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Homeopathy Hub is a radio talk show that discusses the benefits of homeopathy. Homeopathy is a natural medicine that can help with various aspects of well-being. It is a holistic approach that treats the individual rather than just the illness. Homeopathy uses natural substances to stimulate the body's healing process. It can be used for a wide range of ailments, including pain relief, infections, and even emotional issues. Homeopathy promotes a healthy lifestyle and advocates for natural remedies before turning to pharmaceutical drugs. The show also mentions the process of seeing a homeopath, which involves a comprehensive consultation to understand the individual's history and symptoms. Overall, homeopathy offers a natural and effective alternative to traditional medicine. This program was produced by and first broadcast on Radio Kidnappers, a volunteer based community access station. For more information go to Thanks to New Zealand On Air for making this program available through funding the Access Internet Radio Project. Welcome to Homeopathy Hub's first radio talk in the new year. First we'd like to wish you all and our clients and listeners a healthy and good 2016. Make the best of your life for it's the only one you have. And to succeed in what you set out to do, we believe a healthy body and an inquisitive mind will be great essentials to help you achieve your goals, big or small. As trained and registered homeopaths, we at Homeopathy Hub believe that homeopathy can help you on all levels of your well-being. Mental, emotional, physical and even spiritual. So this is a forum for us homeopaths to talk about our very special system of medicine called homeopathy. And my name is Heidi Beck. I'm a registered homeopath with a clinic in Napier on No. 1 Lampton Road on the hill. And my business is called Thrive Homeopathy. And I'm here with our charming producer Ken Morrison who helps us immensely. So thank you very much for being here. No worries. Good to have you here and good to see you back with us for 2016. Yes, ready to go. And as always, do you mind stepping in for questions that our listeners might have? Absolutely. The first question is of course as always new people listening to Radio Kidnappers and they're probably thinking, what is homeopathy and why would I have a homeopathic remedy when I could go to the doctors? Well, homeopathy is a natural medicine. And I'm here actually today because we have always been talking about a certain topic. And because it's still the summer season, I was thinking to talk about how homeopathy will help you with holiday season. And that's basically a time when you can't get to the doctor quickly. So I think homeopathy is really official and effective on those evenings, late nights, holidays when you just can't get to the doctor and to medicine. So being able to help yourself in a natural way, I think that's already one big tick for homeopathy. That's the main thing. Rather than putting an unnatural substance into your body, always best to go with natural stuff. I think so. If you can, that's the way to go. I mean already we know we've been overusing antibiotics in approximately 10 years. The estimate is that people will start dying again from simple infections just because we're resistant. So my philosophy is why not try to deal with the infections by boosting your immune system, treating it naturally. And then if you don't succeed, then use the antibiotics. Don't use the antibiotics first and weaken your gut and have more infection following. So it's just a vicious cycle that we can try and break. Is there a homeopathic remedy for almost every pharmaceutical drug? Have you got a comparison? Instead of taking aspirin, you could take this. And instead of taking penicillin, you could take this. Well, that's a bit hard to answer because instead of aspirin, you take this homeopathic medicine. We have several homeopathic medicines that deal with pain, pain relief for headaches, for example. That's why I'm taking the aspirin or for blood thinning, whatever the reason is. So we have a variety of 3,000 to 4,000 homeopathic medicines today. And we are constantly finding more because they're all from nature. So nature has a lot to offer, be it plant, mineral or animal based. So it's not about treating the illness as we see it with pharmaceutical drugs. You have high blood pressure. We're treating the high blood pressure. From a homeopathic approach, we actually are treating the person. So why does this person have high blood pressure? What's the cause behind it? And by dealing with the issue, the body will sort of follow suit and regulate itself and get that blood pressure down again. I guess part of what you do is you advocate a whole lifestyle change, don't you? So you're all about healthy eating and healthy living and exercise as well as homeopathic remedies. Exactly. I mean, even if you're on pharmaceutical drugs, you should still live happy and healthy. And the mental, emotional happiness and positive thoughts are just as important as the good food and the good sleep. So, yeah, that's just a no-brainer, really. And people will pooh-pooh it, of course, and say homeopathy doesn't work. But, yeah, I mean, you're living testament. You use it with your own family, don't you? Absolutely. There's nothing that we don't treat. Well, for example, let's give a practical example, bee stings, right? And that's how I can also explain the concept of homeopathic medicine. Okay, let's say you have a bee sting. We have a redness, a swelling, inflammation, pain, might get a bit nervous, restless, hysterical even. Yes, indeed. So, one homeopathic medicine that is very effective is apis, which is actually made of the venom of the bee. So, by taking that, the body is then, well, sort of stimulated to break down this inflammation and deal with it naturally. And it works a charm. And the principle of homeopathy is like cures like. So, it doesn't always have to be that what causes it is the exact substance, like in this case, the bee, and then we take the bee venom. So, that would be the same substance. But the actual principle is similar. So, my colleague, her husband, for example, as a plumber, was under the houses and came up with a white-tail spider bite. And luckily, well, first of all, he went to the doctor and he took his anti-inflammation, but it didn't help. So, in the evening, he said, oh, look at my arm. And she took a photo and it looked awful. So, she gave him apis because the symptoms of the white-tail spider bite were similar to those that bee venom would cause. Redness, swelling, hot, better for a cold application, and so on. And she took photos how it went down. And within the night, it was almost gone. The pain was gone. So, he's now converted and has that, I think, even in his pocket when he goes out to work in case it happens again. So, homeopathic remedies work in many cases just as quickly as traditional medicine? Actually, I have seen that they work quicker. For example, in heat stroke, which our children can have in this weather, running around and getting all worked up. Who wants to stay in the shade when we have fun in the sun? Then a sudden fever, high fever can happen. A good remedy there is belladonna. I have given it to my son. And the fever went down within 10 minutes and he was back playing calmly in the room. But as opposed to being this limp little child in my arms with a bright red face and a pulsating artery and dilated pupils, it was just... I had to see it to believe it really. You mentioned earlier that there's between 3,500 and 4,000 current remedies on the market. I mean, most of us have got a medicine cabinet at home with something or other in it. I mean, of those 4,000 things, is that a bit daunting? You say, well, what are we going to have in our medicine cabinet at home homeopathically? Yeah, it is a bit unlimited. I have hundreds at home, obviously, or in my clinic. But we do have sort of like the standard most likely common medicine, two of which I've just mentioned, the belladonna for the high fever, the apis for stings, insect bites, the arnica most people already do know and have tried. But we have little kits of 12 remedies. For example, for travel, we have kits for sprains and strains and broken bones and concussions. We have a kit for the most common earaches. So there are very common remedies, but if there's like a deep-seated emotional component, a deep-seated trauma and major chronic disease, that's when we get into those more unknown medicines. And that's definitely where you do have to come and see a trained homeopath. You can't do that by yourself. But we do encourage people to start experimenting and to help themselves. And if they can't, then I offer short courses just to get the basic understanding. So if anyone's interested in that, just contact me. What's the phone number for us to contact you on? Well, that would be 021-33-5233. But also through my website, Thrive Homeopathy, or through Homeopathy Hub website. So there are many ways to get in contact. So run me through the process. I come and knock on your door and say, Hi, how are you? I've come to talk to you about becoming a bit healthier. What would happen? What would the appointment entail? Okay. First of all, it depends. If you have a chronic, long-standing issue, then that will probably be one and a half hours of consultation. I usually ask for any medical documents that you might have and test results, bloods and so on. What medication you're on, that would all be discussed. And then we would be talking about what is your complaint? How does it feel? How does it influence your life? When did it start? What was going on in your life when it started? We even go back then probably to your childhood. Wow. So was there anything similar like that? Don't even get me started. Yeah. It takes one and a half hours. And it's basically the homeopath sits and listens and takes notes and collects all this information. And then that will result in a homeopathic prescription, which might not be on the spot because it is a very comprehensive study that we might have to go through. If it's an acute scenario, let's say you have an earache, tonsillitis, hay fever, anything that's going on right now, food poisoning, asthma attacks, those kind of things, that might be 30 minutes, one hour. Especially if you're already a client and the whole history, the whole personality, all that is aware. I'm aware of that. I'll take that information into the acute as well. And in acute, normally a prescription is given right then and there. And yeah. Now I know that with the asthma, for instance, that there are several types of inhalers that you can use depending on the severity of your asthma attack. Is that the same with your homeopathic remedies that you say, okay, well, if you come to me and I've got an asthma attack and it's happening right now, you say, well, you're going to need this right now. Do you have preventative? Yes. Well, the idea is constitutional treatment. So that might be a higher potency or daily medication that you receive. Then there might also be a second remedy that will help you in the acute attack. Often I then recommend, for example, rescue remedy, also to calm your nerve, just to take that as well. So it could be one remedy that we give in various potencies, long-standing daily doses or weekly repetitions, and in a different potency in the acute, or it could be two different medicines. Again, we're treating the person, not the asthma. So every person is different. Every prescription is different. Would it be your goal as a practitioner of homeopathy to wean me off pharmaceutical drugs and then get me on to homeopathic remedies? I know, for instance, like my own mother, I don't know. She might get side effects. I don't know what they are, but she takes 22 different tablets every day. Yes. I guess that they can't all be good for you. One must act against another. But homeopathically, might you need 22 remedies every day? No, absolutely not. I mean, the goal is that we live without any kind of medication, right? Just our healthy lifestyle, our good nutrition, we should be fine. But obviously, reality is different. We never say, stop your medication. On the contrary, I always say, please let your doctor know that you are consulting a homeopath, that you are taking homeopathic medicines. And then it depends. Some medication is acute. So obviously, if that acute pain isn't there anymore because of the homeopathic treatment, that medication is dropped automatically, right? Ibuprofen or aspirin or whatever just isn't required anymore. Or the sleeping pills aren't required because you're sleeping naturally. So those medications, the patient or client will automatically be able to drop, right? Or let's say that the LOSAC won't be needed anymore because there is no indigestion, right? Or the laxatives because the bowels are working again. So eventually, it is the goal to at least reduce medication to the bare minimum. And then maybe you're still on your beta blocker or even antidepressants. After a while, you might be weaning off or your thyroid medication. Those are all kinds of prescription medications that are highly dangerous to self-medicate and change. And that's why we do emphasize there has to be communication with the doctor. And I guess what you're not saying is that homeopathy isn't a silver bullet, is it? You've got to be prepared to do the whole holistic thing. You've got to change your lifestyle, don't you? Ideally, ideally. But often, that's the other thing. We try and make it as easy as possible for people. So you don't go away with this list. You have to exercise. You have to do your sit-ups and press-ups. And you have to stop eating this. We don't say that because it just makes everything too hard. But if we give a good homeopathic medicine that acts deeply on the mental-emotional, then that comfort eating of chocolate won't be needed anymore. And it just sort of stops automatically. Or that kick that you get from over-drinking, binge-drinking to forget. Well, you've maybe resolved some issues, so you won't need it. So things will happen automatically. But I guess if I'm 25 stone and I'm eating Kentucky Fried Chicken every night and I come to you and I've got chronic indigestion, what's going to be the answer to this? You're going to say to me, stop eating that Kentucky Fried Chicken, aren't you? Yeah, obviously. That is not helping. But the question is, why are you doing that to yourself? Why are you slowly killing yourself with this crap food? And that's what needs to change. And once that does change, the cravings for Kentucky Fried might not be there. No, that's good, isn't it? Yeah. I just want to, again, talking about all the remedies that you have. So I come along to you and I know you sell a kit for, and the kits are pretty reasonably priced, only $35 each, and you've got 12 different remedies in there. Yeah. For instance, I had some cough medicine last night. I was out of date by 12 months. I thought, well, I'm going to take it anyway. I mean, do homeopathic remedies go off, or can you just keep using them? No, actually, they don't. If they are kept properly, it's a legal requirement that there has to be a date on it. But actually, I've already tried a remedy that was 100 years old, and it worked. So if you keep it dark and cool, so out of sunlight, because the sun can take the energy or the efficacy out of the medication, you keep it away from mobile phones, electromagnetic fields, because, again, its energy can influence your medication if you don't handle them. So what I say, they're tiny white sugar pills, so don't tip them into your hand, look for the one that you want, and then tip the rest back for another day. In that case, you've got to throw them away. They've been handled. Check them out. So if you just follow those simple rules, then you're all good. You've got to have them for a while. That's great, isn't it? Yeah. I wonder, if we're talking money-wise, is it more expensive for me to have a homeopathic remedy, or is it a comparable cost? So if I decide to go and buy a packet of 24 Disprin from the supermarket, am I paying a similar amount with you, or is it slightly more expensive? Well, I guess, initially, it might seem that it's more expensive for that first and second consultation. But homeopathy is cheap. It's really basically my time or the homeopath's time and work that's put into it. The other thing is, by the time you go to your GP and you pay, you pay for your prescription medication, and then you have all the side effects, so you need to go back and get some more medication for the side effects. If you start adding all that up, and that has been ongoing for years, and you add all that up, and you're still not healthy, you're not well, you're still limited in what you can do, you're still not sleeping well, for example, then, yeah, it's definitely more expensive. Definitely. And the ideal thing is that you come to us maybe two, three times, and often that's it. And are you like a doctor? I mean, if I normally go to my doctor once a year for a bit of a check-up, would I come and see a homeopathic practitioner once a year and say, look, I've just come for my check-up? That would be the ideal, yeah. Most of the time, once people have been, yeah, we're not even allowed to say this word, cured, healed, relieved of their symptoms, then usually they come back for acute scenarios because they know homeopathy works. Sometimes this complaint or issue can be re-triggered through events in life, you know, and, yeah, normally I do see existing relief clients once, twice a year, yeah. Good on you. We're just about out of time. Hi, so I look forward to coming to see you. Just to remind our listeners once again where you are. Okay. My clinic is in No. 1, Lampton Road on Hospital Hill in Napier and great parking facilities. It's a lovely clinic. It's a very different kind of clinic setting, not the sterile table and chair, and it's very comfortable and inviting, so everyone loves it. And I offer 15-minute free consultations, so if someone is not sure if homeopathy is the right choice for them and they have questions about their condition and if I believe I can help or homeopathy can help, then that would be free. Absolutely, and you've got a phone number as well? 021-33-5233. And let's not forget your famous website. Yes, Heidi, it's been a pleasure as always to have you in the studio. We look forward to talking to you same time, same place next month. And we're talking about what? Actually, I don't know yet, so I will have to think if anyone, yeah, any one of our listeners has a suggestion or a wish, a topic that they would like covered, please feel free to contact me and I can discuss whatever comes to mind. Or give us a call here at the station on 8788710. Come on, Heidi, thanks for that. You look after yourself. Yes, and you too. And hey, guys, it's summertime, so don't forget some of the best memories are made in flip-flops, so go out and make them.