Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
You look beautiful tonight. And I feel perfectly fine. So I'm just screaming and crying and kissing in the rain. It's 2am and I'm crushing on you. That was fantastic. It was right there. Okay. I'm hiding it behind me. So, I don't even know if my stones are working. Do you want to do the slap or do you want me to do the slap? Can you do the slap? Okay. This is so exciting. We're using up everybody's money. Okay. I think I might switch the table a little bit. Okay, I'm going to pull my leg. The spirit of the Lord is upon us. 3, 2, 1. I don't know if that was a good slap. Maybe. Should I do it again? Do a thicker half. Yeah. 3, 2, 1. I don't know if that was better. Not. But. And we're live. This is so exciting. This is the VOD. I put it on my social media and said it was a VOD. And a lot of people came up to me and asked me, like, what's a VOD? And I thought that would be easier to understand. But it means video podcast. Because there's cameras. And I hope this is going to turn into a podcast. So, it's a VOD. Or, that's for short, a VODcast. Anyways. And this is a soft, you could say it's a soft launch. Because I wrangled my roommate into being one of my first people. I don't know if this is going to be the first episode. Or one of the first. Because I'm kind of recording several. And depending on which one I edit first. And which one I like better, probably. Is going to be one of the first ones. But this is my roommate. This is one-fourth of the roommates. I'm Jennifer. This is Jennifer Jacobs. We've been roommates now for two years. Two years, yeah. And we're not sister to each other yet. We also contact room together abroad. If you count that. I literally totally forgot about that. So. And we also are like next-door neighbors, basically. So. Yeah. All the details are really silly. I'm like, yeah, that's like a whole two-hour story. Yeah. Yeah, anyways. Jen's on the, she goes, her full name's Jennifer. I call her. Do you prefer to go by Jen or Jennifer? By close people, I think Jen. And then I do admit Jenny. Jenny McBucket for some of my family. Jenny, Jen, you know. Any of the three or four. Or whatever you want to call me. I've never heard that list. I don't think ever. Jenny McBucket. That's what my fam calls me. Not as a joke. But, you know, stuff. Okay. I call her Jen. When you introduce yourself, you say Jennifer? So that's a fun topic to talk about. A small little subtopic. Basically, whenever somebody introduces. Or I've introduced myself to somebody. I feel like I switch between the two. And it doesn't depend on anything. That's kind of how I am. It's the same with asking for. Like if they ask you for a receipt. It really doesn't depend on anything. It's just my name. I've always said. That my full name is Juliana. And so. I'm like, yeah. I like my full name better. But I grew up everyone calling me Julie. And I'm like, I don't want to be that person. That demands that you change my name. When I'm 21 years old. But when I'm in more of a professional setting. I've decided, I think. That I say. That my name is Juliana. But if I'm just meeting a friend. I'm like, hey, I'm Julie. My teachers call me Jennifer. My friends call me Jen. So yeah. And we met. So I transferred. We both go to Benedictine College. Which if you don't know. It's a really small Catholic college. In Atchison, Kansas. Which is where we're at right now. We're in our apartment. The number of the apartment. But yeah. And so. The way we. I think we should talk about how we became friends. And how this came about. Because I think it's kind of funny. Do you want to start or do you want me to start it? Yeah, so. It's a funny story. Yeah, because I remember. So my freshman year. I was out of practice. And I don't remember if it was spring. But I was just practicing. And I see this girl with really black curly hair. Walking in the door of the gym. Who the heck is this girl? She's trying to visit right now. Because we're in the middle of practice. You thought I was a basketball player? I thought you were a basketball girl peeking in. But it turns out it was a volleyball girl. And it turns out it was her. I was on a visit. Yeah, you were on a visit. Just looking at the gym and the campus. And I just remember seeing you. And I was like, that girl looks so familiar. And then I'm like, I don't think anything of it. What time was that? Was that November? Yeah, whenever you visited. Because I visited around. I transferred to BC. And so I visited around Thanksgiving time. Of that freshman year. And so. I forgot that that was the first time you saw me. Because that's not when I acknowledged you. Yeah, because you probably didn't really notice. So then later. When you did transfer in the spring semester. So it was like January. Whenever we were all back in school. And I was living in Scholastica at the time. It's like one of the freshman dorm halls. And I just remember seeing her. And I just. You know, I walk around. Julie might say. She's known for having. Is this what you were starting to say? She has like an RBS. If you don't know what that means. We're not going to say the extended version right now. But yeah. So I bet. My RBS was pretty. Pretty intense that day. And so I think I just walked past her. And I just looked at her. We both like snapped at each other. Not snapped at each other. But we snapped our necks at each other. And we're like whoa. You look familiar. And so whatever. And then it turns out. She's friends with. My friend at the time. And then I get introduced. And then we're just talking. And then you should take over the next level. So it is how we realized. Oh okay. Well I feel like my perspective of like when I saw you for the first time. Was a little bit different. Because were you talking about when you were walking out of the elevator. And that's like when we saw each other for the second time basically. When I was on campus. And yeah she was walking out of the elevator. And my room was on the first floor. I was not excited about that. She was turning down the hall on the first floor. And she was coming out of the elevator. And that's when we like looked at each other. And we like made eye contact. Probably twice. Or didn't we? One of our roommates just walked in. And she's like let's go. We're keeping this a secret. Did you get my text? You're on one of the next. We're recording next with you. Okay. Keep it quiet if you can. It's not that deep. But anyway. So we like made eye contact. And like looked at each other. And then yeah like the next day. Ellie is the shout out. She was like the volleyball girl. Who was one of my teammates. New teammates that I just met. And she was friends with Jen too. And Ellie invited me. And she was like hey like I'm going to be doing homework or something with some friends. Like you should come and like meet some people. And I was like okay great. I was really nervous because I hadn't met anyone yet. And so. Jen was there. And I was like. Okay like. Hi I'm Julie. I was like this is not. I'm shooting in the dark right now. Like this might be completely off. But I was like you look really familiar. And did you say kind of the same thing? Yeah I think I did. Because I was like this girl. I remember just seeing her during that visit. And I was like where is she from? So then we just kind of going back and forth. Asking like where each other were from. All those questions. And then we found out. When we were like in middle school. We played for. What do we call it? We played for like next level. Like the same basketball club. When we were like 14. Or something. And we were like going back and forth. Like naming coaches and whatever. Oh my gosh. Did we like scrimmage against each other? Yeah we practiced against each other. Did the camera just die? I'm going to cut this out. I think it was. What's his name? Evan McCory. What are you doing? Is it like a plug in thing? It's okay. It's fine. It's very candid. If you don't know. We just kind of trimmed out part of the video. Because I think one of the cameras just died. But we're just going to keep going. Or it didn't die. And I just don't really know how to work it. Because I really don't know what I'm doing. But we'll just whatever. And so we. Yeah we realized we played for the same club. And. It was like so weird. Because then I realized. So my dad knows a lot of random people. And he has this friend. Who like is his same personality. If you know my dad you know he can be like. I don't know if that's like a personality trait. Maybe it is. But they're just like. Very almost over. How do you describe it? Flamboyant. Sanguine. Extroverted. Will talk to literally anyone. I don't know. My dad says he's fun. Oh that's a whole other story. We need to talk about our dad. My dad reaches out to. A coach friend. Did he coach you? And he knew a couple players. Who were on the basketball team. Because I was coming here and I didn't really know anyone. And so that coach. Sent me two random phone numbers. Saying this is. Some name and this is another name. They're on the basketball team. You should find them and talk to them. Whatever. And I had that text in my phone. I'm not doing it. I was like that's weird. Someone might do that. But I'm in my shell very much so right now. And don't know anyone. So that's not happening. And so then we made that connection. Because we knew a lot of the same people. And yeah. So then Ellie. Who was the girl who introduced us. She ended up transferring. Here you pitch in. I feel like I'm talking. Because at the time. We used to hang out a lot. With some of the other volleyball girls. And then I was like. We know each other from literally middle school. And you look kind of very similar. Oh she didn't mention. Is this true though? The very first time she saw me. When I was looking at the gym on my visit. She thought I was my older sister. I didn't want to think that off. I think because I don't know. Like when I saw Josie. Yeah because my sister was visiting. You guys are twins. I swear you need to see a picture of them. Maybe you can edit. Maybe you can edit in a picture. I don't know how to do that. But we'll figure it out. Any podcaster that's doing this. Is like. This chick is rich. Yeah. And so at first. She didn't really recognize me. Because she thought I was a different person maybe. And so down the road. We get to become friends. And we were planning on living. In the same suite. In the sophomore dorm hall. Which is 8 girls to a suite. And I was like. I just transferred here. And I'm supposed to find 7 friends. To be roommates with. That's a fast turnaround. I'm freaking stressed. And this isn't working out. But me and the volleyball player Ellie. We were supposed to be suite roommates. In this suite. And Jen. We were going to be planning in the same suite. And then Jen was going to room with another basketball girl. One of her teammates. But then I think of this as like. Wow. What a coincidence. But I don't believe in coincidences. Because God's plan. So my teammate who I was supposed to live with. She transferred out. And then Ellie transferred out. So then Jen and I were like. So are we roommates now? Yeah. What are the odds of both of our teammates transferring out? Yeah. It was kind of crazy. Our room is the cutest by the way. Out of the whole suite. We have a decorative touch. We isn't. I bring the plants. And I bring all of the furniture. But anyways. So yeah. It was kind of wild. It was chaos. It was so fun though. And that was our whole sophomore year. And then we both decided to go to Italy. This past summer. Which feels like a fever dream. I look back at pictures and I was like. We were there. We should do a whole podcast. Let us know in the comments. I don't know if that's ever going to be a thing. Not trying to be an influencer right now. I don't know what I'm trying to be right now. Give us some ideas. Because I feel like there's so many different. There's so many different episodes alone. That could be about these topics. You know what I mean? So we finished sophomore year. And then literally a week later we were flying to Italy. We roomed together in Italy. For like six weeks. Six weeks. Crazy. And we're currently juniors. Living our best lives in the apartment. Yeah. Okay. So now I should talk about this. After we kind of became friends. As I was transferring to Benedictine. I was also moving to Wichita. Kansas. And I really think this is a god thing. Because I was really nervous. To transfer and move to a different city. Where my family was going to be. At the same time. Because I was like man. When I come home for the holidays. It's not going to be the same. But when I came to Benedictine. You guys. There's so many people from Wichita. Like my high school. I went to a Catholic high school. Cape Inn. So a bunch of people from Cape Inn. Came to Benedictine. So I know quite a few girls. Who are from my high school here. For the holidays. I get to see some of them. Great. So Julie is next to a ton of BC people. I moved into a neighborhood. That's in the middle. Of a bunch of friends. That I met at college. So it was really crazy. So I think her house is my number one hangout spot. At the moment. And so whenever I'm like. Julie what are you doing? I'm coming over. She plays basketball. So she doesn't get to come home for breaks. And she was home for Thanksgiving. For a day and a half. I'm like if she's cooking. I'm going to be there. I'm a big baker. That's a whole other topic we can talk about. And then we found out. Oh my goodness. So I don't know when we found this out. But we have the same exact breed of dog. And the same age. So her dog's name is Sadie. And mine is Casey. And they look the same. They're both chunky. If you know me and my dog's story. Sadie who's my dog. She has been on her fitness journey. Her whole life. It's so bad. I just found out that Casey is 8 pounds overweight. And from the vet. So they're both on their fitness journey. We don't even take Sadie to the vet anymore. Because we get shamed. We get lectured by the vet. How do you get this? The vet is like you're feeding them too much scratch. And I'm like what? She's just a baby. So Sadie stayed to the vet. But my mom always feels horrible when we come back from the vet. Because the vet is always so mad. She's gained more weight. American. It's just American. She says it's chunky. But her dog is still way skinnier than my dog. If you know. Maybe it's her pictures. If I can figure that out. So there's this cute trail right by our house. And we walk our dogs together. It's like a cute little Disney story. My dads are now besties. Which is hilarious. I think my dad was at first reluctant. He's a loner. We're not putting that in there. She's a loner. I don't know. My dad invited your dad. I feel like it started. I feel like this is how a lot of friends talk. About their parents. Because friends that are alike. I feel like their parents are alike too. I don't know. But as we were talking about our parents. We just have really similar interests. Backgrounds and stuff. And so. And our parents are the same age. Which is kind of rare. Because my parents are usually a lot older than my parents. All my other friends have really young parents. So my parents never really clicked as much. And we related a lot in that way. And so we were like. Dude. Our parents need to meet. Which was honestly really awkward. Because my parents were like. Yeah. Let's have them over. And we just invited her and her parents over. And they just awkwardly met. For the first time. Because ice breakers are always weird to me. But they had a good time. Yeah. They just become great friends. And it's so fun. And our dads are both super into basketball. My dad was a basketball coach for many years. And he was a principal at a high school. So he's had a lot of experience with sports. And managing places. And running the Boys and Girls Club. So lots of kids. And lots of sports. Yeah. And one of my favorite memories. You probably wouldn't even think of this. So after. When we were abroad in Europe. Both of our families traveled to Europe. About the same time. To meet up with us. And we traveled after we were studying. With our school program. And by the time we were in Italy. For like six weeks. We had the train. And the walking routes. Everything down to a science. We were just very efficient. In getting places. And when both of our families came to pick us up. And join us. And we separated in traveling. We both were just like. This is a nightmare. We were traveling around a foreign country. It was so funny. Because we were just like. They cannot figure out the maps. Of like a walking route. Or like taxis or trains. They were always like Jennifer you figure it out. Jennifer you've been here a while. I've been here for six weeks. We just took our Italian one final. And they were like. How do you not understand Italian? But they did. We did pretty good. I'm like I know. Hello goodbye and I know my gelato order. That's all you really need. I'm kidding. Any real Italians that are like wow. You're a tourist. Yeah but like meeting up in the. We like all met up in the train station. You guys were going to Rome right? And I think we were going to Venice. It was really. We were in Florence. And it was really cool. Just meeting up in the Rome train station. It's so crazy. What is life right now? Our whole families are in the Rome train station right now. Zooming out into the global perspective. It's like whoa. Could you imagine? What month was that? That was like July. And we had met the previous. Not the previous January but the January before that. You were a complete stranger. Flash forward like 18 months. Give or take. And we're together with our whole family. In Rome. This is everything quickly. It's like. This chapter. We're already a couple chapters. I don't know. I don't know if I'm going to keep the edit in. I might. It was kind of funny. Our other roommate Wendy just showed up. And she just like stared at us. And she was like what is going on? I think it helps with our friendship. Is that we're both playing different sports. We don't really get too tired of each other. Because we're on different schedules. So when we do see each other. It's just a nice break from our other duties. It's kind of cool. I feel like if we played the same sport. Maybe we wouldn't be tired of each other. But I feel like we would be different positions. Probably too. If I would have stuck with basketball. She should have to be honest. If you played with me in basketball. You know. You should have played college. But yeah. I think either before this episode. Or after this episode. We'll see. Our other roommate Wendy is going to be with you. And we're going to talk about their life. If you know anything about this college. Everyone has a story. And it's really unique. That's kind of the whole info of this podcast. Honestly. So yeah. Should we talk about anything else? I mean whatever the people want to hear. I don't know. I think this has been fun. I want to ask you. I want to ask you a fun question. What would you say. Is the biggest lesson you've learned. So far in college. Oh my gosh. Sorry that was a big one. I think. No I think what I've narrowed it down to. Is just truly being true. To yourself. And not trying to like. Change. I mean because you're going to do that. You're going to try to fit in. To a lot of places. And that's not a bad thing. To try to adapt to different environments you're in. But I think at the end of the day. Is just not feeling ashamed or bad. About your values or morals. Or trying to change those. Because of how other people make you feel. And finding friends who actually truly support you. And don't belittle. It just sounds so common sense. Because a lot of friendships. Nowadays are not true. And really. Appreciate each other. In all things. And I think it's very. I'm going to talk spiritually here. But Jesus. Makes it actually. An importance and emphasizes. The importance of friendship. And true. People that strive together. And grow in holiness together. It's more than a name thing. And Julie has been a very big impact on me. I'm just kidding. Keep going. Just to be surrounded by people. Who lift you up. It's just been life changing. And college is a place to grow. And you can choose to grow. Or you can choose to do your own thing. And not really seek out those friendships. But I really have appreciated Benedictine. Because it's just full of people. Like Julie. I mean there's a lot of people that are. There's a lot of people that are. Probably cooler than Julie. But I really appreciate all those words. But honestly it's so true. Like I really realized. The main thing we talk about. Is like our faith. I can talk all day about that. It's like not obviously not everyone's cup of tea. Or like main topic. But we're just both so into it. And so curious. About like all faith backgrounds. And like God in general. That's kind of a big emphasis. Or like theme. That's probably going to be on this podcast. Not like that it's written in the script. But it's just like. But it's just like the type of people. That I'm going to be talking to. It's like you can't not bring it up. It's our identity I guess. So where to come? Thanks for watching. I need to come up. I need to come up with like a good. Outro. Is that what it's called? Maybe I'll insert a theme song. How do I. What should I say? Thanks for. With the Caldo. Thanks for. Thanks for the Convo. Caldo and Jacob. For not saying Jacob. I hope that's okay that I say that. Peace and love. I'll do that. Peace and love. That was so fun.