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Curiosity is discussed between two roommates who are on the basketball team. They talk about the different types of curiosity: puzzle curiosity and mystery curiosity. One roommate prefers puzzle curiosity, while the other finds it harder to engage in mystery curiosity. They also discuss the importance of curiosity in relationships and how being curious can make someone more attractive. They mention that curiosity can sometimes be harmful, but it can also lead to important discoveries. Lastly, they briefly touch on the relationship between curiosity and religion. So I'm joined here with my roommate Mike to talk about curiosity Yes, we're both on the basketball team we've been roommates Both our freshman year and roommates once again this year So me and Mike have had smaller conversations about curiosity when I was first learning about it Just talking about my homework and stuff. But today we're going to take a deeper dive In the curiosity, so the first question I have for you is what does curiosity mean to you? What curiosity means to me is just like Asking questions and wanting to know more and the why behind things so curiosity like it kind of mean that in a few different ways whether it's asking a question in a class, but It means like kind of asking the question to open new doors like in the world and that's That's kind of what it means to me for sure Okay, so I just wanted to ask you about something that you've probably never heard of before so when I was researching curiosity, I learned that there's two different types and We as human beings practice puzzle curiosity a lot more than mystery curiosity a puzzle curiosity is when You know, you can find the answer to something and that's why you're curious about it So if you're curious about math, for example, you know one like eventually you're going to find out how to solve it If it's five plus five two times two, whatever it is, but as humans we struggle a lot more to to practice to practice mystery curiosity because It's open-minded keeps you thinking and there's no for sure answer So I just want to like your perspective on that if you think that you practice like open-minded Curiosity where you just like have deep conversations that might not end in an answer very much or if you're more of a puzzle Curiosity thinker you always have like answers to something or want the answer to something I'm more of a puzzle curiosity thinker and that's like almost Like I've always liked science and math growing up. So I like finding the answers like especially in science and math that's always just what I've been better at but then like kind of a English like part of things Like the mystery curiosity mystery I feel like that's harder for me because I like always want an answer and it's hard to like continue to like Be curious or interested in things when like there's no definite answer and it's kind of hard to find it And that's just like a little harder for me I like knowing the answer to something or that there is a final answer to it for sure. I feel like Especially like I would say there's times where we may come back from the bar or something and we would talk Like last year even about how Just like deeper talks that don't have answers and it's fun to talk about those things. I think just like How do you think? With your relationships, you could have more like mystery curiosities and just like engage in more of those Just like sociably. I Think that's a good thing to do with friends Especially because like as friends, you know everything like, you know so much about each other, but with that means mystery curiosity like there's some things that you may think one way or in your friends may think another and it could actually help you I feel like even if you don't Find the answers to those curiosities or like but you're just kind of like going off of each other Finding out what they think and how they think to find a goal even if you don't end up finding that goal just like the way they Think and the way they go about things and that could help you find a lot about like your friends do I think for sure for sure, um One question I Came up with when we were thinking about this in our groups Was uh, who do you look up to when it comes to curiosity or who do you think you could talk to? And like your curiosity will be expanded Kind of a hard question I feel like Grandparents could be a good one because they that they live their life like way different than us and I'm overthinking or thinking about So much going on in my life now, but it's so much more simple for them. So like I Feel like curiosity to them definitely means something different because they have already lived for like such a long life So what like are they curious about what do they know? What do they not know? so I think Almost to the point like at work at our age. We're curious about like our grandparents, but them at that age They're almost curious about like what we're doing nowadays So I feel like a talk with like an elder or like a grandparent an older person like would be good to have about curiosity for sure um So another question I had was has being curious ever harmed you and I think speaking for myself Especially I know it's harmed me and if you could think of an example Maybe you found something out you didn't want to I feel like we all have in Relationships or something like that if you had like you could share a time that curiosity has been harmful to you. Yeah it can be harmful because sometimes your Curiosity, I feel like that could come with like eavesdropping even like I'm curious to hear what other people are hearing like and that's just Not the way to go like eavesdropping in another conversation But curiosity also like it could just be relate especially in like our age to like drama And like relationships and stuff so like some like there have been times where I didn't want to hear something or know something But I've been looking deeper into it to find that thing out And then like that could hurt me in the long run or hurt like a friend so Sometimes being too curious about like specific things. I feel like could Definitely be like harmful. I guess but I feel like it's never too bad to be curious about things like if you want to For sure I was thinking about that like if you did find something out that like you didn't want to through curiosity It's really a blessing because you should have found that out in the first place like if it hurts you that bad you were meant To find it out anyway, so For sure for sure um This is kind of relates back to like the first question I asked about what curiosity means to you But what difference does curiosity make in your life? In my life it makes a huge Think it makes a huge difference because as we're like in college now like curiosity like we're exploring who we are as 19-year-olds and like people in college So like being curious and looking at new things because you're like trying to find out the things that you want to do for the rest of your life, so being like like all one way and not being curious and not being Adventurous and going out and finding things out about the world or doing things I feel like it's very important especially at this age to be like to have curiosity and to be curious for sure for sure Yeah, it's really crazy to think about that like in college We're setting ourselves up for the next 40 years of our lives as 18 to 22 year olds So I think definitely being curious helps you uh kind of leading off of that I think we actually talked about this before but remember when I told you Just like asking more questions and being more curious make someone more attractive And I was like I was doing that assignment on it And then I told you I actually noticed it like in people I was talking to like they only talk about Themselves and aren't curious about other people I don't know if you put any thought into that or like if you like notice it at all But how do you think like being curious affects like relationship relationships like platonic and like intimate relationships? When we talked about it that actually like made a lot of sense because there's some people that I talked to like Not naming names But like that they I feel like when I'm talking like they're just thinking about the next thing that they have to say about them Like they're not listening But those people being active listening active listeners and like being like curious and actually showing that they I mean They don't even have to care But like at least showing someone that like it seems like they care about you like that could actually help your relationship a lot with them and Just being genuinely curious and like actually asking about like Anything about that? I feel like that just like makes me like if someone's asking me questions that makes me feel way more like Welcomed and like appreciate it. I guess I don't really know like how to explain that but it just makes me feel more important when people are asking about my life and stuff and then like that will actually even cause me to do the same to them like ask about them because it makes the relationship deeper and a Better relationship overall for sure. Uh, I think like ever since I've been doing like research on curiosity for this class I noticed it a lot more in people and Unconsciously like earlier on in my life I always thought and I think everyone thinks that the more curious someone is the more like attractive it is because when someone's easy to Talk to curious about you. It's a lot more attractive But then like recently I've been thinking about it and I've been like, all right Let me be very curious in this person and then you can learn a lot about their personality by if they like reciprocate that curiosity I think and if you just like take account in like that They aren't curious or like if they're just talking about themselves and taking that opportunity Another question I just had for you Which I think this actually relates a lot is how can you relate curiosity to God because I don't mean you're both You're probably a lot more religious than I am You've just been around religion a lot more than me, but I like to think of myself as a pretty religious person We talk about it sometimes that we both pray and you try to make it to church on Sundays I've been trying to as well, but you know, how can you relate curiosity to God in your face? Well for my faith, like I obviously don't know anything So it's all pretty much based on curiosity and like based on believing like because I don't know anything for certain so it's just like kind of believing some I guess you're always curious like in my faith in the sense that like Like you're you don't know and you want to know like everything Like about God and about Jesus and about your faith and your religion, but you never really completely know it So I guess curiosity is good and they're like relates to religious in that way and it relates to religion like in the sense that you're curious about yourself because Obviously my end goal with my faith is to go to heaven So I'm always curious on ways I could do that or ways I can deepen my Relationship And strengthen my relationship with God and others do for sure I was actually watching a podcast the other day like on tick-tock about how like Even people that practice their religion a lot more than me and you they still like will smoke weed and stuff And there's curious as to like if that's a bad thing Like if God like from the bottom like well, I go to hell if I smoke weed because like God created like it's a plant God created it, but it's just weird to think about that Just a lot of like I think in faith more than a lot of things curiosity plays a part like you were saying and it's also weird to think about that curiosity is supposed to be like one of the things that you're not supposed to do as a Christian or Because you're never supposed to ask why you're supposed to trust But it's I think we've both experienced times in your life where you lose a loved one or something It's very hard to not ask why why this happened to you why it happened when it did and stuff like that So I think it's just very interesting that curiosity comes like that close with faith, which I've noticed That's a good point actually with like asking why things happen to you like that's like relating religion and God like why? Does why does this happen to me? Why can't I have this? Why does that person have that it's like I? Feel like that's part of us being human like that's like God like his gift to us is us being human and having like free will to like think and believe or think and like ask questions, but Like I feel like there's like kind of a fine line between that curiosity like of us asking those questions because we're human But then like actually believing that God is there and like always has a plan for us Yeah, that's I was uh we went over these questions in class and me and Zach were talking about that Like sometimes it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but as a Christian That's just what you're supposed to do. It's definitely just a thing to think about when you When you think about curiosity um How would you say you practice curiosity athletically obviously we both play basketball and Just speak like giving you something to go off of I think basketball more than a lot of sports. You're able to like Freestyle and like kind of give off your curiosity a lot more because like if you look at me And you compared to someone like Sunday? It's crazy that we both play basketball at the same like all three of us play basketball at the same level like skill-wise Athletically, so I think it's just very interesting to think about that. Yeah, I think like Curiosity on the basketball court like I feel like it's also just an eagerness to learn Like to ask the questions what I did wrong, and then that's always also talking to your coaches But that's also talking to yourself like how can I get better? That's like a curiosity within yourself How can I get better? What can I do? So it's kind of just like the internal always pushing yourself I feel like but then there have been questions where I'm I am curious on how to like I play basketball Because I'm only six foot and can't jump and then there's People like way more blessed so that's also even relating to God where you're like why me why not me why him? But like I feel like you're always curious But you never really like need to know the answer because like it's just how things are so you're always curious That's like how it would be if it were different like if I was six Six and could jump super high I could play at the d1 level instead of the d3 level So you're always thinking that but I feel like like we're we guess just have to like live and play with what we have For sure and that actually takes me right into the last point. I think we'll get into here Curiosity can send you down some crazy loopholes I feel like because just literally going off of what you just said if you were six six and very athletic Me and you probably would never know each other and sitting here today Not being like sentimental Mike will most likely be my best man. He's my best friend like I have no siblings So he'll be the best man at my wedding like it's crazy to think about that if you ask why things happen and like why? am I not six six and athletic like Just things that you might think you're losing you're actually gaining and just like going down that loophole a little bit And look, I mean obviously us as religious people I'm gonna relate all these to God because like you could ask that like what if I never Had met you or what if I never came here and met all these people or did this or that? But that's also ties like God always has a plan and God works in mysterious ways, so you'll never really exactly know Like what's gonna happen next or why it happened? But there's always a reason for everything and I like to believe that like that. There's a reason for everything there's a reason we came together because if I made what like one smaller decision or like Anything like if I didn't want to go to college to play basketball I'd never know you or anything so I guess it's like even now like I'm curious about that like That's how that would have worked out if I never met you and stuff But I feel like God has a plan for us for everything and he works in mysterious ways for sure all right Mike That's all I got. Thank you for your time. Thank you. Thank you

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