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The hosts of WCC radio announce that this is their last episode of the season. They discuss their final presentations and exams for their classes. They also talk about their upcoming summer plans and how they will miss each other. They mention that everything seems to be coming full circle lately. They experience technical difficulties with the music during their show. live I guess yeah hey guys you're listening to WCC radio Coastal Carolina University student radio station hey everyone happy Tuesday happy Tuesday guys we have sad news this is our last episode of the season the season okay yeah you can hear us okay this is our last podcast of the year y'all I know I'm sad and we were just saying we're like brain dead so like bear with us yeah I know I make it every week but this week it's heightened because finals and I have like two presentations today guys oh wait what classes I had one in management and I had one in graphic design and my graphic design one went well the management one I think went well but it's just it's a lot for me yeah I don't I don't like presenting which is kind of ironic because I did theater and stuff but like I just it makes me nervous well you definitely did amazing thanks I appreciate that I yeah it's kind of and tomorrow I have a final so thanks oh okay my lab though I have a presentation tomorrow in my lab oh I had that last week I have to do a group FaceTime with my group later we were supposed to meet in library and someone was like I can't come let's she was like can I zoom in I was like why don't we just see y'all have a final or is it just no it's a presentation I had a presentation and a vital it's like oh god I know ours is just like literally one-on-one so it's what's the presentation about we've had to like collect water samples from the wall pond for the whole semester so it's like to have like a focus yeah it's like going over that data okay we did that in lab but then the actual class it was like we weren't talking about anything to do with that we talked about like the most random stuff in the class so kind of all over the place it wasn't a bad class I kind of enjoyed it it was more like an environmental science in a weird way lab is kind of fun because my lab partners like make me laugh so hard yeah I always had fun I like my lab group yeah it was always a fun time yeah we have 15 seconds but hi real quick we definitely be formal formal yep that's all for today just kidding all right we're ending the episode there no just kidding going back you are you guys hey guys we're back we didn't know we were supposed to be talking right there because we can't hear the music yeah the music isn't playing I don't really know if the speakers not hooked up or something so we can't tell when the music stops even though the computer screens right in front of me and I can tell when we're supposed to be talking but I missed it yeah so today we don't really have a set topic but like since it's our last episode we just figured we would do kind of like a recap of I guess we could do like the entire year but also like just specifically spring semester because it's definitely been eventful but yeah spring semester has been so fun I like can't believe it's literally done I it's gone but I literally blinked and now it's done no yeah and I know everybody says that but like no this was insanity like actually what I was just on winter break I swear like I just got back that's how I feel that's how I feel last year at least in the spring I was able to like actually like experience where like the moment and like where I was I feel like but like this year I or this semester is just like I genuinely am like what how is there a week left I'm not okay like I I guys I don't know what to say I was just like winding up to say something and I actually it's so not here I just laughed because like yeah I don't know what to say oh my god our combo right now it's just dead like if you guys could hear it it's there's like no yeah I'm like burnt out so that's how we feel about this and we're going to the library after this yeah and I've got to go burn some more yeah I was already there this morning to actually not even this morning it was this morning into this afternoon well into the ones I finish my graphic design project I'm done with projects I think and then I just have finals you know yeah I have you done with all your projects or do you know that's what I'm gonna do tonight I have when's your last like presentation Thursday but the thing I'm doing the project for isn't a presentation because it's for my online class but basically I have to find six journals like you know the journals like in the Kimball library website oh gosh and each of them are like 20 pages long yeah and they all have to be specifically about women women women's representation in sports media and like it's so difficult to find is it a research paper like it's not like an essay but like I have to write about it okay so there's not like a word limit thank God but like just it's the act of like having to read the research is the worst part six of them like crazy I sat in the library for five hours today and I only got through one usually it's like three yeah but like I've known about this for like like she told us about this like three four weeks ago and I just now like opened it so and it's due Sunday but like I'm not like that stress cuz like you'll be fine it's not like it's like you always you have to like remind yourself that you always manage to get things done yeah no yeah and also this isn't like one of those things even where I'm like mega stressed about it like oh my god cuz like it's not like a research formatting formatted paper it's just like answering questions about each of the um each of the sources so it's fine and then like I honestly don't have like I already got one of my presentations done last week and literally all I have left for the class is to do a like write up about my like experience in the class and then that's not even due to like next Thursday and then I have my lab presentation tomorrow and then after that I'm done with my lab yeah I'm done with my lab after tomorrow too wahoo yes thank God crazy sorry um and then I have to do oh also for like the regular science class that goes along with that I have to make a presentation that I have to do more research about but that's not due until next week on Thursday and then God what else I think I have like and then I have like two online exams but they're not for a while and like they're online so like I don't necessarily have to are you taking them at home no probably not cuz like they open or do they have a few days for you yeah and like they open like next week I only have one in final next Friday on your birthday Oh everyone say happy 20th K okay that's like sickening maybe just say happy birthday happy birthday Kate one week guys this is like actually I'm like a shame I feel like every for the past like five episodes every time we've just been deteriorating more and more and you guys can tell but no I think the last ones have been good I can't remember last one felt good I think it was just like a yapping yeah but we were like it was a good yap like it wasn't like this like right now I feel like well one exciting thing is that Kate and I will be back in that town in a like a little over a week like actually get prepared the natives are the natives are coming back approach but then it's just gonna be one so okay Kate's leaving me this summer guys I'll be there all of May okay and then I'm relocating further anything a further location that will be revealed at a further time girl what I'm kidding I'm just living here living here this summer and I don't know what I'm gonna do you're gonna visit me and I'm gonna come home no I'm gonna have an existential crisis okay yeah I probably will too without you honestly you know how much I'm gonna text you and be like I miss you come home yeah I know it's gonna be like toxic we don't go a day without seeing each other I know I don't see each other for an hour and then we text I miss you I know it's like I know I'm not joking no I haven't seen you in like two days and I've been like I miss you I saw you yesterday did I know it no I was I was like all alone yesterday everything I did I was alone what'd you do yesterday I went to the gym came back went to the library and then went to class and then went back to the library and then I came home and made dinner and then clean my room y'all don't understand from the moment Kate and I wake up we're like talking yeah like we talk today today we've been on the same schedule so much because so we both went to the gym this morning at like 7 and we walked out to get worked out together but right when I walked in she was like standing there yeah and then when I was just driving here we drove separately and we're at the same exact time that was really weird cuz I didn't I just like texting was like I'm like walking out the door like I'm leaving you were like I'm leaving in a few yeah and I got in the car and like sat on my phone for a minute okay bye there was people like pulling all around and I like couldn't get out and I hope Kate didn't leave yet like I don't want her to be locked out cuz I don't know if you know the path into here so I literally was just like oh no like and then we just happened to drive past each other and I was like oh yeah no we're like connected no we literally are that's been like a really reoccurring theme it's been in this thing that's like week like just like this entire circle no yeah but I remember this time last year everything started to become full circle too okay there's a second we can touch about on that actually cuz I can get fired up about that and have an actual conversation um yeah bye see you in a minute you hey guys we're back it's so silent in here without the music I know we can't hear the music something's going on yeah like do we not would it really be a nap Sunday if we didn't have technical difficulty yeah like we always have it anyways after we signed off before the last song we were saying how everything has been kind of like coming full circle and really weird ways um recently and also just like can like I don't know I feel like with all of my friends there have been weird quinces it coincidences with my friends here and even my friends at other schools um like my friends from home we've been having like oh my god you were you play that song the other day and it's like the most random song ever and then I'll be like yeah I play that song today like stupid last night we were talking about yeah it was about we were trying we were thinking about planning events yeah so we said something about murder on the Orient Express and then then the episode of sex in the city I was watching said murder on the Orient Express yeah that's really really just like I thought I would think that's the most random thing ever it's like niche yeah why would why would they say that yeah exactly so that was pretty crazy yeah that's wild and then I was saying I kind of remember like this happening like last year like not to this extreme but I think yeah you can kind of actually sorry guys I just left the mic for a sec I was picking my nail polish off that's TMI but um anyways so I remember last year everything started to become full circle and like weird ways I don't know everything just like made sense that happened like all the events that occurred throughout the school year like it all made sense and I was like oh that had to happen for that to happen for that to happen just like connecting stuff I don't know like perfect alignment yeah that's what and that's what the end of spring semester I feel like always feels like even though we feel dead right now like things have been coming full circle and it's just weird it'll be so rewarding like once we get to summer and we can just not worry about assignments and soak up home for a bit and yes I'm very excited for May I know in Annapolis May in Annapolis is like the best thing ever like truly like if y'all don't know Blue Angels just kidding everyone knows it apparently so yeah we learned that over the weekend I knew that like I knew that but like I kind of was trying to act like it I didn't they're not even from Annapolis I know but like they're from Pensacola yeah I know I know all over the country people like not from Pensacola and like these places that they do the show that like I don't know I just like in my brain like everything to do with Navy like Annapolis owns that like nobody else gets it like kind of yellow um but what was I gonna say oh May is like just one of my favorite months period but like in Annapolis it's like something else it's like the best it's so beautiful it's so perfect the weather's amazing like I also just love the very end I love April just as much honestly April and May are like some of my favorite for the year and a couple of friends and I are going to the Orioles game versus the Red Sox at the end of May this is my first time attending an Orioles game is this your first time going to an Orioles game or have you been to one no I've been I have never been to one y'all and I'm so excited they're so fun I was actually you know the like fat kids bad kids fat kids like at the beginning of the games that like um you go on the field and you like help put the balls like when they're warming up we can do that no I was one when I was a kid how do you do that I like won it in like um like a raffle or something I got my name picked out of like a hat what and I was like I was like on the field while like the players were warming up that's kind of sick and I got like a ball with all their signatures I think I got a Cal Ripken signature I saw Cal Ripken at Whole Foods he is a frequent well he lives in Annapolis my mom made me take a pic I saw him in multiple occasions I think he might have been true food once and then I saw him at Navel Bagel like a while ago I can't wait for Navel Bagel it's so good oh I love Navel Bagel I love everything about it even the white board with all the random stuff on it like literally the left brick I love walking in and like me and my sister will walk in and we'll be like oh that's a good white board today oh it's not a good white board because sometimes it looks really good and then yeah it looks messy yeah and I will judge same like I'll be like ooh someone whoever did the white board today did a really good job yeah even though they probably did it like 430 in the morning I would love that job actually I almost applied there actually but I would be the white board person I would eat that up yeah it it would be nice because you you like you're working a morning shift you're off by like whatever time like probably like 11 in the morning the latest they're opened is 3 yeah so the shifts are probably like what they open at 5 do they not or is it 6 probably like 5 to 10 yeah 10 to 3 yeah which is honestly even 10 to 3 is fire that would be so good that's a yeah 5-hour shift they probably that was a morning shift at my old job like 10 to 3 yeah I had a 12 to 5 I always worked at my old job that's like it's like weird because 12 is like really early in the day kind of and then 5 is like the days like over so yeah you're there for like the entire middle chunk of the yeah I don't like where you would be doing something yeah that's where like majority of your day is I feel like it is 5 yeah yep yeah wait was that a Laughlin's uh-huh you sorry didn't mean to like Brent like name-drop um shout out a Laughlin's I didn't say anything bad that my old job over the summer it was like we would have to get there at 315 and then some nights you wouldn't get out until like 12 I already know my family's gonna be ripping that place hard yeah I am not working there sorry well you know well even if I was staying home like I wouldn't like I wouldn't work there this summer is a really weird middle point in our lives I feel like I've talked to a lot of people about this where it's like do I want an internship can I even get an internship do I want to live at home what do I want to do with myself yeah and you're kind of like I feel like in a way this is almost like our last real summer yeah like shiz get serious I feel like and like it's a collective like everybody feels that because every everybody in our grade because everybody I've talked to is like I don't know what the F I'm doing this summer like seriously and like I feel like subconsciously everybody's putting like so much pressure on themselves at least like I was talking to one of my best friends like on the phone earlier and like she was just saying how much like pressure she's putting on herself about I'm like thing with her about that earlier getting an internship and stuff but like I don't know no one's like telling us we need to I don't know that's why it's confusing though because nobody is like oh this is a summer where you get an internship like everybody says that about next summer not necessarily this summer but it's like how am I even gonna get one next summer it's like yeah summer I'm gonna have the same experience next summer you know what I mean and this summer I applied to so many and didn't get any cuz you yeah like it seems like all of the like entry level ones you need prior like literal CEO level experience yeah so it's like to do like I don't know and it's like we're all at the age where it's like we've worked at restaurants and like retail jobs like all throughout high school and it's like I'm like I will work at a restaurant this year like this summer like I don't know but it's kind of like it's not as exciting I feel like because I've been there done that it's like it's just confusing sometimes I just sit there and I'm like I want something that's going to like serve a purpose of to fulfill like what I want to do yeah yeah sure but it's really hard to do that like I feel like it's like you literally just have to do like freelance if you want to be able to do something because just a lot of people just don't hire yeah the people with our level experience but it's like not really fair because how are you supposed to get experience if you can't get a job yeah it's it's like I don't even know it's just a confusing like in between summer but it'll all work out for the best no yeah for sure for all of us but yeah huh guys we're like actually dead I know 30 seconds Barbie hey I we back um we left how we were saying we're like brain dead um yeah so yeah um I think I'm brain dead personally I was in the library earlier and you're going back yeah I just like feel so unmotivated with this project but you know what I'm gonna go to the library and I'm gonna get it I'm gonna lock in for real no you're locking in and it's gonna be fine no it will be for sure it's just like whoa I don't know I'm just experiencing like senioritis and I'm not even a senior yeah no but it's not even like I want to like I think I'm getting like senioritis from genuinely like my everyday routine if that makes sense it's my everyday routine that I'm like switch something up yes it's like you're getting in a funk yeah I am in a funk like I am well established that's why I like I love the weekends because I do different stuff exactly but then once the week rolls around I'm like oh hit the play button yeah exactly it's not like I'm having senioritis in the sense of like being in like Conway and stuff like I'm fine with it here and like living here it's my my routine it needs to like be switched like I don't know even down to like I was saying to my friend and I said this to Teagan too like down to them like my playlist and my music like I anytime I shuffle a playlist I like skip through everything and I'm like oh my gosh I'm sick of that I don't want to hear that I've been doing that too god it's just it's just like we've been in this routine for like obviously we switch classes in the middle of the year but like almost a year basically and that's why I think going home is gonna be so nice no it will be like I'm actually looking forward to it so much and it's not even in the sense that I'm like homesick because I'm not like homesick yeah I'm not I don't need to go home yeah not sad that I'm not at home but like I'm I'm really ready for like a refresh and like a change in scenery oh yeah I and I'm excited to see like my people at home I'm so excited to see them I was literally already texting with Brooke today about getting be in rush with us three yes cuz I just like need I know I'm excited I'm so excited I don't even like to know what to say okay let's say our favorite thing about this year okay because we can't just like be dead okay they're like finish off on a good no okay a hundred percent true okay this is my this is probably like so basic but my favorite thing about this year has been joining a sorority yeah I have to like it's I was I was gonna say that like oh well something along the lines of that if you just heard that it was my water bottle like I should know it is I literally like I never was going to I literally like swore to myself like I'm never joining a sorority that's not my vibe not my thing I'm never doing that like and then I don't even know last summer I think I kind of just like switched I up switched up and I texted Kate and I was like I'm doing it yeah and that's that's how it happened basically I just like randomly was like you know what I have to get involved in it in something yeah no I I I have to agree like it sounds so cliche like cringe guys yeah cringe and like if my even this time last year self heard myself saying that I would be judging myself so hard but that's something also I've gotten better at this year is not judging and listening to what people have to say and like like really more open-minded and yes yeah no 100 but because like going through that taught me like oh I need to be open-minded I'm not right about it jump to conclusions yeah um but it honestly changed college like completely for me it completely like a 180 yeah I like I now that I'm in one I literally like and Kate and I talk about this all the time I'm like what did I do before this I know I genuinely don't know like what I did like how did I spend my time and like I don't know it's just it's so fun it's I met literally some of the best people like I could have ever met yeah same and like there's just it feels nice to be a part of something bigger mm-hmm I like genuinely can't imagine like where I would be without it no oh oh my god same I can't it kind of makes me sick like thinking about I think I would just be rotting away every weekend yeah I'm rotting away every week not yeah like even weekdays because I love having things to like do yeah no it gives me stuff to do and like wherever I am on campus like I'm gonna see someone you know what I mean like everybody says these things about it but when you're actually experiencing it and like everywhere you go you see someone you know you're like wait I feel like it's especially different as people who didn't have that experience last year and like yeah I would walk around campus I would literally just be like okay don't never seen that person before never seen that person before don't know any of these people here now I feel like at least five people I know yeah just from like walking from one building to exactly and like which feels like it makes this place feel like home more yeah exactly it builds community it's which is crucial yes literally yeah that honestly cuz like everything else that I could have said that has been like some of my favorite things this year because to do that have to do with that like it's because I joined it all of our events like so fun like actually I don't know how I did without like formals before like they're so fun like they're so fun and I don't know even just like the stuff like relay that that was like so fun that was so fun involved in I felt like yeah I felt so happy to like be there and be a part of that and I honestly just like I'm so excited to recruit more people in the same yeah I cannot wait which I yeah and being on the other side of it is gonna be so fun and like interesting because we were on the others we were being recruited it's gonna be very very interesting I'm very excited yeah yeah that's been so awesome literally could not send any more love to that organization and all of our sisters yeah literally so much fun but yeah this year what's the biggest thing you've like learned this year or like what do you think has changed most about yourself oh my god that's a really good question um oh my god I like him you kind of sent me there okay I feel like one of the main things that I've learned is that I'm a lot more like capable of doing things than I thought I was I don't know if that's like you know yeah and I last year so I think up from first glance people would think that I'm like a very outgoing person but like internally I kind of tell myself that I'm not but like in like how social I've been this year I'm like proud of myself for that and I also feel like I am like I've I've been more consistent with like my routine this year I think I've taken way better care of myself this year so I feel like I'm just like I've learned a lot of self-love and I've learned that I'm like more capable of things than I like had told myself I was which I guess goes along with self-love because like last year I think there was a lot of negative self-talk in my in my life but this year I actually like really really love myself and where I'm at and my friends and I'm just like extremely happy so yeah how about you what did you learn biggest takeaway honestly this isn't as like deep but like one thing I've really realized is I'm a morning person okay to my core like I love that though I am such a morning person like that's important to know about yourself I mean obviously I could take that into the bigger picture and like I have just like like you said like taking the time I feel like to focus more on myself and like I feel like each year of college we're gonna learn so much more about ourselves like sitting here in a year we're gonna be like oh my god we're completely different you know we're constantly changing I swear um but I don't know I've just become very like I don't know I've become a morning person and just like learned a lot more about myself and like appreciated and loved a lot more things about myself that I might not have might not have like a year ago no yeah all right guys this is our sorry we got kind of cut off on the last thing but we were kind of just saying um I was just kind of saying what I've learned about myself this year and like how I've changed um but yeah this is a self growth and change oh yeah cuz that's definitely been a big thing for us and I guarantee you when we're back in August we'll be different people again oh my god this summer the summer recap is gonna go crazy actually so excited for this summer and all of the amazing thing at home it will hold if you guys are out there struggling in these past or in these next few weeks just stay strong you got it yeah we're all in this together I know finals week sucks just listen to this and you'll feel comforted cuz you'll realize how brain-dead we sound yeah you'll realize there is worse and it's us right now great way to end off the year everyone have an amazing summer and if you're listening and you're not going on summer break just have an amazing next couple months and enjoy the weather yeah it's gonna be awesome we might um have some special episodes this summer you never know I think for sure that no we know there will be something happening there will be so stay tuned for that make sure to follow us on Instagram and tick-tock we'll definitely be doing some content definitely throughout oh yeah you know actually I've got some highlight events coming up in May oh yeah and we'll have time for it you know what I mean so we will definitely be dedicating ourselves to bettering our social media presence and so yeah make sure to go catch up on all the episodes on Spotify view if you haven't cuz I just posted them all on the insta story at apt-out it is no underscoring it's been such a good year an amazing year actually can't believe it's been over a year of us doing this oh I'm gonna get emotional now I wish we like oh it's been such a good year with y'all we can't wait to be back next year when we're juniors we love you guys you're listening to WCCU radio Coastal Carolina University student radio station we're signing on for the summer bye

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