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power of a coach

power of a coach


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Hello, hello. Okay. Yeah. So. So. Let me share with you three reasons why. How your real estate coach will transform your business, let me show you three reasons why. And do it like that and then do the number three and be very expressive with it. And after that, we'll, we'll say, just do that. Okay. Uh, having a real estate, having a what? What'd you say? Having a real estate coach. Having a real estate coach will transform your business. Let me show you three reasons. Here's three reasons. Or three reasons why yeah, let's try that. Okay. Uh, having a real estate coach. Let me try that again. I got to do it more natural. Yeah. Um, having a real estate coach will change your business drastically. Let me share with you three reasons why. Better. And then start with the top three reasons why you should hire a real estate coach. So let's do. Hey guys, welcome to our, hey guys, welcome to another video. Just kind of a basic intro like we did last time. So hey guys, welcome to another video and let's break it up into segments. So like we'll do the intro. I'll come back over, we'll see how it is. Cause that's easier for me to edit and then to make sure that each section is quality. So hey guys, welcome back to another video. Today I'm going to address, um, what did you have written down for the intro? Did you have an intro? So hey guys, welcome back to another video. Today I'm going to talk a little bit about why hiring a real estate coach would be beneficial. Okay. Don't give me too much cause I'll like, so we want to, hey, welcome back. Today I'm going to talk about why having a real estate coach can be beneficial and then what? And then that's it. I'm going to talk about why hiring a real estate coach would be beneficial. Um, I have a lot of mentors in my life who have helped guide and shape my career. Here are my three reasons why you're, what are your reasons why you should hire a coach? Why it's beneficial or what? Uh, to save money and time, achieve your goals faster, and I help you to learn and trust in yourself. So yeah, just, hey guys, welcome back to another video. Today I'm going to talk a little bit about why hiring a real estate coach, let's not do hiring, why real estate or why mentorship is beneficial in the real estate business. Let's do that. So why mentorship is beneficial in the real estate business. I've had a lot of great mentors in my life and today I'm going to address some of the reasons why mentorship would be beneficial in the business. Hey guys, welcome back to another episode. No. Hey guys, welcome back. Today I'm going to be talking about why mentorship is so important in the real estate business. I have had the experience multiple times of having amazing people in my life who've helped shape and guide my business and my trajectory. And I love helping other people achieve the same success that I have had by supporting and encouraging them. The biggest reason why I feel like I forgot to say, I'm going to talk about the three reasons why. Let's do this. Here are the top three reasons why it is important to have mentorship involved in the real estate business. The first biggest reason is it will save you time and money. And I know that sounds counterintuitive because you feel like you're putting out money. But I take the example of when I very first started business, I made a lot of financial mistakes. I invested in things and programs and did things that were not truly authentic to who I am and how I do my business. And they were a complete flop. I wasted time, I wasted money, I wasted, truthfully, a lot of my energy and I became very discouraged because I felt like I was kind of spinning my wheels and not actually getting anywhere. The second reason. Okay, so that's like been great so far. Let's expand a little bit more on time and money. Okay, so just a little bit of like kind of closing it out. So where did you kind of end up with it? It was like, what your experiences were with it. So there's something like, if I hire a real estate coach, you will have the knowledge and expertise, you will have my knowledge and expertise, which is going I'm going to be able to help you make the correct decision, something along those lines. Like, with my knowledge and expertise, you're going to be able to know you're making the right decision that you're making the right investment. And it's still going to take effort, sacrifice, but you're going to save the most important thing we have in life, which is your time, you can always make more money, you can always invest in another course, but we can't get back at the time you invest. And in a business that is so cutthroat, and we're time every, in a business that is so cutthroat, at such a high failure rate. Yeah, so cutthroat with such a high failure rate, ensuring that you're making the right decisions and investments. How do you do that? You're like your dad in writing. Give me a launching off. I have the ideas. Give me a launching off pad. With all that being said, one of the biggest assets that I can bring to you is collaboration and communication and support. I will help guide you in making the right decisions in what are the best ways to invest in your business and the best direction to help propel your business. With such a cutthroat industry, and a high failure rate, it's important you're not wasting your time and your money, that you are successful faster. You can always make more money. You can't get your time back. Say that again. I stumbled over my words. I hate this. You're fine. It's the same thing. Just say it over again. By hiring me, you're going to be able to, by hiring me, when you hire me, I will share my knowledge, my expertise, and just kind of emphasize like when you say words, just talk. Instead of like, I'm the next thing. So that way, you're being clear and you're being concise with it and it shows the confidence with it. So when you hire me, I'm going to share with you my knowledge, my expertise. And in an industry that is so cutthroat, and has such a high failure rate, ensuring that you know where to place your money, where to place your time, is crucial. And time... Can you just AI me? And so say that. So say, by hiring me, when you hire me, I will share my knowledge, my expertise. When you hire me, I will... When you hire me, I will share my knowledge, my experience, and my expertise. I will help guide you through collaboration and communication and support in making the right investments for your business and for your future. So say that. Say that again. So say, so that way, you can make the right investments, or that way, you can invest your money and your time. When you hire me, I will help you through collaboration and communication, make the best and wisest decisions. Financially, I don't even know. I have to write things down because that's how it goes into my brain. When you hire me, through collaboration, communication, and support, say, hiring me through collaboration, communication, and support, I will help guide you through your investments and time to improve success. Okay, what else did you want me to say? When you hire me, I will share my knowledge, my expertise, so that way, you can ensure that you're making your time wisely, your money wisely, and know the direction your business should go. Okay. Okay. Interesting. And then, so yeah, say that, and then we'll say, and this is with such a high failure, in a cutthroat industry with such a high failure rate, ensuring you are making the correct decisions. Okay. With my help and support, you will get my knowledge, my experience, and my expertise. I will help you to become successful through collaboration, communication, and support to make sure that you are making the best financial investments of your time and your finances in your business. In a business that is so cutthroat, and the failure rate is exceptionally high, it's imperative you make the right decision at having the right support network around you to provide you the best opportunity for success. See, if I write things down, then I'm able to kind of glance down and go, okay, what else? And I just did keywords. Yeah, and if you put them right here, too, that way, just kind of a glance down, it doesn't look that bad. Okay, what's next? The second point. Okay. What was your second point? I can help you achieve your goals faster. I'm here to support and encourage you and guide you. I do this through weekly one-on-one meetings and text messages. Oh, there's my pen. Jimmy, I don't know what I did, but I can't get the little X thing to go away. I accidentally hit something. I was just going to X the box. I think we can just hit okay. So, second point now, say, the second reason hiring a real estate coach is essential is that it allows you to achieve your goals faster. Okay. When you hire me, we will work together to ensure, what did you say you said? Okay, yeah, so that you and I can talk about the weekly one-on-one meetings. Okay. We will meet weekly to build a plan for you and ensure that that plan is completed. We will meet weekly to build a strategy for you. Hang on. I'm trying to kind of think. So, the reason I was going to say is. Just do a take. Just do that intro that I said, and then just. Okay. We may not be able to. The second reason I believe, the second reason you should hire a real estate coach, the second biggest reason on hiring a real estate coach is to help you achieve your goals faster. When you work with me, this is achieved through weekly one-on-one meetings. I build a plan tailored directly to your business. This is not a group call or a group session with 20 other realtors and somebody standing in front of you with a board telling you, this is how everybody builds a business because each one of our businesses are different. My real estate business is not run like anybody else's. I will help you to build your business so it is authentically you, and that is done through our meetings and our collaboration together of building something that helps you ensure long-term success. Try it again. No, I don't think that was bad. I think it was something. The benefits of my program, just to write this down, the benefits of my program include not only weekly meetings with me, weekly meetings with me. They include direct phone access to me throughout the week, as well as access to our weekly group mastermind session. These three features ensure that your business can go from barely getting by to thriving. Barely getting by. I put from struggling to success. Your business can go from struggling. Your business can go from. What? Did you hear David Pickett scammed him? I know. I hate David Pickett. Your business can go from struggling to thriving. Your business can go from struggling to thriving. From struggle. From. So what do you have? Read back to me what you were saying. The benefits of working with me include weekly one-on-one meetings, weekly phone or daily phone access. Actually, I'm just going to say phone access to me. Say direct phone access. Direct phone access. During the week. During the week. And access to weekly group masterminds, ensuring your business goes from. Ensuring your business goes from. I need to make sure. Ensuring your business goes from. Ensuring your business can. Sharing. Sharing your business success. I'm sure your business goes from struggling to success. Struggling to thriving. Let's try struggling and thriving. I'm struggling to thrive. Among the many benefits of working with me. I let's try that again. One of the benefits. What are the benefits of working with me? Okay. What are the benefits of working with me? You get weekly one-on-one coaching sessions. I spend those time. I'm going to try it again. Sorry. I know you keep having to edit this. I'm sorry. The benefits of working with me include. No. Thank you. Yep. Here are the benefits of working with me. You get weekly one-on-one meetings. You get direct phone access weekly with me. You also get access to our weekly group mastermind in collaborating with other agents at a similar spot in their business. Also, ones that are focusing on a forward momentum in their business. This will ensure that your business goes from struggling to thriving. I'm doing a really good job looking at my camera. Okay. Third thing. This I feel like I can do. I hope you learn to trust and believe in you. I collaborate with you to bring out your strengths and your gifts. We use this to propel your business forward by being authentically you. Okay. I like that. I'm just trying to think of how to introduce this. The third and biggest reason I feel like hiring a coach is essential is because. The third and biggest reason I feel like hiring a coach is essential is that I will help you be authentic to you. What was yours? How did you phrase it? Authentically you. Okay. I will help you build a business. Just say I'll help you build an authentic business. And then go into like. The number one reason. The number one key to my success I feel like has been my authenticity in my business. People feel like they can connect with me. Stuff like that. Okay. Okay. I have my notes. The third reason I feel. No. The third reason it's imperative you hire a real estate coach. The third reason I believe hiring a real estate coach can transform your business. The third reason I believe hiring a real estate coach can transform your business. That's good. I like that. Okay. I feel like hiring a real estate coach can transform your business is. By helping you become your authentic self. Okay. By helping you. Is by helping you build an authentic real estate business. Okay. The third reason in hiring a real estate coach can help transform your business. Is having an outside person really focused in on how to build your business authentically. Let me try that again. The third reason hiring a real estate coach can transform your business. Is we are able to help you become. I'm becoming too worried. We are able to help you build an authentic business. We are able to help you build an authentic business. The third reason hiring. The third reason hiring a real estate coach can help transform your business. Is we can help you build an authentic business. I feel like I'm using the word business a lot. That's fine. The number one reason for my success in this industry. Has been through my authenticity. People feel like I am relatable and I am authentic. And they can connect with me. I really help my clients to be able to look at who they are. What they're involved in. All the different aspects of their life. And I am able to help them hone in on building an authentic, realistic, relatable. I was going somewhere and I lost what I was going to say. I didn't want to say persona because I feel like that's fake. I'm able to help them learn to express their true self. Or be comfortable in their true self. Strengths and gifts. That's what I go with. I'm able to help you express your strengths and gifts. And build and center your brand. Use brand a lot. Persona is a better word for brand. Okay. Okay. Yes. Yes. One of the biggest reasons for my success in this industry. Has been my authenticity. I try to be very real with my clients and my sphere. And I help my coaching clients be able to look at their sphere. And really look at the different strengths and gifts that each person possesses. And how to be able to best use those authentically. To be able to build your business. This is done through collaboration and communication between yourself and myself. And we are able to really develop an authentic, strong business. That people are automatically drawn to. And they refer you and your relationships are much stronger. I feel like I could say that better. Hey. When you work with me. I help you build a powerful brand. I help you build an authentic, powerful and relatable brand. Use those three words. Authentic, powerful, relatable brand. And through that. True. And through that you will be able to. Express who you truly are. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. You will be able to express who you truly are. And. And. Grow your business. And. Do you need these? Uh-uh. And. You will be able to express who you truly are. And. Transform your business. Grow your business. Propel your business. You will be able to express who you truly are. And. You will be able to express who you truly are. And. Maybe just that. Or was it. So how are you going to start this again? So how are you going to start this again? I am going to use. I'm going to help you bring out your strengths and your gifts. And we will use them to build an authentic, powerful, relatable brand. Through that you will be able to express. Who you. And begin to trust. Really it has to tie back to trusting and believing in themselves. I feel like I'm kind of like going sideways on this. Because this is where I start. Well but by being their true. What you want to do is like by trusting themselves they're going to be. Because the reason people put on personas is that they don't feel like people would actually like them. So if you can. Help tie in. Right. Who you truly. And through that you will be able to express who you are. And. Trust. How about in our time together. I will help you begin to trust who you really are. And be able to help you build an authentic, powerful, and relatable brand. When we work together. I will be. I will. Whoever that is up there. Please be quiet. Vegetables. Jack. When we work together. I will help you. Oh sure. I will help you. Trust yourself. I will help you. I will help you. Trust yourself. I will show you how to trust yourself. And. How to build an authentic. Powerful and relatable brand. Yeah. Okay. In our work together. I will help you. In our work together. I will help you. Discover your strengths and your gifts. And through those. We will be able to build you. A powerful. Authentic is the word I'm looking for. In our work together. I will be able to help you discover your strengths and your gifts. And with those. We will be able to build you. An authentic. Powerful and relatable brand. That will help you move your. Real estate industry. So close. Let me try one more time. Okay. But I moved my hands. I think. I was moving my hands. I'll just do it one more time. Other room. In our work together. I will help you discover your strengths and your gifts. And we will utilize those together. To help build you. An authentic. Powerful and relatable brand. That will help you propel your. Real estate business. Further than you've ever thought possible. Am I done? An intro. Outro with. Oh. Like and subscribe. So you already have. Okay. I really appreciate you watching today. Please like and subscribe. And. Hey guys. Thanks for watching today. Please like and subscribe. And if you're interested. In. Seeing my coaching services. Click the link in the description. Thanks. You got to be quiet for a second. Hey guys. Thanks for watching today. If you liked what you saw. Please like and subscribe. And if you'd like further information. About working with me. Please click on the link below. Is that all I say? Or. Click in the description. Okay. Thanks for watching today. Have a great day. This is very painful. We'll get better. We'll get easier. Like I'm actually.

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