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TST Ep 3 - I Saw A Panther At My House

TST Ep 3 - I Saw A Panther At My House

Jessa Ritter



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Haley shares a story about her teacher, Bird, who constantly gets on her and her friend, Jocelyn, for sitting together in class. Despite Bird telling them they could sit together, she suddenly wants them to have their own tables. Haley argues back, but Bird takes a picture of them talking and yells at them. Haley believes Bird has previous issues and shares another story about a teacher who answers students' phone calls and invades their privacy. Hello! Welcome to That's So True Podcast. I'm Jessa. I'm Haley. And we are here. It is a Sunday. Um, we have our breakfast from coffee, bean, tea, leaf. Oh, I got my favorite, hazelnut. And you got a vanilla spice latte. I told her to surprise me. And then I also got a breakfast burrito. And I got a breakfast sandwich vegan beyond sausage and egg and cheese. Not like we want to eat on record here. Um, today we have, I would say a different episode. Um, we thought it would be cool to talk about some teacher stories, um, first. So, because recently Haley has a situation that she just wants to get off her test. Guys, I know I'm going to get so heated once I start explaining it. Alright, so what happened? Oh my god, okay. No name, just first letter or something, I guess. We're going to call my teacher Bird. Bird? Yeah. Why, you hate birds? No. Um, anyways, Bird, right? Um, I've had her class this whole year, but I just got switched into a different, like, subject this next semester after winter break. But I still had her class, but it was also switched to second period because it was in, it was fourth period last semester. But last semester I had her for genetics, and then this semester I have her for biology. And my best friend, hi Jocelyn, um, get out because she'll listen to this. Yeah. Anyways, um, me and Jocelyn got broke. We have five classes together this semester. Out of eight, that's a win. Anyways, um, so I have this class with her, right, and Bird, she knows me because I had her class last semester, but she doesn't know Jocelyn. So she saw that me and Jocelyn were sitting together and we only have like seven kids in that class, so each person can have their own table. And I almost called her by her name. Bird said, Bird said that, um, since there was only seven kids we could each have our own table, and she was like getting, she was getting on me and Jocelyn for it. And she was like, you know I told you guys you could have your own tables, right? And I was like, yeah, but what if we don't want our own tables? Did she actually talk like that? No, I'm kidding. I just thought it sounded funny. Yeah, I'm dramatic, sorry. Um, and I was like, what if I don't want my own table? She was like, well, I'm giving you the opportunity to, so please move to your own table so you and Jocelyn don't distract each other. I was like, but we get our work done. And she hadn't given us any chance. Like, we do get our work done. I helped her get an A in our last class. Like, so when she told me this story, I was like, well, maybe she's the type of teacher that gets really distracted and so she gets frustrated when she hears even whispering. So she's deaf. Is she really? Not fully. Just like how she's blind in one eye. Okay, so the fact that she can still hear you means you were talking loud enough. That's the thing. We weren't talking. Maybe. Oh, anyways. Is her desk facing you guys? Yeah. So maybe it's just movement. Anyway. Um, anyways, and like, we've only like before this whole incident happens that I'm about to go into. Um, we've had we had this class together for three days and birth was like on our case since the first day telling us like, why are you girls being loud when she didn't have her stuff sorted out? Like, she didn't have her time and sorted out. She didn't have ingenuity or anything for that class sorted out. So none of the students had anything to do. And she told us until I get everything figured out, you guys can either do work and another class, or you can be on your phones. If you don't have work and another class and talking friends, which means awesome. Well, didn't have work because it was the beginning of a new semester. It was literally the first day or second day. So, like, or it was the first day in that class. But, um, anyways. And then, like, she like would be on our case every day. And she would tell us, you guys need to be quiet. Girls need to stop when we like, she told us we could be talking. We didn't have anything to do. And I told her that I'd be like, why are you making me move away from her when you told us like, not even five minutes ago that we could do whatever we want if we don't have any work. And every time, like, I would make an argument because I stood up. I wasn't gonna let her separate us for something she told us we could do. Every day. Yes, I am. Anyways, so every time I stood up for myself and I argued back, I don't care. I argued back. Okay, she admitted that she was in the wrong every single time. Right. Right. Now, I walk into class. I literally I walk into class on Thursday, Friday, Thursday, Wednesday. I walk into class. I go sit down next to Jocelyn. And she calls me up. And she goes, Haley, can you come talk to me for a second? Yeah, whatever. Okay. I go and talk to her. And she's like, I expect you to get your work done today. And if I see you and Jocelyn talking at all, I'm gonna and you getting distracted. I'm gonna separate you two. And I told her, and that's the thing. I've been on top of my work. I'm ahead in that class right now. Okay. And I told her I have all my work done. I'm on top of my work. She's like, I know. But if I see you getting distracted and not doing your work, I'm gonna separate you. We were fine. I went and sat next to her, right? We will like to chat and every every now and then. But that's what people do. Like, hello, I was still getting my work done. And at this point, I'm in the middle of like an eight minute video. And like watching an eight minute video and Jocelyn's doing work on her laptop and she's showing me something she needs help with something. Next thing I know, like 20 seconds later, Bird goes, Haley, can you come up here for a second? And she was actually wait, no, both you and Jocelyn. We walk up there. She shows us her phone and she goes, this is what I see every time I look up from my desk. And it's a picture of me and Jocelyn. And it's like me looking at Jocelyn. That's literally all it is. She feels the need to have proof that you are talking. And then Jocelyn. Wow. The minute we saw that picture, Jocelyn immediately goes, Why are you taking pictures of us? And she goes, I'm gonna delete it immediately. But I just wanted you to see. And Jocelyn was like, I don't care. Why are you taking pictures with us? Because that is like, it's not allowed. We're not allowed to like, take like pull out our camera in class or anything like the teachers yell at us if we have our camera open. So the fact that she took a picture of us and I told her to, if roles were reversed, and I were to take a picture of you, you would be upset about it. And she's like, yeah, but I'm deleting this. I was like, okay, but if I were to delete it immediately to you still get upset. She was silent. And then her and Jocelyn, she started yelling at us, like yelling at us and her and Jocelyn were talking. So I was just quiet because I wasn't about to start talking over them. Like that's like, you know, her yelling and us is already enough. Anyway. And so while they were like yelling at each other, I don't even know what Jocelyn was saying. I was kind of just spacing out and laughing because the fact that we were arguing over that. And then I was going to try to say something. Cause like I said, I was in the middle of an eight minute video. I was still getting my work done when she had called us up and if she didn't call us up, I would have gotten more work done. Thank you very much. Anyways. So after her and Jocelyn were done yelling at each other, she told me to go sit down at my desk. And I was like, uh, can I say something first? And she was like, no. And she started yelling at me. She was like, go sit down, go sit down. She's like, go move. I was like, you're not letting me say anything. She was like, I don't care. Go sit down and walk away. And so I moved and then not the next day in that class, but the day after, cause we have even an odd days for our classes. Um, I walked into that class and I sat right next to her again and the teacher got mad at me. Yeah. Um, that was a really long explanation. So this is a teacher that already has some previous issues. Oh yeah. But like she has, she's like really close to being fired. She was almost fired last semester. She wasn't allowed on campus. I'm surprised she isn't fired. She's not allowed on campus? She wasn't allowed. According to her therapist because of her eye. I really don't think that's it. Like, how do you know this though? She's close with one of the students that I'm friends with. So I get all the information. That's kind of weird. Yeah. Um, there's been, yeah, there's been a lot with her. I'm trying to think cause it's been 14 years since I was in high school. Um, I don't know which story that I can bring up, but there was. Oh, one more thing. And she answers students' phone calls. Oh yeah. On their phone. Oh, so we'll explain. So basically. When you have to go to the restroom. We have to give her our phone. Like we have to basically turn it in until we come back. Um, my friend, she got a phone call from her boyfriend while she was out in the bathroom. And the teacher answered it. And she was like, um, why are you calling someone's phone? Like girl. That is not okay. I would absolutely. If I told my mom that and she found out. Yeah, there'd be. And she's always peeping on students' phones and everything. If she ever answers your phone call. Call me during that period to catch her in the act. Yeah. Are you ready? I'm going to the bathroom now. Um, so one of my stories is I can either tell, I guess it'll be two separate stories, but it's about the same teacher. So this was a teacher, my science teacher in high school. I can say his name because it's a different state. Everyone from my grit or my senior class probably is not going to hear this, but, um, his name was Mr. G. He was older. Um, Mr. G was in fact, not a G. Uh, so it was a science class and I think both of these stories happened in the same year. Um, so I'll tell the first story was, of course, during my high school years, phones were still not allowed. I mean, we wouldn't get in like super trouble unless it was a common like incident with the same student. And I guess each teacher was different. So this guy though, he was kind of strict and, um, I had, I think it was my first like smartphone. It was called an instinct. I have no idea. Um, I think it was a sprint, but it was a touchscreen. Um, and I was usually pretty good about like being respectful on my phone, but there was a few times I would be on it. Of course, like I didn't have headphones in like today's students pointing at me. I have my headphones in 24 seven, no shame. And they can't do anything about it because they can't even see it. Okay. Uh, so I, I don't even remember why I was messaging, but it was a quick thing and it's not like it anyway. So he, Mr. G ended up catching me, um, being secretive, um, with my phone kind of under the desk, you know, uh, and usually you get a warning being like, okay, turn your phone off. But this time he, and I didn't have any prior incidents before. Um, and this is a guy that other students felt kind of weird around because especially, and it was weird with guys. When you would come to your desk and you know, when you're getting extra, like you have a question or extra help on an assignment or something, they come over to your desk and he would go like, sometimes he would put her hand on my shoulder. So he would rest his hand on your shoulder, which what the heck? Nowadays. Yeah. So he was already uncomfortable to everyone. So when I got in trouble, um, our phones would usually be taken for the class period. And that's, it was like a, you know, strike three, then it would be taken to the office. But he, instead of like putting it in his desk drawer, he put it in his pocket and he goes, you can get this from the counselor at the end of the school day. And I was like, what? You know? Okay. And that made me so mad. Cause at this point I walked home and it wasn't too far, but, and yeah, it wasn't too far from home, but it was winter. And it's your personal belongings. Like you don't want a teacher keeping like your phone. I did. I think I did turn it off. I wasn't pretty sure, but I don't think little codes were a thing then. Um, but yeah, so I, I couldn't believe that. And then, and I think it was like before lunch. So the rest of the day I'm just like, oh my God, worried. My mom's gonna think she can't get ahold of me. So, um, I get, I leave school at the end of the day and I actually fricking slipped on a whole bunch of ice and boy, that hurt. And I couldn't even like be like, mom, can you come pick me up? I fell. I walked home and I actually, I walked in the door crying cause I was like so upset. I would be bawling. Um, and I told her, well, next thing I know I'm in the car on the way back to the school. And, um, my mom took care of it. Basically she went into the school and she pulled him off and yeah, told him off and I got my phone back. And it was weird for a while after that, being in that class. And then that's how I feel now because she tries to act all buddy buddy with me and it's like, stop. Like, yeah, I'm still respectful, but I'm not going to be buddy buddy. You crossed the line. And then later that year or it might've been the next year. Um, cause I had them two years, different science classes. It was like biology and physical science, but I feel like you care. So I sat in front because we ended up getting assigned seats at this moment. And, um, so I was like in the corner up by the whiteboard by his desk and he was getting up to fix. So there's like a table in front of me and he gets up to basically turn on or put batteries in a speaker or something. And he ended up stepping back off the desk and falling and he would've landed on me. And so my reaction was, I literally just put my hand up and I like caught him. Oh my God. I like saved his life because that would have been really bad. He would've like hurt his back. He could've got a concussion. Um, but I would say that myself basically. And cause yeah, something's falling down on you. Like girl, you could've just moved on away. But then he would've been like, yeah, I wouldn't have done like purposely made him get purposely. So yeah, I saved him. And then like he immediately turned around and he goes, oh my God, you saved my life. Like dramatically. And I was so embarrassed because then everyone had their, like, they were like, oh my God, did that just happen? And for the rest of the year he would tell his new classes all throughout the rest of my, I was like 11th grade at that point. So then I graduate and he kept telling new students and stuff of the time where I saved his life. And I was like, God, never again. All right. So next thing we can talk about, we can do ghost stories. I know you don't have any, I was just made sure they go story about a stamp. Okay. So basically this was like five years ago, four years ago, I lived off grid. It was when I lived in the mountains. Um, and my friend was over and I had like a desk, like, you know, grandpa's desk. I had that in my room. It was one of his stamps actually that came to my desk. Um, it was like sitting on top. I would always like stamp things, kind of like professional, you know? That's cute. Okay. Oh, like a hand stamp? Uh, I think so. With the ink? Okay. Yeah. I would say that you're thinking the stamp you put a sticker stamp. I was like, what? Like one of the small ones. Sticker stamp. Yeah. Like one of the small ones that has a lid. Oh my God. What? No, stamps you use on letters to mail. Oh, that's what they're called? Those are stamps. Yeah. Oh, sticker stamp. Oh my God. I just had a blonde moment, bro. Oh my God. I was like, there's no way. It was not registering in my brain. I was thinking, you know, the small, like, fair stamps. That's what you're talking about. That looks like little stickers. Anyways. Wow. Okay. So grandpa's press-on stamp. Yeah. But like, I didn't have the ink. It was just the stamp. And it was just sitting on my desk. And me and my friend were just chilling on our bed. And like, there was no like wind flow or anything. It didn't move? It was chucked across the room. Is this after grandpa passed? Yeah. Because I had the desk. Yeah, yeah. But yeah, me and Lizzie were just sitting on our phones, like talking on our bed, on my bed. And all of a sudden we hear, and we look over like we look up and the stamp like, this is my room, right? Like, this is, it's a, you know how big it was. But like, this is the desk right here. It like was halfway across the room. Yeah. And me and Lizzie both looked at each other and we're like, what the heck? It was freaky. Wow. Didn't you also have a speaker? In the same room? Yeah. Yep. Wow. That went off. It turned on by itself. Um, I have a story like that where a little, I don't know what kind of brand it was. It was a little round handheld size where it had suctioned onto something. Yeah, that's what mine was. Yeah. So mine was blue. So those were really popular at the time. And I think it was my friends when I was working at a bakery and it was like late, it was probably like 1030 because we were still at work. And the same thing happened where it was checked across the room. And the other employees who were Spanish were so scared. It's so funny. And at the same bakery, we would, I would hear whistling and it would be usually when there's only two of us left at work. And, um, yeah, we would hear whistling. My name was called once. The whistling was definitely a woman, but then there was a male energy that was there too. And I was not the only one who felt that. So that was fun. One time, I mean, my guy friend, Danny, shout out to Danny. If he ever, he won't know. But, um, it was us at the bakery, just us. And we stayed a little extra, like half hour. Cause at this point it was like past midnight and we were investigating. I even had a little recorder, which I don't know where that's at. But, and yeah, we investigated, took videos and stuff. I think mostly we just, we ended up creeping ourselves out, but I didn't, I don't think we actually caught anything other than seeing orbs. We need to start doing like more ghost hunting stuff. Like we need to start going to hotels. That's what you should do. Get money for like night, one night hotel stays. So we can just walk around and investigate on one of like your days off, you know, or before. Um, and Queen Mary. Also, you should talk about like the paranormal experiences from Gorkenbarrel. I don't really remember. I swear I thought there was a couple. Did any men have that experience? She's a believer. Yeah, but she doesn't get, she's not really. I swear I remember like some story about her sweeping. I don't remember. I barely remember working there. I don't even remember that time in my life. Um, okay. So quickly we had a house and then next door was a house that eventually my grandparents moved into, but it had a, an old fashioned like garage where it was detached from the house and their backyard. Mine's like an alley. So, but when we first got the house and I was exploring, of course, and I had my two friends, uh, Stephanie, which I call them in. So that's her nickname. And then, um, Liz, we were, we were like, um, Lizzie, Miranda and Gordo. That's what we were like. Um, so we were exploring and no one lived in the, in the white house next to us at the time. And the garage doors were just open. So we were in our backyard and we walked over there because we were curious. You know, preteen. Um, and it looked very movie-like. Uh, it was dark. There was nothing inside and there was like two, there was like a wall with a, a threshold to a back room of the garage and it was, there was no flooring. It was all dirt and it, it was made out of wood, obviously. So you can tell that it was very old. You go over there, it was like cold, dark. You can smell the old, the vintage. Yeah. Rustic. Yeah. And so, um, we're standing not inside, just literally at the door, at the doors and we looked, well, I don't know if they looked in the back room, um, through the other door, but I did. And I swear to God, I still remember seeing a black panther. What happened was I saw the butt and the tail and the back legs because it was like, I was catching it walking into the room. But the thing is, the reason why it's so like, what the heck, a black panther is because of the area we lived in. Yes, because this was a small town, uh, cougars would go in town and sometimes, and deers would sleep in yards. But like a black panther? But a black panther. And so, yeah, it was very scary. I didn't think it was like a ghost. I thought it was really there. And I saw the dirt of the paws moving. Like I saw the paw make the dirt slip up. And so, and we all saw something and so then we all like kind of ran off a little bit and we all discussed it and we were all freaking out. And I went and told my dad and he went to go look and there was nothing. And it was weird because it was frightening because you're young, you're a kid, and there's a freaking big, big, huge, like wild animal. And I, like I thought it was real. I thought it was really there. So I booked it. Anyway, so then we have a shed in our house. Um, it's a little closer to the back door and the coffee man. And like, this is like the first day or the second day where we're still moving our things into the house. And so my parents are busy and me and my friends are just exploring the place. And so we go into the shed and it had a door. And we go in and it's kind of creepy. It looks like, you know, a man's workshop. There's nails all over the walls that obviously hung tools. There's shelves and work benches and stuff. Um, so on the back of the door, so I closed it and on the back of the door, someone prior to us moving into the house, I don't know how long it was there, but it wasn't fresh, had spray painted Black Panther. Oh, it spray painted, you don't know this part? It said Raven Panther. Not Black Panther, it was Raven. It's Panther Raven. But that's basically Black Panther. Basically, yeah. But did it say Raven or am I just making that up? I'm pretty sure it said Raven. It could just be the autism in me jumping out. But I feel like Raven is like, uh, what's it called? A frickin, what's it called? Well, it's a bird. A suffix or whatever. You know, we get a Latin. Y'all need to see this. A Latin prefix. Oh, yeah. Something like that. So that was jarring. Yeah, that would freak me out because I'd be like, oh, and I wish I could like call them and be like, do you remember that time? Yeah, I'll never forget that. It was creepy and I was terrified. And then seeing that written all over the inside of the shed. I still want to find records on this house because of the experiences I've had. There's no way something didn't happen in that house. And it's been there a long time, but I can't remember the date. It was definitely like before the 50s. And I only remember being told that an older lady was there before us. Alright, next topic. We can do old work stories. Slash old school stories. Yeah, because I get bullied when I'm little. Before school. I have a lot of stories, but some of the stories that I want to just kind of like briefly bring up are like at one of my previous jobs was another bakery. I was a cake decorator. And this company is with a new owner now. And that's why I left. That's why the entire original team left. I just want to say that. So we had quite a bit of like celebrity clients that would get, you know, very customized cakes from us and stuff. But one of our regulars was Kat Von D and she would always get vegan cakes with us. Her assistant, of course, was the one that would mainly book it. So that was really cool to be able to like deliver to Kat Von D and her really nice house in Hollywood. Since then, I don't know if she still has that house, but she moved. But every time I drive by it, it's just, you know, memories. Another one was Josh Pat. It was actually during COVID. So we wouldn't allow people to come inside. So we had to like go to the door and take orders. It was weird. So yeah, he came to the door. We had a little doorbell. He got like a six pack of cupcakes, if I remember correctly. And I took his card. So that was a cool experience. I think I fangirled a little bit, but I tried to keep it cool. We've made cupcakes for Will Smith. The cakes, Mario Lopez. We've made him stuff. Oh my God. See, I can't get rid of the we. Well, you technically still did. What else? You know, cakes and desserts and cookies for a whole bunch of shows. Yeah, I was gonna say there was a show. I remember I was watching and you told me you guys were making, I think, cookies for it. Yeah. Didn't you guys do something for Miraculous? No? I don't know. Maybe. I remember delivering a whole bunch of cookies, like a whole bunch, like over, definitely over 200 cookies to like with edible images on it of Wipeout. And I delivered them to the- Didn't you make IT cookies? Something to do with IT? Yeah, because I remember the boat. Oh, we did a horror, horror theme of villains and yeah, that- Astrogy. Literally more than 20 hours to make each cookie because it was like handmade fondant. I saw that. That's still one of my like best cookie. Oh my God. It took two of us. Shout out to Frankie. He was a cool dude. Learned a lot from him. Oh, we also, the Try Guys, booked some stuff. I think one of the projects was a gingerbread house. Okay, moving on. Hello, I didn't even get to talk about my story. Alright, kid story. Oh my God. Kid story. I was bullied so much and not even just in like one school. It was multiple. Just do one. I know. At Stratton. Dude, do you remember that Caitlyn girl? Yes. I wonder where she's at today. Anyways. I don't remember a lot from Stratton. I put a girl in a chokehold once. What? You didn't know that? Yeah. Did we? I don't think- They made a call to you and you had to come to the school because I had her in like a full on chokehold. It was just all fun and games for me. I guess I had the chokehold too tight. Chokehold? I think you were probably thinking you were just playing. Oh yeah, because I'd see like you and Desi and TJ around the house all the time and I thought, oh it's fine. She was literally going, and I was laughing, bro. Oh no. And then there was another time where I snuck into the teacher's room and with this kid, I don't even remember his name, with this kid and I went into her desk and she had a huge gum stash. It was Miss Hoisinton. Oh, but not my Miss Hoisinton. I thought we had the same Miss Hoisinton. No, my Miss Hoisinton retired and went over to middle school. But yeah, she had a huge gum stash. They weren't even in packs. They were in the drawer, like the pieces everywhere. Oh. So me and him- They're great? No. I had her class in kindergarten. Oh. So me and him snuck into the classroom during recess when nobody was looking and snuck into her drawer and stole gum and she got us. And then, trying to think of other things. Oh, when I was in my, I don't even know what you would call it, you have to be innocent phase and you'd always say that's what she said jokes. Oh my god, yeah. I would get so mad. She would yell, Jessica! To try to make a point. And it would make the thing funnier for me because it was so funny that you didn't get the joke at the time. It was just funny that you got so upset. Are you cold or is this just your- It's from the coffee. Anyways. Oh, that's what she said jokes. Oh yeah. So I would get so mad. I was like, you know what, I'm going to teach them a lesson. So I started going around school and saying that's what she said to everybody. In hopes that the teachers would catch on and get mad and make a call so you guys would stop saying it around me. We didn't. Yeah, I know. Oh my god. You thought you were so clever. I was trying to teach you guys a lesson. I was mad. I was like, how dare they. Wow. Wait, so that happened after the gum? How did we get to the that's what she said? That happened- That was a bunny trail just now. Because I don't know- If you don't know what a bunny trail is- We explained this in the first episode. I know. But just in case you didn't listen to the first episode, our random thoughts that come in and out and we change subjects is what we call a bunny trail. That was disgusting. Okay. Ew. Okay. Anyways, yeah. That was in like second grade. That's a cool kid story. I guess. Alright, next thing is the bomb but strange food combos that we like that sound gross that they're actually really good. I have a few. But I think some of them we've had in the family for so long that you have tried them and you like them too. And then we need to say some that I've never tried but you have or maybe that you want to try. Me first? Sure. Oh, okay. It sounds gross and I haven't had it in a long time but it's like, you know the fudge strip brownies? You know, with the chocolate on the bottom and it's brown and it has a little hole in the middle and it has the stripes of chocolate on the top? And it has the elf on the package. Oh, okay. You know those? Yeah. And then like with pizza. So you bite one? Yeah. And bite the slice of pizza and chew it together? Yeah. But I haven't had it in a really long time so I kind of feel like I wouldn't like it anymore. Do you feel like the chocolate would be too sweet? I should not be sitting here to still... After two cups of coffee? Are you kidding me? Bro. Are you serious? That was an exaggeration. But like, I really need to move around. Okay, food that I think is bomb that every time I tell someone they're like, ew. And I'm like, no really, I promise you it sounds gross but it's really good. Guys, I've grown up with this. There's a few. So one is peanut butter and pickle sandwiches. It's good. It's really good. It's weird. It sounds so weird. It sounds disgusting. I was really hesitant on trying it when I was little. But I think another one that people probably have tried is like the peanut butter and banana. That's not that weird though. It's not that weird. It's like peanut butter and strawberries. I actually know a lot of people that put like chips on their sandwiches. Even peanut butter. Like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with like Doritos on it. That ran. Jelly? Yeah. Ew. Peanut butter and jelly with nacho cheese Doritos, Jessa? Yeah. Yeah, I know. It sounds gross. The Doritos don't taste like Doritos. It's just the crunch. The crunch makes it sound. It's just delicious. What's another one? Another one. Other than hot sauce and pizza. That's not really that weird though. It's not that weird. I like to dip my mozzarella sticks in barbecue sauce. Okay. But in like tapakio and anything. Ramen? That's not weird. I don't know. That's not weird. Everybody does that. Maybe. Especially like Hispanics. Oh. Well, I'm a loser. That's not good. Never mind. Um. Okay, what about putting in mac and cheese? I used to do that. I do that. That doesn't sound like a. I used to think it was gross. When I like heard that Desi did it. Cause she used to do it all the time. Like it really, it really grossed me out. Like. It's like mac and cheese and ketchup. I don't know why anybody put mac and cheese. Or not mac and cheese. Eggs and ketchup. That's disgusting. It's good a few times in your life to me. And then. I've had it like twice. Or I never see any. Like how you do on Tik Tok. It used to be the Timoy pickle. But I've tried that, so. And you really didn't like it like you thought you would. Jocelyn wasn't supposed to tell you that. Jocelyn, I'm going to dock you for that. Okay, so she ordered the. Timoy pickle. And I kept getting at her for wasting $25. Cause listen. And I told her, you could have just got all this ingredients yourself. But it would have been more expensive. No. Because we already have. Mexican candy. Mexican candy is expensive. You would have. But the pickle would be cheaper. It would be. We would just get ahold of her. Of Timoy pickles? I don't think you can get ahold of Timoy pickles, can you? I don't know. Probably. But like we already had some of the. Okay, we had one ingredient. Takis. Okay, two ingredients. Cause we had the tahini. That's what I was trying to remember with it. I cannot remember. But still. So I kept bugging her. And being like, I can't believe you spent $25. And by the way. It was a gift card. Christmas. Yeah. And she bought it. And she was so excited. I was. I was so hyped. And I. I'm gonna. I'll. I'll be completely honest. It was good like the first two bites. But then towards the end. It was just like. I don't know. And it was really messy. Yeah. It was strange watching you put that thing together. Yeah. Both her and my grandma were watching me. Like I was like. I don't know. What do you think? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. An ancient artifact. Okay. I want to talk about MySpace. Because that was brought up recently today. Yeah. So. Because we were watching. I kind of miss it. Because it was really fun to be able to customize and design your own page. I wish Facebook was like that. Pinterest was kind of like that. But not as much. It's. I don't think so. Like you. Your whole page could have a whole background. And then there was like another layer of. That would. You just scrolled up. So your background would stay. And then. The. Rest of the profile would move. And you could add little stickers. Gifs. And so people could see. And it looked like a whole website that was just customized by your personality. MySpace. You could have a playlist. Thousands of songs. I wish. Had Jeffery Starr on there. Had the Jonas Brothers. I did. Tons of stuff. There was games that whoever was visiting your page could play. And then there was. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. 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