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James Jeffrey



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The speaker is talking about various topics including their busy schedule, working on projects with different people, attending events and conferences, and their favorite experiences. They mention missing a football match, enjoying a hike, and their positive experiences at the Web Summit conference. They also discuss their opinions on marketing and business conferences and events. Ok we are rolling. Bring him on in, bring him on in. But look at him over there in all his might. The mighty duck. I'm wearing a movie. I'm wearing a jersey suitable for our top three today. We'll share it in the clips. We'll share it later on. They don't want to see it in the movies either. No we'll save that for the big reveal later on this evening. Are we out there with a man tonight? Yeah it's very noticeable. No man in that corner over there. He'd missed. He'd sorely missed. There's no drama. He's just on holidays and myself and James said we would jump on a podcast because if we didn't record tonight it would have been three weeks without a podcast. So Joe's on holidays and he's working hard enough for it. So he's gone for a few weeks and myself and James said we'd pick up the mantle and pick up the mic and give it a go. Yeah we're here now tonight and we're going to drive it on. Drive it. Drive it, drive it, drive it. And also we've just been very busy Tuesday. It's actually probably my busiest month ever I'd say. I'd say on record probably just this quarter and the first quarter have been my busiest so far. Which is great obviously brilliant. It's been bonkers. It's a bit mad trying to squeeze everything in but this is fun so at least we can chill out and have a good chat. We actually have great fun. We were working with the Marquis over the past couple of weeks and I've actually really enjoyed that project I must say. I hope they're one of my favourites. It's so much fun just meeting different people. Meeting all these different people and you kind of get a closer look into what they're like and their personalities and stuff. It's excellent. Yeah we've met loads of people but even outside of the artists meeting everyone else like their managers. Yes you are. Yeah all that kind of stuff. What goes into it. You can't do this, you can't do that and stuff. Yeah we've had a few now where we worked with a particular person and there was this big red tape around them. But that's understandable too because they're such a big name and they're probably not used to the Irish side of it but they're probably used to the UK side and we're probably a lot more relaxed compared to them. Who was your favourite that we worked with? I love Bucket and Mull James. I know. I do too to be fair. Yeah. But one notable thing like they all have brilliant voices but one of the days we were with Damien Dempsey and man his voice was good like just in a small room and he was playing away it was just class. I think that was my favourite video that we produced. No it was not my favourite video. Just because it was so intense. Yeah I loved the Gavin James video because we had a quarter of a day and we saw the sunglasses and thought it was a cool vibe. Yeah it was a cool vibe and even just the chunk up to the school and the excitement. Imagine if you were in school and you saw Gavin James walk around playing I'd say the best part of Crack My Head was with Ginny Green and Jimmy Shuckaroo because we knew them from last year and they were comfortable with us and it was just an easy shoot day. But yeah their sound like it was. Peter Allen. Peter yeah. He was actually very nice. Everyone asked, I suppose people were asking if he actually sounded. I saw him sound. Yeah he was very nice. He was a really nice guy. He was doing all the dancing and everything to pick up any tricks for your next night out training. Come on move your body. Yeah I was trying to think what's the actual dance move again. Was it Peter Andre or was it the Coronas that were dancing and everything. Oh both of them. The Coronas did like a hula hoop challenge. That's right with Keira Evans wasn't it. Peter Andre was teaching Keira how to dance. That's right. Yeah they did like the body roll. Fair play to him. Yeah yeah. He didn't have to. He got stuck into it in fairness. And then we were just done. We were in Wicklock over the weekend. Oh actually before that though we were with the launch night of the Marquee on Thursday with the Sugar Babes. That was again a good night. Yeah. And then Saturday we were in Wicklock. Yeah. And a 10km bike pack of content. So we were capturing content for a venue that they wanted to associate themselves with. Which all Glendalough has to offer. Yeah. And there was this great group coming to the venue but doing the hike first. So we had the idea of going on the hike with them and capturing content of them along the way. Yeah. It was really fun and they were a fun group and they'd crack and stuff. Yeah we'd crack in fairness. Did you know it would be a 10km hike when we started? No. So I wondered if we actually. So one of the questions was what's your favourite thing about hiking? And I was like the Shaney at the end. We got one or two answers like that too. But no I actually did really enjoy it and the views and stuff were class. And just carrying the gear and stuff wasn't so fun. Yeah it was a long little journey. We made it through though. We made it through. The only thing I would say is I missed the FA Cup final. And you know you just can't do that. You know you just can't. Yeah. Checking the results and just disaster. But I'm sure you watched the highlights. I watched the full match on Sunday. I threw on the full thing and I said I'm going to get the full experience here now. Very good. But yeah no sadly it was a good one because we're actually crying out for content like that. Oh I love it. And it's hard to get actors and reenact that type of stuff so it's all very natural and it looked great. We let them enjoy their day and they were comfortable with us moving around with the cameras. We just kind of shot them in front of us. There was lovely wildlife. There was deer and everything else which we clacked on together. But yeah I really enjoyed it. Yeah and I think even the video or even the interview stuff that we did they were all so comfortable on camera weren't they. It was like we would ask them questions and they were just so calm in themselves and their answers were so good it was like an e-media train. It was unbelievable wasn't it. Every hotspot was usable and used people like oh they were nervous and stuff. Which is understandable. Which is very understandable. I was the exact same myself. But we were everyone we could use all of them I think. Yeah it's going to be loads of content which is going to be great. Yeah so we're looking forward to that campaign because as James said it's going to be around the restaurant but also around things to do around that area and it's kind of a different way to promote a restaurant than just showing off food or just showing off people inside there. It's a nice rounded campaign. And you might see some sneak peeks of us on bikes and stuff like that. I actually have a brilliant video of you on a bike on a previous campaign. I'll have to upload that one. That might just end up on the dark web. It's Jane on a lonely road coming down on this pink girl's bike. Which I broke. Which she broke. I had two hours to our shoot trying to fix Jane on it. Murphy's Law it was like 5 o'clock in Glendalough. If anybody's been up there it's a remote part of the world but at least there's a tourist centre. But I broke the bike maybe at 5 o'clock when the shoot was over. And we'd cycled down from the restaurant to Glendalough so we had no way to get back. So which of us cycled back to the restaurant? Was it you or me? I think you cycled back. And I brought the car back. Get a couple of tools and stuff. Good luck. That last year's problem. We're on a bigger mission. Motorbikes this year. But yeah, been busy. As I said we're down a man. We miss him but he'll be back. He'll be back next week. Alright should we jump into our In-N-Out? So the performance is going to stay the same. You know what we might do with our top three? Just bulk it up a bit without showing. We might make it a top five night. That's a good idea because I actually had a few extra mentions. That makes perfect sense now actually. So our In-N-Out topic this week is are you In-N-Out on marketing and business conferences and events. So attending them, going to them, all that kind of stuff. Do you want me to go in? I think I'll let the cat out of the bag as I usually do early doors and say I'm in. I just think they're class. Just from meeting people, networking and the experience of them. My favourite one, we've been twice now is the Web Summit. So a fun experience. Web Summit in Lisbon. Just a class conference. We learned so much. I did find I really enjoyed going back the second time because we knew how to get more out of it. For example, the first time we were kind of seeing things like round tables where it was more smaller intimate groups and we kind of went to them and they were full but this year we knew they'd be beneficial and we got down early to make sure we got a seat and they felt very good because we got a real close to one-on-one with the person who was talking as opposed to being in a crowd of 100. So that was probably my favourite. It was a lot more intimate wasn't it? What did you think of the Web Summit in general? As you said there, the first year I suppose we were probably a bit green to it because we were trying to get, it was like a full day schedule and you're trying to knock off as much as possible and every topic is very interesting so you want to try and get as much as possible One talk would be in one side of the arena and it's like this big, it's like a mini city basically and you have to get across from one side to the other and I just found it overwhelming because you want to get to each thing but you're missing out then on, you might be missing 15 minutes here and 15 minutes there of just talking and stuff. So I think last year when we went, just last November, we were a lot more prepared as in we knew that we had to give ourselves a bit of time to get from A to B and pick out smaller ones that you'd actually get more value from because you're not just, well you are just a Faith in the Grove but you're a lot more interactive, like you even got to ask, we both got to ask questions, yours was on video and mine wasn't because someone didn't have the video ready What are you going to do? What are you going to do? I got my moment in the limelight and my head was gone. I asked a question and I was like ok, James Diffing will record me Nice BTS content for social media. No join. Next year, next year. But yeah, outside that then it's just good fun because you're seeing a city from a different point of view, like usually you go to this kind of city and you're on holiday mode, so you're there, you go to the beach and you're travelling around and you're doing all that kind of stuff but you're kind of seeing the city from a different point of view now. They run events and everything at night so you have the web summer conference by day but at night they have night summits and all these different fairs and things to do and different stuff so you get to experience the nightlife there too. Yeah, yeah, and we all saw it. Which we did of course. But I thought it was a really cool conference the way the web summits are in the day now there was all beer stalls so on your break you can come out and have a nice cold beer in the sun and it's not too serious and you can go back into your conference then and then an hour later come back and have another beer or two and your lunch. And no one is getting hammered or anything like that, it's just like you might have one beer at nine o'clock in the morning or you might have one beer at like twelve for lunch. Another beer. Another one. Yeah, it was so good. Yeah, you're just smashing beers. Yeah. Yeah, but by the time you're like finishing up it's a nice, because the sun is shining it's almost a mix of a holiday and like getting work done, it's great. Yeah, don't tell our partners that. Yeah, yeah. It's strictly business. All business. All business. We didn't drink, not one drink touched our house. We didn't even see the golf course. I haven't before. We might have got night hauls in. Maybe. In a seedy golf course very close to a hotel. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It wasn't all work. Yeah, no. It was work and play. Work hard, play hard. Jenny D. That's it. And what was your highlight overall from the web summit? From the web summit. I know, but it was just a learning experience. And that's back to the topic of conferences, just how much I took back and used since coming home. And like one of the talks was on the best ways to use ChatGBT and loads of stuff like I was using ChatGBT at a small scale, but there's so much more to it. This is kind of off topic again, but I've seen recently that there was a group that gave ChatGBT or one of these AI softwares a picture of how they want an app to look. ChatGBT set back the coding. They put the coding in and the app looked exactly how... Jesus. Yeah, yeah. Mad. Isn't it crazy? But I think we're still only using it at a very light level. Yeah, we're not getting the full benefit of it. Yeah, yeah. I was actually paid for the... I was upgraded and paid for the proper ChatGBT. I think we're on a very... Well, that's me and I'm on the free level anyway. Yeah. So I'm still paid to see what the difference is. Yeah. But yeah, on conferences, I think it's great to be in. You get to meet loads of people, potentially get work from meeting these people, collaboration. And there's also chances to pitch, to learn, everything. So I'd be in. What about yourself, Kenny? You hit the nail on the head. Nail on the head. Yeah. Bang, bang. Yeah, bang, bang. Shot me down. Yeah, learn, connect, see different parts of the world. Even locally, we've been to a few networking events and stuff like that. And I think that especially, you can definitely try and connect more with people and see if there's any mutual benefit to having a chat with each other. The website was probably more about learning. Because I think the first time around, we were probably, again, probably green thinking, oh, we're going to connect with loads of people. Yeah. And get international clients that way. But it's such, there's 70,000 people. It's like walking to Coal Park on our own final day and trying to strike up a conversation. It just doesn't work. So the second time around, a bit more. We kind of knew it wasn't a place where you land claims. Yeah. It's more of a thing of learning and seeing what you can actually get from it. And the first year around, actually, it wasn't. There was a lot of crypto talk and NFT talk. And last year, it was more about ChachiBT and AI. So that was probably more like what we were looking at. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, no IBM as well. Again, I think I said in a previous episode that in 2024, my aim was to get to more. I was going to bring it up with one of your goals. Exactly. Yeah. And even today, I know that Banning College Business Association had their spring networking event. Was it networking at noon or something? It was on the Oriel Park. There was probably about 40 or 50 people inside there. Yeah. And they asked me, actually, to do an elevator pitch. Brilliant. So I'd go up there for a minute and just chat about play and what we do and stuff. And it was actually great because afterwards, then people come up to me saying, oh, that sounds great. And I must hand out five or six business cards. There you go. They're great. And they were the things I would have shied away from all through the years. Where now it's like, OK, put yourself out there. You're obviously shaking more hands the more hands you shake. The more money you make. I just see you up here. You see me up and I knock it down. Knock it down. I love it. But that is true. What was your selling point in your pitch? Your only regret is that you didn't buy more. I'm going to bring you in, John. I'm going to bring you in a bit, John. I just gave a pitch of what play does. And I suppose the thing was, what I wanted to get across was, I actually didn't know what I was going to speak in it. The chairperson said to me, you'll be doing a minute talk today. So I had nothing prepared. But basically what I said was what play does, what our unique selling point is, and the basic, if there's a problem to be solved, we can solve it. So basically, time management is a big thing for business owners. If they can't do it themselves, of course there's someone like ourselves that can do it. It saves them time. They can work on their own business while we're working in their business. That was the selling point of it. It seemed to strike a chord. That's brilliant. People seemed to like it afterwards. I got to talk to loads of people afterwards. I think they definitely worked it. If anybody's listening going, oh sure, that's an older thing to do. I'm kind of past that. I want to keep everything digital. You can't be face-to-face conversations. You're biggest seller is yourself. Personality sells too. Huge. Just being honest and genuine. If you've got good products and you're credible and you've been in the game long enough, you'll pick up a few clients. Lots of businesses, they're so submerged with their time on everything else. They don't have time to focus on marketing, which is a really big part of a business being successful. They find it great to be able to outsource and not have to worry about it. Now it's their marketing, their campaigns, their content. Everything goes to after. It just makes sense even for them to go to those events. And meet someone like you. Make it happen. And your right-hand guy, don't forget him. He's in Spain. No. I was about to go. And your left-hand guy is in Spain. Did I just chop legs? I've been chopped live on air. You're my left-hand guy. But I'll come back bigger and better. It's all character building. Yeah, yeah. He teased me up for some time. He must be dead. Brilliant guy. I enjoy that. So we're bought in? Yeah, me and you. I think me and you actually always are. Yeah, we need Joe back to get us the outlet. I'm out boys. I think he'd be in on this one too. He would be. We'll guess. We'll ask him, yeah. We'll ask him, yeah, for sure. Alright, so that's our In-N-Out segment. Moving on to our... Top three slash top five for this. Top five. And this week we're going to be doing... Do you want to announce it actually since you're all dressed up? And it's movie night. And I'm feeling right. I don't know the lyrics. You don't? I'm the worst man ever for lyrics. You are, George, you're the best man at is... Continue on the song... With the wrong lyrics. With the wrong lyrics. You've so much confidence in yourself. I feel like I just got trusted. Yeah, you just got yourself. And then I go up to myself, is he right? No. Maybe he is right. Yeah. The lyrics. But yeah, so today's top five we're going for is movies. So... Do you want to go first or will I go first? Are we switching up? Will I go first? You go first. Are you going to have yours in order? Yeah. Five to one. Five to one maybe actually. Five to one. Five to one. Okay. Okay, so there's obviously hundreds that you could pick. Yeah, I could have gone in the top 20 actually. Yeah, I'm actually going to struggle I think here. Because I have... I have nine listed here. You got a movie lover up in here? I do like my movies. I'm actually going to start with an honourable mention. They have to come last. I was going to say it out first, right? Okay. Because I only watched it recently and I really enjoyed it. It was Good Will Hunting. Okay. And it's a classic. Yeah. But I'd never seen it before. Yeah, Robin Williams. Robin Williams, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck. Yeah, very good. Yeah, and it was just class. And it's just an honourable mention because it's only a recent viewing so you don't know if it's the same or anything. Yeah, I loved it and I'll probably watch it again. Yeah. But the list, the top five list, I've watched these like multiple times. Yeah, yeah. And I'll watch them again. Yeah. That's the way I'm kind of scaling it basically. So at five, controversial one. I'm going to go with the usual suspects. Okay. Set like in 1994. I've actually never seen it. Haven't you? No. Excellent movie. It's, I won't, actually if I won't give any plot because it's something you have to watch yourself. Okay. But it's just excellent. It's set in America, but I can't remember what city. Yeah. But the cast and everything is excellent. Yeah, I just, you have to watch it. Okay. That's on the list now actually for you to watch if you know it next week. Yeah, yeah, yeah. At four, again I was kind of flirting, but we're having this in and not having it in. But I think it just sneaks in there because I think I watched it like so many times. It is Gladiator. Oh, that's a great show. Yeah. And all time classic. Russell Crowe. Absolutely brilliant movie. Russell Crowe in that was top notch. Unbelievable. What's his name? Joaquin Phoenix. Joaquin Phoenix. Yeah. And Caesar, is that not Caesar? He was, Julius Caesar, yeah. Yeah, unbelievable. And like this podcast, Are You Not Entertained? Are You Not Entertained? It's actually a true, like it's kind of an emotional movie too. It's got a lot of, it's like, it's not just a battle kind of movie. Exactly. It's got family kind of relations, it's got love interests, it's got the whole lot. It's got the villain, the hero, everything. Yeah, so Gladiator is my number four. Number three is The Dark Knight. Oh, brilliant. Yeah. So, all the trilogy basically, I love the trilogy. I love the trilogy. I think the one with Heath Ledger and Christian Bale is my favourite one. Yeah. Like Heath Ledger as the Joker. Unbelievable. Like, I remember when it came out, it was so innate. Yeah. Went to the cinema to watch it and was absolutely blown away by it. Oh, yeah. And I think Christian Bale is my favourite Batman ever as well. Yeah, he's my favourite Batman too. Yeah. I think it's maybe because it's our generation. Yeah, that's true. It's kind of weird like that though. Like, I watched The Dark Knight trilogy and I loved Christian Bale as Batman. Yeah. I couldn't really buy into the Batmans after him. Ben Affleck won? Ben Affleck. There was one other guy who played him as well. The same guy from Twilight. Twilight, yeah. I actually really liked that movie, but I liked him as Batman, not as Bruce Wayne. Yeah, okay. I thought he was a really good Batman. Yeah. But his Bruce Wayne character was a bit dark. I thought Christian Bale was very good as Bruce Wayne in that one. He was perfect both. Yeah, yeah. He had that kind of charisma as Bruce Wayne and that kind of nice kind of superhero bite into Satan too. It's a bit of a throwback. I think the very first episode then I was, I'm the Batman. Yeah, that's true actually. Where are they? Where? Oh, when George and I were in that one. Yeah, when you were in that one. When George come back in and pull us back in. Yeah. So that's my number three. Number two is, I actually don't know if it's like, I don't know if it's going to be on everybody's list. Yeah. But Castaway. Oh, you're actually picking some bangers there before I give you that. Nostalgia as well. Yeah. I think they're all by our own. They make two totals. Yeah. It's on your age. Every week. I told you I'd get you for that lift. We're the same age. We're the same age. We're both born in the 90s. Oh. Castaway, Tom Hanks, Joanne. Great character. Yeah, yeah. Great character. Again, I just watch. I must have seen it maybe six, seven times, eight times probably. It's something I probably watch every year. But just how good it was that very little wording in it. Yeah. Very little script. But how it tells the story of a man. He struggles. How he befriends a ball named Wilson. And the relationship that he has with that ball when he loses it. Spoiler alert. But yes, it's just a really good up and down from the beginning. I like to feel good at the very end. You give the spoiler alert before the spoiler. Apologies. Yeah, I'm sure a lot of people have seen it. Seen it, yeah. So that's my number two. Number one. Number one. It's a classic. I love a classic. Shady classic. Shady classic, yeah. Again, showing my age here. Saving Private Ryan. Have you seen it? I've seen it, but I wouldn't have it for me on my top five. Again, Tom Hanks. Matt Damon. Big Matt Damon, Tom Hanks fan here. And you know, a big Leo Leonardo DiCaprio. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's in my list. No, I didn't make one. He made mine. He's in my... In the nine... Can I quickly run through the other ones? I'm hogging them. You're hogging them. You're hogging them lately. No, keep them. Give us a quick ration of them. Green Book. Yeah. The Avengers. All of them. Yeah, yeah. Particularly like the Infinity War. Yeah. Shutter Island. Oh, very good one, yeah. And Gooblet Hunting was the bottom. Yeah. But Shutter Island with Leo was top notch as well. Yeah, yeah, brilliant. Actually, we spoke about that recently. Yeah, we were chatting about it. But yeah, Saving Private Ryan was number one. Again, just the storyline of it. And I just thought Tom Hanks was class in it. And just the whole different lot of characters in it. And their struggles to find this one guy who has lost all his brothers due to the war. And yeah, just a top notch movie. And a top notch director. Oh, I must say now, outside of Saving Private Ryan, I really enjoyed your list. Thanks, Jeff. Does that mean you're going to try and win the list? I think I got it this time. All right, what's your top five? Do you want to give any honorable mentions first? No, I'll just go top five. I won't give an honorable mention. You're happy with your five? I'm happy with my five. Mine kind of are five trivia. I've nearly said what I've watched. And at number five, we hinted at it earlier, I'm wearing the top tonight. Quack, quack, quack, quack. Ducks, flock together. Ducks. Mighty ducks. Flying B, baby. Goldberg. I used to love the Mighty Ducks. I think the second one's probably my favorite one. I loved them all. The characters, Coach Bombay, Goldberg, Charity. Just loved that movie from a young age. And watching it again as they got older and still thought, yeah, it's a brilliant movie. I actually don't think I've seen it since probably... Oh, I'd actually recommend watching it. Since the 90s. They're still older, aren't they? He's got a real name, Dizzy. Come on in. Yeah, yeah. Oh, Jesus. Might need to chop that out. Might need to chop that out, brother. Sorry, man. Keep it rolling. So, yeah, I have the Mighty Ducks at five. And at number four, I have Cool Runnings. Yes, you did, man. You want to kiss my lucky egg, man? Kiss the lucky egg, thank you. So, it's one of my favorites. Just loved it from a young age. That was brilliant as well. Only watched it again last year. But it's one I've watched a hundred of times and still love. Especially the relationship between the four lads trying to become Olympians. And then it's almost nearly a tearjerker at the end. I won't give any spoilers on my own bit. What happens. And it's just a clap moment when they're walking down the rink with the flip. Thank you. Wouldn't be like you. It wouldn't be like me. So, yeah, so that's in at four. And in at number three, just an absolute huge fan of this. I love it. I've been to the University of London and Orlando. The Harry Potter franchise. If I had to pick one, I probably would go with the later ones. Maybe the Deathly Hallows. Is that seven? There's eight of them. Is that six or seven though? Deathly Hallows? There's Deathly Hallows. There's two parts. There's seven and eight. Not a real fan here. Not a big fan over here? The boy who lived is come to die. You can do better. You can do better. I can't go again, dude. You don't have to do better. That was very good. Yeah, Harry Potter. I just love it. I literally think everything about it is cool. You're a huge fan of Harry Potter, aren't you? I love it, yeah. I just buy into it. I love these magical worlds. And you've read the books? Yeah. Donald Dick? Can I pause this? Keep that rolling. Oh, yeah. All we need to do, brother, is cut open the Jamaican accent, brother. We can't do other things these days. I have you on the list, brother. I have you on the list. I have you on the top of my list. All good? I was going to ask about Harry Potter, really. You're a huge fan of Harry Potter, aren't you? You're a big fan. Massively. I've just been so bought into it. The world of Harry Potter. I loved going over to London and seeing all the stuff that went into making the movie and things. And I'd often be at home and I'd be sitting there. I'd do whatever show I wanted to do. It was terrible. And I'd be sort of... Yeah, you watch people that shoot magic. You got me, brother. You got me there. But, yeah, I love it. So, yeah, that would be my number. What is it? That would be on three there? Yeah, you had... What was your five? Five good learnings. Harry Potter. Harry Potter is probably your best one so far. So, then, number two. I'm sorry. Even Harry Potter. You've read the books, haven't you? Or someone has read the books. You're a sneaky bear now. Tell me. Tell the story. I can't tell the story. I'm six. Sorry. When I was young. We're going to say 14 here, brother. No, I was about seven or eight. That's okay. When I was on holiday, family holiday, I used to get my mother to read the books to me by the pool. That's so funny. That's what it's like, isn't it? I used to read you poolside with the two armbands on. Get the book ready. Get the book ready. I can't believe no one's going to be caught on that story. We can cut it. You'll have to bring up one of your old classics in the next episode. Yeah, we'll do that. That's number three. Number three in act two is... When was it again? The Wolf of Wall Street. Donnie Jordan going to the moon. I'm going to put you in a tube and take you out at four. And your only regret, like we said earlier, is you didn't buy more. I don't know how many times you've said that to a client. Oh my God, I lose the head, honestly. It's certain clients now where you know you're having a crack with. It's almost like retainer clients. You've met them now, like laws and things, and you've built a relationship. They'd almost be saying stuff to you as well. I just lose my mind. It's about to be the case now where they're saying things. It's going to be nasty. What else can we do? What other kind of services do we offer? Lyndon O, for example. Lyndon in the marquee. Which he's the exact same. Schumer, by the way. You're only regretting that if you didn't buy more. And then I go to the scene and I'm like, I can't believe I said that to a client. And I'm like, I can't believe you said it either. Yeah, I do lose the head a small bit. All in good fun. All in good fun, exactly. Just a brilliant story. It's mad. It's a crazy story. I don't like your man, the real character. I like Leo playing. Leo is just phenomenal in it. Margot Robbie is very good in it. Johnny. Johnny Hill is class. Just the cast, again, is unbelievable. It's unreal. Even Jordan's father in it is very good. What's the character he's in? Hello, dear. Yeah, yeah. Who brings me out on a Tuesday night at 7pm? Hello, dear. That's so accurate to normal people. It's so good. Just a great movie, really good. It's so good. Just a great movie, really cool. It's a good movie. And one I'd definitely watch again. I'd have to have watched it in the States, but I would watch it again. What's your favourite Leo movie? The Departed. I'd have to go to Wall Street, I'd say. The Departed is class. I like Shutter Island, as I said. The Departed, I think, is just, again, that's like Jack Nicholson. It's Matt Damon, isn't it? Mark Wahlberg. It's just class. It's actually just a really good movie. Actually, that should be my top three. But yeah, and then, number one, you mentioned in your brother list, you said Endgame, Avengers, Infinity War. Infinity War is the best movie. Oh, did you say Infinity War? I'll go Endgame, then. Which one did you actually prefer? I actually think I preferred Infinity War. Did you? Yeah. When they all come together, kind of thing, is it? When they all come together, like seeing this is class. Now, I loved Endgame too, but to find out what happens in the story was just movie. I remember just thinking, what an experience. Watching the cinema coming out, like, that was just some experience. I would have sat there for an extra three hours. I would have done, and there were long movies. I would have done three hours just getting to see all the characters, from a big Marvel fan, seeing them all in one movie, like, I just think unbelievable. What's your favourite Marvel character? I saw a lot of Thunder. You look up to him, don't you? Your mother, Loki, up there. And me, I'm the boss. You wear the shirt. I wear the shirt. I said, that's a famous part of that. What about that side? You told me that. What was that? Another story where we had a big shoot in Shane's studio here in play, and I voiced Shane the night before and said, what's the story of the shoot tomorrow? It's a bang job. I said, do you think I'd be fine wearing shorts and a t-shirt? Like, I just want to be comfortable capturing the comedy. He's like, yeah, sure, you go shirtless. Creative, shorts and a t-shirt is perfect. I said, like, I don't need a shirt now. He's like, no, no, no shirt. We'll be fine. So it's done, shorts and a t-shirt. I got out of the car. Here's Shane in the pristine white t-shirt. White shirt. White shirt, sorry, white shirt. And lovely pants and everything. And I just looked and shook my head. Bang job. I remember the day I lost a hit. And I go, what's the claim? What did you do with him? She was big into Marvel. Then we were talking about Thor and stuff. And I go, Shane was wearing a shirt and I was talking. I go, you should die with the shirt. You're so funny. It's funny because there's no context to it, but all three of us knew what you were talking about. I knew what I was talking about, yeah. You're so good. It was a bang job, but you were taking a headshot of me that day. That's why I wore a shirt. I also think it would look funny if you were wearing a shirt in the studio. When you were shooting. I'm the creative. You're a creative. You told me that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're my Eric Cantona. If you could be involved in content for one of any of the movies you listed, I would be. Oh, from what point of view? So we'd say we'd brought in notes to BTS and teaser clips of the movie. Oh, Jesus. That would be class. Yeah. I wonder if there's any too much fucking banter, is there? I suppose there wasn't. The actual inroad conversation was quite... Yeah, how was that? Topical, I guess. Yeah. Banters and movies. Do you understand why we're doing movies now? What do you mean? Why we're going off topic with top three movies. Well. Where are we? Wake of Jordan, yeah. I said I'd be good with words. I'll pick. I will go with... That's a good question, because my five are quite... They're all quite serious movies. Yeah. You can take one from my list if you want. Yours is just fun. Mine's actually better quality. To be fair. Yours is more kind of production-like. Oh, well, me and you... Actually, a funny one for you. Me and you, we're doing a top... We're coming home from Wicklow, and it's kind of short on the drive. We said we'd do like a top three... Because we'd never do it on here, because it's not relevant to content. Yeah. I suppose movies is, to be fair. Yeah. But we said we'd do a top three favourite female artists. Yeah. Music artists. And... What did you... Was that the one we were talking about? Oh, no, sorry. Favourite top three movie characters, or actors. Yeah, yeah. Oh, my gosh. They're doing me dirty on this podcast. So funny. This is now all-time, like, grains of actors ever. Who's your... Who's the greatest actors ever in your top five list? James Sarasopolis, Dwayne The Rock Johnson, and Kevin Hart. Oh, no. And because I just... I actually just do love to do them in movies and they kind of came into my head and I was like, yeah, I'd watch anything they're on, so I'm going to give them. Next thing, who did you start coming up with? Leo. Natchi McConaughey. Natchi McConaughey. Christian Bale. Oh, my God. I really fucked up. Tom Hanks. Yeah, yeah. I was listening to one of his lists and I was like, Jesus. Denzel Washington. Yeah, yeah. That was dead for an answer. So funny, though. He's a typical darling. Typical darling. Like a bull in a china shop. Like a bull in a china shop. And don't change. But yeah, I'll pick The Dark Knight as the one for... Oh, flat. Yeah. Just because I love the Batman trilogy. And to see Heath Ledger dubbing, unbelievable as well. Who else is in that movie, actually? Cillian Murphy's in it, isn't he? Cillian Murphy is... He's in the first one, I think, with Liam Neeson. Yes, I think he's in the second one too, isn't he? He might be in the second one. He's definitely in the third one as well, with Bane. Yeah. He's the judge in the third one. Great cast, anyway. Yeah, unbelievable. James, pleasure. As always. As always. And we'll be back again with Joey on the next episode, hopefully. On the next episode. Thanks a million for listening and we will see you next week.

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