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The transcript is a conversation between two individuals discussing technical difficulties and their role models. They talk about being upset over a sports game and share their highs and lows of the week. They then discuss their role models, specifically their moms and dads, and express their admiration for their parents' strength, guidance, and love. The conversation ends with one person mentioning their dad's selflessness and the other person highlighting their dad's discipline and passion. technical difficulties so no surprise that we're having them. We literally weren't in the schedule like on the computer where like all the different. It was starting news. Yeah, Tail Nation News so if you're listening for that, this is not Tail Nation News. That's not going to be what we're having. This is NAPCHOW Native, the best show on the radio. Shots fired. I was about to spit up my water after she did. Why is she talking like this? Back at it again with another episode. Okay, I'm so glad that we're streaming live and that anyone in the world could listen to us right now. It's not like anyone in the world is listening. We probably have like three listeners. So today we're talking about some of our role models. Yeah, but let's get started with some highs and lows of the past week. Okay, so I would say that my low is that I'm not like really sick anymore but I was really sick. I had like literally the worst cold. I think it's just mega cold season here. Everyone coming back from being on break for like a month and then having to get back into a routine has killed all of our immune system. Yeah, and like Lord knows what's in those vents. Yeah. But yeah, my low would be the Ravens loss. Oh God, don't even guess. That was repulsive that entire game. Kate, you should have seen me and Kate's texts. Actually, no y'all shouldn't have. No, you guys probably shouldn't. We both weren't together for the games. We were both like in different houses. So we were like texting nonstop during the entirety of the game. Yeah. Screaming at the TV to say the least. I hope you enjoyed your AFC or yeah, AFC championship. I hope you were happy with your cheater of a quarterback. All right, we'll be back after this song. Hey, hey everybody back after a little break and we just found out that two of our episodes got uploaded to Spotify. I'm so excited. This is a really good one. Our 2024 goals and what we would tell our younger selves. Yes, those two are so good. The other one is with our special guest Bree that we had last year. Y'all have to tune in for these. Y'all are in for some really good Spotify uploads. The Spotify uploads are just so good because it's like, yes, we love the music, but kind of just to cut it and have just us talking is so fun. Yes, I'm like going to listen to it because I forget what we said. No, yeah, no, yeah, I do that too. I go back and listen sometimes, especially to like ones from like way back. Anyways, before break we were talking about our highs and lows of the week and then we said our topic for today is some of our role models just in general. I really love that topic y'all. Yeah, but going back, going back to the low that I was talking about. We're never going to recover. We're never going to like forgive. Like you can forgive, but you can't forgive. I was on the phone with my dad yesterday and he was like, I did not expect to be so upset and I second that. Like I did not expect to be so upset because I actually truly didn't think that the Ravens were going to lose. I like had fully had in my head that they would be at the Super Bowl. I know. There's not a doubt in my mind. Genuinely had like sickness in my stomach. No, yeah. I was so upset for like a good hour after the game. I was just laying in bed and like on the verge of tears. I'm still grieving. Yeah, me too. And it just, it's like mega hard because they didn't actually win. Yeah. They cheated. I hope you're listening Patrick Mahomes, I hate you. And Travis Kelsey. Yeah, because Patrick Mahomes is listening. But Baltimore Ravens, if y'all are listening, like we should do like a brand deal. Yeah, we should like do a partnership and we will stand behind you through anything. Protect this house, like we'll be there. We'll be here, yeah. John Harbaugh, you're a real one. Lamar Jackson, you're a real one. Isaiah Likely, Sean's up. Yes, sweet. Isaiah Likely will be a guest at some point. So stay tuned for that. We have a big, big story. Anyway, okay. Enough of the negativity. Whatever. Have fun at the Super Bowl, Chiefs. You're going to lose, but my high was the warm weather on Saturday. Absolutely. It was heaven, y'all. It hit 80, I think. It was just so good. It was so good. I'm so excited for it to be like that every day. Yes. And it's even like, even though it's all 50 degrees this week, it's still significantly warmer than the past month, which is a vibe. Such a vibe. A vibe. Also, I'm noticing the sun literally setting later, too, which is amazing. I know. I saw a TikTok today and it said that we made it through the darkest 10 weeks of the year. So, y'all did it, y'all. We did it, y'all. Congrats, guys. You made it. We made it. It ended January 22nd. It's only lightness from here. Yeah, it's only up from here. I'll be up up and away. Kid Cudi next guest. Kid Cudi next guest. Kid Cudi mentioned. So, stay tuned for Kid Cudi. He'll be featured. That's actually an Easter egg for when he's on our show next week. Yeah. So, stay tuned for that. Big thanks coming. All right. Let's get into the topic today. We're getting to it. Some role models. So, yeah. Do you want to start? Should I? You can start. So, my mom is currently not listening. I wish she was, but I'm going to send this to her after. I was going to say that one of my biggest role models is obviously my mom. I know that this is such a cliche, but she has taught me how to be strong in situations that are difficult to stay strong in. And it's because of her that I know how to take care of myself and make those decisions in college. If I had not had her guidance and her wisdom growing up, I would probably be definitely not where I am today. And she's my biggest cheerleader and my best friend, and she's taught me how to love myself and others. And everyone I meet that knows my mom is always like, I love your mom. I love your mom. Yes. I love your mom. She's amazing. She's the most lovely mom ever. I'm so blessed, and I love my mom. Aww, that was so sweet. That was so nice. Yes, your mom just has a great aura. Her aura, yes. Her vibes are just so good. Yes. I adore her. Yes, I love her. She was always so comforting. I know. As a kid, having her as a coach. I call her every day. I'm like, hi, mom. Hi, mom. Yes. If I'm walking alone on campus, she will be on my phone. Oh, yeah. Sorry, I'm taking a sip of tea. It's about to get tea out here. Oh, the ASMR is crazy. Today, I'm drinking some positive energy tea. Some positive tea, if you will. Yeah. Okay. So, to follow up on that, I also said that my mother, I don't know if she's listening. I don't know if anyone in my family is listening. I don't think anyone in my family is. I didn't send them the link in their defense. But I would 100% say my mom. I also have my dad on here, but I'll get to that. Me too. My mom, I kind of, literally everything you said about your mom is exactly what I wrote down. But my mom is just so beautiful. She is so beautiful. And she has such a healing energy to her. And she always has the right things to say. And she's a very reliable person, I feel like, not just for myself, but for anyone. Like, that she knows. I feel like people can turn to her for stuff and trust her. She's so humble. Yeah. Yeah. I love that. She just has such a motherly, calming energy to her. Oh, that's so sweet. And I'm literally going to tear up. I wish my moms were here. I know. Oh, I'm going to cry. I miss you, mom. I love my mom. I'm, like, incapable of doing anything without her. Yeah. I, like, need my parents' reassurance at all times. Oh, always. Anytime I'm faced with, like, anything, I'll call my parents. That's something I do. Yeah, that's something I realized coming to college. Like, I seek my parents' validation, but also, like, I can't make a decision without knowing what decision they would make. Oh, 100%. And I need to work on, like, just making decisions on my own. I know. But it's okay. It's a part of the, like, growth process. I'm just, like, a painfully criminally indecisive person. Mm-hmm. And one day I won't be, but right now I'm just going to let myself be that way. Yeah. It's okay. It's all part of the process. You've got to experience it. Yes. All right. Who's your next role model? My dad. Yep. Okay. Sorry, it's, like, all my family, but I said that my dad. No. Nothing wrong with that. We need to stop saying sorry. Okay, yeah. No more saying sorry. No. No more apologies. No. I said that my dad is one of my role models because he's one of the most selfless people I know. Mm-hmm. And he has built his company up from the ground, which is something I really admire, and I don't know. He has a lot of, like, career goals that I want to apply to my life. Mm-hmm. He's a really hard worker, and he literally loves his family more than anything. And I can see that in how he's overcome battles for the betterment of, like, our family. So, yeah. Mm-hmm. That's my dad. I love my dad so much, so. He's so funny, and his sense of humor and his music taste are, like, have shaped me. Oh, Tegan, that's so sweet. That's so nice. I love that. I can even notice that, too, like, that your dad is definitely, like, seems like a very hard worker from just being around him. Aw, that's so sweet. Okay, my next role model is also my dad, and I realize the older I get, the more I am like my dad. Like, seriously. Like, people say that. Same, same. But, like, I feel that to my core, and the more I'm just kind of, like, on my own and have to rely more on myself, I realize, like, the values that he kind of instilled in me really come out, and, like, for the betterment of myself, because he's such a disciplined person. He's so passionate about literally anything he does. He can't, like, half-ass anything, and he's just so focused and driven, and, yeah, I just admire him for that, and that's how I strive to be. Yeah, he sends my family and, like, our family group chats, like, every day it's, like, 20 quotes. Dude, I love when you, like, when I see, like, screenshots of your family texts just because I, like, look for your dad's messages. Yes, like, and I don't think he realizes, but they get me through the day, for real. I read every single one. They're so cute. Yeah, it's great. All right, we have to go to break again, but we'll be back with more. And all this stuff, she's always been artsy, and I just admire her because she always has gone after that, and, like, no matter who or what stood in her way, like, she always followed her dreams and pushes herself to overcome her fears, so. Yeah, I love my sister. Love you, Mac. Aw, that's so sweet. I love that. Hmm, who do I want to talk about next? I mean, I was going to say, I didn't write this down, but kind of, in a way, everybody I surround myself with is a role model in a certain way because I only surround myself with good people. That's so cute. I totally agree with that. No, yeah, like, all of, definitely, like, I mean, not everybody in my life, but, like, definitely my close circle. If I don't, if you're not uplifting me, like, you're not going to be in my close circle, so. Oh, 100%. There's, you know what I mean? So, I look to certain friends as role models in different ways. Yeah, I totally agree with that because I only surround myself with people that have qualities that I want in myself. Exactly. That I want to, like, taste. To better you, yeah, better yourself, because, like, it's so true once you do start to only have people that build you up in your circle, you notice it in yourself. And, like, I know that's cliche and everybody says that, but when you start actually experiencing it, it's so, like. No, it's so true. It's such a good feeling, too, because it's just, you're just building up all the good traits that you can soak in, all the good energy. But, yeah, there's different things from different friends, I feel like. Your kindness is something. Okay, stop, I'm going to try. No, yeah, you're such, like, a kind-hearted person, which I sometimes need in my life. Okay. I love you so much. I love you. You're, like, my biggest supporter. Like, you're so uplifting and you make everyone feel so included all the time. Oh, stop. It's true. Thanks. I would say, and, like, from some of my other friends, like, Brooke, if she's listening, she's literally the most driven person I know. I've never met her. She is a person that cannot half-ass something. Like, she just has her shiz together. She does. She does have her shiz together. Just very driven. And then Catherine, my other best friend, just has the best energy to her and literally just is so understanding and is someone I can always turn to for anything. I love her vibe. Yes. And I love the way she dresses. It's so, like, colorful and pretty. Yes. Very, like, eclectic. Yeah, she's awesome. Yeah. Yeah, all my friends are awesome. The list could go on and on, but we don't have all the time in the world. Yeah. Unfortunately, we only have, like, five minutes left in this segment. Yeah, five and a half minutes. All right, who's your next? Okay, so after I said my family, I, like, wrote this down. I was writing, like, everything in my head. I was saying that, like, this was a topic that I struggled with because I never really looked up to people besides my family. I have trouble, like, viewing people that I don't personally know as role models, I guess, if that makes sense. Yeah. But I wrote down a bunch of, like, I've just never been the type of person who, like, follows celebrities, like, actually, which is totally fine if you are. That's just, like, not me. But I wrote down a few women that I look to for inspiration, and I wrote Oprah Winfrey. Okay, yes. I grew up watching her with my mom, and I remember in, like, literally pre-K, they asked me my favorite show, and I said Oprah because I didn't watch anything else. I always watched Oprah with my mom. And I just think she has such a, like, genuine energy, and I, like, really, I just like her. I think she's a great person, and she's built herself up and has such a, like, genuine relationship with, like, her followers, which I, like, really, I think is sweet, so. Mm-hmm. Yeah. She's a strong woman. Very wise. I used to watch Oprah, too, with my mom and my Grammy. Yeah. Moms love Oprah. Oh, yeah. Kind of going into that, one of my, so I kind of wrote down, after I wrote my mom, my dad, and then, like, obviously people in my close circle, I kind of split it up into different, like, divisions of role models. Like, I have some fashion role models, and then I kind of also really focused on some spiritual role models that I have. And taking what you said about Oprah, Eckhart Tolle, I think that's how you say his last name? Eckhart Tolle. But I wrote him down because, and he talks a lot with Oprah and does, like, interviews and stuff. He wrote The Power of Now, if you ever heard of that. I think I've definitely heard of that. Yeah, you definitely have. And then he wrote A New Earth, which I read over the summer, and it, like, genuinely, I don't want to be dramatic, but, like, it changed, it didn't change, like, the trajectory of my life, but it changed 100% how I think about things, and it stuck with me. But he is also just so wise and, like, knows so much about the spiritual realm and his craft in that sense. And, yeah, I just, he's just so wise, so I look to be more like him. And his whole, a lot of his brand is about being present and staying in the moment, and that's something I definitely strive to do every day. It's so important. Yeah. And, yeah, that's, like, one of his main teachings. And if you are looking for a spiritual book to read, you should definitely look into that. It's a really good one. I love him. My next one I said was Drew Barrymore, because I just think she's, like, really real, and I just respect her for it, and she's had, like, a lot of battles and, like, being in the media at such a young age. Child star. Yeah. That, like, messes you up. I'm pretty sure she's, like, overcome a lot of addiction issues and things like that, and I just think that she's, like, persevered and is really special, and I think she's just a really, like, genuine, kind, real woman. Yeah. I love that. Yeah. Doesn't she have a talk show? Yeah, I love her talk show. She's just so adorable and makes everyone feel so comfortable, I feel like. Yeah. I have seen clips of it. I love her voice. It's so, like, calming. I love her. I love, like, any movie she's in. I love her. Yes. 50 First Dates. So good. So good. Whenever I think of 50 First Dates, I think of the scene of him driving the sailboat to Wouldn't It Be Nice, and he's, like, crying. I love that. That's the funniest scene. It's so good. I need to rewatch it. I haven't seen it in so long. It's so cute. It's kind of, like, a summer vibe, too, because it's, like, yeah, and I'm, like, feeling the summer vibes recently, like, with the weather getting warmer. I'm so excited. Okay. So somebody else that I wrote down kind of more in the style realm but also could go into plenty of other realms is Princess Diana. Okay, I knew you were Princess Diana because I have her written down, too. Okay. I've always loved Princess Diana. I mean, I grew up around my mom was obsessed with her. Like, she would always have, like, different documentaries on, and, like, she had books and magazines, and so did my Grammy. And, like, growing up, I would just, like, look through the books. That's all I would do, like, I remember, and I remember just, like, staring at the pictures. But I think she's just the epitome of class and grace, and I love, love, love her style. It's so classy. Her street style is amazing. And just the way she handled, like, everything with the royal family and all of that and, like, all the stuff she went through in, like, the 90s, but she never, like, embarrassed herself. She was never angry or anything. She just had grace, and I think she's just a really, like, powerful woman. I wish she was still here. I wish she was still here. It's sad. But, yeah, she is an icon. Okay, we have 10 seconds, so we'll talk more about our next one after. Throwback. Go ahead and jump. Yeah. All right, so if you just joined, we're talking about some role models Teagan and I have, and we've both said, both of our parents, Teagan said Drew Barrymore, I said Eckhart Tolle, Princess Diana. Oprah Winfrey. Oprah Winfrey. Yeah, so let's get back into it. Is it mine? Yeah, it's yours. Okay. This is literally, like, the last one that I have written down, and then I have, like, fashion icons. We'll get into that after your next one, but I said that Michelle Obama inspires me. Despite, I feel like, despite, like, your political views, like, you can, like, I just think that she has, like, worked hard relentlessly and is constantly doing things to provide, like, young girls and children with education, healthy habits, and she speaks a lot about poverty alleviation. She does things for veterans, and I just think, overall, she's just a respectable woman and a strong, powerful, like, female figure. Okay. Yeah. Love that. My next one would be, hmm, I have two more. I'm deciding which one I want to pick. Okay, so I picked a YouTuber because I've been watching her literally forever, but it's Hannah Milosh just because I have always loved her, and I know, like, kind of looking to an influencer or a YouTuber as a role model could be, like, taken as, like, you're an idiot, but no. I just love, if you've ever seen Hannah Milosh, like, you get the vibes. Like, she's just so, she works hard. She literally has, like, a jewelry business. She travels all the time, and, like, she's just very, very independent and focused on, I feel like, her goals, but she also, the thing I really admire about her is she, I don't know how to, like, she just allows for herself to, like, also rest. Yeah. Like, she speaks out a lot about that and, like, burnout, and, like, I was watching her recent video about, like, a 2023 recap, and she was talking about just kind of how 2023 was, like, harder for her, and she had to take some time, like, just at home and, like, figuring herself out, and, like, I like how she's very open about that because, I don't know, I just can really relate to her, and she's kind of, like, how I strive to be. She just seems, she's very hardworking, and not that I know her, but, like, from the content she puts out, I think she's just a really good person to look up to. I love that. Yeah? That's, like, also really important because I feel like a lot of people on social media don't, like, ever, like, you're never going to vlog, like, or, not never, but, like, rarely going to vlog, like, have a rest day with me. Like, you're always going to vlog when you're, like, on top of your routine. Yeah. When you're on top of doing things, and I think it's, like, important when influencers speak about, like, how resting is, like, a part of self-care just as much as working out is. Yeah, and she also, I was going to say something. She just has very positive energy in that sense and everything, and I also love her style. She has really good style. It's just, like, simple and also beachy, but also, like, classy. I love it. Yeah? Okay, I put some fashion icons after this. Okay, this is, like, not even, like, them. This is, like, whoever styles them, but I said Rachel and Monica and friends are, like, fashion icons for me. Yes. I just love the way that they dress. I love that, like, 90s style. Rachel especially. I love her. Yeah. I love Monica too, but I just love the way that, like, I love Jennifer Aniston as a person of age. Yeah. And I just love the way that she... She's so gorgeous. She's just, like, she's just so beautiful and seems so kind. Yeah. And I just, like, love her outfits and friends. Yes. I just, like, love the way she's styled. I was just looking, because I had an outfit I wanted to wear the other night, and it had green, I was wearing green cargos, and I was figuring out a top to wear with it, and I was literally looking up, like, inspo pictures, like, Rachel Green outfits with green cargos. Like, she wore green cargos all the time. And she always wears, like, skirts and sweaters. She's so cute. Like, I just love the way she dresses. She's so girly and fun. Yeah, she is. Monica's style is so good too. I love her style. There's this one she wore, I don't know what season it was, but I think I have it, like, pinned on Pinterest or something, but it's, like, a black tight long sleeve, like, I don't know if it's, like, a pullover. I think I know, like, exactly what you're talking about. And then she wore, like, a longer necklace with it. Yeah. And it's so pretty. Like, she's also gorgeous. Yes. Yes. Yes. Oh, my gosh. I love Friends. I've been saying I need to re-watch it. I know. I started re-watching it, and then I stopped, but I have to continue. Yeah. It's so comfort. I know, it is. Another thing about Rachel Green slash Jennifer Aniston is her hair. She literally can pull off any hairstyle. I love all the hairstyles she has, even though I've heard her say, like, in interviews, she hated, like, her earlier season haircut, like, the Rachel, because, like, everybody got that haircut. Okay, but that was, like, so iconic. No, I do like that hairstyle, but, like, literally throughout the seasons, every hairstyle, she pulls off. Every single one of her eras? Yes. I really liked the shorter hair, but she said she hated that. Yeah. Yeah, of course she pulled it off, like. She's Jennifer Aniston. No, yeah. Come on. She's so natural. She's such a queen. I love Jennifer Aniston. I know. I love her. Yeah, okay. Jennifer Aniston, come guest on our show. Yeah, come on. And Courtney Koch. Courtney Koch, like, we want you both. Stop. That would be iconic. That would be such a good combo. I feel like that combo would just flow. It would flow so easily. Come on. Yeah. All right, my last one is Erin Andrews. Do you know who that is? She's, like, the sideline reporter for the NFL. Okay. You might recognize her. So coming into college, I, like, really wanted to go into sports communication and be a sideline reporter. But now I've kind of, like, backed away from that, and I'm thinking about other stuff. But I've just always, literally, from the time I started watching football with my dad, I've loved Erin Andrews and just, like, looked up to her. And even if I don't end up going into sports communication and, like, sideline reporting, I still, like, look up to her as an amazing, like, career woman. She's just very composed and educated, and she's just, like, a girl boss because, like, she knows what she's talking about, and she's, like, one of the first female sideline reporters that, like, everybody that watches, like, football, like, knows her name. Like, yeah, she's the first one to, like, make a name for herself, and, like, she really knows what she's talking about. And she also has a podcast, and she's just really funny and, like, charismatic, so I love that about her. And she's so open. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Yeah, I love how, like, and she's so confident about it. Yeah, she's, yeah, I love her. So, yeah. My next one is, like, another fashion person, and, like, it's so basic, but I have Audrey Hepburn now. Oh, yes. I just, like, love, she's just, like, class and beauty, and I just, like, love her. She is, and she was also so smart. Yeah. She was, like, inspirational. She was another girl boss. She was another girl boss. She acted. She was an innovative queen. Yeah, she was. She really was. I don't have this written down, but if I had to say another fashion role model, it would be, do you know who Carolyn Bassett-Kennedy is? Mm-hmm. Yeah, she's mega one of my fashion, like, role models. I love her style, and she worked for Calvin Klein. Like, so iconic. Her just street style is so, it's so simple, yet classy, but I love it. I feel like Princess Diana's, like, would, like, shop at Brandy Melville. Criminal. No, but, like, it's, like, what, her actual, like, style is what Brandy Melville, like, tries to replicate in a way, you know what I mean? Like, with, like, her oversized, like, graphic sweatshirts and stuff like that. Like, it's just what Brandy Melville replicates. I feel like Rachel Green more so. Yeah, I get that, too. Yeah. Yeah. Like baby tees and stuff. Yeah, definitely. Brandy Melville is very 90s. I love Brandy Melville. Very. I know, too. I do, too. I know, too. I do, too. I can't. I tried on the cutest cargos from there, like, three months ago, and they were just so tight. To me, like, this Harvard sweatshirt is, like, what Brandy is trying to, like, give. That is, yeah. Her street style definitely, like, Brandy channels. Yeah, like her street style. Yeah. No, I got what you mean. Like, she was, like, poppin' in the 90s, and they're very 90s. Oh, my God, the 90s are, like, such a good era. That's a style I strive for, just 90s fashion. Me, too. Which, like, is back in style, so, like, I guess I'm just a trend. Yeah. A trend hopper. I'm a trend follower, but that's okay. Yeah, it's fine. All right, guys, we'll be back. Yarby, y'all. All right, guys, so we're going to wrap up our little show for today. We talked about some of our role models. We hope you guys enjoyed. I thought this was a fun topic. I think it was really fun. Yeah, and we're also making a Go Live With Us on TikTok, so make sure to check that out, and it'll probably be posted on Instagram as a reel as well. Yeah, y'all know the account. Yeah. NapTownNatives. No underscore, no nothing. Come on now. You guys know that by now. Yeah, come on. But, yeah, make sure to also check out WCCU on Spotify, because you will find plenty of NapTown Natives episodes on there that you can stream and binge and listen to when you walk to class, clean your room, do anything. Super fun. We're super fun to listen to, if you guys can tell. Yeah, come on. I love to talk, and y'all love to listen. Yeah, come on now. All right, we got to get to Hicks, so. Yeah, catch us at the dining hall. We'll probably be doing a little bit of content about that also. Yeah, maybe like a meetup or something. Oh, yeah, like a group meetup. Meetup at Hicks. If y'all are listening and you want to meet us at Hicks in the next five minutes, like, we're there. Maybe we'll sign a few t-shirts. Yeah, we'll see. Maybe we'll have some merch coming out soon. We'll see. Maybe we'll have some partnerships coming up, actually. Yeah, that could actually be a possibility. Well, everything we're saying is in the works, so. Yeah. Every guest we said today is in the works. Isaiah Likely, Jennifer Aniston, Kourtney Cox, Kid Tutty. They're all going to be here. They're all coming. So, you know what, guys? Stay tuned. Stay tuned. We love y'all. You're listening to WCCU Radio, Coastal Carolina University Student Radio Station. Bye. Bye, y'all. Bye.

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