It's been about a month already. How am I doing?
It's been about a month already. How am I doing?
The speaker is discussing their dieting journey and weight loss progress. They are following a quick start diet plan and have already lost 30 pounds in 30 days. They are using nutrition bars and shakes, as well as eating salads and vegetables. They are also incorporating exercise by walking and plan to use a cane/stool for support. They are feeling more active and have noticed improvements in their blood pressure and fitness levels. They express determination to continue their healthy lifestyle and mention their past struggles with weight loss programs. The speaker also briefly mentions birthdays and other random topics before ending the conversation. Fruit salad, yummy, yummy. Fruit salad, yummy, yummy. Fruit salad, yummy, yummy. Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy fruit salad. Let's make some fruit salad. Enough of that! Oh! Stop! Stop! Stop! Oh! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Um, hey, it's an update on my dieting. Um... Ah, gee, um... This is what I'd rather be doing. Pass me a fork. Give me a burger. Pizza. I'll take Captain Crunch. Ah, that's what I'd rather be doing. But, this diet thing, I'm on a quick start stuff. And I talked to my nutritionist earlier today. Hey, for you today, it's 3 a.m. for you today. Me, it's still, for me, it's your yesterday. It's still Thursday for me until I go to bed, wake up, and then it'll be Friday. But calendar Friday, it is here right now. Yeah, that's what that is. You gotta night shift. Deal with me. I gotta deal with day shift all my life and here's night shift. Anywho, um, I'm on a diet. Yeah, um, you know, I got a heart condition and I thought, well, you know, I can't do any cardio and stuff like that. So, you know, hey, well, let's start first, you know, before I do some walking and try power walking. Let me work on my diet. And so there's three types that I could do. One is a quick start, which you lose, you know, a lot of weight in a little bit of time. Then the second one would be, the second one is like about a year. And the third one is a lifetime. I've told them I want to do the first and third one. I want to do the first one because I want to get some of these weight off, weight off my joints and stuff like that. I talked to my nutritionist and when I started, I weighed 326. I'm only 5'7". And now on my scale, I weighed myself, it was 296. So that's like 30 pounds since I started. The last two weeks, I lost 8 pounds. It's nutrition bars and shakes and then a meal that I can get through this website. And it's not much of a meal, but I can eat salads. I can eat some vegetables and I steam them. Peapods, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, cucumber, green onions, mushrooms, onions, all varieties of peppers, radishes. Salad greens, tomatoes, tomato slash veggie juice. And then drinks, there's this pop called Zevia. And I can have like a sugar substitute. I'm doing all that and lost 30 pounds. And this is going to be for life. This is like the last diet I'm going to be on. Of course, in the future when I'm done with this quick stuff and whatever, you know, slice of pizza. You know, I can see, but it's going to be portions and stuff like that. I want to get more active. But I want to be able to do stuff. I just don't want to go walking around a block. I want to go walk somewhere and do something. But I got to figure that out. The church is in the walking distance. Why don't I go there? We're all right now. It's 3.01 a.m. They're not open. So there. But anyway, that's how things are going there. I checked my blood pressure. My blood pressure is like 108 over 72. So it's very, very good. And I'm off my water pill, and soon I should be off my blood pressure pills if this keeps up. My thing about walking is before I started all of this diet thing, I would get winded very shortly. From the parking lot to our park at work to my actual job, I'd have to stop two, maybe three times. But now I can make it all the way there. My son drives a forklift, and he'll drive along with me as I walk. Way to go, son. And, yeah, while I'm at work, you know, I'm a little more active. You know, and the people I work with are like, uh-oh, he's more active, which means I can be more silly in my activeness. Fun, fun, fun. But what I did was I ordered a cane. Now, of course, if I go walking after work, it's 3.02 a.m. Are there going to be friendly people at 3.02 a.m.? I've ordered a cane, but it also unfolds as a stool. And it weighs about four pounds. And it advertises it can hold up to 440 pounds. So, you know, I can use that as a cane, and if somebody stupid comes by, I've got something to defend myself with. I mean, even in the safest neighborhood, stupid people show up. And so this way I won't have to really worry about I'm too far away and I'm too tired. No, I ain't got to worry about that. Work for one of the big three, and we could be going on strike in about a month. And I can walk the picket line and sit down once in a while wherever I'm at. So, yep, looking out for me. Things are going good. I want to keep on doing this. And sure, within the 30 days I've been on this, I've cheated once or twice, but it was a very small portion thing. And I got my friend Jane at the church picnic. I said, here, you tell me what portions to do. I'm under somebody's watch. But, yeah, I'm hoping this keeps on going. The last time I tried something like this was like six years ago. I was just new under the loss of my wife. And, yeah, it was kind of like depressing, but of course I'm not going to eat that much. I lost 51 pounds in six months. And then they cut me off, the program did. I tried to rejoin it. Oh, no, no, we do this now. Like, well, can I do the first one? You know, I'll still pay you and do whatever, but I want to do the first one. Oh, we don't do that anymore. I tried the second one, whatever they had. It didn't work at all. And so, well, I'm not going to waste my money with them, especially they advertise it on the radio. They used to advertise it on the radio, but now the radio host got a new advertiser. And, like, the old one didn't work for you? I know what it is. It's money. It's a sponsor. It's sponsoring your show and giving up some money and stuff like that and open an exchange you can advertise, and they'll get customers. So it's all about money. This is not about money. This is about me. My insurance is paying for a lot of this, and I'm going to keep doing it. So I got access to people. I know I weigh myself on my scale every morning, and that's why I keep doing it, because I see results. But I told the nutritionist earlier today, one day on a Monday morning, I just might walk into the office and step on their scale and see what it has to say. So I found something that works. I'm going to continue doing it. I could use that for other parts in life, you know, workouts and stuff like that. But, anyway, I would say happy birthday to some people besides Lori, because Facebook tells me it's their birthday. But when you've got, like, four or five different profiles, I don't know which one to post to. So I'm not going to. And there. I downed everything. I don't even know whose birthday it would be. Let me see. Whose birthday would it be today? Let me see. My first mother-in-law. No, no, no, no, no, no. Is that my mother-in-law or sister-in-law? But, anyway, there's Paula and there's Linda. Linda, hi there. I don't think you're listening, but you're 76 years old. Paula, you're 58. You've got one, two different profiles. Don't know which one to follow. Don't you hate that? And then it says here, Linda, there's one, two, three, four, but one of them is definitely not hers because it's the same age as her daughter. So I really don't like it when there's three or four different profiles. But I know that, let me see, Rovina has only one. She's 55 years old. Alicia, you're 31 today. Rovina, oh, wow, is that how you pronounce it? 55 today. And Randy. We don't know how old you are today. But it's kind of cool because, you know, these people I just mentioned have the same last name as I do, and they're in different parts of the world. Now, that is really cool. Anyway, I'm going to bed early because it's 3.07 a.m., and I've got to wake up by 3.30 p.m. Oh, my goodness. I'm just going to sit back and look at my phone anyway. So I'll do some dishes and then go lay down, look at my phone, and then end up going to sleep. What do you all do at 3.07 a.m. when you're awake? Don't know, but got to go. And, yeah, I'll talk to you later. I've got other stuff I really want to talk about. Like what? President Trump? The planet Pluto? On the 24th, it's the anniversary of Pluto being demoted from a planet to a dwarf planet. It's still a planet. And how they got a very close-up shot of that thing is incredible. Gee, what else? Yeah, well, that's stuff that's coming up. But I'm already 12 minutes into this one. Good night, people.