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INBFB Podcast Episode 1 (1)

INBFB Podcast Episode 1 (1)

INBFB Podcast



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The podcast hosts discuss various topics, including the male equivalent of a crazy cat lady, how to stand up for oneself at work without being seen as an asshole, and what is considered pricey but worth it. They offer suggestions such as reducing the quality of work to expose coworkers who take credit for others' efforts, causing a scene to get attention, and investing in subscriptions or experiences that bring joy and value. Welcome to I'm not being funny but the podcast with me Lee and her Annie. Hello. Hello. Welcome to the first episode of I'm not being funny but the podcast with me Lee. And me Annie. We are going to be here going through some serious stuff, some not so serious stuff, some very not so serious stuff. And giving it our own opinions and having a laugh at the world because we need something to smile about every day. And I wouldn't be smiling if that was a full can of Red Bull. No, neither would I. It would be sticky as shit on the floor. So what are we talking about today? I've got a couple of things. There's many questions to pick your brain and also to pick the lovely people that are listening to us currently. Pick their brains as well. Sounds fun. Yeah. What have you got for us? I have a couple of stories and I'm going to wrap up this episode with a missing persons panel. Just to keep us level headed. Yeah, fair enough. Not too giddy then by the end of it. No, the end of it's going to be properly serious. But let's get the funny stuff out of the way first. Fair enough. And if you do want to contact us in any way, all of our socials can be found at the end of this. They can. So, why not so serious stuff first, I'm going to guess then. Start off with a laugh if we can. Why not? Right, so, I have got a few things for you if you're interested. I suppose I've got to sound interested haven't I? You do. So, you know how women can be labelled a crazy cat lady if they own like 30 plus cats? I think I was close before I met you when I had three cats. And they were all I used to talk about. Were you talking to them as well? Yes. Right, yeah, you were probably borderline for that then. So, what would be the male equivalent of that then? I don't know. I'm thinking. First thing that pops into my mind is he talks to his balls but he probably does that anyway. Are you talking about men or the cats? Definitely the boys. Yeah, there he goes. And James doesn't talk to his balls because he hasn't got any anymore. No, he doesn't, does he? No. I think if the cats started talking to their balls, more people would get the balls chopped off. Yeah, probably. And possibly send the cats in too. Yeah. And they also might need to stop taking whatever strong drug they're taking. There's a lot to be said for strong drugs. There are good ones that are prescribed. Yeah, prescription drugs are different compared to, you know, watching your cat talk to his cut-off knackers. You could be one of them people who's decided you wanted to take them home and put them on a mantelpiece. No, they're just weird people. And to be fair, if you did get your balls removed, you could never say, I'm tripping balls. You could if you were literally tripping over balls on the floor. Yeah, true. But we've both done that before. Yeah, it's not much fun. No. What do you think a male equivalent of a crazy cat lady is? Probably somebody that hides in a shed with a bar. And you'd rather talk to alcohol and people. Which, I've got nothing. Sometimes that would give you the right answer. Yeah. Sometimes you need some professional advice that you can only give yourself. True. But the alcohol bit, it's not worth it. Yeah, I've been there, done that, got the bad liver for it. Exactly. It's only going to end in one thing. Yeah. And not a happy ending. Yeah. This ain't no Thai massage parlor. Nope. So, the answer to the male version of a crazy cat lady would be... An alcoholic in his man's shed. Well, not in America, so you can't say he lives in his man's basement. No, he'd probably live in a trailer if he's in America. Trailer trash. You said that and all that went through my head then was Kid Rock. I don't know why. A cross between Kid Rock and Tiger King. That illegitimate love child. Yeah. Pretty much. Yep. No, it would be that woman, wouldn't it? Kid Rock and that woman, what was she called? Caroline Baskin. That's the one. Now, could you imagine that child? Unfortunately, we all can. Yes. Right, I've got another one for you then. That one didn't go very well. How would you defend yourself at work, not fighting people? I don't mean, like, battering someone. I mean, how would you stand up for yourself at work without coming across as the arsehole? Oh, no. I could stand up for myself at work. I've done it many times. But I'm always the arsehole. Well, instead of giving us what you actually did, which made you come across as the arsehole, can you give any advice of how to come across minus the arseholiness? In a word, no. Can you? Yeah, you just kind of... Right, this was another one from Reddit. This was on no stupid questions. Ah, they are full of a lot of stupid questions. So let's hear this out. Exactly. Basically, they wanted to know how they can stand up for themselves at work without coming across as the arsehole because their boss and co-workers were making their life difficult. Hmm. So, that is the advice they need. How can they essentially make everyone's life hell without coming across as the arsehole? Well, I used to work somewhere. And I'm not going to name anywhere I worked or what I used to do or things like that. Excuse me. Ahem. Ahem. Ahem. Ahem. Are you good? I am now. Good. Just need a quick drink. Right, well, while you catch your breath, I'll give my advice on this one, what I would do personally. I haven't seen that there's certain people, everyone's working and they're the ones who try and look good in front of everyone, they're the ones that are like, oh yes, look what I've done, I've done this, I've done that, when the reality is somebody else has done it and they're just taking the credit for it. They are the iron team that's, you know, hidden in the A-hole. Hmm. And the best way that I've found of doing it is either just doing under the satisfactory work that they're used to, that they're used to presenting to their boss or whatever, without making yourself look lazy or that you haven't been doing your job properly, but then for the bosses to be able to notice like, hmm, well, your work's not as good as it used to be, what's been going on? Obviously, to your co-workers, manager, superior, whatever they are, it's not falling back on you, because they can't go, oh well, this isn't actually what I do, can they? Without making themselves look like the A-hole. True. So, yeah, you just kind of play a game with them and you make them look worse by doing less of their job for them. True, but then they're just going to get somebody else to do their job for them and start claiming their credit. But from this she was saying that her co-workers are making her life difficult as well, meaning that they're doing less work so that they've got to do more work. Hmm. Sounds like Lassie's new job. It does. But short of, you know... Moguls, ain't it? Jobs aren't easy to find, you've got to stick around when you've found one. Exactly. Short of that, I'll call in sick for a month, just to prove that, you know... The place needs me. Yeah, exactly. There's not really too much that she can do, which is unfortunate. Very. What do you think? You see, my advice is going to be something I had done before. Shocking, am I not? When I worked in my previous field of expertise, profession, I don't want to give too much away, but I used to help people live their day-to-day lives. Hmm. Sounds way more glamorous than it was. And on this particular day, I had spent a weekend on this residential floor, and it sounds so ridiculous now when you talk about it, but the kitchen of where I worked was sending up what cups they could find for people to have their drinks in with a meal. We had three cups, and it was a residential floor of 15 people. I mean, I'm not very good at maths, but even I know that's not enough. No. And I was ranting and raving at the manager of that floor, who turned round to me and said, go and tell the manager this, because no one else can change it. So I did no more than ran downstairs, burst through the door out of the stairs, swung around to the reception office to ask the woman who works reception, who wasn't there, where the manager was, and came face-to-face with the manager, at which point I started shouting in her face that three cups on the floor of 15 people is just going to pass around illnesses, and we need more cups. We need something as simple as somebody who goes out and looks for cups on all the floors. It's not rocket science. It'll take about 20 minutes. And I'm shouting this in the manager's face, to which, when I stopped ranting and raving, the manager turns round to me and says, OK, I'll get to it. And then we had a stack of cups brought up within 10 minutes. So basically your advice to this poor woman would be, cause a scene, shit-stir, and make people pay attention. Yeah. Yeah, fair enough. I mean, that is, yeah. That is my kind of conflict resolution. Be loud. Be loud, make it worse in the short term. In the long term, they're going to realise, if we don't sort this shit out, she's starting to shout again. And it's not fun when she does, cause everybody stops and stares and looks at you. Cause everyone can hear you. Yeah. Yeah, that's fair enough. Well, I think we kind of got to the bottom of that one. There's one or two ways you can go. You can either go, like, the tactical sneaky route and be a bit of a dick, or you can go in all guns blazing and just basically tell them to fuck off. Mm-hmm. Both work pretty much to the same. Yeah. So it purely comes down to what type of personality she's got there, then. Yep. Yeah, fair enough. So, following on from that, another one. This one's... Well, this one is, what is pricey but completely worth it? So, you know, what is... What people would know, especially in this cost of living crisis and all the bollocks that we've been going through, everyone, not just me and you, what would you class as pricey but totally worth it? I mean, this could be anything from, like, a subscription to something to... investing in property. I don't know. Free education's worth it. Gets rid of your kids, doesn't it? Less stress. That's not pricey if it's free. I don't know, have you seen the cost it is to send your kids to a free school these days? Yeah, it's not fucking free. I don't know. I mean, going on what you said there, yeah, childcare. Yeah, childcare is definitely worth it. Because it gives you freedom. It gives you ten minutes to sit down and have a warm cuppa. Yeah, but it also gives you the added security, especially if they're in somewhere like a nursery, daycare, after-school club, whatever it is. You've got that added security that you know they're safe. You know they're not out on the streets like we were when we were growing up. That's true. Taking your bikes down little woodland paths, and coming across, you know, dead badgers and all sorts. Pupping it with a stick. No. You know. Getting your first waft of dead body. You never forget that smell. Ugh. Or your first waft of somebody stepping in dog shit. Or your first waft of weed. Eh? Walking around like that. Where is it? You just have to go and cross over at the traffic lights up the top of the hill. Well, yeah, here you do, but obviously I didn't grow up around there, did I? Well, in fairness, neither did I. I didn't know about that at the top of the hill until we lived at the top of the hill, and I had to cross over there to get to the school. Just telling you, that was a gross that nobody said anything about. Yeah. Fair enough. Mm. That's why you never see the police actually around here. They go through with lights and sirens. They never actually stop. Because this is supposed to be a nice area, so nothing can go wrong in the nice area. Yeah. Fair enough. So anything else other than childcare and weed that's pricey but worth it? I don't know. I think they're probably two good... two good options there. Get the kids looked after. Go and get yourself stoned. Make sure you've finished your munchies, though, before the kids come home. Pizza's always a good option on that one. So it's munchies, isn't it? Yeah. So then, on the flip side of that, then, what's pricey but not worth it? And I'm going to start with one here, and it's going to be seeing people. Oh, God. And I don't mean, like, train travel, petrol, flying. I mean fucking glasses. Yeah. Like, I am blind as a bat. I can barely see, like, four foot in front of me without my glasses on. I've worn glasses for... nearly enough 30 years now, nearly all of my fucking life. And one thing that's always annoyed me, ever since, like, I ended up getting into work after further education and everything... Yeah, when they're not free anymore. Yeah, when they're not free anymore. That's when you notice just how much it actually costs. It does cost a fortune just to be able to open your eyes and see things clearly. Yeah. I mean, I've had glasses, contact lenses. I even looked at laser eye surgery at one point because my eyesight was deteriorating so bloody bad. But I decided against it because I thought, if it doesn't work, I'm still going to have to pay for the glasses. Or you wouldn't be able to see at all. Yeah, exactly. So, you know, it's like, eh. I was sick with my glasses on my face. I mean, my mum had laser eye surgery and did nothing for her vision. That's true. But, yeah, I need glasses. And these days I need my glasses even more because I had that really bad headache. And now, when I don't wear my glasses, I can't see properly. Yeah, you're too weak-migrained. Yeah. Yeah. Look, there's things in life that shouldn't cost. Going to the dentist to get your teeth out. Check-ups, I couldn't see why they may cost, like, 20 quid. Yeah, because you're obviously taking up some of their time. You're taking up some of their time. They're going to tell you what needs to be done. In my case, every time, it's the fucking filling again. Yeah, every time I go, that tooth needs to come out. I know, you've got run-and-loan visits, yeah. But after that check-up, it shouldn't cost. You shouldn't have to pay to be able to eat a meal. See, I'll kind of disagree with you on that one. Probably kind of, because I do think that, um, you should have to at least pay for their time. To an extent? Yes. Not, like, you know, you're sat there, it's like, oh, yeah, there's £10, I've been here an hour, yep, there's another £10 because it's roll-over, nothing like that. It should just be a set price. It shouldn't cost you between £70 and £150 to get a fucking tooth pulled when you're in pain. No, it shouldn't cost you at all. It should be a case of you pay so much towards it. But it shouldn't be a case of, I mean, I can eat, I can't eat anything, I can barely open my mouth. I mean, we both seen what I was like with my wisdom teeth. That was hell. Yeah, and then my wisdom tooth that just died. Yeah. Yeah. Every last two weeks of my fucking life. Mm-hmm. And I had it for, what, six weeks? I was constantly in agony with it. And then they decided to take them out. So that was another four weeks of constant, absolute agony where I couldn't open my mouth and eat anything. Literally all you could do was drink soup through a straw. Yeah. Which, you're left in agony, but on most occasions, what about when you haven't got the money? Yeah, exactly. I was lucky when I had mine out. I had to go to the dental hospital, which isn't actually lucky, but because I had to go to hospital for it, it was great. Yeah, but... But you shouldn't have to think, oh, thank God I'm going to hospital, I don't have to pay for this one. Yeah, exactly. It's the same with your glasses. It shouldn't be a case of, it costs me however many hundreds of pounds every, minimum, every two years to be able to see someone else's fucking ugly mug. See, that depends, because sometimes it depends on your age, every year. Exactly. And if they're having to get different prescriptions that quick, I don't think it's right. It's literally robbing you blind. It is. It's either I can't see, or you, you can't drive without your glasses on. Oh, God, no. I'd better make it down the stairs without my glasses on. Mm-hmm. It's just, the government making money, and that's as far as we're going to touch politics, but... Yep, that's... A lot of money gets made that we don't see any benefit from. In fact, it is. But anyway, before, because we do have rules to our podcast, we do not talk politics. No. Big no-no. We do not give medical advice. No. And we do not give money advice. No, we are shit with money. We really are. And they are our rules. So if you do get in touch with us, please do not ask us questions on any of those things. We will talk about, we will give our own opinion, on medical issues, on monetary issues, but we do not give advice on either. And politics, well, you're just getting ignored if you mention politics. Yeah. But, like Annie said, these are purely our opinions. You don't have to agree with them. You don't have to follow them. If you don't agree with them, let us know. If you do agree with them, let us know. We like to know different people's opinions on stuff. It's called a conversation, which some people need to realise. Yeah. It doesn't. If you're offended, please feel free to comment. And then fuck off. Pretty much. Because I don't care about your comments. If you're going to comment and say how fucking lousy our podcast is, go for it. Other people out there will agree. That's one thing me and you agree on. Some people are going to think it's shit. Well, any publicity is good publicity. Exactly. If you're talking about us, it's doing us good. Before going further, I did say that there was going to be a question for the listeners. I mean, you can feel free to chirp in on this one as well. Okay. So, the email address you're going to need first is inbfbpodcastatoutlook.com Now... Do I need to use that email address? No, I can see you. Okay. It's called context, sweetheart. Okay. You're going to email it in, aren't you? No. I'm getting up my story. I'm letting you waffle. That's fine. So, the question is, what is the most comfortable pair of shoes that you've ever owned? Oh. And, do they still make them? No. My most comfortable pair of shoes that I ever owned were a pair of Skechers, and I can see them now that I'm thinking about them. They were mainly silver, and they had white on, and they had thick white laces, and you could tie these on in the morning, and your feet wouldn't be hurting, even if you'd been on your feet all day walking the fucking marathon. I have to say, walking, not running. I do not run. I never have. So, there you go. These were so fucking comfortable. It was like walking on clouds. But, Skechers, and yes, Skechers are twats. That was the maker of these shoes, fucking Skechers. They don't make them anymore. Any particular reason, or did they just go out of style? They decided to change it up, or? I think they just went out of style. They were just like a walking shoe that they made, but not these memory foam ones they make now, like the fucking slip-on ones that you don't have to bend down for because you're a fucking forger. No. These were properly comfortable shoes that you used to have to tie, but I used to be able to go out hiking with the dogs, or go to my mum's and take her dogs for a walk, get the bus, walk to my mum's. I mean, used to go when my mum lived up the hill. You used to go up a hill that was like fucking vertical. They just kept going. And then you had to walk another good mile and a half up this stretch of road, and then turn a corner and go along another back road where I nearly got hit by an electric car because I wasn't looking. I was texting, and the fucking thing ran me over. You were using the Green Cross code, minus the looking. You were listening. I was. I was listening. And it wasn't making any fucking sound. The most you get from it is a If you're lucky. Mm-hmm. I didn't get that. No. You were just like, poof. Yep. So yeah, do let us know what your most comfortable pair of shoes was. There's a question that was asked on the internet, and I thought it'd be quite a good one for this, to get people interacting with us. Mm-hmm. You can also have a rant if you're not very happy that they don't make mentions anymore, because I'm not happy at sketches. They need to bring back them silver and white walkers. Oh, by all means, send us rants. They throw yourself off your chest. Don't worry, we will not use names. No. If you get in touch with us, you can tell us that you really want us to name and shame, and we will completely ignore you. Because I ain't having no one else coming up to me and saying that you're naming and shaming people. How dare you? I'm not getting involved in your petty shit. I've got enough of my own petty shit. You love your petty stuff. I do. Oh, yeah. Send us in anything you like. Petty stuff, apparently, top of the list. You'll get any attention straight away. Yep. Anyway, I've waffled on now for long enough, so over to you. Well, my first topic here is, I thought this came up on Reddit earlier. Now, we don't do what everyone else does from Reddit. We just spot something and then think, ha, hang on a minute. That could bring a funny conversation. Now, this will bring a funny conversation because this is bringing, this is Alton Lee and his bad proposal. So, this post is, I feel personally attacked already here. Good. This post, I am reading this, this is not me. It says, I, 27th female, proposed to my girlfriend, 27th female, but she said she didn't like it. What can I do to fix this? So, long story short, my girlfriend of 3 years wanted to get married. She even would send me different proposals of celebrities and other people on the internet. Now, I think that's tacky. You don't want someone copying. You don't want, I wouldn't have had a lady copying how he saw somebody else propose just because he thought that's what I wanted. But, I did the proposal in a different way and I thought she would love it, but she didn't. I didn't make it exact, extravagant, sorry, I haven't got my glasses on, so reading this is a bit tricky, as the different posts she had sent me, but I had a photographer. We saw a musical afterwards and then we went out to eat. Just a day later, so she literally slept on it and then realised she didn't like how she proposed to her. This girl, she's upset. I'm sure, I'm not sure what to do in this situation because I felt I did the best I could with what I had and I thought the most important thing was us spending the rest of our lives together. I couldn't afford a grand thing and I know I wanted to do it. Eh? Does it just end there? No, she wanted to do it before the end of the year. She loves the ring though, probably her most favourite thing. We got into an argument and I wanted to fix it, but I don't know how. Right, now, I read this earlier and I was like, that's got me written all over it because how did you propose? What was your romantic proposal? I did it with the ring. No, you didn't. I should. Do you remember? Yes, I remember. So, come on then, tell the good listeners how you proposed. I proposed to you by laying in bed, turning over to you and going, good fun to get married. On a Saturday morning, laying in bed, watching the telly before kids. It was nothing like that. We'd not been together that long, six months. And he just says to me, do you want to get married? It was about eight months actually. No, because it was just before my birthday. Wait, I have proof of this. I know how this happened because this happened in the April, the beginning of the April. So, we're laying there Saturday morning. So, it wasn't early, it was like mid-morning, somewhere like about 10, maybe there. Yeah. So, he asks me to marry him and I'm laying there and I'm like, well, yeah, in the future we should get married. Yeah. And that's about as far as it went and he did buy me a necklace because originally I'd said I didn't want the ring because where I used to work I couldn't wear engagement rings or anything other than a plain wedding band you couldn't wear because you were working with other people. Basically, they didn't want you to cut anyone with them or it to fall off and then accusatory things could happen. Exactly. Could cause an injury so you weren't allowed to wear things like an engagement ring. You could only wear like a simple, smooth wedding band and we weren't at that stage. We were just at the engaged stage so they got me a ring, a necklace ring. Now, speaking of my work, within a few weeks of this very unromantic proposal, I was in an accident at work and I got kicked in the face and he full on hoofed me in the face caused whiplash, neck strain, severe headaches and later I also ended up with vertigo all from this one hoof to the face. So, as I stated, I had whiplash neck strain however you want to propose this it was fucking horrible but at this point Lee was going out to work and I was off sick because I had a physical job I couldn't go and do it when I'm like unable to move my head without being in severe pain. So, Lee comes in from work one night and like I don't know I'm going to say over 50% of the public we would both come in from work and pretty much the shower is your first destination. So he comes in straight to the bathroom you can sit there shaking your head all you want you know where this is going now. This is how I ended up with an engagement ring and my necklace. He comes in he goes straight to the bathroom and he barely said hello. So, I get up from the couch get into the bathroom I go and sit on top of the toilet and I'm sitting in there talking to him and I'm looking at the back of the door while he's in the shower getting washed and having a bit of a chat. The next thing I notice he gets out of the shower and the towel was next to me on the radiator which was next to the toilet. So I get hold of the towel and I turn to him and give him this and I'm sat there and I'm like I don't mean to be staring at your penis but I can't move my head anywhere else. I couldn't look anywhere else. That was all I could see. To which he laughed like that and I started crying and I got really obsessed because that was all I could see was his penis and I thought he was going to get really irritated with us. And the next day he ends up we go to see your family didn't we on the Saturday? No, we just went out for the day. We decided that we were just going to go out and about and just because it was pay day. Yeah. We ended up we went to a jeweller's and he got me my first engagement ring pretty much because whilst I made him feel bad because I was staring at his penis while he got dried out of the shower. So I ended up with an engagement necklace and an engagement ring but no proper romantic engagement. I offered to do the engagement again and what did you say? You'd already ruined it once I wasn't giving you a second shot at ruining it. You said you didn't want it to be big and in front of people or anything like that so That was your excuse for it being shit. Because I'd said I didn't want it being big and in front of anyone but it didn't have to be you also didn't have to be in fucking bed on a Saturday morning like some sort of fucking brain fart you had. You said yes. That is besides the point where was the romance? You said yes. Yes, thank you for that. Not the point. Thank you for the fantastic staring at my penis story there. Well, next time you get engaged to somebody maybe add a little bit of romance so she doesn't have to shame you on the internet. Oh, thank you for that so much. There's me thinking about it at the end of it. Clearly fucking not. Oh, you'll never hear the end of that one. No, I won't will I? No. Fuck's sake. But I do have another story To be fair, it can't be much fucking worse than what you've just put me through there so go on. Well, we all love this next person. I mean, he's fucking another fucking level. Thank you. You can't do that. I don't mean you. So, this was another yeah, that's a pretty finger. This was another Reddit that popped up on my phone. And it is is it a red flag if a guy I'm dating admires Andrew Tate? Yes, next question. Well, this story this post got a very interesting comment which I also had saved on my note. So, she says I think it's a she but I may be wrong. We'll read it. We'll see what happens. I've been dating this guy for a while and everything seemed great until recently. At a date, he mentioned he's a fan of Andrew Tate. He actively listens to Tate's podcasts in alliance with many of his views. Although he claims to disagree with Tate's opinion about women is that not all you ever hear? This revelation has left me concerned and I've only encountered Tate through brief social media clips and fundamentally disagree with his ideology. Could this be a major red flag? What are your thoughts? Now, we've heard your thoughts. We know what your thoughts are. Now, let's get to the comments that probably got me into this. If he doesn't disagree with his views on women enough to recoil in revulsion from everything else Tate says then he doesn't disagree enough. I'm a 50 year old man and someone saying that would be enough for me to stop associating with them. For a woman in a dating situation that's kind of hard to get my head around even talking about him again. Now, this man this 50 year old man who's commented here seems to have a better grasp of reality than this person who's wrote the whole post could come across in their lifetime. Why? It doesn't say how long, a while is for dating this person but why would you even consider going back on the date with somebody who thinks Andrew Tate is someone to be idolised? It's like saying oh well you know I don't agree with everything but he did but you know Hitler wasn't that bad was he? It's the same premise this. It is because he's got the sort of mentality he's got that one line thought that Hitler had the world will be alright if for Hitler it was if everybody's got blonde hair and blue eyes and screams Heil Hitler we'll just change it to the name. I mean how does a 50 year old man come up with a comment like that yet the poster here just seems to not even consider this being a red flag what kind of relationship are you going to have with somebody who thinks Andrew Tate should be breathing? Well she's obviously or he is with this bloke for either A the size of his cock or B the size of his wallet. But even then to I'm sorry no sex is good enough to put up with Andrew Tate being anywhere in the vicinity of conversation. No amount of money is either. I'd hope not. This is one of them situations when you hope I'm raising my kids to be proper human beings and not to look at anything like that and think it's acceptable. Yeah. We have daughters and if our son was to ever turn around and say something like he does our son would be the fastest push onto a ship to the fucking moon. There's just no way. There'd be one I should see on the row on the flight. Damn right. Well I'm not going to lie that took a severe left turn. It's just how do these people survive? How? Has the fucking rational thinking not wiped these idiots out? Where does it come from? How are people so stupid? Right there's something that you need to remember here. They had to tell people on the internet not to eat Tide Pods. Now wasn't that the same like era in time when Trump said you could shoot away a heritage? It's a high possibility, yeah. But then again you've also got people out there that believe that you can drink bleach and it'll kill stuff. I don't mean germs. You mean Trump? Well he turned around and said you can inject yourself with bleach to get rid of COVID. Yeah. He did. And people out there believed him. Yeah. They did. I'm not being funny but if you live in America you've got a much higher chance of being sick. Yeah. Or being shot. Both. Being a head neck. Yeah that's 50-50 no matter where you live. Everywhere's got their own head necks. Just called different things? Yeah. I was a hillbilly. Just cleat just shrugged her mind there. Yeah. Anyway. You said that you were going to wrap it up with a missing persons thing didn't you? I did. So here is the probably serious part of this podcast which I shall leave you with Annie to go through it all with you. So from me thank you very much for listening. And now we have a young lady she's a 34 year old mother of three. She lived in North Yorkshire she lived in Moulton, North Yorkshire in the UK. She's been missing for over five days now. She's got three kids that's how many kids we have. And she's a little bit younger than me but not much. She was a nurse so she cared about people. She had drive in her that 90% of people don't have because she wanted to care for people who she didn't know. That doesn't scream out to me that this woman is just going to up six and leave her kids. Nurses aren't wired the same as the rest of us. They're wired to think of other people before themselves. This mother of three needs to be found no matter what. She's in her early 30's she's 34 years old them kids aren't going to be very old. They need their mum. And her family her mum, her brothers her sisters, her dad her other half. There's people out there looking for this woman. So we should all be on the lookout. We should all be googling who is Victoria Taylor of Malton, North Yorkshire. We need to find a picture of her an up to date one which is going to be plastered everywhere on the internet. I found this story on BBC News. Her personal possessions were found near the River Derwent. So this woman she could have quite easily had her bag stolen and that could be how her belongings ended up there. She might not have been anywhere near the river. But what if she was forced to be there? What if she chose to be there in a moment of madness? What if she chose to be there in a moment of sadness? We don't know where this could have ended but her family needs to know what happened. And so do the rest of her family, her friends. Let's just see if we can help. Let's go and have a look on Google and find a picture of Victoria Taylor from Malton, North Yorkshire and keep a lookout. If you see somebody who looks like her if you see somebody who looks a bit sad why not just say hello? Because that hello could save somebody's life. We don't know what other people are going through. I don't know what you listening here are going through. And you don't know what I go through. Because we have privacy. Sometimes privacy kills. So let's just start and say hello to them people who may look a bit sad. Because a hello is the opening of a conversation that they might really need to have. We will be back. We will be back soon. We will be releasing another episode next week. Every week you will be getting at least one episode. One full episode and some mini shorts where it's just us doing one on one about something we found interesting. So until you hear us again good night, good luck have fun. So if you do want to get in touch with us there are a few ways you can contact us. You can email us at www.inbfbpodcasts.com You can contact us on Facebook or Instagram. They are both inbfbpodcasts.com and we are also on tiktok at inbfbpodcasts.com We look forward to seeing you there.

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