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Jess Pinkney finally starts a podcast

Jess Pinkney finally starts a podcast

Jessica Pinkney



Hey, I'm Jessica Pinkney and after a hefty few years iv started my podcast. Iv got a big gob and I'm pretty opinionated but I promise you il show you my raw, real brain and try be 100% honest at all times. ( I'm kinda mentally unwell but I'm cool.

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The speaker, Jessica Pinkney, is introducing herself and her podcast. She has been wanting to start a podcast for a long time and finally decided to begin. She wants to talk about various topics, including her opinions, mental health issues, and raising awareness about different subjects. She is passionate about speaking her mind and wants to provide inspiration and help for others. She has a background in beauty and is currently studying to be a counselor. Jessica is not concerned about her appearance and wants people to focus on her voice and what she has to say. She admits to being nervous and inexperienced with editing software, but she is determined to improve and make her podcast more professional. Jessica shares some personal history, including her struggles with mental health and her journey to self-improvement. She hopes that her podcast will be a platform for her to express herself and connect with others. Well, I'm just going to attempt this podcast quite casually. This is my introduction for my first podcast. My name is Jessica Pinkney and I've wrote out some notes of what I want to talk about today but I feel like it's just too, I don't know, written from a book. I've been wanting to get a podcast in for at least the last two years, procrastinating it, but in general I've been wanting to do speaking and something to do with my voice for at least the last five years. I'm not going to lie, I'm really nervous for this. I have no idea how to edit the software and I've literally learnt everything that I'm learning from Buzzsprout, which is an online resource, so I'm doing my best considering. So I just want to start off by introducing myself in my podcast and I know if I start today that it will just improve. I mean, I've been really putting this off for a long time because new things just scare me like a lot of us. So I don't even think I've said my name yet. So I'm Jess. I am from Teesside. I'm 24. I suffer with somewhat mental health issues and I just really want to get my voice out there. I've done a lot of videos on Instagram, things like that. I'm not afraid to speak my opinion and things like that but I've always felt that I don't care about how I look, which would be perfect for podcasting because I don't want you to look at me and think of me in a certain way. I just want you to listen to my voice and see what I have to say. A little bit more about myself. I've been a beautician for the last 10 years. Since the age of 14 I started my own business and I've kind of just done my own thing ever since. I'm spiritual, I'm opinionated, I'm a homeowner and I've got blue hair so there's a few little facts for you to try and fathom in your head what I look like. I'm trying to read off my notes because on the course it kind of tells you, you know, have an outline of what you're talking about but I find it harder to be reading off a script than just a free talk. I have no idea what I'm doing in terms of editing and things so this is pretty much going to be like a raw, unedited podcast to start off. But I'm kind of used to that in a way because I've always done live videos and it hasn't really given me the opportunity to be able to change what I've spoke about. So yeah I'm quite okay with the idea of it. So just to go into a little bit about what I want to do on my podcast. I am looking at paper, I'm sorry if it sounds robotic, I'm really trying for it not to be. But I basically wanted to go into podcasting because I feel like the things I have opinions about are quite crazy. In university I always seem to be the person who's got a completely different opinion to everyone else which I like but it's always challenging. And I'd quite like to start podcasting because I just think the things that I'm talking about are quite interesting. I'd like to speak about different subjects, I'd like to challenge different subjects. I do want to start off just doing it on my own so I can get to know my viewers and things like that and eventually I would love to get people on my podcast because I just find conversations so fascinating and the things that you can get from just speaking to people. So I'd also like to talk a lot about mental health issues. I don't want it to be like the centre of what I'm doing but I am very passionate about mental health. I'm currently studying to be a counsellor in university and I've run my own mental health group for the last few years just from home. So I'd quite like to have this platform to be able to give people inspiration, help people with different mental health issues and just be able to have this space for even myself just to be able to talk and get everything out that I want to because as a beautician and a counsellor most of the time I'm doing the listening and that's pretty much it and I don't really have like as much time anymore to vent and talk about the shit I want to talk about and just a little PS there will be a lot of swearing in this because I am very gross but yeah anyway. I'd also like to raise awareness of different things and there is just a lot of subjects I want to speak about as things that could be anti-government, it could be about mental health, it could be about beauty, it could be about the latest things that are going on around the world but pretty much what this is is going to be a shit show and I'm quite happy with that because I just like to babble on as much as possible. I know that's not exactly the best thing in the world for podcasting when you do babble on but I will do what the hell I want. The reason I've actually gone into this is because over the last few years as I went more into doing videos and things on Instagram I would constantly get like this passion in my soul and it would be like my heart would just start beating and I just want to talk and I just want to get it out and I want to tell people what I'm thinking and I love that like I'm so passionate about what I speak about and I think everyone will gather that from listening to my podcasts and like I mentioned I don't really care about how I look or anything like that. I feel like a lot of social media is to put up this wall and it's to put up this wall of what reality really is and what people like to perceive it as. I myself I like to be quite raw. I like to be real. I want people to see me for my voice and for the realness of who I am not to hide behind a social media and what I want people to think my life's like. If I'm crying I'm posting it on Instagram. If I'm happy I'm posting it on Instagram because I want people to see what real life is like not what we show. So those are a little bit into like you know the things I'm going to be doing on this podcast. It is going to be a mix of different things but like this is so nerve-wracking for me like I have been wanting to do this for so long and I'm finally sat here in my walking wardrobe because that's where I was told it's best to do it in a quiet place. Giving my heart out to you guys because I can't put this off any longer. I am very self-aware. I'm very aware of my mental health. I'm quite intelligent if I say so myself and I just feel like it's time to get my voice out there because this is something I've wanted to do for a long time. I've read all the self-care books. I've done all the therapy. I am in a good place and it's time for me to actually go after the passions I want because I know that for a long time beauty has lost my passion. I am very artistic with my work but I feel like the most passion I get out of my job now is the conversations I have and to be able to really go into them on podcasting is like a big dream for me. So I just want to finish off my podcast. It's not going to be a long one but I just want to go into a bit of the history of myself so everyone like that's viewing this can just build up an idea of who I am and what I am and I just want everyone to know that everything that I will be sharing will be from my heart and it will be as real as it can be and it won't always be pretty. I can promise that and it won't always be perfect but I will do my best and I just want to begin because I've been wanting to do this for so long and it's like the minute I start it's going to get so much easier and I'm just going to flow with it but that beginning is so scary and I'm just glad that I'm finally taking the leap and this video might be shit to some people but for me this is something I've been wanting to do for so long. So just a bit of like a background of who I am and how I've got to where I am. I'm not doing this for a sob story, I don't want to go massively into my mental health but my journey kind of began when I did have a bit of a suicidal breakdown and it was around 2018 and I've always suffered with mental health since I was a kid but I never really knew what it was and it wasn't until I did kind of go off the rails and hit rock bottom that's when everything hit me and I started to become self-aware but because before that day it was like wake up, work, play and then sleep and that was my life and that was fine but I was quite like unaware of the things that I am now. So I kind of had a breakdown but I was still really involved with social media and I wasn't afraid to show that I was doing that so I ended up in a really low place and by, oh sorry just having a moment this will happen a lot where my brain will just stop working but it's back working, so I had a breakdown I let everyone know about it on social media, everyone was worried about me but it was kind of showing the truth of what mental health's really like, I didn't want to hide behind this fake Instagram anymore so I had a breakdown and I was like borderline homeless and I had to have major surgery on my breasts because I had cysts, I didn't know whether to say that but you know I'd rather just say how it is, so while I was homeless I'd actually put my name down for my first house as I have been self-employed for quite a lot of years I thought it's finally time to do something with it and I've always wanted to go into property development so I put my name down for my first house and then we went into lockdown, I was homeless in lockdown bearing in mind I was a beautician which made it really difficult to make the money I needed for my deposit but I did it all, I was at the lowest I'd ever been, I managed to buy a house, I built myself up and for the last two years I've kind of been focusing on myself, going to therapy, helping myself with eating disorders, getting diagnoses for my mental health, started reading books and just focusing on myself a lot more, going for walks, like the cliche things of what people do to help themselves but to be honest I've really got myself out of a hole and I've been building myself up and I am proud of myself and my mental health and now that I'm in a better place I can offer to help other people and I'm just finding a place where I've got enough around me that I can focus on my goals which is what I'm doing now but yeah I just like people to understand that I have been through a lot and I've came out the other side so the things I speak are from experience and just genuinely wanting to help people out there, the priority of this podcast is so that I can help people but it'll be great if there's things along the line because I love making people laugh, I love going into opinionated things, I love having difference in opinion but the priority of my show is to raise awareness and just help other people out there and make people feel not alone and I didn't really want to mention it but like I do have ADHD but I don't want it to be like the girl with ADHD, I don't want it to be who I am, my personality but I would love to help other people out there that suffer with things like anxiety, depression, ADHD, BPD, eating disorders, like trauma in the family, like anything I would love to just have a little input and hopefully somebody out there will be like oh I get that so yeah like I'm gonna post this and it's really weird for me and I just hope it works out and in a year's time I'll look back and I'm just glad I made this leap because I've read a lot of good books and one being Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway, it's such a great book and it's so right like you can be so fearful of something and then once you do it and you've got that motivation and actually do something about it like it will just flow and I can't wait to look back and just be glad that I finally started because I've been worried about this for so long and I don't know why because I don't even care what people think about me, I've never cared, I've always been real but for me it's just because I've grew such a talent in my job and I know how to do my job it's so weird going into a completely different field especially technology because I'm shit at it but yeah I don't want to babble on too much but I hope like if you've viewed this like if you're a follower from my social media already or whether you're just seeing this for the first time like I hope this brings a bit of excitement in your life because I am going to be different to most people, I know that there's people out there like me but I'd quite like to say that I am unique in my own ways and I hope that I bring an interesting channel into podcasting and that it goes well so yeah guys if you're watching this or listening should I say I hope you've enjoyed it and just wait to see what comes more because now I'm probably going to go absolutely on one all the time so yeah that's my introduction, bye!

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