Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker is examining and repairing a device, addressing its broken sensor and burnt components. They delete unnecessary files and update the device's program. After reassembling and testing, the speaker cleans the device and closes it off for the night. What do we have here, what do we have here? Let me take a close look at you. Oh, I see, I see, I see. So, let me express my love to you. Mm-hmm, that's better. Over there. Someone's been really neglecting you, right? All right, my love, don't you fret. I am going to fix you right back up. Let me first see what you can do. Could you look over there, please? Right over there, yes. Okay, so not too hard, not too hard. Is your process still working? Yes, okay. Now look over there. Yes, not too hard. Looks like your sensor is broken. On that side, too. That's all right. Okay, let's see. What's your process number? 1.8.2946527. So you're a bit of an older model. Mm-hmm, I see, I see. Well, don't you fret. I am going to fix you right back up. So, first let's open you up. Black right here. Right over here, yes. And this one. That's two. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yes, okay. Oh, I see, I see. I'm going to give birth to that. Mm-hmm, well. Let's get this off. Let's see what went wrong here. Oh, well. No wonder your heart is all black. You've completely burned. Yeah. No wonder. 250 over. Yeah, of course that's not working. I think that this one should be fine to use later, but not this part. Okay, I'm going to keep this to the side. What's behind that? What's behind that? You've burned your neck. I think I can fix it all. Quick zap over there. Don't worry, it's not going to hurt. It's not going to hurt. I'm zapping you up over there. Looks way better now. Okay, that's good. Let's check that sensor again, shall we? So, just try to follow the light. Follow the light over there. That's way better. I'm sure you're already feeling a bit better. Now let's give you a much needed update. All right. Where's your Bluetooth? Okay. Yes, looks like we're connected. Okay, let's slide you over here. All right. Data. Is your capacity full? Or do we still have some room for like updates? Maybe we should delete something. Yeah, looks like we're going to have to delete something. You know, I always think if you have to delete something, it's best to just drill it out, you know? That's what my doctor used to say to me in my bad memories. Just take a drill and go for it. What should we delete? Maybe this piece over here. I don't think we really need this piece. Great. I'm sure you're already feeling a bit lighter now. A little bit heavy maybe. Right over here. Let's delete this part as well. Great. You're already looking way lighter. And over here as well. Great. See, once you let go of the heaviness of the past, you make room for new memories and traumas and updates in your case. So, looks like you're downloading your update, which is great. Meanwhile, I'm going to get deep into your program and see if there's any... Deep into your program and see if there's anything else that I should delete. So, let's get this out of your ear. No. Take this. Exactly. Yes, right over there. Now let's go into files. Memory system. You seem to be running on an 8.1.006. Right over there, you've got a lot of junk files. Have you been eating a little too much junk food? Maybe let's get that away. Great. I think I'm just going to rewrite your program with some happy new memories and a good night rest. I think you deserve a little reset. Right there. Great. Yes, you're already looking way happier, so now let's get this and delete that. Great, let's put those... Great. Now let's put those screws back on before you fall apart again. So, I'm going to put these screws back into you. Is that alright? Do I have your permission to put these screws right back into you? Lovely, beautiful, beautiful screws. I'm just going to put them back here. I'm just going to loosely get them in with my hands. Not too tight. A tight grip is never good. So, one over here as well. One over here as well. And the last one was over here. Not too tight, not too far. I know for sure that you are completely healed now. Let's see how you're doing. Great. Oh, looks like you've done those already. Great, great. You've been doing great. Let me check real quick. Great. Now let's put a new light into you so you can see for yourself how it's working again. Alright, right over here. And this little piece goes over here. Of course, I know what I'm doing. I'm not an amateur or something, of course. And if I come back... You okay? And let's put you right over here. Looks like you're working again. You can go off now. So, your light is working again. Your processor is working again. You have gotten a new update. But I think I'm going to have to take the dust away from you. Because, to be honest, it just looks a bit sad. Lots of dust on you. Yes, you look as good as new. Over here as well. I just got your dust off of you. Great. Now let's get you off the mat. Now, let's disconnect you. Great. Yeah, you're looking great, you're looking great. And just to make sure, I'm going to check on what program you're running now. So, if it's an update, it's the... Looks alright, looks alright. And this one... Let's take a look at the processor. Accept. Accept. Decline. Decline. Decline. What's this? No singles in your area? I think I could use some singles in my area. Let's check this out. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Okay. Let's go to... Okay, let's quickly delete that from my processor history. I don't think anyone needs to see my history. Okay. Now that that's clean, I think that you are doing great again. I think you look amazing. I think most of your nasty memories come. You're operating on a completely new you and that's exactly what you deserve. So, I think I'm going to close you off now to make sure that you have a good night's rest. Just fill in the password. You shall not password enter. Yes, like that. Great. Great. Now, I think that's all for today. Okay. Let's close you off.