Art 115 project manifesto voice recording.
Art 115 project manifesto voice recording.
Everyone has the ability to make a difference in life, no matter how big or small. We should have self-respect, strive for more, and reach our potential. Instead of making excuses, we should take action and contribute. We can only control ourselves, so let's have more love for our families and take responsibility for our communities. Family values, hard work, and integrity should be important to us. Everyone has the ability to make a difference in life, whether big or small, to someone or to something. We need self-respect, wanting more for ourselves, and to live up to our potential. Let's find a way to contribute. We need to quit making excuses for not doing something or why things don't change. We can only control ourselves. We need to have more love and commitment to our families and the family we create. We need a sense of pride and take responsibility for our communities because our actions or lack of actions affect the world. We need the value of family, hard work, and integrity to come back in style.