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EP 11

EP 11

Joe Swain



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The speaker forgot to charge their phone and had to wait for it to charge before filming. They had done two runs that day and eaten four pastries, which may affect their energy levels. They discussed their upcoming charity run and mentioned the need for more donations. The main topic of their podcast episode was nutrition and they provided a simple framework for calculating calorie intake based on weight and activity level. They recommended specific percentages of protein, carbs, and fats for different goals. They also discussed the decision to bulk or cut and the importance of a balanced approach. So like an absolute wally I forgot to charge my phone and I was hoping to get a second angle so I am going to wait for this to charge a little bit, what are we on? 13%? I'll tell you what I feel like I'm on some sort of mad come down so we've been, I've done two lots of running this morning so me, Brad and Max did like a 14k trail run at 7am and then we met up with the others and we did I think it was like a 8 or 9k run with some of the other lot so yeah I've done two lots of running, I've smashed four pastries before filming this so that might be a bad idea as halfway through the episode I might just start like drifting off because my blood sugar is through the roof. But yeah all in all it was a good run, good to get some miles in the legs as I've recorded this two weeks now until our charity run, it's the first time that we've all met up this morning bar a few people that couldn't make it so that was good for all the guys and girls to finally meet up and then yeah we've made some small tweaks to kind of the logistic side of things so yeah I'm really looking forward to just getting it done now and just smashing it out of the park. Obviously we're still quite a way off our donation target so I will put the link to that in the description and if you can help out and help us to reach our target of a thousand pounds then that would be amazing, anything that you can contribute will be amazing. Is 15% going to be enough for like 20-25 minutes of filming? Yeah it should be enough shouldn't it? Stuff it, if it cuts out then we'll just go back to one angle. Okay welcome back to the recognisably different podcast as always thank you for tuning in this is episode 11 and the main topic of discussion today is going to be nutrition. Now I've been having a couple of conversations with clients and just people in general and it seems to be very common that a lot of people do struggle with their nutrition more so than anything else when it comes to wanting to change their physique and wanting to be healthier, fitter, stronger like nutrition tends to be the thing that a lot of people struggle to understand and struggle to like implement as well as stick to. So yeah those are the main we're going to cover a couple of different topics within nutrition within this episode that I think will be really useful and really beneficial to you guys that are watching this just to give you a bit of a framework to follow regardless of what your goal is so whether your goal is to lose weight lose body fat or gain weight build muscle you can use these strategies for both. But before we dive into this we week's episode again if you aren't subscribed to the channel please could you do me a massive favour and hit that subscribe button it really helps us to grow the channel and it shows your support and it helps to support us as well. So yeah on with today's episode the first topic I want to cover is how to work out your calories. So again not many people really tend to know how many calories they need to be eating to achieve their desired outcome. Now again like this hundreds of calorie calculators on there which which like some of them are fantastic and you just put a couple of details in and it will give you a rough sort of ballpark estimate but again I just want to give you a simple framework that anyone can do. You're just going to need a calculator pretty much just to work out what the what the numbers are and then you'll need my fitness pal as well to then just work out percentages of your calories. So yeah what I found is probably the easiest way to work out your calories and the most simplest way which will give you a rough estimate of your your BMR calories so basal metabolic rate so that is basically just how many calories you burn off through existing like if you literally just sat in bed all day didn't move your body would still burn off a good amount of calories so that we burn off about 70% of calories just through that that is the biggest chunk of our calories burned off through the day like exercise sort of daily activities so like walking if you're doing gardening or just visiting like anything like that and then we've got digestion as well so your body is very small but your body actually burns calories by digesting food. So easiest way to work that out to give you that rough ballpark figure is take your body weight in pounds and if you are a female you're going to times that by 10 and then if you are a male you're going to times that by 12 so 150 pound female you times that by 10 you've got 1500 that will roughly give you what that BMR will be to then work out what your rough maintenance calories are you then need to times that by your physical activity levels now a good scale that people use for that is between 1.2 and 1.9 so 1.2 would be for somebody that works a sedentary job so you pretty much sit down behind a desk for the most part of the day and you don't really get probably more than four or five thousand steps in a day if that's you and you don't really get in let's say you don't you don't go to the gym more than once or twice a week you would fall into that category and then a 1.9 is almost like but would be someone like myself that's got a job that's on their feet all day as well as then doing intense training sessions five six days a week so if you're unsure as to where you fall I would always underestimate it like if you haven't got much of an active job but you are going to the gym five six days a week I'd probably look at maybe like a 1.5 to 1.6 but if you're unsure always underestimate a little bit so again I don't know what that is off the top of my head but let's say you're the first person and you're 1.2 you would then do your 1500 times 1.2 that then gives you your rough maintenance calories and then all you do from there is if your goal is weight loss and fat loss I would just subtract anywhere between probably 300 and 500 calories off of that target so again for argument's sake let's say let's say you work all that out and it comes to 2500 you would then knock 300 to 500 off of that depending on how aggressive you wanted to be with the rate of fat loss what you think is going to be realistic in terms of are you going to be able to stick to that amount of calories realistically so I would I would probably start at 300 and then assess on a week-by-week basis and then potentially over time just decrease it that little bit more and then if the goal is weight gain and putting on muscle and putting on size again let's say you get 2500 I would add I'd only add about 200 calories to that personally I think a lot of people think that they need to like add another 500 on in a bulking phase but again from what I am aware of a lot of the research and a lot of studies actually show that the surplus doesn't need to be that big like we're talking 150 to 200 calorie surplus is enough to really help with your muscle development as soon as you start going higher than that yes you do still put on the muscle but you end up actually putting on a bit more body fat as well so you've just got to get that balance right between yes you want body weight to go up and you want muscle mass to go up but realistically you don't want body fat to creep up too too much so once you've worked that out whether it's weight loss or building muscle you'll you'll have that figure so again let's say let's say it was 2,500 again for argument's sake this is when you then you take that number so you take your 2,500 you then put that into my fitness pal and then what my fitness pal will do is it'll give you a breakdown of protein carbs fats as a percentage now what I would recommend doing on that is again this is a general overview you might potentially have to change a couple of things like percentages but as a good starting point I would try and stick with 25% protein 25% fat and then 50% carbs that should give you a good amount of each macro to add up to your calories and the the 25% protein will ensure that you're getting enough protein in to help with your muscle building and your recovery because I always said like regardless of if you're dieting and bulking protein should pretty much always be the same I mean I would argue that you probably want protein more protein in a dieting phase because that will keep you fuller for longer but yeah for me the only thing that changes and when I'm helping clients with nutrition the only thing I really change whether they're like bulking or cutting is their carbs and fats but again you can have a play around with that and the reason I say 25% protein is because you want to make sure that you can actually stick to that like if you're not used to eating 160 grams of protein a day and you put 25% in and that says 160 and you might only been eating 50-60 grams a day like that's quite a big jump so and then same again if you feel like 50% of carbs is too fat but if you think 50% of carbs is too much you could bring that down to 45% and then add another 5% to your fats or if you happen to go over on fats one day you then pull the carbs down and vice versa if you end up eating a little bit more carbs pull the fats down and then that should compensate in a way so yeah I hope that all makes sense any more questions on that feel free to just drop them in the comments below and I'll happily answer them but yeah if you follow that framework that should give you a very good number to hit your goal whatever that goal is and then in terms of again that this is another question that kind of gets thrown around a lot is what people don't know whether they should bulk or cut like you get people that are already like fairly big and like yes they've got muscle but they're carrying a lot of body fat as well and they then think that they need to bulk to put on more muscle which like yes that is true but again like I said earlier depends how you bulk if you dirty bulk and you're just you're smashing all this crap ultra processed like fast food and you're just getting the calories in you're gonna accumulate a lot more body fat over time than you would if you were following a better diet with like more whole foods more single ingredient foods fruit veg fiber focusing on that sort of stuff so it all depends on how the bulk looks in a way but for a lot of people like they realistically they probably do need to cut before they bulk because you've got to think if you're 20 to 25 percent body fat like realistically you don't need to be bulking you want to maybe edit it might only be a very short cutting phase it might be 6 10 12 weeks but I would always recommend and again anyone that comes to me for personal training for online coaching like I will look at their physique and if they are carrying a little bit too much body fat and they say to me I want to put size on me I will always say right well first off we're going to actually diet you down and break it down into phases and I'm going to talk about this a little later on but the phases that we break it down into is almost prep build transform so you want to go through this prep I don't mean prep like bodybuilding prep photoshoot prep I just mean prep in the sense of putting the body in a better position to build muscle and if someone starts with me and we can lose five six percent body fat and a couple of kilos to get the body in a better position to then add muscle and get we can get rid of that body fat we can go into a surplus the right way a slight surplus with the emphasis on good foods good macronutrients fruit veg fiber you are going to see a lot better results doing that than you would being 20% body fat and thinking oh yeah and I need to bulk and you're following that whole 80 20 rule and you having takeaways every weekend and and it might work for some people but you're gonna you are gonna accumulate way more body fat than you would if you did it the other way and like you see it time and time again yeah you can bulk and you can dirty bulk you can clean bulk and again depending on how hard you train and your recovery capabilities like you can spend ages bulking and you diet back down and you don't really look much different so yeah I would anyone watching this if you're unsure as to whether you should bulk or cut I would argue that you probably do you probably need to cut and let's say it's not doesn't have to be anything drastic maybe just get spend six 12 weeks getting a little bit of body fat off and then go into a into a surplus and a weight gain focused phase that's going to put you in a lot better position and this this is where the whole you've got the whole debate of like calories in versus calories out and I suppose when when you do break it down like yes calories calories in versus calories out is important don't get me wrong but there is a lot more that goes into it than that and you've you've got to place an importance on the nutritional value of the foods that you're eating and it's like a common and like again those of you that have watched the podcast for a while you'll know that I've been PTing for nearly six years now and like if I had a pound for every single time a client has come in to me and said oh well I had a Mackey's breakfast or I had this takeaway but that's all I ate all day so it was only about eight nine hundred calories so I'm still within my calories so that's fine like if I had a pound for every person that said that like I won't need to PT anymore I'd be I'd be living in Dubai living it up and that there's this whole misconception of like people see that as a good thing because they think oh yeah I'm still I'm still within my calories so I'm in a deficit so so yes but that that is not and yes it's true you are in a deficit but like that is not the best way to go about it your body is not going to be utilizing them calories or absorbing them calories as much as if you were to actually hit your target but hit that target by eating regular two three four meals a day again putting an emphasis on getting a good amount of fruit in good amount of veg good amount of fiber like good amount of single ingredient foods like like your chicken your eggs your peanuts all that and and like yeah you've got to think and I put this on my Instagram the other day like take the time to learn about nutrition like so many people just and I get it it's so it's never been easier to access shit ultra processed food you pick up your phone and you can have any takeaway delivered right to your doorstep within an hour like they've never made it easier to order shit food and that's why so many people do it but like you've got to put the time and effort if you're if you're serious about your health and you're serious about wanting to change the way you look the way you feel the way you perform like you have to learn these things you you need to understand how to read food labels you need to understand what foods are high in protein what foods are high in carbs what foods are high in fats like what foods are high in saturated fats what foods are high in fats but actually those fats are good fats because they're not saturated and they're coming from a natural source so I'm talking again like different types of nuts eggs salmon all that sort of stuff so yeah just don't don't be like don't be like most of the population and just be lazy and just order takeaways because you can't be bothered to go out and do a food shop and actually take the time to get better quality of foods and and again I get it's expensive don't get me wrong like I'm spending a fortune on food shopping because I'm buying better quality of foods and it's the whole thing is just fucking backwards it you know I mean it should I pay four pounds for a tray of mango in Tesco and you go again you go McDonald's and you get a double cheeseburger for like one pound nine like the whole thing is backwards and I get it it's quick it's convenient it's cheap but it's fucking shit so if you take anything from this episode if you only take one thing from this episode take away that and really put place and importance on calories and the quality of those calories like try new things and what I'm going to do in it'll either be in the description or as a pinned comment I'm going to put a link to a completely free recipe book that's got I believe there's 30 recipes in there it's broken down into like a restaurant menu so you've got desserts everything in there is tasty nutritious healthy meals some of them only take five ten minutes to make some take a bit longer but I'm going to put that down below somewhere if you click the link you can download it and it's yours completely free and that will hopefully give you some inspiration and some ideas like everything's broken down told you how to cook everything all the ingredients you can scan the barcodes on the picture and it'll put it all in my fitness pile for you calorie counted macro counted and you'll see that how with the right prep and the right planning it's ten times easier to eat good and eat well regardless of it costing a little bit more money but again at the end of the day yes it costs a bit more money but can you really put a price on your health and the longevity of your health and I don't think so for the sake of a few extra quid for the sake of a few extra quid it's going to cost you per week to buy healthier alternatives it is the hundred percent worth it than just buying cheap processed crap every single week and this is not me I'm not trying to be some sort of what's-his-name Eddie Abdu that's literally like you must eat fucking six eggs for breakfast every day and that you must eat no processed food and like I say I've I'm not going to sit here and say that I don't like like I said in the intro I've smashed four fucking chocolate croissants before this episode after my run so I'm not trying to say you should only eat this but again 90% of my diet consists of those better single-ingredient whole foods and there's more that 80 20% rule is true but there's a lot of people that do it the other way around and they're eating probably 80% of shit so so yeah don't take this as me sitting here trying to be some you must do this you must do that and I don't do it because I do and but for the most part I eat good and I eat well so yeah we're going to wrap this episode up here guys again as always thank you for listening and thank you for tuning in if you enjoyed this video please drop it a like and again if you want subscribe to the channel please make sure that you are as it really helps to helps remember if you aren't already please make sure to subscribe it really helps us to grow the channel and clothing will well should be coming this month which is exciting it's the I've been working on this for the last couple of weeks now ever since the whole transition over so again if if you want to support the brand in any way once the website is up and running take a look on there and if you like the look of something that will that will help to support the brand as well and yeah don't forget to download a copy of the recipe book that is below this video somewhere either in the description or the comments section any questions on any of the topics that I've covered today feel free to drop a comment below again if you agree with what I've said if you disagree with anything that I've said feel free to let me know I'm open to debates and discussions on these topics have a good week and I will see you next time

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