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Homeopathy With Heidi - 20170118 - prerec for 18Jan17 (#23 - Homeopathy As A Means Of Dealing With A

Homeopathy With Heidi - 20170118 - prerec for 18Jan17 (#23 - Homeopathy As A Means Of Dealing With A

Homeopathy with HeidiHomeopathy with Heidi



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Homeopathy with Heidi discusses the importance of addressing anger as a common emotion that can accumulate and cause harm if not dealt with properly. Homeopathic remedies are not meant to make anger go away, but rather help individuals recognize and manage it. The remedies are individualized based on a person's specific needs and potencies, and can provide immediate relief. The effectiveness of homeopathy is demonstrated through examples of a boy with stomach cramps and a woman with infertility. People may choose traditional medicine over homeopathy due to the influence of the pharmaceutical industry. This is a program called Homeopathy with Heidi and it's our pleasure as always to have in the studio Heidi Beck from Thrive Homeopathy and Nate. How are you going Heidi? I'm fabulous. It's a great new year and I'm very happy to be here again. Thank you very much for having me. And we're very pleased to have you and we're going to get straight into it. Today we're going to talk about homeopathy and an ailment we all suffer with from one time to another and that's anger. That's right. And I thought we did monthly shows all throughout last year and we spoke a lot about actual physical complaints. For example my shows on respiratory ailments, asthma, allergies, travel remedies, constipation and those shows I've all downloaded onto my website so if someone's still interested in actually listening to those, commonly asked questions and answers, they're on my website. So if you want to go to www.thrivehomeopathy.co.nz and click on homeopathy page and scroll down a bit and you'll find all the shows. And there's a whole lot to learn about it isn't there because there's 3,500 plus remedies that we could be looking at. You have not forgotten. That's right. And more coming. Indeed. I thought to kick start the new year we should actually take it that step further back. What comes before the physical ailment and often it is anger which is a very common emotion that we tend to suppress or not deal with in a good way and it accumulates and sits there. Are the homeopathic remedies for what we're going to be talking about anger, are they like downers, like Valium to keep us calm, is that what you're talking about? Well first of all I'd like to really make clear that anger is a very valid and good emotional response that I do believe we need just like love and jealousy and all of these emotions. Anger is important because it helps us find where our limitations and boundaries are and it also lets our people around us, our family, our friends know okay that's enough you've pushed the limit and it's important that everyone knows those limits so it's not necessarily something bad. It's only detrimental if it's ongoing and we don't know how to deal with it. So to answer your question we don't have a Valium, well we do have Valium as a remedy but we don't have a way of treating it to make it go away as it's something bad we don't want it, it's more about helping us deal with it. So putting it back into a perspective that we can let it go or that we can recognize the anger and not lose the plot. Like I do have clients who say I feel like a volcanic eruption constantly within me, well that is definitely not a good place to be is it? No it is not. I want to just as we take preventative medicines for say some forms of asthma you know we have those brown puffers we take every day, is it the same with a homeopathic remedy if we're constantly prone to angry outbursts, can we take something on a regular basis? Well again if you recall we spoke about potencies which is the strength of the homeopathic remedy. It depends so if someone comes for a consultation and we talk about in depth what's going on for you and tell me about this anger and what ailments you have with it. We would then decide do I give a very high potency and it might be a one off like a single dose of that remedy and what it will do is it will overall just take that lid off of this volcano and let the lava flow and you just feel overall calmer and it will hold. In other cases we would have it in a lower potency to take as needed. So it's again a very individual decision and we can't say well if this is what you have go get this remedy in this potency and take it every three hours, that's not how homeopathy works. And if we get the big hits, the big dose, is that going to calm us almost immediately? Yes, it's pretty amazing. Maybe I should give a couple of practical examples of how important dealing with anger is and from my experience it's often the suppression of anger where people don't even realize that it's anger and they might come to me with a case of stomach cramps. Now this was a 12 year old boy, the history was that the father had changed jobs, they had to move from the country to Hastings and he was sad. He was a very calm, very quiet boy but for a year he had stomach cramps that were so severe and so strong that they had to go to the emergency three or four times throughout the year. And when he talked and said well I'm sad about it, I'm sad about it, but the physical expression really fit a remedy called colosynthesis where you bend forward, you press into your stomach because of the pain, it's unbearable and the emotion that goes along with that remedy is suppressed indignation and anger. And I thought well actually my gut feeling is that he's more angry that he had to give up everything because of his dad's job and he just wasn't happy. So I gave him a single dose and the mom called me the next day and said it was very interesting. In the car he started laughing, at dinner he was cracking jokes and he never ever had a stomach cramp again. It's hard to believe, isn't it? Yes. So that was pretty spontaneous. What sort of product makes up that potion? Is it something that we might have in our garden or is it a special secret recipe? In this case it was colosynthesis which is a plant. You probably don't have it in your garden, but you might have chamomile which is a remedy that we like to give teething babies and temper tantrum children. So the two or three year old that throws a little fit in the grocery shop, lies on the ground and hits and screams and demands this as soon as you give it to him, demands that. Could be chamomile. Or a smack? Well, there are many options, yes, but chamomile might be an option, yes, before you get caught out. Okay, so the big dose that you gave that young fella, it obviously worked and he didn't need to come back to you? No. I gave him two to take home and I believe three or four weeks I gave him another dose, but that was it. So he had two pills. And is it that one plant that you give to everyone who has an anger problem? No. Because there's hundreds of them? Yes, there are. How do you work out which one's which? Well that's why we have a consultation. So for example, Noxvomica is a very common remedy for the A-type personality, so these will be the people that, the managers, that work late at night, that travel a lot, that eat irregular times because they just don't have time where they're in the plane, jet setting around, tend to like alcohol, either to calm, you know, the glass of red wine in the evening, or maybe the Coke and rum to give you the energy to carry on. So those kind of people will then consequently have insomnia, maybe gassy, bloated, constipated, so those would be the physical things, but they also tend to be, well, pretty explosive and get angry and upset quickly. So by taking this remedy, it will not only help them sleep, help with the physical ailments of the constipation and indigestion, but also make them much nicer and friendlier, and friends and family will comment on it. Oh my God, thank you. Thanks for drugging them up. Yeah, exactly. So yeah, there are lots of different ones. I think another case that also explains a form of suppressed anger is how severe it can go. It can go into a very deep-seated, physical, but also mental, emotional illness. I had a case of a young woman, this is just three months ago. She came for infertility, and two years prior, she had a baby, and since then, her cycle has not recurred. So without normal menstruation cycle, you just can't have another baby, which was causing lots of stress and anxiety. Went to the doctors, they said, we can do the full-blown hormone protocol in IVF, lots of options. We'll just fire all the guns we have, and she didn't want to do that, so she came to me for infertility. I said, all right, well, before your first child, everything was fine, so tell me what happened with the pregnancy. Pregnancy was okay, but the birth was traumatic, and the treatment in the medical system afterwards was traumatic for her. Everything went wrong. The midwife wasn't good, the doctors weren't good, infections, hospital, and it was not New Zealand, it was in Australia, by the way. So she was really hurt, scared, and angry, but she never once said that. She only said, I'm really disappointed, and I feel hurt, but you could see, there's some deep-seated anger about it. So I actually gave her a remedy for suppressed anger, and within 10 minutes of taking it, she said, this is very weird, but I feel like a big black cloud is lifting off my shoulders and I feel so much better. This was Friday noon. On Sunday, her cycle set in, and four weeks later, she called and said, you're not going to believe it. I'm pregnant. Wow. So, again, this is a case of how anger and the suppression of it can lead to even infertility. Some people listening to this probably might say, wow, that's almost too good to be true. It could have just been psychological, and they came to you because nothing else was working, and then ... Well, she had not tried or done anything, except go to the doctor who just proposed a whole hormonal treatment. Yeah, I can't get my remedy back, but friends and family did comment that she just looked brighter. She all of a sudden was happier, and they didn't even know that she had been to see me. And you saw many cases of homeopathic remedies work, and we've talked about just two today, but why don't people, or more people come to see you and just go down that path of traditional medicine and get told, well, you've got to do this, you've got to do that. Why do you think that is? I mean, obviously, it works. It does. Yes. Well, I think there are various reasons. I do believe that the pharmaceutical industry is one of the most powerful industries that we have in the world today, and their main goal is business, and how do I do business? I sell my products, and all their products, all drugs, have side effects, and when you take them for a while, you will need more drugs and more drugs, so it's a great business. Homeopathic remedies is not really a business, because we can, you know, help people, and then after a few pills, that's it. They're not addicted and don't have to rely on continuing the medication, so it's not good for business. The other thing is, it is very time-intense. We don't treat the disease. For example, if you go to the doctor and you have a rash, well, you'll probably get either antibiotics or a hydrocortisone because they address the issue of the rash, the disease, the asthma. Coming to a homeopath, it's more about treating the person, so that is just very time-consuming to figure out what is going on for the person, and we treat individually, so we don't even have one remedy for infertility or one remedy for constipation and one remedy for insomnia that fits everyone. No, of course. So it's time-consuming, and doctors just don't have the time in their 10 minutes or 15 minutes to even scrape the surface, so it's kept quiet. It's a big thing in many other countries. It is huge. And the Swiss government has now just accepted homeopathy as equal to visiting the GP, and it's fully funded. India, France, even in Germany, there are many, many countries where it is more known, but I guess that's why I'm also here, is just informing people, giving people options, choices, and letting them decide what they would like to try. I wonder if we just go back to using homeopathy for anger. Some people might think, hey, look, someone who's angry all the time should really be going to see a psychiatrist, I mean, in your role as a homeopathic, you know what I mean? Practitioner. Practitioner, that's the word I was looking for, absolutely. It's really a lot of it is about counseling, isn't it, and talking to people and finding out about their problems. It is, yes. But do you need to be qualified to do that? Well, we do have quite a bit of training, and only, I guess, if you have a certain sense and understanding of people and their emotions and can gain trust so that they do open up and speak freely, then will you be able to find the good remedies, and if you can't, then you're not going to be in business long. Sure. And would you say to someone, look, I think you really should be going to see a psychiatrist if you're ... Yes, definitely, and I have, and sometimes it's really beneficial to do both, to work alongside. Many people have been to psychiatrists for a while, but they still cannot shift, there's a block, right? They have all the tools, they have the understanding, they've worked through the issues, but there's still something keeping them from actually living that and changing that, and that's the beauty of a homeopathic medicine. I don't tell you what to do, what to think, what to change. It's more about listening, understanding why are you angry, where's this anger coming from, and how does it express, and are there any physicals to go with it? So it's really gathering information, finding the remedy, and the remedy basically is like that key that unlocks whatever is stuck, and with the anger then dissolving or just lifting, people can then start healing mentally and physically. So it can use homeopathic remedies to treat anger, can we also use it to treat sadness? Absolutely. What would we use? There's several, again, for acute cases, which is in the first aid kit, would be Ignatia, which is a lovely remedy when there's acute grief, let's say the house pet dies and we're sobbing our hearts out, or the children leave the house, you know my daughter she left to go overseas for a year, so then you find yourself just suddenly sobbing away and you're thinking oh poor me. So you raid the cabinet. Yeah, so and you just can't stop it, it's just how it is, so you take that remedy and it just, you're still sad, but it's not this extreme sadness and you can carry on and that's what it's about. Sadness is a good emotion just like anger is, because it makes us aware of what's going on. I guess that's short term depression, what about something like grief, so someone very close to you dies and I've heard that it can take a good couple of years to grieve. Napmyr is a good remedy for that, as is Aurum, which is gold actually. It goes even into depression and suicidal thoughts, so I'm always very cautious and I do ask people, have you had thoughts, if so, how often, who have you spoken to, and then we do refer. I mean it's very important to be upfront, homeopathy is not the one and only method. Not a silver bullet, is it? No, it isn't and you just have to know your limitations. So I understand that grief or grieving process might take a couple of years, will we be on a daily or a weekly dose of homeopathic potion? Again, it depends a bit on the energy of the person, the vitality of the person, for example I had a man come to me, he said, the last three years there's just been one death in the family after the other, I haven't really managed to get over one and bang, there's the next one and I'm a real wuss, I just start crying and I don't want to be like this anymore, what can I do? So I gave him this Ignatia in a 200 and he took it I think three times within two or three days and he said, I'm happy again, I can smile, I can look forward again. So yeah, it depends, in that case it was two or three doses. And of course, if we went to your website and had a look, you have a lot of testimonials to say that it works. Yes, I do. From real people. I do have some, yes. I bet you do, but you have a lot of them. Okay, we're just about running out of time, so maybe, what are we going to talk about next month? Oh goodness. Do you want to have more stuff there to talk about, have you? Well, I do have some things that we can do, like exercise, it's really important to help balance the hormone levels. When we're stressed, when we're angry, adrenaline kicks in and that is for fight and flight. In the old days, we would either club someone or run away. We don't do that anymore, so our body is full of this adrenaline that keeps going around in our blood. The way to break it down is exercise. So for some people, vigorous exercise is better, for others it might be more yoga, Pilates, walking, whatever. So it is important to do that, that will help with anger management. Also cultivate what you enjoy in your life, your hobbies and your passions, be a little bit creative, express yourself in writing, in music, in painting, whatever it is. So find the time for that and if you don't, then resentment and anger sits and creeps up. I had a man, he was a workaholic and he had a business, so he had to, he had a family and he loved bicycle riding and he would always have migraines. And when we spoke, he said, oh, I really get pretty upset when I don't have the time for myself to ride the bike, it's always work and family and all these pressures and then I get migraines. So I gave him a remedy around that theme, his migraines went away, so that anger caused migraines. So physical exercise and what you enjoy is really important. So I guess that's the other thing to bear in mind, that when I come and see you, not only do you give me the homeopathic remedy, but in that consultation, you might be saying to me, by the way, get out there and beat and go for a walk or do this or do that or do a painting. Yeah, exactly. So again, it's very individual, whatever the person is open for. There will be extra suggestions, food, diet, those kind of things, obviously avoid addictive foods, preserved foods, all the ... Except coffee. Take away. Yeah, avoid the coffee too. Okay. Now before we get to your thought for the week, just to remind our listeners, we want to come and see you at Thrive Homeopathy. Where are you? I'm on Hospital Hill, number one, Lampton Road and you can contact me either 021-335233 or via email or via Facebook as well, so I'm out there. Indeed. And what's your thought for the week? Okay. Well, first of all, I just want to emphasize that anger is an emotion which we should have. It assists with our limitations, our boundaries and it's about learning to have anger at the right person, at the right time and in the right way. And when we achieve that, I think we'll have a thriving society with healthy, happy people. So my quote for this week is, you're not a product of circumstances but of your choices, decisions, actions and thoughts. Good on you, Heidi. Very prophetic. We'll take the same time, same place next time. Absolutely. Yes, and let's finish today's session with one of my favorites from the Beatles, Let It Be. When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom, let it be. And in my hour of darkness, she is standing right in front of me, speaking words of wisdom, let it be. And in my hour of darkness, she is standing right in front of me, speaking words of wisdom, let it be. Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be. Whisper words of wisdom, let it be. And when the broken hearted people living in the world agree, there will be an answer, let it be. But though they may be hearted, there is still a chance that they will see, there will be an answer, let it be. Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be. Yeah, there will be time, Lord, let it be. Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be. Whisper words of wisdom, let it be. Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be. Let it be, let it be, let it be, yeah, let it be. Whisper words of wisdom, let it be. And when the night is cloudy, there is still a light that shines on me, shine until tomorrow, let it be. I wake up to the sound of music from America to me, speaking words of wisdom, let it be. Let it be, let it be, let it be, yeah, let it be. There will be an answer, let it be. Let it be, let it be, let it be, yeah, let it be. Words of wisdom, let it be.

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