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Kannary Keo



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The speaker is addressing someone named David and encourages him to imagine traveling back in time to meet his six-year-old self. The speaker instructs David to mentor his younger self and reassure him that he is capable and never needs to compare himself to others. The speaker emphasizes the importance of making his own decisions and being proud of himself. David is urged to embrace his individuality and not be afraid to take risks. The speaker envisions David's life transforming with the guidance of his future self. The goal is for David to become confident, motivated, and successful. The speaker describes a peaceful beach setting where David feels happy, healthy, and surrounded by friends. David is portrayed as a good listener, a funny and happy person, and someone who is generous and kind. The speaker encourages David to make positive changes in his life and to seek guidance from those he admires. And David, as you listen to the sound of my voice, I want you to imagine that you can travel back in time and go and see your six-year-old self. Go and see him. Look at him in the eyes and tell him that you are him from the future, that where you come from, the technology exists to go back and change the past. Tell him that there are going to be some amazing times and also great times, but it's going to be okay because you're going to be right there mentoring him, coaching him, guiding him, and I want you to look right into his eyes and say, you're absolutely enough. You are capable. You never need to compare yourself. You never need to compare yourself to your brother or anybody else. You can do your work. You can speak up for yourself. I'm going to help you. I'll coach you. I'll mentor you. Giving him courage to speak up for himself, teaching him that it's his choice, that he can make his own decisions, and he will do that throughout his life. And when he does that throughout his life, he begins to do that with you. He's learning so much. He's experiencing. He learns the satisfaction of implementing his own ideas, learning what he likes and what he doesn't like, and tell him you have the power to make your own decisions and you're now making relationships work. Look at him in the eyes and tell him you never have to feel alone. You have courage to do things. Tell him that you are proud of him, and now he is proud of himself. Tell him it's going to be okay. You are now his mentor, his perfect mentor, Big David, that it's going to be okay. He can do his own work. He can make his own decisions. Everyone's different, and different is good. Everything is a blessing, and life happens for you. Tell him that it doesn't matter. There's no such thing as failure, just learning. Get back up. Go out there again. And the most wonderful things come from thousands of failures, and it's all learning, and it's all fun, and now you are his mentor, and you tell him it's okay to be on your own path. It's okay to be different. Nobody is the same. You're perfect the way you are, and that you can do the things you want to do, and now David, as young David's mentor, rewriting his story, I want you to take him by the hand and walk into the future with him from six years old, and as you walk into the future with him, you're reminding him to be his own person, to make his own choices, to have a voice. He never has to feel like he has to hide. You remind him he's so capable. You help him. You guide him. You give him that voice, and as you walk through life with him, he knows he's never, ever alone. He never has to hide. He's incredibly capable, perfect the way he is. He never has to compare, and as you remind him every time, I want you to see at the speed of thought, he's 6, and now 8, and now 12, 15, 16, and then going off to college, and see how his life is completely different with you as the mentor, with big David by his side. See how different his life is, and I want you to look at him in the eye, and he now has this confidence. He speaks up for himself, and he's completely comfortable about his decisions, and I want you to give him the biggest, I love you hug, and as you do, you can feel him melting right into you. You're becoming one, facing the world together. You're reminding him he's never alone. He can always speak up for himself. He's always worthy, always protected, always loved, always enough, and you gently guide him and encourage him to speak up for himself, to go for it, to go for the things that he wants to go for, to not be afraid, to push himself, and now you can feel him living right inside your heart, never feeling afraid, able to experience the accomplishment, knowing that you feel better, you feel stronger, and you just go for it. Things are changing and growing, and you are changing and growing with time. You now have strong David with you. He's telling you to go out there, go and do things, put yourself out there, to go make noise, that you did it before, you can do it again, and this time, you've had a great mentor your entire life, a wonderful foundation, and you go and do the things that worked before. You go and make relationships work. You build relationships. You talk to people, knowing good things will come, and you feel wonderful, and every time you see the time, you're reminded of just how strong you are, how strong David is here with you, how capable you are, how you now have a voice. You'll believe in yourself. You'll feel more motivated, more inspired every single day. You will become just who you are, not who you're trying to be. You'll remember young David is living inside your heart, and you watch yourself talk, and how he had the most wonderful mentor, and now David, see yourself working on projects that you enjoy. You are now certain. You take inspired action. You are motivated, focused, and you're achieving goals, operating your business, managing employees, growing. You are proud of yourself for the success in your career, and now, as you continue to move along the beach, you feel the sun warming the top of your head, feel the sea breeze against your skin, and you hear the sound of children's laughter, and to your right, you see the ocean and the sun as it dances on the surface of the ocean. You can hear the sounds of seagulls as they fly above the water, and they dive into the water, happy to be alive, just like you, as you continue to breathe deeply, filling your lungs with life-giving oxygen. You're amazed at the remarkable beauty of this place. You feel great, happy, healthy, glad to be alive, glad to be here, glad to be you, and everyone likes you. There are people there now. You enjoy feeling healthy and whole. You realize that this magical place has caused a complete transformation for you. You realize that you have left behind the concern that brought you here today. You enjoy people so much, being with them, interacting with them, and getting to know them. You feel free and healthy and strong. As you move along the beach, you breathe deeply, filling your lungs with life-giving oxygen. You are the life of every party now. As you continue to move along the beach, you notice a large group of people ahead. These people are active, happy, playing with a beach ball while others are playing volleyball. These people are active, trim, happy, and as you observe these people, you feel a part of the group and happy about it. You breathe deeply as you walk along, and as you do, you feel your youth returning and your breath deepening, and you feel grateful to be here and happy to be you. You marvel at your body's ability to easily and effortlessly leave behind the concern that brought you here today, and David, you are funny and happy. You laugh at yourself unconsciously, and you wave at your new friends, still playing and laughing, expressing all the health and well-being they enjoy, and you feel grateful to be part of that group, healthy and happy. You're a great listener. You listen to others carefully with interest. You're a happy person. You realize you are completely free of the concern that brought you here today. You realize you have been given a wonderful chance at life, complete health, happiness, and you are grateful to your body for the opportunity. You are totally interested in what other people have to say, and everyone says what a good listener you are. As you continue to move along the path, you feel strong and free, healthy and happy, glad to be here, glad to be you. As you continue along the path, you hear the seagulls, the ocean waves. You feel the sun warming your head and your shoulders. You feel the breeze against your skin as you breathe deeply and freely, filling your lungs with the life-giving oxygen. You love to tell stories that make people laugh, and David, you are easily amused. You laugh so easily. You really like yourself, and you even laugh at your own jokes sometimes. You realize you are completely free of the challenge that brought you here today, and you no longer desire to do anything that is counterproductive to your happiness, to your success. You realize you have a chance, and you are grateful to your mind and body for the opportunity. You are a generous person, and you share your happiness with others. As you continue to move along the path, you feel strong and free, healthy and happy, glad to be here, glad to be you. You are kind to everyone, and that makes you happy. You're grateful. You love being alive. Feel yourself becoming happier, remembering as a small child at the beach running and playing with your friends, having such a good time. Feel yourself growing stronger, happier, and more and more committed to creating the changes you want to make in your life. You feel totally able to make any changes you choose. You feel your own personal power, and your determination grow as you walk along the beach committed to making your life as good as it can be. As you move along the beach, you think of the people you most admire in your life. You also think about the people in the world who accomplish so much for the rest of us. You decide in this moment to move forward towards the goals you have, the goals you have for yourself, and your decision to improve the quality of your life and your family's life. As you continue to walk along the beach, you feel very resolute and strong. You imagine that you are sitting at a round table with all the people you admire, sitting there with you as advisors who are there to assist you. You imagine that you are being supported by each one. Each one of these people are supporting you, and you're able to access their wisdom and guidance at any moment. As you imagine this, you create that reality. As you continue along the beach, these advisors whisper suggestions in your ears to help you achieve your goals, whether you can hear them now or not. Their suggestions will come to you over the next few days, few weeks, and random moments when you least expect this information. You feel supported and safe as you move along the beach. As you continue to move along the beach, you are grateful for this moment, for this place. As you allow yourself to feel supported, strong, and safe as you move forward on your journey toward powerful personal change, you feel strong, healthy, and happy. You continue to walk along the beach. As you continue to move along the beach, you feel the sun warm your heart and your shoulders, and you feel strong, confident, and full of life. You feel really good about your decision to make important changes in your life, and you really are looking forward to seeing these wonderful changes take effect in your life. You are happy, feeling in control of your life, full of life. You are happy to be here, happy to be alive, happy to be you. And the more you like yourself, the more other people like you. People like you because you are likable, but they also like you because you like yourself. You find things to like about yourself. You are able to compliment other people, but you also compliment yourself. You accept yourself. You feel happy. You like yourself, and liking yourself is changing your whole world because you tell yourself every day that you like yourself. You begin to notice so many reasons for liking yourself. You like yourself, you see all the good things about you, and as you begin to see all the good things about you, everyone else sees them too. You don't need to be perfect. You like yourself. You know that other people like you. You feel calmer. You praise yourself just for listening to this recording, allowing yourself to be calm, to feel good about yourself. You feel better every day, telling yourself that you are enough, that you are enough. You feel calmer. You feel happier. You praise yourself. You think the thoughts. You belong to life, and life belongs to you. The world that created you is supporting you every day, remembering that you are enough, that you matter. You like yourself more and more. You belong. You matter. You are absolutely significant. You listen to this recording, and it has the most powerful, wonderful, uplifting, calming effect on you. You notice that you feel happier every day, lighter, and every day you think these thoughts, you hear these words, your mind motivates you, compels you, conditions you to praise yourself, to be kind, gentle, to mentor yourself. Your mind motivates you, compels you to praise yourself every day. And David, your motivation, your commitment, your ability to praise yourself every day is having a powerful effect on you. Those old negative thoughts are fading, shrinking, going, going, gone every day. You have picked David. You have now mentored yourself, your inner mind, the most powerful part of you locks onto these words and accepts them. Every day you are aware that you have a strong, compelling, motivating ability to recognize that you are enough, lovable, smart, strong, successful, motivated, inspired. Every day you play this recording, you drift to a deep level where you are changing your thought patterns. You're changing patterns of your mind and body completely every day. You think these wonderful thoughts, you hear these words, you see these images, and you feel the most wonderful feeling of calmness. You feel a wonderful feeling of well-being. You're responding to these suggestions perfectly. Your thinking is changing along with your biochemistry and your biology. You're making happy hormones through the power of your thinking. You're making endorphins. They're flooding into your bloodstream, making you feel good. You're making oxytocin, that feel-good hormone. You're making serotonin. Your ability to do this is having such a powerful healing effect on you. My voice is going with you, becoming deeply embedded in you, having a powerful, permanent, all-pervasive impact in you. This image of you is calm, clear, so real, so lifelike. It is you, more and more, letting your imagination work for you. Every day you feel more confident that you can handle and solve any issue life has to offer because you are smart, you are supported, you are loved, you are a good, lovable person. You think clearly and act positively. You have poise, confidence, high self-esteem, and fantastic ability. Every day you're replacing your old beliefs with new powerful ones that are remaining embedded in you. They're having a powerful, permanent, all-pervasive impact on you as you go deeper into a totally relaxed state. You're aware of a wonderful transformation taking place in your personality, constantly growing and realizing a new sense of self-confidence. You're aware of a new freedom to like yourself. You expect and find people like you. Your judgment is good and you make the right decisions. You like yourself and others like you. You do good things for yourself and you enjoy doing good things for others. You believe in yourself more every day, learning to act with unlimited confidence and high self-esteem because you are using the wisdom and energy of your subconscious mind. You are directing your life and you know life is bringing so many good things to you. You feel warm and friendly when you meet people and they return this warmth to you. Your smile and your friendly feelings draw people to you. You radiate confidence when you meet people and you have perfect confidence that you can handle any situation you meet. You are secure within yourself, confident and self-assured. You deserve the best life has to offer. You work for it and you earn it and you love it. You use your inner resources to get the things that you want. You are poised, you speak confidently and with a steady, strong voice. You are unique in that you are the only person exactly like you and life has good reason to express itself through you. You like people and people like you. They like you because you are confident, strong and because you express yourself clearly. Each day, you become more secure, more comfortable giving and receiving love. You are happy, you are confident, you like and respect yourself, David. People like you and give you their friendship because you are worthy of it. You are discovering so many talents that are emerging from your subconscious mind, letting your imagination work for you. Every day, you feel more confident you can handle and solve any issue life has to offer because you are a good, smart, capable, lovable person. You think clearly and act positively. You have poise, confidence, high self-esteem and fantastic ability. Each day, you become more aware of the full, powerful impression these true concepts are having on you, replacing old beliefs with new powerful ones, remaining embedded in you, having a powerful, permanent, all-pervasive impact on you. You believe in yourself. You know you can make a difference. You believe in doing things you're interested in. You treasure and cherish your own time and ability. You only bestow your time on what's most important to you. You get out of the comfort zone. You're not trying to make anyone else comfortable. You prioritize yourself. You believe in success. You're proud of your success. You know success comes from doing. You explore. You experiment. You apply yourself and keep building. You believe in success, exploring, experimenting, applying yourself. You have an infectious laugh, being interested in people, believing and knowing you're deserving of all of the blessings life has to offer. You believe in yourself. You make a difference. You spend time on things that you're interested in. You're operating at your highest level, giving yourself the gifts you want. You take action. You outreach. You have courage. You have curiosity, believing and knowing that you are popular, that you can create change, that you can make an impact. You feel good. You are expansive and it feels really good. You feel and you are expansive. You make things work, knowing it's absolutely possible to do something you love, something you are passionate about. It's absolutely possible. It is. So let that slowly sink in and in times of sleeping and dreaming, these installations are going to take place and I invite you in the days, weeks to come, to see all of this happening, taking place, believing in yourself. You will no longer procrastinate. You will no longer waste any of your precious time on foolishness. You will no longer take any type of negativity from any person or yourself. On the count of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, drift off into the most healing, wonderful sleep.

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