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1. Pony Express

1. Pony Express

Just Being Honest



Welcome to our first episode of Just Being Honest! We discuss the USPS, Mexican food, and WWII. Yes you read all of those correctly.

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Kennedy and Ellen introduce themselves in their first podcast episode. They discuss their differing opinions and their love for honesty. They briefly mention politics and the news, but don't go too deep into it. They talk about their frustrations with the USPS and their preference for other shipping services like Amazon. They mention the increasing cost of postage stamps and the financial struggles of the USPS. They end the episode by jokingly suggesting that the USPS should just "let it die." what's up guys and welcome back to our no it's not that we dang it welcome guys first episode welcome guys to our first episode of our podcast we're here to just be honest okay that was a lot it's late and that was a lot ellen told me to bring the energy i did i said you gotta be energetic so here i am um kennedy also does not know what a podcast is we were talking about um like ads and stuff how they like give you free stuff and she had no clue no ads and podcasts so no i'm learning as um as we're learning all this stuff yeah i only watch like little podcast moments on tiktok right yeah okay well if you don't know us which you probably do if you're listening to it right now but one day when we're famous and people look back at our first episode that's right they want to know who we are and why we're sleeping on a purple mattress because they're going to sponsor us yes sponsor purple please sponsor us i need the mattress yeah okay kennedy go first all right yourself what's up guys my name is kennedy i am 24 years old i am a full-time hairstylist and um i am single and dating to mingle ready to mingle i almost said it but i didn't know i am single and single-ish dating ish it's a complicated world out there um but yeah that's about all i got and uh the most important thing to know through this podcast is that i love jesus and uh that's something me and ellen have in common yes one of the few things yeah but most important things absolutely all right ellen okay i'm ellen i am 29 so kennedy and i are five years apart however it's a big five years yeah big age gap yep um i have four kids been married uh to my high school sweetheart we foster so a lot of times there's other kids coming in and out um and i own a salon happens to be the same salon that kennedy works at that's right yep she was my og um we opened in 2020 and been going strong ever since that's right yep so if you need your hair done come to me yes or any of the other girls too specifically me maybe more clients um okay so we wanted to start that we've actually been talking about starting this podcast for a really long time mostly because everyone loves listening to us talk yeah it's a salon yes but we're not gonna talk about hair stuff swan talk will not be happening here you will have to come to the salon yes to receive that get that shopped yeah um but one of the i think one of the reasons people like talking to us is because we have such differing opinions right we still love each other yep but we are not afraid to just be honest at all and say what is on our mind that's right my mom always says kennedy you should stop being so mean and my response always is always i am not being mean mom i am just being honest yes so that's how and not just your mom i've said it too yeah but i said it to ellen too employees customers everybody's like dang canadian i'm like what she's being brutal can't handle the truth don't ask so now um in the podcast she is welcome to be totally honest and um if you're easily offended it may not be not be your space definitely so that actually brings us to one of our first segments we will be doing is i love politics i love the news but i'm not going to bore y'all with all the stuff i'm also going to try and not get too deep into all this i'm gonna try i'm gonna try my best yeah because i'm not i'm not big into politics i have my mild opinions i might have to start a second podcast and like really discuss you might do that without me okay so uh we're gonna keep this short and sweet since it's our first episode but just so you can kind of get a little taste of what it might be like so i just was looking through headlines today and um they are talking about how the u.s house is trying to get uh biden to name two new u.s postal board members and i was like i i literally kind of forget about the post office do you you don't mail anything do you i mean not not normally no no not very often honestly when i see post office like my first thought is i if i order something on amazon or anywhere and i see it's coming usps i'm like oh we're done we're done oh you're mad oh i'm so mad okay like that thing may never show up i never ever look at are you bringing my package never you don't notice like usps like literally the tracking is like non-existent no but i will say i do have a she in order coming from usps i was supposed to arrive on the 28th and they sent me a email yesterday telling me there was delay in my shipment i'm so glad you brought this up and um it'll be here as supposed to be on monday nope definitely not it will not be here monday i guarantee you i was on it they're the worst so like if i'm putting an order worst to best so i'm gonna go usps is worse then i'm gonna go i also for a long time didn't realize usps and the ups two different things i didn't really us postal service yeah i didn't put that together for like a long time like how recently it was probably like two years okay yeah so probably two a long time okay so i'm gonna go usps is worse the worst then i'm gonna go fedex and fedex is not as it's it's okay like it's estimated arrival day is normally decent the tracking is bad though um then i'm gonna go ups ups is normally like right on no i mean it comes the uh like the warehouse it comes from is isn't that who does amazon sometimes oh so like it's not far from here well because i feel like every time i return to amazon it's too easy if you're going to return it you're going to take it to ups okay but the best is amazon i love when amazon ships oh amazon's company yes they're they're trucks yeah they're on time absolutely and they put a picture i've been on report you know exactly where it's at and what time what time it was at when you're gonna get it right yeah they do a really good literally they let you know what your dog's doing outside the house yeah it's great so anyways uh that's my that's my ranking of shipping services um but as i was reading this article article kennedy do you know how much a postage stamp is no but i we had to buy like 75 of them for christmas i was actually thinking about people that buy christmas cards yeah it was expensive i'm sure i'm sure it was it's probably like what 100 bucks how many did you buy 95 uh no what is it like a dollar a piece no it's less than that 75 no it's okay it's only 68 cents oh it's a lot i feel like it's a lot so that's actually the fifth time it has increased since 2020 oh um but here's the thing the usps in november reported a 6.5 billion with a b loss 6.5 billion dollars loss last year that makes me feel a whole lot better about my business why um well no one knows anything anymore right well and i can confidently say that in the um last 10 years i've only ever walked into the post office bought a box and literally mailed it and it was this last year i can't think of a time before then that i ever did that right we're trying like no one's just going to like ship a gift no because everything's really electronic now i'm just going to go on my amazon and put in their address and that's going to be that yep no matter where you're ordering from you're just going to ship it straight to them that's right right but i will say that last night we received a shipment at our house at 10 p.m from i don't know i want to say it was fedex oh oh yeah it was my dad's medicine oh thank goodness but he was mad he was mad that it was 10 o'clock because like he was already in bed and the dogs started barking and everything did he need it to like save his life no no it was just like a regular shipment and he was like i'm emailing them in the morning because that's unacceptable so i'm sure they're going to get right back with him on that i know he always has to get his his word in right he has to it makes me feel better yeah um yeah so the uh usps actually uh so he fell the lowest volume since 1968 and uh in the next 10 years it has a predictive loss of 160 billion with a b no dollars i can't even i don't even know anyone who has like a million dollars yes you do who who do i know that has a million dollars i could name five okay maybe don't but i'm not going to i can't i can name more than five do you think i know them yeah oh i do wow that good job you mean just like sitting in a checking account it's like to have just like you have a million dollars not that you've earned a million dollars total but like you just have a million dollars you know i've always like wondered too like people like i don't know some major incident happens with their house and their repairs like $50,000 and they pay it and i'm like wait what here's a check you people have $50,000 children you're taking no i'm like i was even watching this show the other day and this girl got abducted and her dad was like how much money do you need i'll write a check right now and i'm like they're readily available readily available oh my gosh $35,000 this is real no i don't think so no i think i was watching fbi honestly right so there we go further proof it's fake it's all fake yeah yeah that's really funny maybe we need to save our money in case one of our kids gets abducted i'm going to say you have the wrong person i do not have children you probably took someone else's well all of that to say goodbye needs to be done bye um u.s house of representatives if you're listening to this so are they trying to get rid of no actually they're not they're just voting on like who's in charge like who's the top because what who's like who's on top right like the postmaster um but honestly we just need to stop throwing money at this thing and let it die let it die the world would be a better place who was the first postal service usbs yes actually i believe it was like the pony something see i just knew you're gonna know the answer no hang on hang on keep talking okay no so like one billion dollars ellen asked me do you know how many millions are in one billion and i'm like of course i don't know that i guess probably everyone else does but i don't know you know common sense things in that manner but if you don't know and you're like me the answer is 1 000 million is 1 billion so you don't say 1 000 million you say 1 billion and so it's 999 million and then the next is a billion right we all learned something today that's right okay well i don't know where i was getting the pony thing from okay i maybe that was a movie i'm not really sure but it was right around the time of the uh declaration of independence they needed a way to um talk to each other um but anyways so what's the answer i mean it's the usps oh stop you're right there's a there's a pony express i'm not even kidding you oh my gosh okay so i'm going to read this all right back in the railroads only when it's far west as missouri the pony express honored in this 19 oh hang on it's picture of painting in this 1904 painting helped cover the missing ground for about a year and a half see uh-huh i know mounted carriers famously sped mail the 1800 miles from st joseph missouri to sacramento california in just 10 days wow 1800 miles in 10 days that's a lot for a horse listen even though the pony express was not the original usps are you not impressed that i knew something about that i or that i guessed that it was pony express i had polar express in mind i had polar express in mind but um yeah no that is that is wild that's a i'm one of those people who signed the waivers to get rid of horse carriages what why i i don't think they're very kind to their horses some of them probably are some of them i do think i had a client i talked to her about it she works with horses we talked about it but like when i'm in new orleans and i would just do these massive horses just you know walking around all day they can't be happy if that's all they've ever known no i don't i'm not sure i mean yeah you're probably right they'd probably rather be like frolicking in a pasture 100 or field just a better life yeah so i signed a waiver so i get emails about it all the time i'm sure you made a difference i feel like i did you probably didn't i don't think i don't make you feel better and sleep better at night and that's all that's what matters okay so that is the end of our segment on ellen's bias news um so normally we would then uh kennedy would then have a tiktok video for us to observe and comment on i'm not on the tiktok right um we don't have one today because we also are not set up on our cameras yet and most of the time it's probably going to be one that you guys will want to watch so we don't have that loaded yet but our next segment is going to be word of the day yeah wait we went back to uh the tiktok thing if anybody has any really great tiktoks they want us to watch yeah or get our reaction and comment on yes yeah send them to our instagram yeah our faces will tell all our instagram is just being honest pod and you'll find it there so send us any messages or any topics you might want us to discuss oh yeah i can't promise you we'll discuss all of them we'll do our best yeah okay sorry so we're so word of the day so ellen and i are different generations technically um she is a tail end of the millennial she is at the almost last year of the millennial and i am a gen z so she also you know is not really on social media as much as me isn't really present in today's uh you know not politics but just like today's times culture what's new cool and all that so um the one word that she learned was slaps yeah slap that slap that's good so today's word of the day is ate i'm sorry what ate like i ate a sandwich right but it's like you ate that down like like you is it impossible no okay like you ate like if let's just say like macy slayed the house down on some hair okay so instead of saying you macy you slayed the house down i literally wouldn't even know that either okay like you killed it yeah that's a bomb bomb so instead of saying you slayed the house down you say macy you ate man that ate so you could say that to someone like at the salon and they know they know that's good i might i mean i guess it depends on who you're talking to right if i'm saying this to like the 59 year old root touch up but like the other girls that work with with us i would say eight yeah that eight interesting or you ate that up i'm not going to use that one i don't like it why it's fun i just that's not natural to me slaps i can actually see how that might roll off the tongue that slaps you ate no that ate that sounds like food is involved no it doesn't i can't okay well we learned something now someone says that doesn't like our word of the day but she also doesn't like sickening i don't like sickening i hate it i don't really know how many of these she will like i just said it likes that's one okay well maybe i like the next one pick a better one next time oh wow okay well those are main segments but uh we plan on doing some specials on the show do we have extra time uh we can do whatever we do you want to do something i think we should talk about most chipotle willies kava let's break up let's break them first of all have you ever been to kava no is that that greek one no kava is kind of like actually i take that back i think i think my mom i don't i've never been but i've heard i incredible things about it i gotta look it up i think i may have had it when i was in the hospital but between is it a k or c c a b a okay sorry go ahead between willies chipotle and mose yeah this is how i'm gonna rank no it literally says kava is a growing mediterranean culinary brand oh it's mediterranean yeah you know that would go up against like zoe's and pita yeah so kava's out okay kava's out just chipotle chipotle mose and willie right i mean if you go down south there's like um no no we're just gonna talk about the three that everybody knows that we know here all of us even up here in pickens county know okay chose what i'm so chose chipotle okay mose and willies so my ranking is going to be willies first then mose and then chipotle and here's my reasoning why i think willies is very flavorful and they have more options on their menu i do appreciate a small menu because you don't have to think much i do appreciate that chipotle is bowl burrito salad you get to the business right and mose has got all that crazy mose has a bunch of stuff and so does willie's i feel like has more fun options um but i love mose queso okay chipotle's queso cannot stand so sick i just hate it and i also i used to pick mose over chipotle all the time because mose would serve tomatoes by itself not just pico but they have gotten rid of that because they don't like onions that's why i don't even get guacamole right and i love guacamole i don't like onions but i would i would put willies on top for their queso all of their meats are very flavored i think that sometimes chipotle's meats are a little fatty their steaks sometimes can be and their chicken sometimes has some you know grizzle in it and i'm not i'm not down for that like it makes me gross okay that's my reasoning for those so i'd go to willie's first okay i've only been to willie's uh once or twice in my whole life i don't really remember my experience there i don't remember it being bad um however i love chipotle i feel like you can't even put chipotle and mose in the same category i think you can because chipotle is like another level it's like it's like comparing a five-star restaurant with mcdonald's have you been to mose recently though yeah i have it was disgusting okay it felt so cheap and fake i hated it i i just don't like that chipotle cooks put everything onions and everything it's in their corn i have no problem honestly if you don't like onions stay away from mexican it's in it no it's not mexican it's it's a version okay tex-mex tex-mex mexican grill i believe that's no southwest no southwest grill yeah and what is chipotle i don't know i don't think it says anything i don't think it does either but honestly like all those mexican southwest tex-mex there's onions if you don't like them stay away that's your fault no don't bring your issues do you not like do you not have food that you don't like yeah and that that's like okay if i go to an italian restaurant but i don't like garlic i'm not going to be mad at them that they put garlic and everything that is so different no garlic and onions are on no i feel like it's the exact same thing so we're gonna have to agree to disagree so what's your ranking oh chipotle i'm gonna go willies because i don't care and most i think we need to take a trip to willies where's the closest one it's probably on exit four exit three and carousel okay we'll take a field trip yeah okay i think we need to go to willies that's just a fun segment yeah fun little fun little tidbit um oh but yeah we might uh we really wanted to get this started before christmas because we wanted to do a movie review on a christmas movie kennedy specifically polar express yes i don't know what she's got with that movie but she loves it it's fabulous about it all year long um we also want to talk about enneagram we both love enneagram really quick kennedy best and worst enneagram okay best is number seven because that's me that's the best or it's not that's the best okay we're the party people we like bring life to everything but the worst i'm gonna go with an eight which is right ellen so only because they're so dang aggressive um mean not all the time not all the time it's good stuff done you gotta have eight or this world would not spin so when we were talking about this before and i said fours and i'm like literally of any number if a four hears this they'll start crying yeah like we can't we literally can't bash the four like they will cry you can bash like a seven like you or an eight like me and i'm like yeah yeah like that's valid you got the fours they're gonna go home crying watch a sad movie and like you know what the rain out the window i bet macy's a four no i bet you she is you know what she actually might be she might be you're not supposed to like label people like you're not because it's like supposed to be internal like motivation so don't tell her that well she's gonna listen to this macy take the test are we editing this out no macy once you hear this take the test and let us know if we were right answer all the questions honestly yeah all of you take the enneagram oh yeah then when we have the episode you'll know what we're talking about yeah um so enneagram for sure uh generational differences not just gen z uh millennial we'll go back to the boomers love talking about the boomers we'll talk about present day dating yes we'll absolutely talk about present day dating we'll talk about married life yeah uh getting married young versus getting married older um gender roles that would be a good episode that would be a good episode like traditional or like throw that out the window and you just do you um we what else is on here um there was one oh conspiracy theories oh yeah because you love those i love a conspiracy theory not that i believe all of them i believe some of them not all yeah i just love when people don't just like take the government's word for things we're going to talk about doctors we're going to really talk about doctors it's a scam we're going to talk about the holocaust are we maybe you know what we should talk about the holocaust the holocaust is in fact the most fascinating piece of history that continues on in my mind so much that's loaded loaded is bad was the that's the only thing in in history that i learned in school that i was actually interested in learning more about yeah so that that was like your favorite thing to learn about i mean favorites like a hardboard like obviously right because that's not a good thing but yeah i thought it was just fascinating interesting i also felt like world war ii you know the same thing was like my favorite and still to this day like i love world war ii documentaries and i think it fascinates me because it was not that long ago right and it blows my mind like all of it like even the good parts about it that there were 16 17 year old boys that like went right to like you know and like the little girls who like how to just like raise up to be mothers basically yeah yeah and people just did it for us and that's like really humbling yep but then it's also just so sad and i also love watching war movies i don't know why i just i find everything about the war so fascinating and maybe it's because i have grandparents who've been in the war and that kind of stuff know people who have fought in the war things like that or people have just been in combat and yeah at all who don't they don't really talk about it right but you get to experience it through a movie so you can kind of understand more yeah no i agree my grandfather was in world war ii and so i and i he was i mean it was only a few years ago that he died and so i can remember him talking about it and i do i think that we have like that weird connection yeah to that war so we've had some some anyways when i get deep yeah we also are going to talk about the best fruit kristin will hate that i hate fruit you do i do i hate fruit i love it no it's absolutely incredible what's your favorite fruit pineapple i do like pineapple or i really like i do enjoy apples i like apples my least favorite it's going to be a banana loaded with sugar though probably why i like them it's i mean yeah but i hate a banana hate it oh my gosh all my kids love bananas i i have to try not to gag when i hand it to them and i get that little string on my finger oh god yeah i hate a banana so gross i hate the flavoring i hate everything about it right now yeah thinking about that string of the banana on me oh okay yeah um yeah i don't like fruit but give me some meat some cheese need some hearty food i like pasta i do like pasta i just i think everybody likes pasta i mean yeah one of our clients is having back surgery tomorrow we should we should give a shout out to mary shout to me he's probably gonna listen to this while she's recovering mary shout out to you yeah i like your surgery i know she's like very health conscious yeah tries not to eat a lot of processed stuff and uh i'm gonna take her dinner and cory was talking to her at work and was like what do you want she's like i don't care she's like i love pasta i'm not gonna care about the carbs right when you're down bad wow i'm recovering from this awful back surgery yeah so i'm gonna take her pasta's the perfect comfort i don't even take her bread with the pasta garlic bread oh perfect comfort food yeah okay well we'll finish up this episode but it was fun little intro this is a great it was great we have a lot to unpack we'll try and release an episode once a week yeah maybe some that we miss and make sure you guys really go follow our instagram yeah we'll be posting some updates there yeah and maybe we'll go down to willie's we'll go down to willie's maybe we'll even go to chipotle and moe's too oh yeah i'm down i don't want to go to moe's i want to go to moe's okay all right guys thanks for joining thanks for listening hope you got to work safe get to work safe i hope you get to work safe while you're listening to our podcast that's right okay guys next time bye guys

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