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009 | Find Peace As A Partner & Parent By Using Human Design Profile Lines 4, 5, & 6

009 | Find Peace As A Partner & Parent By Using Human Design Profile Lines 4, 5, & 6

kaija caraway



diving into human design profile lines 4, 5, and 6

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The transcription discusses the importance of profile lines in the human design system. It explains that profile lines have a significant impact on our roles in the world, how we learn, and how we show up in relationships. The transcription also introduces the concept of different profile lines, such as the investigator, the natural/hermit, and the trial by fire. It then focuses on the fourth line profile, known as the opportunist or networker, and highlights its reliance on relationships and community for success. The fourth line thrives on personal recommendations and established connections, and values stability within their inner circles. However, they also need time alone to recharge. The transcription mentions that the fourth line may struggle with letting go of relationships or communities that no longer serve them, but being aligned with their values can help them make healthy decisions. Hey Lovebug, welcome back. I'm super excited to continue this conversation with you of discussing the profile lines in the human design system. Last week we talked about lines one, two, and three. This week we're gonna be exploring lines four, five, and six and I really believe that the profile lines are super underrated in the human design world and we don't realize how big of an impact that they make on our role that we're meant to play in the world of how we learn, of how we digest information, of how we best show up in relationships, of what people come to us for, and so much more. And so if you are excited to really understand what your role is that you are meant to play in the world and how you can best move into more resonance with that, then let's hop into this conversation. Ready to feel confident in the woman you're becoming? Clear in the direction you're going and intentional in your daily actions? Are you tired of feeling lonely, struggling with balance and boundaries between your life, work, and family responsibilities and not feeling seen, heard, or understood in the most important areas of your life? Do you wish you had more time to work on your personal development, be present with your family, and take bold steps forward in your evolution? If so, welcome to Reignite Your Relationship where heart-centered women come to nurture the relationship that matters most in life, the one with themselves. Hey, I'm Kaya Dawn, a human design and genetics teacher here to help you reduce stress, quiet the mental noise, and let go of the things that no longer serve you so you can create more freedom, success, and satisfaction in yourself, your family, and your career. In this podcast, I'll help you learn how to use your energy efficiently, hold boundaries like a boss, communicate confidently, be a more purposeful parent, and cultivate connection, independence, and wholeness in your relationship by cultivating it in yourself first. It's time to listen to that call on your heart urging you to wake up. The time is now, babe. You're ready. Let's do this. Okay, so as always, I think it's really handy if you have your human design chart pulled up, and if you go to geneticmatrix.com, it will allow you to also pull up different charts for the people who you have pulled charts for. Why I suggest that you do this is so that you can see as we go through these different lines of the profile, you can start to see not only yours and whether these numbers fall on the more conscious side or the more design on the body side, and the same for the other people in your life because depending on which fraction side of the profile the number falls on will influence the expression and the awareness that you have of it or that other people have of themselves or that you can see within other people. And it's also cool to see if maybe you have multiple six lines around you in your life and you can see how this aspect of them shows up differently based on that person, based on how old they are, based on their life experience, what their interests are, and so on and so forth. And so it's just a fun way to know what type of profiles that you are and also that you're surrounded with so that you can see and understand them on a deeper level, which is what it's all about, right? It's just really getting to the core of who we are and also understanding the core of what makes another person them and really accepting and loving and embracing them for who they are and of course yourself for who you are. So always suggest that right from the get-go. But without any further ado, I just wanna hop right in here and just say that your profile is the role that you're meant to play. So you have your type, which is like the character that you play, and then you have your strategy, which is the way that you make decisions and move forward, and then you have your profile, which is more of the role that you're here to play in the collective. And so for the first line, they are the investigator, the researcher. They like to go deep and they like to become masters at whatever it is that strikes their fancy that they wanna go deep in. The second line was the natural or the hermit. They're the most introverted of the lines and yet they're also the most natural. Like they can just pick stuff up easily. They can do things naturally and innately without having a lot of prior experience and they're just naturally good at doing life and things. And then the third line is the trial by fire. They are the experiential learner. They have to get their hands dirty to know if it's for them. They are here to grow wise through all of their experiences and all of the wisdom that they gain through those experiences. So that was a quick recap, but we're just gonna hop right in here into going into line number four. And the fourth line is known as the opportunist or the networker, because the fourth line profile is designed to build, nurture, and leverage relationships. Their community is everything and so that's why they're known as the networker because they really rely on the people and community around them to really create success in their personal and professional life. It is deeply tied to connections. And so if you are a fourth line, how does this show up for you? I'm willing to bet that you often thrive when you're surrounded by people that you trust and that you can grow close to and really allow yourself to be vulnerable in or at least tap into for moving forward, like with a job or a connection, like a friend of a friend, a referral. Fourth lines really thrive on that referral force essentially. And so if that is resonant for you, then I hope this makes perfect sense for you. So because they rely on their community so much, fourth lines are naturally social beings and they really value stability within their inner circles and their most important relationships. Their energy really thrives on strong, long lasting relationships and they rely on introductions and referrals from those you trust, like I alluded to before. Doing cold interaction, cold calls, like that is just not you. Instead, that your best opportunities and successors come from personal recommendations and really these strong and established connections because they are rooted in their community and this stability of strong relationships. They're really methodical and cautious when it comes to making big moves in life. Like if you were to move to a new city, then you would want to do as much research as possible and make sure that everything was squared away when you got there so that you have that stability and that foundation put in place. It's actually an interesting point to bring up here that these profile lines are harmonic and so the fourth line is harmonic with the first line, which is totally rooted in that foundational safety and security. The fifth line is harmonic with the second line and then the sixth line is harmonic with the third line. And so we'll get more into what that looks like and you can probably already start picking up on those things, but I just wanted to go ahead and mention that and kind of plant that seed to start to pay attention to how I'm describing the fourth and the fifth and the sixth line and how that might perfectly like a puzzle piece like fit in with the first, second and third line. So I hope that makes sense. But going back into this fourth line and their need for stability and security, the fourth line would never quit a job without having another one wind up because that would be deeply unsettling for the fourth line. They're probably like, I wouldn't even begin to think about that because it's insane. They would just not do well with that. And I witnessed this in my boyfriend because he's a fourth line and he really likes to make intentional decisions and investments. He is not one to like fly by the seat of his pants really. Like he really likes that stability of knowing what's going on, what to expect, when is it happening and who's gonna be there because he is a fourth line. So he likes leaning into his community and networks and he does have really long standing relationships but he's also a hermit, right? Like he's that second line. And so he's like, well, I might not go if it doesn't meet these needs of stability and safety. And so that is how the fourth line can show up in addition to having that second line in the profile number. So although the fourth line is a natural networker and they really rely on their community and relationships to feel safe, they also need time alone to recharge because as you know, like it's just exhausting doing and being like all day and in other people's energy. And so as a fourth line, without that balance, you can become quickly exhausted. And so it's essential for you to retreat, to regain that energy before diving back into those social roles and just those relationships that you rely on so deeply. And with the fourth line, one of the shadow aspects of this line is that they can tend to hold on to relationships or communities for too long that no longer serve them because they're scared of losing that network. And so if you're a fourth line, this is gonna be something that you're just gonna have to contend with at some point, but being aligned with your values can really help you make an informed and healthy decision for you and help you discern as to whether it's time to let go of this community or this relationship so that you can make space for something that's more resonant with who you are now. And so I know that would be scary as a fourth line because it's scary for any line, I think, maybe not so much for the third line as other lines, but so it's like you really have to trust yourself and just know that whatever you're willing to let go of, you have thought about it through and through and you have checked the boxes and you have made sure that this is the right decision for you and because you've made such an intentional decision that that space will be filled with somebody, something, an opportunity, an experience, a relationship that will be more resonant with who you are and the direction that you're going. So really embrace that aspect of yourself as a fourth line and do not hang on to people or things or places or jobs that are no longer serving you and potentially making you sick, either mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. Okay, so the fourth line, because they require so much stability and security, they often face challenges when they deal with unexpected changes. Like they really thrive when they have plans in place and know what's coming up next. And so a part of just the lesson and the journey as a fourth line is to learn to navigate that change gracefully, even if the next step is unclear. Like developing that trust in the process of life and yourself to understand that you are adaptable, even when things are uncertain, is really a key to your growth as a fourth line. So how fourth lines show up in relationships is that they are deeply loyal and committed partners. They bring a lot of stability and a sense of security to the relationship, which is incredibly valuable. I have a couple of friends and clients who are fourth lines and I just see this within them so much. Like they are just vessels of love. Like they love so deeply and they just share so much gratitude and kind words for me in our relationship. It's just like, I just value you so much. And it's just this fourth line coming through that they deeply value relationships and the security. However, they do need that raprocity in those connections and relationships for it to be a mutual investment and to really feel valued for all of the love that they're pouring out. Like they want to also receive that back. Relationships are the foundation for fourth lines and they're more likely to open up and deeply trust a partner whenever they feel emotionally safe and stable. And so if you are in a relationship with a fourth line, really do your best to support them this way. Like be a rock for them. Like know that they are here to love and to network and to go deep. And in order to do that, they have to feel safe with you. So sudden changes, instability or unpredictability in relationships can be super unsettling and can make the fourth line run away. And so just really know that how to support a fourth line is to give them your trust, value them and take time to nurture into them and give them time to open up emotionally because they really need that consistency, that reliability and that patience as they feel safe enough to be vulnerable and build that strong emotional foundation with you. Since fourth lines thrive in stable environments, really do your best to minimize unpredictability and sudden changes like I alluded to before and be really transparent about plans and decisions to help them feel secure. Especially if you are a manifester and you want to take action and just go and do, then really do your best to inform your fourth line partner because that will just create a lot more harmony within your relationship and less resistance. And while fourth lines really value deep one-on-one connections, they also need to rely on their network for opportunities and relationships and experiences that you can't provide them in the relationship. So encourage them to maintain their close friendships and social circles as they are essential connections for their wellbeing. Reciprocity is key for fourth lines and they really need to feel like their efforts and emotional investments are seen and appreciated in return. And so do your best to show appreciation for what your fourth line brings to the relationship and be sure to offer that support in return. And as kiddos, fourth line children really rely heavily on their inner circle, like a strong family dynamic and emotional security. They might be slow to make friends, but once that trust is established, then they form deep, meaningful bonds and can have friendships that last a lifetime. They feel most comfortable in environments that are familiar and predictable and stable. And so if you have a fourth line baby at home, do your best to nurture that for them because that's how they will feel confident and comfortable enough to step out or to go make new friends or to just express more of their gifts in the world and really grow into this well-rounded person that knows that community is important to them, but understand that this will take time for them because building that trust just is a process. And so you can gently nudge them, but respect their need for time and space to do that as well. You can really help them feel secure by involving them in family decisions, particularly around transitions like moving or changing schools. Like that's gonna be a massive change for the fourth line and that unpredictability and unknown aspect of moving or changing schools can be super unsettling in their body. And so put some power back in their hands and power of decision by including them on those decisions. That would be really sweet for your little fourth line kiddo. So recapping the fourth line here, they can create the most amount of success through their relationships and through their connections. They really prefer stability and secure plans before making changes or saying yes to things. And they can be really cautious about major life transitions or stepping into new relationships. Even though relationships are so important to them, they're really discerning on who they engage with because they really need and expect a return on these emotional investments about their pouring out. And so really providing that emotional security, reciprocity and stability will enable the fourth line to thrive. Okay, so next we're gonna be moving into the fifth line and in traditional human design, it is known as the heretic, but I prefer to call it the teacher or even better, the disruptor. Because a heretic is someone who is willing to stand up for what they believe in and are willing to go to the cross for it. They are here to be leaders and to stand out and to really help shape new paradigms, like shake up the old ones and really establish new ones based on what they believe in and what they're willing to fight for. And so that's what makes them these disruptors and natural leaders. And because of that, because they carry such as this like leadership aura to them, people will often come to them to help them solve their problems or to innovate things. Their energy is magnetic, it's compelling and it's deeply influential, drawing other people into them, even strangers. It's like, I see this with my daughter, she's a 5'1 and she always tends to hang out with older kids. Like regardless of how old she has been, she's always been around other kids, but she's been the ringleader. It's been kind of funny to watch, but people are just naturally drawn to her. Like they trust her, they see this innate leadership ability within her. And so that is true for all fifth lines. You just carry this leadership aura and people just trust you and they want to learn more and they want to be in your energy because they feel like you have something to offer. Because you do. Fifth lines live in what's called the projection field. And this is essentially meaning that people project what they think the fifth line is, what they can get from them, who they are. They project their desires, their needs and their expectations onto the fifth line. And so that's why they're often seen as these saviors or problem solvers, even when the fifth line hasn't necessarily done anything for this. They haven't like volunteered to be this problem solver and to be the person that everyone wants to come to. But that is just their role in the collective. But because of this projection field, fifth lines can often feel like they aren't truly seen by people in their life. And they tend to live like behind this mask of what people see on the outside versus how and who they truly are on the inside. So because of this projection field, this can actually cause misunderstandings within relationships if the fifth line isn't clear about what they can actually offer people or what they even want to offer. Because people will come to them naturally and expect them to solve their problems. But it's really important for the fifth line to be really discerning about those projections. And if they're willing to accept being this person that spends their time and energy trying to help this other person. Because one, if you continue to say yes to all these projections and answer all these calls of people coming to you and saying like, help me with this, you're good at that, you should do this. Then it can lead to a lot of over exhaustion for the fifth line. And potentially they could be blamed if something doesn't go as expected. And so in order to avoid that as much as possible, it's really important for the fifth line to use their strategy and authority to be discerning about what problems is it really theirs to solve or that they're willing to give their energy and attention to solving. Because fifth lines are this natural disruptor, they're a leader, they're a teacher, they have this unique ability to shake up established systems and really bring a new paradigm to whatever they're willing to give their attention and their focus to by offering new solutions that really push boundaries of what's been done before. Like they are here to bring about a whole new way of doing things. And they really excel in roles where they can lead others to challenge that status quo. Because of this, the fifth line must really balance all of this time spent in being this leader for other people with moments of retreat. Because living too long in that projection field without taking time for yourself as a fifth line can lead to burnout. And so it's really crucial for you or for them to discern when they need to step away from all of those demands and focus on their self-care. And so because of this, this naturally alludes to communication being key for fifth lines. They really need to be specific about what they're willing to contribute to avoid misinterpretations of their yes or their no's. And if they're sending mixed signals, people may hold unrealistic expectation which can lead to frustration on both sides. So really do your best to lean into that communication even if it's as difficult as you are a fifth line because it will really support your energy and your focus and your ability to be this leader and of a collective. When it comes to relationships, fifth lines really need a partner who understands that they live in the projection field. And this can be tricky because their partners might have expectations about who they think the fifth line should be based on this outer persona. And so a healthy relationship for a fifth line involves a partner who truly sees behind that mask or behind that projection field and understands them beyond those projections. And so if you're in a relationship with a fifth line, then you probably already see how they are natural leaders and people come to them often with their problems or might emotionally dump on them. And so really encourage your fifth line to set boundaries with other people, especially when other people project unrealistic expectations on them and support them in saying no to things that don't serve their well-being even if it means having a hard conversation with a friend or a family member or with your boss at work. It's like, regardless of what line you are, your health and vitality and emotional safety and wellness are of the highest priority here. And so really allow yourself or encourage your partner to be direct and clear in their communication to help ensure that they are as healthy as possible or you are as healthy as possible as a fifth line. Because fifth lines are often misunderstood or have expectations put on them because of this projection field, being direct and clear in communication is crucial. So let them know exactly what you need from them without leaving room for misinterpretation because that's when things can just get a little messy, right? And fifth lines also may feel overwhelmed by these expectations that are placed on them, which can lead them to withdraw and feel really misunderstood. And so as their partner, being conscious of this tendency and checking in with them regularly about their emotional state can really help maintain a healthy dynamics, not only between you two, but in the outside relationships that would directly influence the health of your relationship. When it comes to having a fifth line kiddo, these children often experience projections from adults who see them as capable problem solvers or mature for their age, which I am directly 100% guilty of. I have absolutely done this to my daughter. And with this, it creates pressure on them to meet expectations that they didn't set for themselves. And so as I have learned more about the system and really become more aware of how I am interacting and showing up and projecting onto my daughter, this is something that I'm actively working on to remove that pressure from her and to just let her be little because she's seven. And so while she is this natural leader and I do believe that she is mature for her age, it doesn't really give me permission to ask too much of her, especially without her consent. And so if you also have a fifth line child, just maybe start to get curious about how you might be projecting onto your child and really do your best to start to release that pressure and that expectation from them. And also encourage your fifth line child to set boundaries and to explore their talents without feeling the weight of other people's expectations. I have a consistent boundary conversation with my daughter because she has these friends who come over and knock on the door and just want her to do things for them or really kind of boss her around in ways and they're older and she feels inferior or she doesn't like it and she knows it's unfair. And I am constantly telling her, like, they are not any better than you just because they're older than you. And it is perfectly okay for you to set a boundary and say, I don't wanna do this right now. No, thank you. That doesn't feel good for me. I don't wanna play right now. Like whatever language needs to be spoken at that time, I'm really trying to nurture that within her because I want her to be aware and discerning of her energy. And also she's a splenic projector. And so the spleen is all about intuitive knowing in the now. It's about knowing the answer yes or no at that time. Does it make me feel healthy, happy, and safe? And so I'm really trying to guide her into honoring that splenic authority and to be discerning and set boundaries about when things don't feel good and to be open and communicative about it because as a fifth line, that is your strength. Like that is something that you're really gonna have to boost up within yourself. And it's something that you as a parent can nurture within your fifth line child. And so really help them to express their truths, their desires, and to support them in navigating these different experiences as a fifth line and do your best to remove that pressure that may be coming from adults or peers that they're projecting onto them. And so to recap the fifth line, they are natural leaders, they're natural disruptors. They're here to shake things up and to really come up with innovative ways to solve problems. They live in a projection field to which other people can project their own needs or wants or desires or expectations onto them. And so it's really important for fifth lines to be discerning about which projections they wanna say yes to and which questions they want to answer. All right, so we're gonna jump into the last line here, which is line six. And this line is known as the role model or the mentor. The fifth line has a really unique life trajectory and unfolding because they actually experience three different phases in their life. And so I'm gonna go into those in just a second, but their purpose is to serve as a role model over time as they've cultivated all of this wisdom that they've gained throughout life and to really embody this highest expression of authenticity and to lead others by example when it's that right phase of their life. And of course you can embody these aspects in any phase of your life, but as a sixth line, you will probably have this innate awareness of which phase that you're in. So we're gonna dive into those right now. So the first phase is from ages zero to 30. And this is where the sixth line actually lives as a third line. And so for the first 30 years of their life, you can look at their profile as a three, three. And so if you're a third line, you know how challenging it can be to be a third line and really learn as you go and do trial by fire to see what works, to see what doesn't work, to see how it informs your identity. And so the sixth line kind of has a double whammy here in that regard of like learning things the hard way, getting your hands dirty, and choosing to view your experiences as wisdom gained and opportunities taken and learned versus mistakes and feeling like you're a failure. Okay, so during those early years, you're really experimenting a lot. And regardless of whether those experiences are good and bad, they shape who you become and the wisdom that you will later share. Going into the second phase, this is from ages 30 to 50. And this is more about reflection and refinement and healing. And so in this phase, it's what is called as going onto the roof, where you really start to be more discerning about who you're surrounding yourself, the relationships that you're in, the jobs that you're doing. And you really spend a lot of time focusing on this internal aspect of yourself and really trying to heal from all of the experiences from your past and start to identify the lessons that you have gleaned from that and to really start to cultivate a strong foundation for you to keep building on that will support you in the later years of your life when you get into that third phase, which is 50 plus. And this last phase is all about embodiment and being a role model and mentor for other people. Because this is that phase where you start to emerge with this deep wisdom and understanding of how all of those lessons wove into one another and you can be seen as this trusted guide for other people. Like people will witness this within you that you can be trusted, that you know a lot, that you've experienced a lot, and you have a lot of integrity and this ability to share this wisdom and for others to seek counsel within you. And so because they have so much trial and error that they experienced at their life, they really value trust and authenticity. And they can often be slow to trust others, particularly if past experiences have left wounds. However, once that trust is built, then you form deep, meaningful connections similar to the fourth line. As a sixth line role model or mentor, your authenticity and objectivity allows you to offer guidance without imposing your own biases on people, which makes you a really powerful and sought after role model. One of the biggest life challenges that sixth lines experience is that they have this deep core wound that was created in their early years. And it's really often rooted in issues of trust or family dynamics. And that pain from your first phase of life will support you in helping others with similar struggles. And when you get to that third phase, you really start to embody that role of the wise elder. And all of those experiences will really allow you to guide with a lot of compassion and depth. When it comes to sixth lines in relationship, they are deeply authentic and they seek partners who can respect their need for space, especially during that retreat phase of that phase two of ages 30 to 50. They can be slow to trust because of all of their life experiences and things that may have caused them hurt or pain. And they might hold back emotionally if they have experienced betrayals and broken trust in the past, but just know that they really do wanna go deep with you and they can be super authentic whenever they feel safe and supported. And so when it comes to supporting and honoring a sixth line that you are in relationship with, recognize that they live in those different phases and they might be more withdrawn or introspective, especially in that second phase. And so honor that process without pushing them to come off the roof before they're ready, because they really need that time to reflect and gather all the wisdom from their first 30 years. Do your best to be a partner who's also patient and understands that their trust might build a little slower, depending on whenever you engage in a relationship with them and rushing or pressuring them will only push them away further. And then for the later stages of their life, they're gonna step more into that mentorship role and really boost them up in seeing themselves as this role or this guide for others and encourage them to embrace that leadership position in the community or in the relationships, even if it's not like a loud role of like, I'm a leader, I am here to lead a bunch of people. Maybe it's just a small group dynamic, but it's more so about them embodying this leadership identity. So you can be a super supportive catalyst in that relationship. When it comes to sixth line kiddos, they are the third line for the first 30 years of their life. And so do your best to support them in shifting that perspective that they're not making mistakes or doing anything wrong. They're just learning what works and what doesn't and how they're gaining wisdom by each of their experiments, okay? And allow your sixth line child to have the freedom to experiment without judgment. Like they will already potentially feel like they are doing things wrong or like they're making a bunch of mistakes. So really support them as best you can in reflecting on those experiences rather than stepping into six things for them because as they grow older, they will really be even ahead of the game in being supportive and empowering to themselves rather than feeling like a failure like a lot of third lines and sixth lines have for a really long time. So that's why I love having this system and this awareness of how these different profile lines show up, not only in your life, but in the lives of those that you love, especially little kiddos, because we all want better for our kiddos than what we had right. And I think by understanding this information and nourishing them how they need will only support them in really stepping into their gifts and being more empowered and confident and certain in who they are so that they can take bold steps forward in becoming who that they were meant to be. So wrapping up the sixth line here, their life is broken up into three distinct phases. The first one being about trial and error. The second one being about reflection and healing. And the third one being about stepping more into this role model identity and mentoring other people. They are full of deep wisdom through all of their life experiences. And they're here to be authentic and live with integrity so that they can boost up their ability to lead others by example. They can struggle with trust issues from these early childhood wounds. And so they really need to feel safe in their relationships and have time for reflection and healing as they grow older so that they can really embody who they were born to be. So that, my friend, is a wrap up on the profile lines. And I hope you enjoyed this conversation. I know that I had a lot of fun facilitating these messages for you. And I hope that you're feeling so seen and validated and understood. And you can also express those same feelings and adornments onto other people in your life. As always, I would love it if you would share any insights or ahas that you've taken away from this episode in a review. Like, please go to Apple Podcasts, scroll all the way down to the bottom to where it says Leave a Review, and let me know what insights you have gleaned from this episode or from any of the previous episodes as well. I would love to hear from you. It lights my heart on fire to read what you have to say. And it also helps boost the show and the algorithm to help get this information into more people's ears and hearts who need to hear it. And so if you have benefited from this podcast and learned some life-changing information, I would really appreciate it if you would be willing to go and leave a review. And in the coming episode, we are gonna be diving into the Human Design Centers. And that's really gonna bring an even more comprehensive understanding of who you are and how you operate. And so I hope that you will join me there. In the meantime, be brave, not perfect, and I'll see you next week. Thanks for joining me today, girlfriend. I hope you had some fun. If this episode inspired you, educated you, or stressed you, I'd be so grateful if you could take a minute to leave a review. It's like sending a little love note to the universe. And the best part? You'll be entered into a monthly drawing for a free Human Design and Gene Keith reading with me. Each review helps us reach more heart-centered women just like you and create a massive ripple effect in the world. Remember to subscribe, share this episode with your crew, and tag me in your stories so I can celebrate you and we can grow this incredible community together. Sending you all the love until we connect again.

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