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The speaker discusses the interactions between Jesus and Pilate leading up to Jesus' crucifixion. Pilate is caught in the middle and tries to please the crowd by presenting Jesus as innocent, but the crowd demands his crucifixion. The Jewish people struggle to accept Jesus as the Messiah because he does not fit their expectations of a king. The speaker emphasizes the importance of knowing and understanding God, even if he does not always meet our expectations. The story also includes the conversation between Jesus and the criminals crucified alongside him. me, that many times we make these ideas, we make these characters, we put these people in boxes without speaking to them. And that becomes very dangerous, cuando nosotros sin hablar con alguien, empezamos a imaginarnos como esa persona es, impedimos la relación que podemos tener con ellos. We stop that relationship that we can have with them. We stop that small conversation we can have simply because in our minds we have a character that's not real. Y eso me llevaba a la palabra de Dios. El día de hoy nos vamos a enfocar en la vida de Jesús, específicamente en la muerte de Jesús, pero no tanto la muerte, but the interactions Jesus has leading up to his death. And todos sabemos de que Jesús era el Hijo de Dios, proclaimed to be the Son of God. Sabemos de que vino y los judíos no le gustaban a Jesús, simplemente porque Jesús, he was committing blasphemy to them. Jesus was proclaiming to be the Son of God, and that was taking attention away from the Jewish leaders, which, if you are a Jewish leader, you wouldn't be happy if a random guy came saying, I'm God. And then the people who listen to you, who follow you, don't follow you anymore, and they start following this random guy. And we get to the point where Jesus is sold, cuando Jesús es vendido por Judas. Y ahí nos vamos a enfocar en la relación que Jesús tiene y el encuentro que Pilato tiene con Jesús, specifically when Jesus is given to Pilate. And I want us to go to John 19, 2 to 3. Y lo que me llama la atención es de como en los evangelios, la vida de Jesús, it's told four different times, throughout the Gospels, throughout different writers. And what drawed my attention was specifically John and Luke, and we're going to look at specifically the conversation that Pilate has with Jesus. And before Jesus has the conversation with Pilate, we see that Pilate is fed up with the Jews. The Jews have given Jesus to him, and now they're asking for the crucifixion of God. They're asking for Jesus' death. And they keep asking, we want him dead, we want him dead. And Pilate was not really a good guy or a bad guy. Pilate was the man in the middle. He was not for God, and he was not against God. Pilato no estaba en favor con Jesús, ni en contra de Jesús. Lo único que Pilato estaba haciendo era cumpliendo, he was satisfying the people, the crowd. And John 19, 2, it says, the soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on his head. They clothed him in a purple robe and went up to him again and again, saying, Hail, King of the Jews. And they slapped him in the face. Verse 5, when Jesus came out wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe, Pilate said to them, Here is the man. As soon as the chief priests and their officers saw him, they shouted, Crucify, crucify. But Pilate answered, You take him and crucify him. As for me, I find no bias for a charge against this man. Como les decía, Pilato hasta este punto no había tenido la conversación con Jesús. Pilato solo había visto a Jesús, y en los ojos de Pilato, él sabía de que Jesús, he was not guilty. He was an innocent man. But Pilate having his hands tied, and the crowd wanting Jesus, is when we see the uproar, and we see them yell and shout, Crucify him. Later on, verse 7, it says, The Jewish leaders insisted, We have a law. And according to that law, he must die, because he claimed to be the son of God. When Pilate heard this, he was even more afraid, and he went back inside the palace. Where do you come from, he asked Jesus. But Jesus gave him no answer. Do you refuse to speak to me, Pilate said. Don't you realize I have the power either to free or to crucify you? Jesus answered, You will have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore, the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin. From then on, Pilate tried to set Jesus free. But the Jewish leaders kept shouting, If you let this man go, you are no friend of Caesar. Anyone who claims to be the king opposes Caesar. This is when we see the conversation between Jesus and Pilate. And many times we believe that Jesus has to present himself to us in a magical way. He must do a magic trick. He must make his angels come from heaven and do something cool to speak to us. But Jesus was simply himself before Pilate. He didn't do anything out of this world. He didn't proclaim anything. He just spoke the truth. And he said, No authority that is not given from the Father. Why should I fear? In other words, Jesus knew what was coming. And he was not worried about the circumstance that he was in. He knew it was the plan of God. But what draws my attention is that when we read before, it says they covered Jesus in a purple robe. And we all know that the purple robe is signified as royalty. We know that the Jewish people would wear purple to signify that you're part of the royal family. So in a way, what the Romans were doing were making fun of Jesus, saying, This is the king. This is the person you guys call to be the son of God. He's dressed in purple. And they even went as far as to make a crown of thorns. We all know that kings wear crowns, but a crown should not be painful. A crown should be something that your pride is, I'm the king. But as placing that crown over Jesus, they're signifying that he's being made fun of. And later on in Luke, we also see the same situation happen. But this time, the book of Luke tells it a little bit differently. In Luke, we find that Pilate says that Jesus is from Galilee. So back then, Pilate was not in control of that region. So he had to send him the king herald. So Pilate sends Jesus the king herald, and Jesus is before king herald. King herald was excited to meet Jesus, not because he believed in God, not because he knew he was the son of God, but because he wanted to see what the hype was about Jesus. He wanted Jesus to perform a miracle. He wanted to see what Jesus was made of. And throughout the book of Luke, when Jesus is presented before herald, Jesus doesn't say a word. King herald tries to provoke. King herald tries to get a reaction out of Jesus. But there's not a time in the book of Luke that's registered that Jesus does something against king herald, or even speaks up. So then king herald, being bored, he says, This man is innocent. Sends him back to Pilate. Then Pilate, the story we read in John, is told again, where the crowd is going crazy saying they want Jesus. And what's interesting is, like I said in the beginning, there's many times when we stop having a conversation with somebody because we have this idea of who they are in our heads already. And that's exactly what happened to Jesus. The Jewish people were waiting for a Messiah, but didn't come in the form they were expecting. So by Jesus proclaiming to be God, Jesus saying that he was the Son of God, they didn't believe because in the prophecies they were supposed to say it was going to be a king coming from heaven. He was going to free the people. He was going to overthrow the Roman government, and he was going to free the Jewish people. But what they were left with was Jesus of Nazareth. The Jesus we know, the carpenter, the one who was born in a stable, that's the Jesus, the humble Jesus. And in their minds they couldn't comprehend that this was the Messiah because in their mind the Messiah was going to be a king. And by looking at Jesus being beat, being made fun of, to them that was no king. And Luke 23, Luke 23, 20 is where we see Pilate speak to Jesus again. And the Word of God says, wanting to release Jesus, Pilate appealed to them again, but they kept shouting, crucify him, crucify him. For the third time he spoke to them, why, what crime has this man committed? I have found in him no grounds for the death penalty. Therefore, I will have him punished, then release him. But with the loud shouts they insistently demanded that he be crucified. And their shouts prevailed, and Pilate decided to grant their demand. Here we see again that Pilate already knew, already had this relationship, this encounter with Jesus. By simply speaking to him, by simply being one-on-one with God, he knew God's identity. He knew that the person who was before him was not just Jesus of Nazareth, but there was something special to him. And that's what takes me to the title of the preach. The worth in knowing you, the worth in knowing God. We don't know God, therefore we don't believe in him. So when he presents himself before us, we don't know who this Jesus is. We're expecting a king, we're expecting what the Jews expected. Someone who comes from the clouds up above to free his people with glory and power, but many times God is knocking the door of our hearts day after day, day after day, and we refuse to accept that entry from God. We refuse to realize who God is simply because he's not the God we imagined. Simply because the God we think of is a God who answers all our prayers. A God who is willing to send his angels and save us whenever we want, but it's not the God who hears our prayers and doesn't answer. The God who doesn't give us everything we want when we ask, but that's the God we serve. A God who won't spoil his children, but a God who's fair and just. And to carry on the story of the crucifixion, we get to the cross. And on the cross, we all know that there were two people besides Jesus. Two criminals. And the word of God says, those men deserve to be up there. They were criminals, but Jesus wasn't. And once again, we have an interaction. Jesus, yet again, doesn't do anything out of this world. He doesn't proclaim, doesn't send angels to free him, but simply responds to a statement that one of the criminals made. And we see how one of the criminals says to Jesus, once again trying to provoke like King Harold, if you're really God, free yourself. And while you're at it, free us too. And show us your power. And the other criminal was like, shut up. You don't understand the man who's here. We deserve to be here. We are criminals. But the guy who's in front of us in that cross is not supposed to be here. And his sinful nature and knowing that he deserved that punishment, he says to God, remember me. Remember me in your kingdom. And the response God gives is, I won't remember you because you'll be there with me. If we go to Luke 23, it's the story of 23, 46, and 49 is when we have the encounter with the two men on the cross. And it says, I'm sorry, Luke 23, 39-43, it says, one of the criminals hanging beside him scoffed, so you're the Messiah, are you? Prove it by saving yourself and us too while you're at it. But the other criminal protested, don't you fear God even when you have been sentenced to die? We deserve to die for our crimes, but this man hasn't done anything wrong. Then he said, Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom. And Jesus replied, I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise. When we read this story, when we read the story of the criminal, many would like it to be us, that we can live our lives how we want and in the last moment be able to say, God, I accept you. God, forgive me for everything I've done and allow me to go into heaven. But, we don't realize that the opportunity to be with God, the opportunity to experience the fullness of God, to be able to live in that holiness, that joy, is presented every day. At least the one on the cross recognized, recognized that it was God. He recognized an act of faith saying, remember me. Even the words he said, he didn't feel worthy to enter. I tell him, remember me. But now, God tells us, I'm not going to have to remember you because you're going to be there with me. When it comes to praying, we pray for, not because we want to grow a relationship, but because it's a necessity. It's something that we need in our lives in the very moment. And, we tend to forget that the same way God can answer our prayers, God doesn't have to answer anything. The same way God can present himself before us, he doesn't have to present himself. But, because he's merciful, but because he's so loving, he gives us the opportunity, nos da la oportunidad, dia tras dia, de tener esta relación con él. Y me ponía a pensar, ¿qué pasaría si esa oportunidad se fuera? De que Jesús tocando la puerta una y otra vez, y de que no respondiéramos, de que la oportunidad ya no estuviera ahí. Que la oportunidad de nosotros estar en el paraíso, no pudieras, it wasn't on the table anymore. And, rightfully so, it happened to one of the Roman soldiers. One of the Roman soldiers was there when Jesus was crucified, and I bet you he was there when they were making fun of him, when they dressed him in purple, when they put the crown of thorns over his head, and they said, this is the king of the Jews, and they laughed, and they spit in his face. And then when it comes to Jesus dying, and when it came to the criminals dying, and the people on the cross dying, the tradition was to break their legs. That after they were dead, they would grab a spear, una lanza, and they would break their bones. And, the prophecy came true, and it said no bone would be broken on him. So, instead of his legs being broken, they grabbed the spear, and they impaled the side of him. And as they impale him, blood doesn't come out anymore, but it's water. And it's at that moment that the Roman soldier realized what he had done, that he had killed the Son of God. But it was too late for him, because the deed was done. He had killed God already. There was nothing he could do to revive God. And many times, that's what we do to God. We, we, we ask for God to be in our lives, but only when we need Him. We go into the world, and get covered in sin. Nos vamos y nos cubrimos de pecado en el mundo. Y después, cuando la oportunidad de conocer a Dios ya no está, we don't know what to do. And it's like, God was there, day after day, and you missed the opportunities. God was knocking, God was there, and you didn't take advantage of that time that He was there with you. And then when the opportunity was no longer there, is when you begin to ask God, where are you? When God was there every step of the way? Luke 23, 46-49 is the story. And it says, When Jesus shouted, Father, I entrust my spirit into your hands. And with those words, He breathed his last. When the Roman officer overseeing the execution saw what happened, he worshiped God and said, Truly, this man was innocent. And when all the crowd that had come to see the crucifixion saw what happened, they went home in deep sorrow. But Jesus' friends, including the women who had followed him from Galilee, stood at the distance watching. We can tell that from Pilato, to the men on the cross, to the Roman soldier, it was encounters with God. And at least, in the case of Pilato, his hands were tied, you could say. He couldn't free Jesus, but in his heart he wanted to. The Word of God said he tried, he pleaded to the crowd, don't kill him. He even brought Barrabas. And he was like, I'll make them pick the criminal or Jesus. And in his mind, he was like, there's no way they're going to pick Barrabas. This man's a murderer. And there's a man who's only claimed to be God. That's not a crime into my eyes. And when he brings both of them out and he says, ¿A quién quieren? ¿A Barrabas o a Jesús? Y todos decían, ¡A Barrabas! ¡Barrabas! ¡Maten a Jesús! ¡Crucifiquen a Jesús! Y era porque no habían conocido a Jesús. Ese encuentro no había pasado en las vidas de los judíos. Y Pilato simplemente tuvo esa conversación con él. Y la palabra decía de que Pilate was unbiased before speaking. And it wasn't until after he spoke to Jesus and Jesus opened his eyes that he tried to save Jesus. The Word of God said it. So, he tried three times to free Jesus because he knew he was innocent. He even went as far as saying, ¡He is yours! ¡You crucify him! I clean my hands because this man is innocent. And then we have the case of the guy on the cross. That you can say it's us. Que somos nosotros. Día tras día tenemos la oportunidad de encontrarnos con Jesús. Tener ese encuentro con Jesús. Pero muchas veces tomas el acto de fe. Sabiendo de que somos pecadores. Sabiendo de que hemos fallado. Que no importando las manchas. Como el hombre que estaba en la cruz dijo, yo sé que merezco estar en esta cruz. Pero él no. Es ahí donde Jesús puede entrar en nuestros corazones. Es ahí donde Jesús puede transformar nuestras vidas. It's only then when God can become who He is. His true identity. And take control of what belongs to Him. We have the other case of the Roman soldier. Who was there when Jesus was being beaten. He was there when Jesus was walking with the cross. He was there making fun of Him. And it wasn't until he lost Jesus, until he realized what he had done, that he lost the Savior. He lost the Messiah. Y muchas veces nos encontramos en esta situación de que nos envolvemos en el pecado. Nos alejamos de Dios. Darnos cuenta que necesitamos el amor de Dios. Nos vamos al mundo. El mundo nos hace pedazos. Nos convertimos. We become puppets of the enemy to realize that God loved us. To realize that there was a purpose in our lives. But I tell you, there's no need to go out into the world to know that God is in this place. And He's loving and calling every single one of us. It's just a matter of faith and a matter of saying, I need you God. Pero muchas veces no queremos tomar ese paso. No queremos tener ese encuentro con Jesús. No queremos tener esa conversación. To know God's worth. To know the worth in His life. In our lives. Because once He enters our lives, it's when He can change us. It's when He can start transforming us. It's when God can start doing things that we weren't able to do on our own. But we have to get close to God. There is no I'm going to be away from God and God will act in my life. No podemos estar separados de la presencia de Dios o intentar vivir una vida lejos de Él. Y cuando oremos, pensemos de que todo se está moviendo to our plan. When we only pray when it's a necessity. When we pray because we want something out of God. What are we truly doing with Him? It's not an encounter. It's a beneficial relationship. It's something that it's only used when it's convenient to us. And like I said, the worth in knowing who He is. I want to end off with this verse that's in Jeremiah 31-34. And it says, And they will not need to teach their neighbors, nor they will need to teach their relatives, saying, You should know the Lord. For everyone from the least to the greatest will know Me already, says the Lord. And I will forgive them from their wickedness, and I will never again remember their sins. Una promesa del Señor, que si solamente nos entregaramos ante Él, si solamente le dijéramos al Señor, Aquí estoy, He can clean us. Many times it's that sincere prayer. I bet you that what draw God, what draw Jesus to the criminal was not the words that He said, but it was the heart in which He believed in God. Not knowing who this man was, because before that encounter, He was just another person to Him. He said that Jesus was the Messiah. Jesus was the Son of God. And this man who was rightfully, not rightfully, who was wrongly put on the cross, was there, dying. And he knew his crimes. He knew he was a criminal. So in his mind, he couldn't comprehend why an innocent man was there. And it was that conviction. It was that peak of interest. And who is this man? If there truly is a kingdom, I want to be part of that. And that simple prayer, that simple, I want what He has, was what earned Him His salvation. And tonight is the night when the salvation of God can enter into our hearts. But not only enter, but be something that's a daily thing. It's not only I accept God tonight, and then I come next Friday, and I accept Him again, and I accept Him again. You can do that, but what's the point of living that life when you're treating God as a toy? What's the point of saying, I can repent later? How about if there is no repentance later? How about if it's like the Roman soldier when the time you sin is your last time? There's no more mercy after that. There's no more forgiveness. And you wouldn't have the opportunity that the criminal had where in his dying moments, he was able to go to heaven. Many of us may not have the opportunity to repent at the last breath. So it's not a matter of playing with God. It's a matter of living a rightful life with God. So there where you are, if you can bow your heads and start to think how many times has God presented Himself before us and we've rejected Him. Just think of the opportunities that God has given us, how many times He has spoken, how many times He has been gentle with us and has been loving time after time, and we've rejected Him. And it didn't matter that we rejected Him, but His love was for us. He cried once again, over and over and over again, simply because He loved us. My heart was bruised He was there for us. The sacrifice of Jesus and His sacrifice for us, that sacrifice was for every single one of us so that now we may have the opportunity to go before His presence, to go before Him and say, God, I need you. The same way the criminal was able to confess and was able to say, God, allow me to be part of that heaven, remember me. That tonight you may say, God, don't only remember me, but let me be a member of that kingdom. Let me be part of what you promised. I'm tired of trying this life without you. I'm tired of failing you. And for the opportunity to slip away, I want what you have. And that's that joy, that peace, that only you can give. Here where you are, through Jesus, with your eyes closed, putting this time in God's hands. I want to make the calling, if anybody, if no one has been accepted by Jesus, if no one, if no one has been accepted by God tonight, tonight's the opportunity to, tonight's the night to say, God, here I am before you. I know that I'm a sinner. I know that I have failed. If there's no one in this place who wants to accept Jesus Christ, now I make the second calling for repentance, for saying, God, I truly don't know who you are, but I want to get to know you. Tonight is the opportunity in which we can know God. Tonight is the night where you can say, God, I want your Holy Spirit. And all it takes is an act of faith. All it takes is to say, God, here I am. Here are my problems. Here are my things. Take them, and do as you see fit. If you want prayer, please raise your hand. We will come to you and pray over you that you can know that there's power in prayer. There's power when we give our lives to God and we truly understand the reason why we're praying, the reason why we raise our hands. Tonight is the night where God calls us once again, making that call. We don't know if tonight will be the last call. We don't know that after this it will be too late and the end of the line. So why not give our lives to Christ, knowing that if we give our lives to Christ, truthfully, willingly, knowing that we know that we have a place back in the kingdom of God. This is the night that we can raise our hands, Lord. Here we are, saying and praying, asking that you are transforming me, God. Asking that you are transforming me, God. We give our lives to you, Lord. Keep praying there with the Lord. Do you know Jesus? That is the question that you need to ask yourself. Do you know who He is? Have you had an encounter with Him? Has He shown you His love? Has He shown you who He is? Maybe there's areas of your life that you haven't given to Him. Maybe you keep falling back into the same sin. Probably. Probably. It's because you don't know who God is. You don't know who Jesus is. But tonight, tonight you have the opportunity to see Him face to face. The Word of God says that His sacrifice was good enough so you could go before the Father and ask for His presence. He said that anyone who comes to God under His name and prays for His Spirit and prays for His truth will receive it. Today is the moment that you tell Jesus that you want to know Him. That you tell Jesus, Lord, I want to know You. Speak to Him. Tell Him, Lord, I want to know You. Where is your life going without Jesus? Where is your walk going without Jesus? A path of destruction, of death, of solitude, of sin? Only if Jesus is present. Only if Jesus comes. That is the only way. That is the only way. Aren't you tired of this loneliness? Aren't you tired of feeling broken? Aren't you tired of feeling alone? Aren't you tired of going home to the same reality? Aren't you tired of looking inside of your heart and see nothing? See pain, see rejection, see sin, see destruction? Jesus is in this place and He is willing to show you His face. Now the question is, Rodrigo, what do I have to do to get to know this Jesus? What do I have to do to truly get an encounter with Him? Just ask. Just ask Him. Just say, Jesus, show me Your face. Say, Jesus, show me Your glory. Say, Jesus, show me Your mercy. Jesus, show me Your love. And then the devil will say, Jesus, show me Your heart. You're not feeling anything. Nothing is changing. And that's when you grab the promise that He said. God said to everybody, this is the new commitment. Anyone who comes to me, anyone who claims that Jesus is Lord and believes in His heart, on her heart, that He came, that He died, that He rose from the dead, and that now He's sitting to the right hand of the Father, you will be called His. That's all it takes. Maybe you've been sinning away from Him, living a life of destruction, living a life of sin, of selfishness. As simple, I'm sorry. It's enough. That's it. Just come to Him and say, I'm sorry, Jesus. Say, I'm sorry, Father. Because even though I knew the truth, even though I knew what was right, I decided to do everything else. Tonight, by the power of Christ and His mighty name, I pray so the truth of Christ is revealed in your heart. So the truth of Christ is revealed to you. You lifted up the veil and since I've seen you, whatever gain I may have, I count it all as loss. I can feel how the presence of God is starting to touch hearts. Speak, Father. Speak, Jesus. Maybe you feel without a purpose. Maybe you feel like you're going nowhere. If that's you, do me a favor, raise your hand real high. If you feel like you're stuck and you're not going anywhere and you feel like you're just dying slowly and you feel like there's no solution for the situation of your life, it might be sin, it might be the situation in your family. If you feel stuck in whatever area of your life, please raise your hand. This is what God is saying. He says, son, daughter, it's not your purpose. It has never been your purpose. It's mine, says God. And tonight, says the Lord. Tonight, He says to you, I want you, says God. I want you to be part of my vision. I want you to be part of my purpose. I want you to be part of my calling. And even though the devil is telling you that your life is going nowhere, God is telling you, my purpose, says God, my calling, where I am walking, is the path of life and He is taking you with Him. It does not matter the death that is around you. It does not matter the destruction that is around you. It does not matter the generational curses that might be around you. Your mistakes do not matter because God is telling you, I want you to be part of my purpose. I want you to be part of my calling. It is the only purpose that matters. It is the only one that matters. So in that fear that the devil might put in your heart, in those questions, in all of those lies, this is what you do. You close your eyes real tight and the voices will be coming to you. The loneliness will be knocking at your heart. The lies will be knocking. El diablo te va a estar acusando. And in there, you ask Jesus, let me see your glory. Let me see your grace. Let me see your grace. Let me see your mercy. And I promise you, it's not my promise, it's His promise, that in that moment you will see His truth. In that moment, you will see who He is. That in that moment, He will show you what He wants to do with your life. So there, in that reality where you are stuck, in that reality where you feel like you're moving nowhere, keep your hands real high. There you tell Him, Jesus, I follow you. Tell Him, Jesus, today I make the conscious decision to follow you, to follow you, Lord. The devil will tell you that you will live in that sin and in that failure. He will tell you that your family relationship will remain the same. Now I tell you from God, I tell you from your Father that His ways are not your ways, that His thoughts are not your thoughts. Everything that seemed that Satan stole from you many years ago, the Spirit of God is here. Innocence, peace, today, in the mighty name of Jesus of Nazareth, everything that hell stole in this youth, the vision of Christ is in your eyes. And in Christ everything is redeemed, everything. Be filled with His presence, be filled with His love. A hug from God that tells you, I was always there I was always there I have always been there always. Neither life nor death nor angels nor princes nor the present nor the future nor anything created that could separate you from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus, your Lord. In Christ Jesus I am the one you love. Be filled with Him, be filled with His presence, be filled with His love. If you feel alone, alone, if you feel abandoned, abandoned, that no one understands you, raise your hands very high. We are all with our eyes closed, do not worry. Raise them very high. And today, in the mighty name of Jesus, you and I together we are going to pray so that the love of Christ descends in your life. Do not lower your hands, leave them there. It is not the act of raising your hands but the act of humiliating you and saying, Lord, I need you. That's why it matters. That's why I tell you to raise your hands. The magic is not in raising your hands. We raise our hands as an act of need and of saying, I am not ashamed to ask God for help. If you have felt without love, if you have felt rejected, today raise your hands. Holy Spirit, your word says, Jesus, you said it, that everything I ask of the Father in your name would be done. You said, I am leaving, but I leave you a comforter. Today we are in need of you, my God. Our heart feels small. Our vision seems to shrink more and more and it seems that the world and hell do not let us find the way and today this youth cries for you. All rejection in your life, in the mighty name of Jesus of Nazareth I tear it away. All loneliness I throw you away by the mighty name of Jesus. Let the love of God embrace you. Do not worry about who is by your side. Do not worry. And let his love, let his mercy fill your heart. The Lord loves you. The Lord loves you. The Lord loves you, son. The Lord loves you, daughter. He loves you so much that he is on the right side of the Father and day after day he speaks to the Father in voice. And he tells him how he made you so perfectly and when you sin he comes and he's like Father, wait. I have a calling. I have a purpose on them. And he intercedes day and night for your life because he loves you because he cares for you because he cares for you. Oh Holy Spirit give us your love. Give us the love of the Father that we need so much. I can see how peace is being put in your heart. Let the peace of Christ flood your heart. I felt like the weight is lifted away. Let go. Let go of the rejection. Let go of the sin. Let go of everything. On the cross of Jesus. On the cross of Jesus. Don't get tired of praying. Don't get tired of talking to him. Don't go. Don't go. I beg you for this youth. Jesus, I beg you for this youth. Where will they go if you don't present yourself? Where will they walk if you don't present yourself? Today in the mighty name of Jesus of Nazareth I tell you on behalf of God that he has called you son and he has called you daughter and that I believe for each one of you I believe that he will lift you up and that he will lift you up and that he will lift you up and that he will lift you up and that he will lift you up and that he will lift you up and that he will lift you up and that he will lift you up and that he will lift you up and that he will lift you up and that he will lift you up and that he will lift you up and that he will lift you up and that he will lift you up and that he will lift you up and that he will lift you up and that he will lift you up and that he will lift you up and that he will lift you up and that he will lift you up and that he will lift you up and that he will lift you up and that he will lift you up and that he will lift you up and that he will lift you up and that he will lift you up and that he will lift you up and that he will lift you up Muchos conocerán a Jesús Este es el cristianismo, muy bien Esto es seguir a Jesús La paz que está inundando tu corazón No solo vos la sentís Todos la estamos sintiendo Esto es seguir a Jesús Va mucho más allá de gritar Va mucho más allá de hacer alardes Es esa relación entre tu corazón con aquel que te amó El Espíritu de Dios está en este lugar Estamos casi terminados Tengo una tercera llamada para hacer No te estoy pidiendo que te vayas de mi corazón No te estoy pidiendo que te vayas de mi corazón No te estoy pidiendo que te vayas de mi corazón No te estoy pidiendo que te vayas de mi corazón No te estoy pidiendo si lo sientes o no Pero Dios tiene un propósito y un plan en todos nosotros Pero Él pregunta esta noche ¿Me seguirás? Él no te pregunta lo perfecto, lo bueno o lo malo que has sido Había un pescador llamado Peter Día y noche no podía pescar nada Y entonces Jesús le dijo a este hombre ¡Deja de todo y sígueme! Y sígueme, dijo Jesús Y en ese momento Peter no se volvió perfecto En ese momento Peter se volvió discípulo de Cristo Así que la pregunta que Él tiene esta noche es, primero ¿Quieres ser mi discípulo? Y segundo ¿Me podrías dejar transformar tu vida para que pueda transformar miles? ¿Quieres dejar que Jesús venga y quieres ser su discípulo y seguirle? Pon tus manos arriba y di Jesús, te sigo Y dile a Jesús ¡Te sigo! Me he puesto abajo Me he puesto todas las cosas que tengo en mis manos abajo ¡Y te sigo! ¡Todas las penas las he puesto abajo! ¡Toda la dolor la he puesto abajo! ¡Mi propia fuerza, Jesús, la he puesto abajo! ¡Y te sigo! ¿Quieres ser su discípulo? ¡Dile a Dios, quiero seguirle! ¡Dile, yo te seguiré! ¡Es una cosa hermosa! ¡Es que no te pregunta! ¿Qué tan bien te estás haciendo? ¿Qué tan bien te estás haciendo? ¡No te pregunta! ¿Qué tan perfecto eres? ¡No te pregunta! ¿Qué tan preparado eres? ¡Todo lo que te pregunta es! ¿Me seguirás? ¿Me seguirás, dice Jesús? ¿Me vas a seguir, dice Jesús? ¿Me vas a seguir, dice Jesús? Dices una respuesta que sólo vos se la podés dar que sólo vos le podés decir ¡Decirle, Jesús, usame! ¡Jesús, acércate a mí! ¡Jesús, acércate a mi corazón! ¡Tres minutos más! Tomate estos últimos minutos para decirle a Jesús que lo querés aprender a amar que te podés estar amando al final, sino ahí en el silencio ahí con tus palabras ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Quiero amar más! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! ¡Decirle, Señor! Estamos muy agradecidos por su vida y por lo que Dios está haciendo en ella. Así que, si pudiéramos todos... ¡Oh! Casi rompiste el pastel que yo hice, por cierto. Oh, Dios mío. Es un poco sucio. Bien. Si pudiéramos todos cantar feliz cumpleaños. Tres, dos, uno. ¡Feliz cumpleaños para ti! ¡Feliz cumpleaños para ti! ¡Feliz cumpleaños, querida Daniela! ¡Feliz cumpleaños para ti! Ya queremos pastel. Ya queremos pastel. Aunque sea un pedazote. Pero queremos pastel. Y juguito también. Los Coca-Cola es band. Si los líderes pueden venir a ayudar a orar por nuestra hermana. Poderoso Dios, te damos gracias, Señor, por la vida de Daniela. Te damos gracias, Señor, porque tú la tienes aquí, Señor. Firme, Señor, en ti, en tu palabra. Que sea tu Espíritu Santo llenándola, Señor. Guiándola, Señor, por cada parte de su vida, Señor. Que seas tú, Señor, orando por medio de ella, Señor. Usándola, Señor, en formas tan poderosas, Señor. Guárdala, Señor, de todo mal. Guíala, Señor. Y que sea tu plan hecho, Señor, en su vida. Que la puedas usar, Señor, como un Señor, como una fuente, Señor, para ayudar a otros, Señor. Gracias, Señor, por todo lo que estás haciendo, Señor. Que ella siempre pueda permanecer en ti, Señor. Que toda la honra y gloria sea para ti. En tu poderoso nombre, Señor, lo pedimos, Señor. Gracias, Rey Santo. Gracias, poderoso Dios. Amén y amén. Amén. ¿Se pueden sentar? Mientras les pasan el snack, les quiero recordar que los que se van a bautizar, bueno, los que se quieren bautizar y no se han acercado a mí, aparte de los que ya se acercaron a mí, que se acerquen y me dejen saber para ponerlos en la lista. Si no tienen dudas por qué nos bautizamos o por qué se hace todo esto, vamos a tener una clase también de por qué se hace. También hay un grupo de muchachos con los que he hablado acerca de ciertas cosas, de unas clases para predicar. ¿Quiénes están aquí? Bueno, se me han perdido varios. Lo vamos a hacer junio 8. Sí, junio 8 es sábado. ¿Me puede revisar, por favor? No me acuerdo si es 8 o 4, se me fue el avión. Gracias, es junio 8, que es un sábado, a la 1 de la tarde en la oficina de arriba. Y vamos a tener que hablar en público. Los que quieren ser parte de las clases de predicar, lo vamos a hacer probablemente cuatro sábados. No quiere decir que lo vamos a poner a predicar acá. Los que ya hablaron conmigo ya los tengo en la lista. Mayo se está acabando. ¿Qué viene después de mayo? ¡Junio! Y en junio está el 1 de junio, 2 de junio, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Llegas al 20, ¿cierto? 20 de junio, 21 de junio, 22 de junio, 23 de junio y 24 de junio. Si no saben, ese es el día en donde el mundo cambió por completo. Está el nacimiento de Jesús y después junio 24. Es donde nació Messi y donde el día que nací yo. Es un martes, soy talla 10 y medio de zapatos. Dios los bendiga. Los bendiga. Los bendiga. Los bendiga. Los bendiga. Los bendiga. Los bendiga. Los bendiga. Los bendiga. Los bendiga. 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