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PCP 2-9-2024




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Welcome everybody. How y'all doing? How y'all doing? So welcome, of course to another episode of pop culture power starring DJ busy be Brandon Hauser and my partner in crime Eric. Eric. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Eric Eric way. That's a new one I'm sorry that threw me off terribly We'll go with it though. Eric Eric y'all Don't forget the K at the end. It's not a C to K Remember it but let's get into the headline segment of the show So to begin with The Looney Tunes movie Coyote vs. Acme name may never release due to tax write-offs as a matter of fact right now It's being discussed if the movie will be deleted from Warner Brothers service forever And keep in mind this movie's completely finished, but I guess due to taxes or whatever Warner Brothers may never May never release it Basically, yeah, cuz I think cost like 30 million and this isn't the only move Yeah, but it just it sucks that something that people worked so hard on like it's never gonna be able to be released to the Public in any form because they've also turned down like opera like they've turned down like offers to release the movie They've got releases from other companies say yo Hey, we'll pay you this much and we'll actually release the movie to the world and Warner Brothers said no We're just not gonna show with anybody ever which sucks Yeah, at least yeah, at least that Also to the movie the Marvels was released on Disney Plus on February 7th my birthday, which by the way Thank you. Everybody who sent me a birthday wishes. I really appreciate it Why are you staring at me like that? Even seen the movie. Okay, you haven't seen Do you really think it's trash or do you really just want to hate today? Well, I can't say for definitely as trash as I haven't seen it, okay then moving on you get paid for more abuse It's okay. I guess I not oh gee Simpsons has been diagnosed with cancer prostate cancer See rapper and singer T pain says he's not been credited for writing multiple country songs in his career due to racism and Kobe and Gianna Bryant statues have been placed outside at Lakers arena So, yeah, um, I think it happened like Four years ago, you know at this point. Oh, well that much time has passed, you know, but I Think there are they're doing separate statues. So one statue is gonna be of Kobe and another it's gonna be of Gianna Bryant Um, I read there's gonna be a third one. I don't know what the maybe the third one's gonna be the two of them I'm not exactly sure on that part Stick around we'll be right back y'all. All right. Next segment. We'll be talking about our finals watching our memories watching the NBA Finals Why are we talking about the NBA Finals instead of other Super Bowl? We'll explain that You're funny you are hilarious you saying that with laughter in his face by the way, it's really not oh, we'll be right back By the way for those just tuning in this is our conversation with the NBA Finals By the way for those just tuning in this is our conversation on NBA Finals because I forgot to leave me alone Okay, I forgot to press the record button. Anyways, so yeah when it was like, you know Eric just mentioned that the 2016 NBA Finals was like one of his first times watching the Finals and what I was about to say is um as a kid, I've always been kind of like a casual basketball person and Because of that, I mean I was really happy I think in 2012 from LeBron one with the Miami Heat, you know Miami Heat, you know, I guess crazy that man. He's been on the top of the NBA like basically our entire lifetime He's the king. Yeah, I mean, he's not called King James as a joke, you know, but I think 2016 who won that year The Cavs best comeback in NBA Finals history. Oh, you know what? That's really what people keep telling them. Um, the Cavs blew a 3-1 lead or whatever Yeah, people will never let them forget that it's funny The Warriors have the best regular season record that year too, and then they just fumbled the bag They fumbled I think that's like To talk about sports in the broader aspect. That's like one of the things like just the fun thing about sports, man Yeah, like we have an idea of who's gonna win, but it's never guaranteed You know like games can go wrong at any moment for any reason for the next two years Because a snake and Kevin Durant joined the Warriors it was over Yeah, did that like genuinely did that ruin like your enjoyment of basketball for those years? Yes, because I knew he's gonna win. It was so boring So the predictability makes it I guess I'm harder for you to like enjoy Yeah, cuz one of the best things about this year is we don't know who's gonna go We don't even know it's gonna be in the playoffs like teams like the Oklahoma City Thunder being in the top of their conference Hasn't happened in so long The Knicks have been doing pretty good. Mm-hmm just recently Which pretty historic honestly, it's been a while since actually being good, but it is true. Like yeah, no one is guaranteed for it and then you got the NFL where I Know it's a sidetrack but That's right is guaranteed to go that man is gonna create a generation of rings quarterbacks And then Yes, man 20, I don't think I was watching that one live I'll admit but just finding out that um L-fan, I was probably something important going on at the time But you brag about that win because it means so much to me. It's my team. You didn't watch it. I Probably did Let me like I probably watched the highlights of it leave me alone, okay, I'm not gonna leave you alone. Yes, please So for he's been on my behind all day all over every single thing, oh Don't bring that's a side note Brandon. I don't know it is a side note. Yeah, we're attacking you over colors I'm not bringing this up. I don't I wasn't I'm sorry. You felt attacked. No, we go. I was I'm sorry You were attacked over colors. I don't know who did it, but I'm sorry. You were attacked a true college like a true college student Oh my god. Yes, look man. I just I have problems the color orange. Okay, I'm a Gamecocks fan. I Have beef with the color orange a little bit. How are you praising it? We'll move on we're getting too deep into that. But um, where were we? Okay 2017, right? I'm pretty sure but Kevin Durant joins the Warriors, you know big player He basically changes the NBA hierarchy, you know, like the Warriors were already of course a great team but I think Kevin Durant's talents, you know love him or hate him that really is shifting that way and As much I know you hate Kevin Durant but I'll say this like it does show like how much of a game changer he's as a player to the point where like It's so that guaranteed when he joined the Warriors, you know We already knew that and it's not just cuz it's not just cuz he went there either is also because He said he's gonna stay in Oklahoma, Oklahoma City on the Thunder with Russell Westbrook And he's the reason actually he joined a team that beat him after he blew a 3-1 lead that same year so it's just like I Don't know. I will say this. I guess this maybe is a casual mindset of like sports But I guess when he did join the Warriors, I was like fascinated like like having that many Guild I have them that many star players on one team because I like, you know, like the way, you know The NBA works with it's like, you know The the cap balance and all that, you know, of course They do it so they're like, you know, you don't really can't go to a team that good But yes, just being like a team like of that caliber Also the casual kind of passing to see like how that would shake out just you know, no, no, no No, you knew how we're gonna shake out So I was the least watched NBA Finals, I think in history or at least one of the lowest that was not good Like they swept they swept the Cavaliers when LeBron's on the team in 2018 that was not cool So I think I guess we'll compare the numbers later But I think um for this one 2017 Cavaliers Warriors with a Kevin Durant on the Warriors for the first time the final game Was 24 million people You see 2018 Next of course once again this time the Warriors swept the Cavaliers entirely boring so boring And they made less money that year because of that mess Is that like that do you feel like they made less money or like no you're gonna make less money because you're not going seven games but like And that's less food that's what's everything I get your logic but I'm saying like I was have you like read actual numbers on that or No, no, that's just common sense That makes sense You know, you know serious gives you more money Now I will say that um, yeah this um NBA Finals, I think It's where I think it's averaged about the same. But um, the final game was watched by less people It was terrible I don't know. Okay, so yeah, it averaged less people too. I don't ever want to see that again as a league I mean, you can't really do thing to stop that. Can you if like a team's too good? I did cuz they did it perfectly fine. It was legal. It was just boring as an entertainer. It was very boring to watch Let's see. Yeah But moving on from there 2019 That would have been the Raptors the Warriors two things. I really like of course Raptors win Yo, man, you don't get you up that team bro. Yes, I do. You don't even like them. I love the Raptors Raptors. Yes, I do And there's one sports team. I love it's the Toronto Raptors. You know, why why freaking dinosaurs man? And I was a choir letter was like at his peak his peak of his powers, you know, it's great team You had to be there as a time. It was a great time to be alive. You weren't there You weren't there technically neither were you because neither one of us were in that stadium so, you know, yeah Got we need to do a video version of some day bro, the faces you'd be making at me but um Actually, I'm here on Wikipedia apparently this is the last NBA finals to be played traditionally until the pandemic And then they got until 2022 we'll get into that in a second, but I just want to cover something like the um The miscellaneous stuff so I think let's see media coverage as far as that goes Um, of course now, I think the average rating it says for here the average American household rating was lower this time around But I think was higher for Canadians, of course, cuz uh, you know, the Canadian team was winning see Actually, no, okay if the numbers I'm looking at are right the numbers were slightly higher than last year. I wonder why I mean I knew you know, like and then maybe though that does make me wonder, you know, like do um Do sports team like I guess rig things in their favor sometimes like like when they when there's opportunity to make better business You know, I can't prove it, but I guarantee I don't guarantee I don't feel any do I mean I got it I don't like it that kind of film sometimes too because I mean at the end of the day The you don't become a billion mole a hundred dollar billion dollar business by leaving things a chance, you know Yeah, so this I don't I'll say it's pot. It's possible. It is possible. It isn't I don't really know for sure. I'm gonna go on but yeah, so Yeah, but he left in seconds. Okay, we'll finish up this segment in the next part and then we'll next thing we'll talk about is um The video game, right? Yeah Yeah, we'll be right back. Oh I Previously we were discussing of course our members of the NBA finals I just like you know, what happened those games how do you know like what we thought of like what went down each finals? each final season and So, um, let's see. We're at 2020 now Now, of course this one, you know was very different from the others because of the Kovac pandemic had basically, you know Put sports as a whole on pause to this one took place in the bubble but um This time around it was let's see Yeah, the Lakers beat the Miami Heat Because also to I think this was LeBron's first time as a Laker going to the finals as well Mm-hmm, and I feel like I mean from an emotional perspective think Kobe Bryant's death I think really like he gave him not that they need motivation as athletes, of course But like I feel like it helped, you know, yeah Yeah, I It's just like just cuz that moment happened. They're like now we just gotta win this like it's just it's just the sprinkles on top Exactly. Yeah, but um, you know people just credit that win, but it's okay I thought was all that I feel like that is always such a silly thing to say. Oh, you know that that ring doesn't count Because I mean, but I have a wonderful hater in myself. I'm having to rent rings don't count to me I Like it's like I had to bring it up But see I'm kind of curious on the viewership for this one this one Okay, the viewership for this one is a lot less than um the one before I think the one before 2019 was like I think eight million for the average American household this one Is like oh Yes, I see. That's not that much. Oh, hold on Let me put numbers again. So I'm not crazy 2019 the average of number for the average American household in the millions was 14.9 for 2020. It was like 7.9 Say like that's half Brandon, so Yeah, so, um But then you got circumstances with Colby So, yeah, but I'm feel like I thought I thought code would make the numbers go up since people don't have anything to do But you know watch TV really Maybe and here's the thing like I feel like a part of that may have to do with um I don't know if I can't screaming into that But this there are quite a few people watching cable. So maybe that's a part of it. I don't know. Oh I'm sorry. Okay, and I'm gonna another thing here Apparently of the 2020 NBA Finals continued this trend of declining viewership with game one being the lowest rated Least watched NBA Finals game on record Yeah Which is a bit surprising to me then Cuz I was like honestly the bubble. I thought was like an interesting time in NBA history No viewership did die down though. Mm-hmm Moving on 2021. So we have time to talk with the game thing. Mm-hmm. 2021 was the Bucs versus the Suns Like don't like Everybody gets the one eventually I'm just diminished by like some abrasion. I'm sure I hate like you. He went to bench. I'm just gonna hate like you I see, you know viewership does it does pick up a little bit. This one was 9.9 They gained about a million viewers, but you know up is up In 2022 It was the Warriors versus the Celtics Warriors got that W. Don't pat your chest You don't care that much. I like the Warriors. Where are they today then? Yeah, they're not doing good right now What's up about the glory days of two years ago But um, yeah and viewership picks up even more this time around with a 12 million At the end and finally 2023, of course the Nuggets versus the heat Um down again with like 11.6 People don't like the Joker man My boy, you'll kiss he did his thing. I've heard some people say he's not a remarkable player. I don't know. It is I don't argue like his lack of personality is his personality, you know, which is Kawai's not good market marketability either So, you know, it's just people that don't talk that much or bring good like just crazy news Yeah, I mean they're not they're not draws. They're not bigger draws to speak. Yeah, but um Any other thoughts man? We took a lot of time today to talk about the NBA because you know Yeah, you took a lot of time to talk about the NBA Finals and Super Bowl because number one We did that last week, of course, but also as well Look look man I couldn't I really I watched a bunch of like halftime shows that day and I really wanted to like Get into it. I'm sorry. He couldn't just talk about halftime shows man the passion overwhelmed me, but um Also to we're just like we really Eric and I really know more about basketball than football. So that's also the other reason too but um So let's get in the game conversation some of the best games we've ever played You know and right away we got to talk about like an og doted game Of course, like everybody knows that when we're talking about gaming right here Like we you like if you're a gamer you've played Kung-fu panda for PlayStation 3 I was about to Toy Story 3 is where is that but I'm at toy box mode. Come on, bro for best video game. I'm just you know, I'm playing but um Some of the best you oh and also so we're talking personal here some of the best you've played So, what would you say some of the best you've personally played? Oh old and new school in a mix Mario Kart Mario, I mean never misses which one though What is your favorite Mario Kart game though that you've played Only played the newest ones More to memory so I guess Mario Kart I think it's eight I believe I think I was on a Wii U if we're talking console, right? Mario Kart some it's hard to be Mario Kart Wii. Okay, or I've played the new one. I like it. You think it's better. Yeah. Yeah, just mark our we brought dude that mall level in the snow level I know they have all of them but just like Seeing them in their original form that the memory of the nostalgia is there it's a part is that's like that's that's part of my Decision making the hater a speaking. No, I don't hate marker ain't at all. I actually really like it You know on this one kid when I was playing game night On campus this one kid whipped all of our behinds in that game, bro, we played like eight rounds of the game He's the only person winning And they can't he had a Nintendo switch like before the event started to like he's one of those kids bro Not a child person, I think he wasn't trying at all he's beating us it was so excited He was like, oh my god, I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I'm so excited He wasn't trying at all he was beating us That's my thing I don't think he brought I don't think he was just practicing for the event I think he's just having fun. I think he's just casually playing it beforehand bro. Like that's right. It's that ingrained Okay All right, but um Marker might be like one of the best racing games of all time top thing for sure. I think yeah, honestly for me the best midnight Club man and Again, this also takes over like my reading for this because let's be real we're talking as we've played It's about personal but you know, just getting all my cousin together at my grandmother's house to play the play midnight Club three row Good times man, and it gave you like such a great great environments to explore and race in Just because my cars and stuff. Yes. That's another great part of it, too. I think that is one of my I Think that's why I have some other racing games just above Mario Kart Yeah, you know mark has a good family-friendly game, but just the customization of your cars is just Just very interesting. It's very just cool to do that's thing about it to like every customization You got pride in it because you earn that joint You know like on if you were sure if your car is a different color you as you prior race like so many different times And all the stickers like yeah, yo hard work man. That's what magazine makes it so fun What other games man? Oh when I talk about my personal favorites, you know, um, I should not go you go ahead first Cuz I'd already talked. Um, I Don't want this. I just thought this recently would People playing it was For a youtuber. I was watching playing it was basically I'm just gonna bring up the whole Arkham series Yes, but it also pick a game. I Might go Arkham City That's my favorite out of the series the Arkham series is one of the best game franchises ever just ever What number one is Batman? Mm-hmm. One of the most goaded characters of fiction To even though I didn't have this option, but 35 seconds left by the way Okay, you didn't have this different process you could pick and then before in a city I really liked as well as the gameplay. So of course me personally, I gotta mention Sonic the Hedgehog, bro You know me I'm a big Sonic it Dude we're talking best games. I've played and let me tell you something Sonic Generations Chef's kiss Huh shadows better the shadow of the Hedgehog game was cool, too Don't be wrong. You're playing as a hedgehog like he's on a motorcycle. He got a shotgun. That was a cool game series, too but We'll finish this segment up for the next for the next part So stick around and enjoy the music or enjoy whatever you're listening to next welcome back y'all Let's finish up our favorite video game segment. So, um, I Guess another franchise we got to talk about like best games we've personally played Uncharted is up there. Of course. I really do feel like though like I'll try to for like the gameplay for until 4 beats the rest of the water man Like I just love game series like you can just like see the gradual improvements each time Also mass fix that exact same way to yes, like Mass Effect 3 gameplay is so much better mess with one I mean even from where you're where you're at right now the series like halfway to Mass Effect 2 Would you agree with me on that? Like it's better than I was crazy, too Cuz I didn't even think I was like I told you earlier today Like I even think I was gonna be playing Mass Effect, but I came and treat me what made you I don't think I got a quite a clear answer. What made you on this? What made it seem like not the game for you at first? I'm not really a fan of like the space Fantasy type thing. Okay Like out like I thought I like destiny I really didn't like destiny and then massive it's kind of like that You're not a Star Wars guy either. Yeah. Hmm. Yeah, not really a space guy. Okay, that's fair Also, you prefer more fantasy No, yeah, yes, I yes. Yes, so I can do fantasy you play Dragon Age cuz I think I did I've spoiled really I play persona and similar to persona. I'm spoiled. It's not a good persona Huh? I wait it is it's not. Oh, I don't know. Excuse me. Wait, what are you asking? Have you played wreckage? Yeah, are you saying it is what were you saying it is for cuz It is by wearing persona or because by where they made Dragon Age Like the company makes on Mass Effect. They make Dragon Age as well. Yeah wait The Dragon Age the animated no, no, I'm thinking about dragon quest. Yeah, that's what I'm never mind. I just realized that yeah, never mind That's what I said. It's all good. But um, yeah, um, I Think you know, I think I think we'll save it for I'll save my race for another time. What's the last one gonna bring up, bro? Just real quick with spider-man. Oh, yes, and I was 2018 and then I played miles Morales in 2020 Around Christmas time movie games included. There aren't that many bad spider-man games out there Correct. Yes, like yeah, but on this one this segment this next thing we're getting into I Is something that just occurred to me? I think I was talking we're talking about with a friend of ours Macy Kimson shout out to her We talked about which movie studio Do we think is better? DreamWorks or Pixar Eric I'll let you state your case first State my case. Yeah, I got you First of all, I'm gonna be representing DreamWorks. Okay for those for those listening Number one, I'm gonna go off right with a bang. You have Shrek One two, and three. Okay, that's it. That's your first point with makeup. It's Music story and Shrek as a character and my goats in the in donkey. Yes Okay, series. Nothing and Pixar can beat that. Are you trying to battle with Disney? Yeah, it comes to music. Yes Really? Yes, really? Yes We got Toy Story my boy Not better than Shrek. You don't Shrek is better than Toy Story. Yes, you you you think who's always better than Shrek? Yes. Oh Mine and Shrek is good. I'm wrong. I respect it. I respect it cuz you bring your best you bring your best I respect that but Toy Story the animations better the music's better. No, it's not. Yes, it is Animation is not better. It's about the same. I think animation for Toy Story is better. I think Okay This is all opinion, of course, but we're debating cuz it's fun. Um, I think the animation is better. I think Only the in terms of like plot I'll give you the um No, honestly when it comes the first movie If we do one two, three, right the first movie I like the plot for um, I like the plot for Toy Story one better than the puffer Shrek Honestly, the second one the sequel that's harder. I think I'll give you the sequel of Toy Story Uh, I'll give you to Shrek to over Toy Story 2. I'll give you that But Toy Story 3 does not be Shrek of the third you don't bro There's a reason why Shrek's one of the best trilogies in animation Brandon and I'll say that I agree with that Toy Story is not in that conversation What? Yes, it absolutely is It absolutely is lackluster it is it is Well a Toy Story wouldn't be the best parts of Toy Story. Honestly, she was lackluster black luster You're the only person I've heard say that bro Poor story one two, and three I think have all have perfect scores on No, I'm just like I'm I'm not saying that's like Natalie I'm not saying that to validate my opinion I'm just saying that like your opinion is uncommon. That's all I'm saying Next point next point. Okay Sure. Sure. Um, I guess my Toy Story is another reason. I think Pixar is better than a Dreamworks I'm digging through a whole lot here. It's like I'm playing pokeball. It's like I choose nothing Inside out Very good pic. I love that movie as well because that's a really creative movie like a really great concept Like giving character to emotion man I Think it's cool to good like You know, it's meant character like, you know Anger sadness and stuff and happiness like showing happiness be joy or no showing happiness be sad. It's like Having to write that like, you know, it's there's gotta be difficult, you know And I was gonna like the concept to like everybody's emotions looks a little bit different depending on the person's point of view like You know the dad's emotions and stuff like the way they reacted was different from Riley's and all that. I think you know good there Of course, this one doesn't have music because you know Then he doesn't have music at all. That's why it sucks Like yeah, I think you said music was one of the best parts of Disney Brandon. It is where's the music? It doesn't mean where's the music? And a score you get a zero Nope, that category. This is your out of five. No music. I Yeah, I guess I know You're out of five. What are their dreamworks movie? Wait, what are the dreamworks movie? It has music Dreamworks or Pixar. I'm sorry. Yeah dreamworks Look, we're comparing right? Yeah, so I mean not any of the dreamworks movies have like dragon, I Mean those have scores. I'm talking like original like songs Fine original like songs like Sorry fine Instrumentals as well music is just sound sure sure instruments. Like what are we trying to say? No score is music, but I mean like it does fine I'm not trying to do that at all. That's a lot. That's sound checks in movie history That's a fact. I can't own agree or disagree that cuz I just I haven't listened to like the score like that you have Beautiful I haven't listened to it. At least I haven't listened to it by yourself Anyways, but I'll say that you know, I I respect how to sing the reggae. I respect your game on that, bro That's a good I saw the first one. That's a good I saw the first one. That's a good one. I should honestly it's a requirement. It's my homework It's my exam They'll come back in 2050. I can't trust you. Oh my god, bro, but um Give me another movie man. Let's see if I can counter that Another movie great animation good story. One of my favorite characters in Poe Kung Fu Panda Kung Fu Panda Kung Fu Panda Okay, it kind of sucks I only said dreamworks it sucks I only said pixar here because if I was yeah, because bro, if I had said disney as a whole i've been like Mulan If you want to say disney versus dreamworks disney all the way. Oh, yeah pixar dang Let me let me go to their catalog real quick. Okay. Oh, but I feel like I have a there's a good counter for it I just I gotta think about it, you know Brave no, it's not not not brave Nah dang, oh the incredibles. Oh, yeah. I got you on that one. You're incredible my boy Is it better to come through panda though, yes, yeah, I think so I think the acting scenes are better. I like the animation more First class music is good though. I think though. Yeah, and I think the voice acting is better for the incredibles as well, I think Shout out to jack black though, that man kills everyone. Yes, he does kill he does he did kill it I saw him in mario movie. He was good in that too. Who was he as bowser? Yeah, you didn't know that. No, he's like that's like the most advertised thing. He's um, jack black is bowser I'm sorry, but every time I think of jack black I just think about the mall cop I don't know why see every time I think of jack black. I think of peaches peaches peaches peaches peaches Peaches peaches peaches peaches Seeing an incredible series in the incredibles, uh, we also got madagascar brandon We're disney hold up bro, we know you're pixar we're pixar you're pixar and talking animals is our thing Yeah, you failed though fail because it's pixar at disney. Okay, you got madagascar. That's the card you're putting you're putting out Car oh, we're dang. Okay, we'll finish this in the uh, outro. I'm, sorry y'all But I got some I got something from that behind though. Just watch So we were doing our basically battle damage studios pixar versus disney or pixar no, i'm, sorry pixar versus dreamwork studios And so we're basically we're kind of doing like almost like a card game like it's yugioh like, you know You lay your card. I lay out mine And so what was your um, oh before we start that again, what do you want to say before? I want to make an announcement. I want to take back what I said about toy story 2. Uh It's not lackluster. I don't know what I was thinking. Yeah, you were wild for that one I didn't brought back some memories and I was like Yeah, i'm wilding. Yeah, thank you for that bro. But so I think the last one you laid down was madagascar. Yes this one i'm gonna if you're on i'll say but I think i'm gonna lay down on i'll counter that with a monster thing Because madagascar was good. It's super funny. It's super It's very pop culture-y, but also like it manages to be a bit timeless i'd argue monster thing. It's more timeless It has more of an emotional kick to it it does In terms of music y'all win that one. It's not like not thinking of the musical thing, but Yeah, i'm saying you guys want to move it. Yeah, that's what you win king Oh, don't forget I like big I like them chunky Chunky Like that was money worth spent or don't forget or don't forget freaking um Yeah, dude, yeah, there's a music y'all win but and I guess it's not entirely fair there's only two movies but I'll say monster thing and um monster university. I think I got that over. Uh, madagascar over just a little bit You know what I would too but I gotta I gotta I gotta yes real week. It's monsters ink is is is him a thief but I'm gonna i'm gonna place my spell card on the table. It's a little side character. That's my character my characters with the penguins of madagascar, too Oh, dang, the penguins are gang True. Yeah I'll let you have it. Yo, that's all right. I love madagascar, man I think okay. I mentioned cars before. I mean I got cars. What can you kind of have my boy? honestly Nothing is near that tier that I have But uh I guess monsters versus aliens. Yeah. No, I win. Yeah. Yeah I like the movie personally. I don't know how the rest of the world feels about it But uh No, it's not nowhere near cars But it's interesting to hear about like when I grew up I didn't realize like that like a lot of like movie critics really didn't mess with cars like that. I was kind of surprised really Yeah, it wasn't like you know when it comes like pixar's best I think a lot of um Like film people like serious film buffs consider like that to be like one of their worst franchises I've never been able to dig into why but you know, I was like I was surprised by that Because your third movie sucks, bro I think actually a lot the third movie gets the most praise i've heard. I'm just kidding. I didn't see it I don't know the second movie people get to get a lot of hate but I was a spy one, right? Yeah, but that's our show for today y'all We'll see y'all later Y'all have a beautiful day brandon lost by the way. No, I didn't at all Especially that first one Shrek versus toy story toy story wins toy story wins. Come on, bro. We all know this Oh, we got memes toy story bro. Come on. It's better Got music Yeah

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