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The transcription is a radio segment where the host talks about various topics and answers listener questions. She talks about her day, her creative writing class, her favorite pets, her dream house, and her favorite Disney movies. She expresses her love for her dog and her cat Rigby. She also discusses her preference for a treehouse over a beach house or mountain house. She criticizes Disney's decline in creativity but shares her favorite Disney movies, including Cinderella and Rapunzel. What? Okay. There we go. You're listening to WCC Radio, Coastal Carolina University student-run radio station. You're back on the Antisocial Butterfly for another Wednesday. You know, you guys, usually I have a guest on or I just talk about whatever I want to talk about, but I love your submissions so, so much that I just want y'all to ask away, you know, get involved. You know, even if you don't want to have a show on the radio, it's, like, so cool and there's things that y'all want to talk about and I just never get around to. So, days like today, the whole show is going to be dedicated to what you guys want me to talk about. But before I dive into that, I just wanted to say, today has been an absolutely amazing day. I was able to go on a hammock. I got a hammock for Christmas. I used it for the first time today on Prince Lawn. I was with my friends, Anna and Dorian. We just, I ate queso corner. You know, I love queso corner. I just ate it in the hammock. It was really fun. And then last week, I had a really funny highlight. So, for my creative writing class, we had to do two truths and a lie and I, like, rickrolled kind of my whole class. I have a promise ring and so I couldn't think of a good enough truth or lie, or lie specifically. And so, I was debating with Anna on what I should say and so I basically pranked my whole class into thinking I was engaged and it was really funny. Everyone kind of had an identity crisis after that. They just didn't believe what was real or not anymore. So, that was funny, but with that being said, you guys, it is spring. I've been doing a lot of yoga, a lot of fitness lately. I have yoga classes, dance classes, going to the gym as frequently as possible, group workouts as much as possible at the HTC Center. So, you guys, you know most of these songs I put on here are very summery. Not summery. That's not what I'm talking about. Sorry. It's spring, okay. It's very spring-like. It's very workout. You know, kind of like, you know the Hot Girl Power Walk? I like to think of this as like the Hot Girl Yoga Pilates kind of playlist. So, I've got a lot of stuff lined up. Guilty pleasure. I have been listening to a lot more K-pop. K-pop. Listen to me. K-pop. So, I did add a new intro song. I hope you don't mind. But, yeah, we have Renee rap right here. Stay tuned. I'm going to be diving into your submissions in the next segment. So, stay tuned and chants up. You're listening to WCC Radio, Coastal Carolina University student-run radio station. You're back on the Anti-Social Butterfly with your girl Macy Kay. All right, you guys. Like I said before, we're diving into your submissions. Basically, I thought this would be a good week for y'all to talk about whatever y'all wanted to talk about because I will not be here next week. So, I felt like that was a good compromise, right? So, if you don't already, I have a poll I put up on my Instagram each week. It's at m-a-c-i-k-a-y-e dot a. It's macykay.a. And right there, usually I'll have a question of the week, but today y'all had free reign, all right? So, we're going to dive in. A lot of these, I'm not going to lie. I had to prepare a little bit, so I did peek, okay? I peeked, okay? I had to kind of get an idea of what we're feeling, you know, because I didn't want y'all to just have to listen to dead air and be like, um, um, um. So, let's see what you guys say because I don't even remember all of them. Okay, okay. I think it's only right. I'm going to start with my mother, my mom. She asked, who is your favorite pet other than Dessie and why? Okay, let me just share with you guys. I practically live on a farm. We have a lot of land. It's not actually a farm, but we just have a lot of land. Whenever you live in Mullins, that's what everyone's houses have. It's a lot of land. And we have a lot of animals, a lot. We have a lot of dogs, a lot of cats, and we have a bunny, okay? So, my dog, Dessie, she is a Yorkie. Love her. I actually got her because the one thing you should know about me, even though we have all these animals, I am very particular about who I choose to be designated as my pet. I only have one cat. That was my animal. He is no longer with us, so I got Dessie because I was just so lonely. You know, I just didn't have that connection to any of our other animals. So, Dessie, she's so sassy. And I wanted, um, I think I said this on air before, but I have anxiety. And I've gotten a lot better with it, a lot of coping mechanisms. And, honestly, I think the show has helped a lot in just being vocal about my struggles. But it was a big joke because Yorkies, whenever I looked at it, Yorkies are apparently good service animals, emotional service animals. That's what it is, ESA, right? And so I was like, oh, yeah, it's like, you know, our family friends or whatever, they're selling Yorkie puppies. All right, I want to get one. So, instead of getting a dog for my anxiety, I got a dog with anxiety. So, you know we are kind of like two peas in a pod. It's crazy, but other than going off topic, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to go off topic, but other than Dessie, I would say there's this cat Rigby, okay? I named him Rigby just so you know. I like to name all our animals because I try to use creative freedom with it, right? Rigby is this fluffy, long-haired cat who looks like a raccoon. And I named him Rigby based off of the show, regular show. You know, it's on Cartoon Network. It's the one with the bird and the raccoon, and they're like so silly. Well, the cat was also very silly, but I was like, I have to name it Rigby. There are no exceptions. So, Rigby is super sweet. I've taught him a couple tricks. I've taught him how to shake his paw. It's really cute. If he wants pets, he just like paws at you In his mind, he sees shaking a paw as he's going to get pets. So, he's like, oh, just shake my paw so I can get a pet, please. I put in the work. So, I don't know. And then Forest is Melanie's little kitten. He's growing up now, though. But I would say he's pretty cool. He had to stay on my side of the house, so we kind of got like a special relationship there, too. So, I would say that both those two would be my other favorites. And then she also has a second part of the question. What is your favorite animal other than a bear? You know, I don't think I have room to talk. I just love bears, period. Mechs. I really don't know, all jokes aside. It would probably just be a cat or something somewhat exotic. I do like sandpipers. I think they are adorable. And then pikas. I think Rhett said that I remind him of a pika. So, that's really funny and cool. For whatever reason, I heard a lot of music. So, I'm sorry about that, you guys. But anyways, thank you for the questions, Mama. Let's see here. What else do we have? Okay, Anna LaPorte, she asks, would you rather have a tree house, beach house, or a mountain house? Okay. You know, it is my dream to live like Tinkerbell once did. I want to have like a little cottage, a little nook and cranny. I want to just be warm and above everyone else and be just exposed in nature and just be, just, I don't know. I don't know. I think nature is beautiful. I would have to be in a tree house. There's no exception. The beach, I like the beach. All right. I mean, I just, it's too windy. I get too cold. You know, it's not always good to be outside or be in the water. Mountains, it's pretty, but it's too cold for my liking. But don't get me wrong, the scenery is amazing. If it was just a different temperature, I'd probably pick the mountains. But I would just go into like a little tree house, you know. I don't know. That's probably what I would choose. So thank you for that, Anna. All right. Let's do another mini one. We have a little bit of time until the next segment. Okay. Dorian, she asks, favorite Disney movie? Okay. So I have talked about this on the show. I think Disney is at a stage where they are declining exponentially. Okay. I think they've lost their talent for creativity, their innovative writing. Everything seems very corporate or just quote unquote woke. Like there's just, it's all just, there's not an overarching theme anymore. You know, there's not that beauty of bringing things to life anymore. It just feels like, oh, we're putting out a movie to make money. But if I had to choose a Disney movie from my childhood, that's a completely different conversation. I was a Disney girl. I told Cinderella herself at Disney World when I was like four or five years old that when I grew up, I would be taking her job. Like I knew in my heart I was meant to be a princess. But my favorite one growing up for the longest time was Cinderella. Cinderella is amazing. She taught hard work and hope, being hopeful despite hard situations. I thought that was very beautiful. Aurora, I didn't really like her because at the time when I was young, I was like she has no character. And you know it's bad when a child thinks you have no character. I just wish they did more with her. But then as I got a little bit older, I started to like Belle. Belle is still to this day kind of that princess I low-key aspire to be like. You know, I want to be hopeful and see the best in people, but yet stay on my ground and not always be a people pleaser. And sometimes I'm not that, but that's, we all have growth. We all want to be there, right? And just in a healthy dosage, you know, never overbearing or something like that. But yeah, and then whenever it was third grade, it was always Rapunzel. Like I had always loved Rapunzel. I remember going into the library, renting out the Rapunzel books, and then being like, well, why doesn't Disney have this? Like I want Disney to make this. And so that's been a big memory of mine. And I was also right before you got too old for Disney, quote, unquote. So I still had her tower, her play sets. And one thing I'm so mad about, okay, in her concept art, in Rapunzel's concept art, she was supposed to have a green dress, okay? But I forgot why they didn't want to put her in a green dress. I don't remember. But they ultimately decided purple, okay? So in this concept art, it is this beautiful green dress. And I know I'm biased. I love sage. I love green. But in this toy set, as a kid, they added this green dress. It was supposed to be like for her, quote, unquote, dress shop play set or whatever. And I was so frustrated that they didn't make it green. Because at this point, I didn't know it was in the concept art. So they were trying to do like a little tribute to it. But still to this day, I'm just frustrated. So with that being said, I got off topic a little bit. But I would say favorite Disney movies have to be the princess movies, not necessarily the new ones, just the old classics. I like them. I know. I know. It's just how it is. But with that being said, everybody, we are going to dive more into the music. I have some Kenya Grace and a little bit of Nicki Minaj coming for you. And stay tuned and chants up. You're listening to WCCU Radio, Coastal Carolina University's student-run radio station. We had a little bit of audio technical difficulty. So if anybody's here and has my number, let me know if it sounds better, okay? So we have some more submissions. I kind of left the more debatable, long-winded ones for this one. So if you're coming in late, welcome. We're going to dive into some stuff. Okay. Let's see here. Next. Ooh, my Instagram wanted to refresh. Not the cutest thing, but so be it. Let's see here. Okay, Rhett. He says, who would win, one of every Pokemon or a billion angry lions? I love this. Okay. I feel like this should be a harder decision for me than it was. I feel like one of every Pokemon would win, okay? Hear me out. I know it's a billion lions, but they are grounded to the ground, okay? The most they could do is maybe run pretty fast, right? But big arms, they could jump and scratch, okay? But think about all the Pokemon that have kind of long-range more type stuff. I feel like Rayquaza just being in the air, just swiveling around, could do more damage to angry lions. Not to mention Mewtwo. Mewtwo would, like, just, there would be no lions. No more lions. No more angry lions. No more. I feel like, no, don't get me wrong. There would be some that would be completely useless. Like, I love her. Love, love, love that Pokemon. He wouldn't be able to last, right? So there are going to be some that are going to be lost in the fight, but I feel like, you know, the fire types would do pretty good against them. The dragon types would be crazy. You also have to think of, I think, rock types or ground types. I forget. I'm getting those types confused. But I'm pretty sure one of those two would, like, be strong against lions. And then you also have, I forget the name of this Pokemon, but the lion, the fire lion, like, that must be pretty sad, a lion going up against his own brothers, you know, kind of the middle man, you know, but I feel like the Pokemon would have an advantage, no doubt. That's my own personal opinion, though. So let me know if you have a different one, okay? Rhett also asks, top five Hicks foods of all time, special days included. This is difficult because I'm more of a queso corner person. I don't go to Hicks a lot. But from when I do go to Hicks, I prefer their Taco Tuesdays, super good. They actually had it yesterday and I happened to be there. So I got, like, chicken and rice. Technically rice is something else. But then they had the Taco Tuesday tacos, and those are so good. And that's the only bad thing about queso corner is you can't go back for seconds. When you're at Hicks, you can go back as many times as you want, so that's always good. So that would definitely probably be my number one, okay? I don't think that's changing. Okay, I know sometimes, oh, special days included, duh, okay. My number one would have to be steak and shrimp night. There's no debating on that, okay? So steak and shrimp night is my number one. Number two is going to be Taco Tuesdays. Number three is probably fried chicken Fridays. It's kind of mediocre for me personally, but their macaroni is good. It's a campus tradition. And for that reason, I must respect it, right? So that would be my top three. Number four, I don't know. I like their, like, they had Caesar salad there one day. It doesn't take a lot to make me happy. It's not a full course meal, like it's not the main dish by any means, but they had a pretty good Caesar salad. And I think it was, like, with a pasta type thing. That was really good. And then I'm trying to think what else. I don't know. That's all I can think of. I know that's four, but we'll have to do with four. So thank you for that question, Rhett, both of them, really. Let's see here. Jacob Ackerman asks, top five most overrated movies or characters, okay, in general, okay. Movies, I actually didn't read originally that it said movies, so I'm still going to think about that. But I did prepare my most overrated list of characters. I think some people are going to be kind of frustrated with me on this. But my most overrated characters that I just think people obsess too much over and I just don't get the hype or I just personally think it's too much, okay. Number one, Rainbow Dash, okay. I just don't get it, okay. I mean, I did at one point. Middle school Macy loved Rainbow Dash. She was so, like, athletic. She was just that it girl. You know, she was just so proud of herself. But then as I grew up, I was like, she's too cocky, arrogant. She just does a lot of things out of, like, pure vain and just, like, envy, and it's just not cute. I don't get why everyone's like, oh, she's my favorite. She's my favorite of the main six. I'm just like, no. Thank you, next. Not my thing. But I really remember everyone used to hate on Rarity. I feel like Rarity's overhated. Like, I think she's underrated. I think that's the proper term. But just for me, I used to hate Rarity. But then eventually over time they swapped places, so it's like, oh, I just don't get the hype with Rainbow Dash anymore. But, like, I'm starting to see the good qualities in Rarity. So I think that's a really good thing that the creators did. But it's just like, I just don't get it, okay. Number two, Naruto and all the characters in Naruto. Just completely overrated, okay. And I understand it's a coming-of-age anime. You know, he's supposed to kind of be unlikable in some sort of dorky way. And the only characters that I would omit from this list probably is Sasuke because, yes, he's still quote-unquote overrated, but I feel like he is at least justifiable. Or Sasuke. I think I said Sasuke, right? Sasuke. And then Kakashi, he was, like, cool. I think everyone was like, oh, he cool, he cool. Like, we cool with him. I don't think he's overrated by any means, but I just didn't like them. Everyone was just very unlikable, and it's just, I couldn't stick with it. And I know progression happens to characters, and later on in the show they probably were more likable. But the truth is, it just could not hold me on for that long. I was like, okay, after season one, no thanks, peace out. I would say that. Another one, Bonnie the bunny off of Five Nights at Freddy's. I get you like bunnies, but why are you obsessed over this robot bunny? Now, I know I'm a fine one to talk because I do love Freddy Fazbear, the Freddy Fazbear, but I just don't get the Bonnie hype specifically. I don't think everyone either likes Bonnie because it's a bunny, okay, or either it was like Scott Coffin. There we go. It's been forever since I said that man's name. Scott Coffin. It was like, oh, he's so cool and mysterious. He was supposed to run down the hallways, and Scott Coffin had nightmares about him. He's so edgy, so different. I'm just like, I don't get it. I just overrated. Thank you, next. So that was my opinion there. Another one, going back to the Pokemon, I think Charizard's overrated. I get his cards have a good resale value. I understand why Fire Breathing Dragon is cool, okay, but I think he's too overrated with the first starter Pokemons, okay, and I get it. I'm a Bulbasaur kind of girl. I understand why I'm biased, okay. Let me just say that there. But I feel like there's so many other dragon and fire types that are just so much cooler, and like I said, it's not first gen. I get it. First gen is like, gen 1 is just different, right? I get it. But like Litten, I really like Litten, okay. Then you had like Cyndaquil and Torchic. Those were like the best fire type Pokemons in my opinion, like for the starters, and I'm not even a fire type. I'm a grass type kind of girl, so it's like that says a lot. And then when you go back to the dragons or just anything that could replace Charizard, I just don't get it why like Salamence is not as hyped up as he probably should be. Like Salamence looks so cool, and it's like, you know, and of course I'm a little biased to Flygon. I'm just like, oh, I like Flygon. It's kind of like my little bridge in between the two, but, you know, there's that. Another one, Spider-Man, okay. I love Spider-Man, but I just think it was a bandwagon effect. Everybody after Tom Holland got casted for Spider-Man, everyone was all of a sudden a Spider-Man fan. And then it was like, oh, like I've been a fan since the very beginning. No, like people would laugh at me because I said Spider-Man was my favorite. They would be like, hmm, like is that like DC? Like people wouldn't know, and I'm not saying that in a gatekeep kind of way because anybody can like whatever they want to. I'm not going to be like, hey, you can't do that. But it's just like, huh, oh, how's the turntables? It's just, I just don't get it. I mean, I get why Spider-Man's likable, and I understand why Andrew Garfield was likable and Tom Holland and I just, Tobey Maguire, there we go. I understand why they were likable. I just think everyone's just the MCU bandwagon. I mean, now he's the most popular character in the MCU, and, you know, Disney only halfway owns him, so I think that's overrated. And then my last one for overrated characters, Stitch, okay. I'm tired of seeing Stitch tattoos and the Ohana means family. That is just not it for me, okay. I don't get it. I like, I think it was like cool to have like a Hawaiian show on Disney, get some representation in there. I fully agree. But I just don't understand why people just love Stitch as much as they do. But with that being said, you guys, we have some Glass Animals and Child coming up for you guys. So stay tuned. We have more submissions and shots up. You're back listening to WCCU Radio, Coastal Carolina University student-run radio station. You're back on the Anti-Social Butterfly with your host, Macy Kay. All right, we still have some more submissions, you guys. And before I dive into that, you guys are insane. I don't know if you know this, but y'all filled up the occupancy about like one-fourth of the way. So I just wanted to say thank you, you guys. I'm so happy y'all are here. And I've enjoyed this a lot. Okay. Enough with the sappy stuff. I'm just going. I'm just like finish this up, all right. So, well, I guess we kind of got to open up more of the sappy stuff because Gabrielle Ryder, she asks your top five moments of your life. I had to think about this in the shower last night. I was like, I don't know. Like I am so blessed. So much has happened to me in my life. But it's like when somebody asks you, it's like, oh, like what's your favorite memory? You're just like, um, like let me think. Give me like three to four business days, please. So I had to think and think and think. So I eventually came up with some, okay. So one of my biggest moments of my life was homecoming of 2020, okay. And is it a big thing that kind of changed my life? No. But it was one of those things that really taught me a valuable lesson. So in homecoming, especially at the school I went to, you had to be sponsored by a football player, okay. And it was invite only and it was just for the senior girls. And being in a small private high school, all the girls would want to be in the homecoming court. You know, they would try to talk to the guys and kind of invite themselves somewhat. But me, I really didn't care if I was in homecoming or not. But there was this one guy and he was a football player. And during the summer way before, you know, homecoming was even a thought, he invited me for him to sponsor me. I was like, okay, yeah, like sure. And I didn't realize until later the reason he decided to sponsor me is all through grade school. He was kind of like the jokester. He was kind of misunderstood individual somewhat for the fact that people would give him a hard time. And I like stood up for him. And I would never talk like anything bad about him, you know, because I just, I got him in a way. I feel like some other people didn't really give him grace for. And for that reason, that's why he sponsored me. And I heard it through the grapevine. And I was like, oh, that is so nice. Well, anyways, during homecoming court, you know, I'm dressed up. I'm in this red dress, you know. And then, you know, the guys there, you know, they're in suits. And there's one particular guy in my class. He's wearing this cowboy hat, right. And my sponsor steals the cowboy hat and we take funny photos with the cowboy hat. And his parents look at us and he's like, and they're like, that is absolutely awful. Like who dares wear a cowboy hat to a homecoming? That is the most tackiest thing I ever heard. Well, they didn't know at this time, but I had planned to ride in like one of these old farm trucks. I was wearing like a jumpsuit, pantsuit type thing with a cowboy hat and boots. And so I came in for the day or that night for the homecoming game. They didn't have a game because it was during COVID, but we still had like a quote unquote like, you know, ride on the field and the cars that we selected kind of thing. And the girl, we didn't know this at the time because they were going to announce it. That's why we were driving there. It was kind of like a parade of sorts. Think about it that way. Well, the girl who would end up winning, her car had broken down. We had no idea. And she is upset. Her grandpa had worked so hard to get her that car that she wanted to ride in and it was like an old vehicle. Well, remember, I'm in this old truck and it's got hay bales in it and we're sitting in it. I tell her to like, you know, come up here with me and we can ride in together. And it was just like a really special moment because, yeah, I know my actions didn't influence like the voting thing, but it was like that whole lesson of that whole event was just, you know, sometimes you see like the results of your kindness. And even in the slightest ways, you can sometimes see where it pays off to be nice to others. And it was just kind of a really special thing because, you know, we're all born to be different, you know, so don't conform to like the ways of this world. And so that was a really big thing. This one, I'll keep this one brief. But cheerleading tryouts, I had never decided or I was a junior whenever I first got into cheerleading. And I had wanted, I was like in seventh grade, it was like, oh, I'm too cool to be a cheerleader. Like I'm not like those other girls, you know, kind of like the pick me, but it wasn't like quite a pick me then. It was just, you know, I wanted to be this tough girl and stuff. You know, I wanted to be grown kind of thing. And eventually I caved in because years later I wanted to do cheerleading and never did it. It was actually my sister that got me to do it. And whenever I tried out, the coaches were mad at me that I didn't try out sooner because I got a nearly perfect score and did a lot better than returners. And so I kept up with cheer. I pretty much invested my time into that because I messed up my hamstrings. I had to quit basketball. So I pretty much just had cheer. And then after a while, whenever I was a senior, they invited me, our captain, or me and the two captains of the team to be part of the UCA cheer team, which is like where you apply to be part of their staff and you travel and teach high schoolers about cheerleading. I didn't do it because of my hamstring. And I'm just trying to get better at being coordinated and doing flippy flips. But that was just kind of a sweet little moment in my life. Another one. This one's kind of silly, I guess. But another big memory of my life is whenever Rhett and I, for our third anniversary, we went to see a grizzly bear at the Columbia Zoo. And, yeah, that sounds silly, but I love bears. And the thing is, too, I feel like at a young age I had to mature kind of quickly in a lot of areas. And in some ways I didn't really get to be like a child. And I did in a lot of ways, don't get me wrong. But in some ways I just had to grow up quicker, right? So whenever I'm in a relationship, you know, it's just so sweet and touching when it's like somebody cares about what you're interested in and, like, lets you be a child, you know, and, like, have, like, something that you deem as a childish interest and stuff. They're like, oh, you know what, we don't drive far away to see the bear you want to see because you haven't seen a bear before, but you love them. So it was funny. I was trying to clear up storage today, and one of the videos I took, just one video of the bear, it's holding, like, a gigabyte of storage on my phone, and I need to go back. I haven't done that yet. So I will try to use that as a reminder. And then let's see here. Another one for me is, like, if you didn't know, I'm a Christian. So another big one in my life is just my progress of, like, salvation. During, like, first grade, I quote-unquote got saved because it was like, oh, I was moving past, like, I didn't want to be a Christian. I just thought, like, Bible verses were for kids and stuff. But whenever I was in first grade, I was like, oh, like, okay, this is cool. Like, I'll be part of this. And I kind of adapted, like, quote-unquote Christian culture. And so I got baptized in second grade. And, you know, it was like I was kind of like that middle ground, you know, kind of lukewarmness, I guess, because it was like, oh, I'll be cool with the culture and the morals and stuff. But I wasn't, like, living it, you know. And then in seventh grade, I went to a camp called Somersault. And I was like, oh, this is for real, for real. Like, let me, like, fulfill this. Like, I just, like, you know, I know where I stand. And so since then, like, don't get me wrong, I've had some major bumps in the road. But, like, it's just, like, that's just a very important part of my life. And, yeah, that's not one scenario, but it's a series of scenarios that mean a lot to me. I think that was, like, four or five maybe. Yeah, something like that. We're just going to pretend like that's five. Okay, you guys. So now I have another Glass Animal Song coming up for you. I just did a tongue twister. I'm so sorry. Glass Animal Song coming up for you. It's called Your Love. And stay tuned. I've got some more coming for you guys. And Sean's up. We're recording. There we go. I've got slow fingers today. I apologize, you guys. But you're back listening to the Antisocial Butterfly on WCCU Radio, Coastal Carolina University student-run radio station. All right. So I feel like it was only right. Oh, it's still kind of loud. Let's try to fix that. Okay. So I wanted to leave these for last. But I've had two questions about music, okay. You know I'm a commuter. I have nothing to do but listen to music and podcasts. So if you need music recommendations, I can't promise they'll be up your genre, your alley, but I've got a lot. I literally play Spotify like it's social media. I love it. But going to the actual questions themselves. Anna Laporte, what are your thoughts on exploring different music genres? I love it. I feel like you have to be in a mood for exploring different genres, though. It definitely depends on your type of day or what you're looking for. But for me, it's like there will be genres I think that I won't like, and then it's like, oh, okay, well, yes, I typically don't enjoy this one genre type, but I do like these couple of artists in there. That's how I am kind of with rock. I've gotten more comfortable with rock, okay. It took Rhett teaching me a lot of songs and stuff for me to get comfortable in that area. And then you've got, I mentioned this earlier, I'm ashamed of this one kind of, but K-pop. Yeah, I don't like it fully, but it's like once you find like a couple of songs, like you can get into it, you know. I know a lot of people for it is like country. A lot of people don't like country. But I feel like that's going to be more widely acceptable now that Post Malone announced he's going into country. Lana Del Rey mentioned that. Beyonce said that she's going to make it. Pitbull, like the Mr. World rap. Guys, I've got to take it a little slower. I apologize. Mr. Worldwide, he's doing country. And I get it. I get it why these people have these roots. Like, for instance, Post Malone, he's been wanting to do it for a while, but because of how he was branded, he couldn't until he got like more away from the rap and anger and heartbreak type feels. So now he's doing it after all these years, which I'm excited for. You know that. And then Lana Del Rey, I don't think she's really, she's more that California girl type thing. But her vocals, she sounds so good in country. Beyonce, I want to think, please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think she was like from Texas or somewhere down in the south, like the deep south. So I understand it for her. And Pitbull, kind of same goes for him a little bit, I think. I think he had collaborated with a couple of country artists too. So my point is I think now that people are getting more comfortable, like different artists are getting more comfortable in exploring different areas within their music genres, I think audiences and listeners can get more comfortable within that too. And so I really like to see that expanding and just people getting more comfortable in it. But as far as genre searching for myself, I usually just, you know, listen to my friends' playlists, do all that fun stuff, right? Let's see here. Then, yeah, I would say that's really, I mean, I'm not sold on any one genre. I just, I kind of cherry pick a lot throughout different genres, you know. And then let's see here. Let's see, there's another one. Okay, last one is Riley Marlander. She asked, also, is spring playlist recommendations, but you have amazing music, Chase. Okay. I want to do an article for her campus on my just workout playlist recommendations, not like your classic radio, like you know how people say quote-unquote radio music, not just like the hits, but like what makes you feel comfortable, you know? And then spring playlist, I'm already getting started on that. It's like just that relaxation, kind of like warm, fuzzy vibes. It's just needed. You have to have it right now. With that said, everyone, thank you so, so much for listening to the Antisocial Butterfly this week. I will not be here next week. I mean, I'll technically be here, but we have the career fair on campus. I highly suggest you all go. I will be there, either that or I'll be working the tech. So, I mean, either way, you're welcome to stop by and say hi. And also, if you liked any of the songs from the show, you can follow me on Spotify. You can see that on my link tree on my Instagram at M-A-C-I-K-A-Y-E. But I hope you have an amazing day, you guys. I can't wait to talk to you all later, get some more of y'all's feedback, more of your submissions. If you have any question ideas, like let me know. What do you want to hear? What guests do you want me to bring on? I'm always looking for new guests. With that said, you guys, I'm out of here. Good day and chants up. Hello, hello. You're listening to WCCU Radio, Coastal Carolina University Student Radio Station. I am your host, Akira Green. Woo! And we are here with Talks with Kira. Yes, yes, Talks with Kira. Now, how y'all feeling? How y'all doing? I love the weather. I'm loving the weather. I'm loving the weather.

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