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Warframe 1999 has received a graphical update and now has a retro aesthetic. The exciting part is that we can now see the faces of the Warframes. The gameplay is more grounded, allowing melee attacks, powers, and new gun sound upgrades to take center stage. This new direction could be one of the best things for Warframe and its storytelling. Share which Warframe's face and story you want to see in the comments. Hey you, I'm your player 2 and let's talk Warframe 1999. The graphical update is fantastic with the new 1999 aesthetic retro design. I'm actually very intrigued by this place, but nope, gotta start over, god damn it. Because it's taking too long to get from point to point, so let's go with like the facts and then my opinion. Hey you, I'm your player 2 and let's talk Warframe 1999. It's got a graphical update, it takes place in 1999, and as we can see, it looks like we can see the faces of the Warframe, finally, as well as new upgrades in combat and weaponry and sound design. So I'm super excited for the fact that we even get to see the Warframe's faces. We can finally experience their stories and probably new stories before they became, you know, Warframes. Another thing that excites me is there are clear upgrades here. The gun that's being used sounds amazing and the fact that the gameplay has been kind of condensed into a more slower but still action-packed lane means that the melee will be fun, the powers will be more useful, and it takes center stage, and because there's a sound upgrade in the guns, there's just so much fun to be had. There's a connection between the whispering walls and 1999, which is the guy in the hat, and I'm looking forward to how these stories connect, as well as how seeing the old Warframe connects to the new stories. That's actually terrible, we're going to try again. Hey you, I'm your player 2 and let's talk about Warframe 1999. One thing I am excited about is... I gotta stop doing that, that's a fucking habit, it's a bad one. Hey you, I'm your player 2, let's talk Warframe 1999. It's got a graphical glow-up, it takes place in 1999, so there's a retro aesthetic, and the most exciting part about it is we can see the Warframe's faces now. We get to see Arthur play around. The gameplay is more grounded, so what will take center stage are the new melee attacks, of course the powers themselves, and the new gun sound upgrades will make this game feel a lot more next-gen and a lot more grounded. Some people may like that, some people won't. I think it's amazing because one thing about Warframe that I've always wanted is for them to ground it more, so all of the stealth, all of the powers, the weapons, they can take center stage. So now that the game is a little bit more condensed, looks better, and has a whole new story route to follow, this could be one of the best things for Warframe, and let me know which character you're hoping to see in the comments below. Try again. This could be a great... this will be a... this will be a great new avenue for Warframe to tell its stories, especially since we get to see the Warframe's faces. Tell me which Warframe's face and story you want to see in the comments below. Peace.