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The Great Depression in the United States is causing a horrific state with soaring unemployment rates. Reporters have observed women selling young kids on the street and families begging for jobs. Businesses are failing and the stock market is collapsing, leading to more poverty. Homelessness has risen rapidly, with Hoovervilles becoming a symbol of the economic crisis. Seattle's main Hooverville is on track to last 10 years, setting a record for the longest-lasting homeless encampments. Breaking news. The Great Depression in the United States is in a horrific state. Unemployment is soaring by the day. Up to 25% of the workforce is unemployed, slowly rising week to week. Reporters observed women selling four young kids on the street, ages said to be around three to six years old. Streets flooded with people looking for any type of employment. Families walking around streets with signs asking, why can't you give my dad a job? Reporters say out of one every four individuals are capable of finding jobs. Current stock markets collapsing causing businesses to fail. This is causing businesses to have to let workers go and this is creating more and more poverty throughout the states. Homelessness has risen at a rapid pace in America. Hoovervilles, also known as shack towns and homeless encampments. Dozens are currently placed in Washington. Sources say Hooverville is a deliberately politicized label, emphasizing that President Herbert Hoover and the Republican Party were to be held responsible for the economic crisis and its miseries. In Seattle, the main Hooverville is on its way to lasting almost 10 years setting a record for the longest lasting homeless encampments.