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Dwayne Simmons trailer updated

Dwayne Simmons trailer updated

Boromatic Podcast



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The speaker shares their personal story, which involves a difficult childhood filled with violence, addiction, and challenging circumstances. They believe that their past experiences have shaped them and are determined to make a positive impact on the world. The speaker goes by the name Forever Burro and invites listeners to follow them on social media and listen to their podcast. For years, I've shared my story with many of you, a story rich in struggle and perseverance. As a child, I was met with immeasurable odds, born in the city of Goldsboro, North Carolina, and raised by my grandmother. Despite her efforts to protect me from desperate conditions, I was exposed to violence, incest, crack addiction, and a whole lot of other shit a young soul should never have to endure. At times, I don't know if I'm haunted by my past or if it's my superpower. At age six, I had to self-proclaim prophecy that the world would know my name. I'm still fulfilling that prophecy. I'm here to do what I've always done, give you my story with the hope that it changes the world, or at least the world around you. Hey yo, what's good? I am Forever Burro. Follow me on Twitter at IamForever underscore Burro and on Instagram at Forever underscore Burro. There you'll find my latest posts and content. Welcome to the Burromatic Podcast.

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