrate When the echoes affect my hearing And most importantly My sanity Therefore I require a brief cooldown period To return to my usual state To fine tune my ear for accurate hearing Does this sentence even make sense? I have fully recovered my hearing now Free from the echoes and reverberations That made all sounds, even the little ones Seem like they were all on auto-tune Like T-Pain narrated your life It's that insane dude Another quick question What are a Vaporetti? Vaporetto is singular Vaporetti is plural in Italian The only answer we got The only answer we got As cars are generally prohibited in Venice Most people opt to travel by water They either ride in gondolas Which are flat bottom boats Piloted by gondoliers Or public water buses called Vaporetti End of the sixth Adlib Video by G The man on a mission To liberate Kenz From their Seen Vertical Nightmares Adlibs Chapter 3 American English For Intermediate Learners In 1870 In 1872 In 1872 Congress set aside 3,472 square miles In Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho To establish America's first national park Yellowstone Featuring picturesque canyons and waterfalls Waterfalls Yellowstone National Park Makes up the highest concentration Of hot springs and geysers Geysers On Earth Yellowstone's most famous geyser Is undoubtedly Old Faithful Which can shoot scalding Water over 180 feet Feet In the air Once known as Eternity's timepiece For its regularity Old Faithful actually erupts At intervals of 35 to 120 minutes Though 92 minutes Is the average The park also features Brilliantly colored hot springs Including the Grand Prismatic Spring Where microbial inhabitants cluster together To give the pools their vibrant hues At almost 370 feet in diameter The rainbow-colored Grand Prismatic Spring Is the country's largest hot spring And the third largest in the world Along with its more than 10,000 thermal features Yellowstone has the highest concentration Of mammals In the continental United States The swath of land Larger than Delaware and Rhode Island combined Supports large predators Such as Wolves Wolves Mountain lions And grizzly and black bears And prey Including bison And elk Intermediate learners Are people who have some knowledge or skill But are not yet advanced But are not yet advanced For example Intermediate English learners Have a basic ability To communicate and understand Have a basic ability To communicate and understand But they may have difficulty Expressing complex ideas Complex ideas They may also have Limited comprehension Of grade-appropriate stories Read aloud in American English And have difficulty decoding Grade-appropriate English text The word inevitable means Certain to happen Certain to happen Unavoidable Unavoidable Unavoidable Unavoidable Certain to happen Incapable of being able to be prevented Avoidable means Avoided or prevented Or worked around Or worked around Worked around Like the accident was entirely avoidable Legitimate means Alleged means Alleged means Alleged means Alleged means Alleged means Alleged means Alleged means Alleged means Alleged means Alleged means Alleged means Alleged means Alleged means Alleged means Alleged means Alleged means Alleged means Alleged means Alleged means Alleged means Alleged means Alleged means Alleged means Alleged means Alleged means Alleged means Alleged means Alleged means Alleged means Permanently Permanently In a foreign country In a foreign country Permanently He's a recent immigrant to the U.S. from South South Southeast Asia Asia Safeguard means Asia To protect from injury or harm To protect For example, there are many safeguards built into the system to prevent this largest ever fraud case in human history But it's still not enough But it's still not enough Asia Asia But it's still not enough The word endanger means To put someone To put someone To put someone To put someone Or something in a harm's way Or something in a harm's way For example For example He would never do anything to endanger the lives of his children Of his children Of his children The baffle means The baffle means To confuse completely Like this example Like this example An unexplained occurrence that baffled everyone An unexplained occurrence that baffled everyone Everyone Clarity is a noun That means being clear or transparent Or having a clear understanding or perception To correct or make something less confusing Clarity example in a sentence All the memory came to her Uninvited Uninvited And with such clarity Clarity Clarity Clarity That she flinched That she flinched Flinched Flinched Criticize is a verb which means To express disapproval Or make judgments For example The company technicians were criticized for defective workmanship Praise is the verb that express warm approval or admiration of Workmanship Or to laud or compliment Workmanship Praise example in a sentence We can't praise Ryan enough He did a brilliant job in Deadpool 3 Mountain lions and grizzly and black bears And prey including bison and elk It's all about calibration Fine-tuning every tiny little thing Until the scenes are completely disappear from view I printed this 3D model today I am very proud of it It probably won't win a competition But it's the best print I ever done yet All good but the z-seam The z-seam becomes more visible when the print settings are incorrect Can I get it all gone? Or less visible maybe? Or is this it? And I just need some sandpaper American English for intermediate learners Learners 3D In the seam of 3D printer A mixture of the sun as well as the father Including the grand prismatic spring A mixture of the sun Welcome to the Daily Gong Today we'll be focusing on gratitude And the body Start by sitting upright And getting comfortable Just rest the hands gently So they feel relaxed Move your eyes Soften your neck The unbelievers interview with Ricky Gervais With Ricky Gervais If you're born in India you're probably a Hindu If you're born in America You're probably a Christian If you're born in Karachi, Pakistan You're probably a Muslim A Muslim A Muslim If you're born in the North Pole of Mars You're immediately a member of Flippin' Flappy Bird Flip Flatland Flappy Bird The new flag on Mars society as well I mean, is that quite a coincidence, isn't it? You're always was born in the right God As always, isn't that lucky? Like Lucky by British Raz B. Britney Spears I was born into the right God All those others Religion Are going to hell Hell Or drop all of them to the end of the wells as well The wells as well The wells as well Because I was born Born Into the best of the best Best of the best The righty of their rights The quote unquote The quote unquote The perfect religion Perfect religion To heaven eventually Eventually I'm going straight to heaven eventually Others abnormally Ancient cult Can go to hell kitchen I bet it's freakin' hot as hell I bet it's freakin' hot as hell I bet it's freakin' hot as hell I bet it's freakin' hot as hell It's so strange that we hold on to these sort of Medieval beliefs Medieval norms You know Where did the universe come from? You know The God made it Don't you see the evidence everywhere? You know Which doesn't solve the problem For me Because We try Always say Then who made God? Then who made God? Then who made God? God Then who made God? God And if they say And if they say Well Well He's always been around Always been around Well Let's just say The universe has been The universe has been around here Longer than anything else that we That we That we As in human beings Has ever created Has ever created If time is the most important aspect of our life The universe should be our God As always Does this make sense? Does this make sense? Does this make sense? So let's just cut out the middleman And start worshipping the universe itself Worshipping the universe also means We worship our sun The solar system The cosmos And all of its neighbors The one true God Is always there In the beginning of everything In the beginning of everything It will save a lot of time spending in confusion Confusion Fourteen Fourteen Fourteen Fourteen Fourteen Fourteen Fourteen Fourteen Fourteen Fourteen Fourteen Fourteen Fourteen Fourteen Fourteen Fourteen Fourteen Fourteen Fourteen Fourteen Fourteen Organize your breath with theirs During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During During

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