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A magic death_Jasmin

A magic death_Jasmin




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A man reflects on his life as a witch hunter, proud of his accomplishments in destroying witches. However, he starts to suspect that a witch has survived and has been living next to him all along. As he is dying from poison, he realizes that his wife is the witch and she reveals herself with joy, promising to survive him and use his land for their coven. I feel the cold, creeping hand of death, wandering slowly from my extremities to my heart. The warm evening sun is shining on my old, wrinkled face. My body is slowly turning. My darling wife is calling out of the window that dinner is ready, but instead of the bubbling stew in my belly, I feel my ghost wandering to my youth. And as if through a veil, I see the old town, when there were still witches lurking around every corner. The creeping sensation of a hex being thrown at me, however, feels disgustingly real. Something I knew too well in my youth. Something I feared. A haunted magic. I can almost feel the tension of the spell of a witch being thrown at me. I can hear my sword clicking against another. Oh, how I enjoyed the last scream of every witch. Wretched and naughty creatures they were. What a good witch hunter I was. I am proud of myself that I destroyed a whole clan. That I took revenge. That I saved them all. But something doesn't match. Something's wrong. I'm capitulated back to my present situation, and I freeze as soon as the realities settle in. That magic is in my blood. And the only one that uses magic are the immortal witches. How is it possible that one of these creatures survived? I babble. Darling, have you seen anyone driven by? Did someone ask to visit me? I demand to know from a wife who has come to the porch. No, no one was there. No one has driven by. Why? No reason. But then, who had poisoned me? The house I own is far off, near a forest. The only connection to civilization being the abandoned road next to this house. You look pale, dear, and your breathing is irregular. Did you take your concussion? Such a caring woman she was. I feel the irresistible urge to tell her that I love her. I love you, Amanda. I have loved you my whole life, ever since I saved you from the witch's claw in that attack long ago. But I think I'm dying. I look down on the man I lived with for the last years, but I do not feel love for this pathetic creature. Confusion is setting in. Why is he dying so slowly? He's so old, it should have been a quick death. But he's finally dying. I feel my mouth forming grin and laughter bubbling from some eternal pot of wrongdoings to my kind. I look at the beautiful young face of my wife. But then a sudden blinding light temporarily blinds me. I see that it is a metal chain around her neck. She never wears necklaces. I take a closer look at the metal pendant and see an eagle arising from fire. An eagle? Fire? Fear is spreading all through my, now almost entirely paralyzed, body. I feel the heat of fire as the steak is slowly consuming the flesh. I hear the last scream of a witch, their bodies crack and hiss. I feel the warm ashes in my face. I killed all of them. Every last one of them. There was no chance a single witch could have survived my clutches. I start to breathe faster. Where is this hellish freak? A chill is sent down my spine as I realize that, indeed, a witch must have survived. And that she lived my whole life next to me. That she served me supper and planted flowers around my house. That she tended to my nearly endless lands. You survived. I say with years of heartache in my weak voice. The poison now has reached my heart. I can hear my wife. No, I correct myself. The witch laughs, a horrible loud crackling. And then she says with joy in her eyes, Yes, and we will survive you again. The three mortals have survived. Oh, and dearest, do not worry. You will receive a proper burial. I will crave your gravestone myself. Dearest husband, a friend to witches and a martyr in favor of their souls. Your land will serve our coven well. We'll dance around your grave and we'll praise your good soul for all that you have given us.

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