Topaz Ecolodge is an eco-friendly luxury resort in Vietnam that targets people who want to experience the countryside and support environmental preservation. It is not affordable, with a price of $2,500 per night, so it mainly attracts wealthy individuals. Despite being surrounded by impoverished neighborhoods, the Ecolodge gives back to the local towns. They advertise through social media, using hashtags and word of mouth from enthusiastic visitors to entice more people to visit. Who did they advertise to? Topaz Ecolodge advertised to people who want to see the countryside of Vietnam and enjoy the local towns and mountains. They also advertised to environmentalists that the main goal of the Ecolodge is to preserve the environment, while also staying in somewhat luxury without affecting the environment around them. All this doesn't come at cheap, at about $2,500 per night, meaning this place is for the rich. This is what Ecolodge does. Topaz Ecolodge is surrounded by poor neighborhoods that rack in hundreds of thousands, if not millions. But they do give some of that money back to the local towns near them. How they advertise. Topaz Ecolodge advertise along their social media pages to environmentalists and people who want to see the world. They do this by using different hashtags or marketing it so it will show up on people's pages. They also use word of mouth as tons and tons of people online talk about and post the experience, which makes more people want to go.